Okay, so first I'd like to apologize for taking so long. I've been crazy busy at work but here's chapter six for you guys! Second, I'd like to say that I do not in any way promote drug use, and point out that the pills Jaime took were perscribed to her. Just putting it out there! So review please and enjoy!


I finally finished telling Bella about the car crash that put my father in jail for five years, and the pills that I took were in full swing making my vision distort and my body feel like it moved in slow motion. My thoughts were jumbled up, so it took a bit longer to tell the story so I knew lunch is almost over.

"So, you guys got restraining orders when he crashed the car?" Bella asked, my hand still in hers to show me comfort. I nodded, my head feeling like lead.

"Yeah, after the accident we had to get medical care and they found older injuries from when he would knock us around." I mumbled, my eyes shut. The horrible ache in my chest was not present thanks to the medicine and I couldn't be more thankful because talking about my father usually sent me straight into a panic attack.

"Wow, I'm so sorry Jaime. I couldn't imagine growing up like that." she whispered, shaking her head as a fresh set of tears welled into her eyes. I cracked a small smile, feeling better now that she wasn't judging me and calling me a freak for my past.

"It's fine Bells, I've come to terms with it. After dad went to jail, my mom stopped trying. I had to put my big girl panties on and look after myself and her. So wallowing in self-pity wasn't an option, it still isn't." I said, and after that the bell rang, signalling the start of class. I knew it was going to be impossible to pay attention in class so I decided not to even bother.

"Are you sure you wanna go to class, I could take you home." she said softly, helping me stand up from the floor. I shook my head, laughing softly. I made my way to the sink to fix my face then we were on our way. She walked me to my Creative Writing class and left me after a tight hug and cmforting words.

Walking in, I held myself as normally as possible to try to seem like I wasn't high out of my mind. If the teacher found out, I'd be screwed. I made my way to my desk, moving slowly to keep my walking straight, but of course there had to be a bag sticking out from under a desk. My foot caught it and I stumbled, catching myself with one hand on my desk and someone else's hand on my shoulder. A very cold hand.

I glanced to the side to see Edward standing, leaning over his desk to catch my shoulder, and it made me snort softly. "Oops, thanks." I giggled, pulling away from his hand to sit at my desk and pull out my notebook. It took a could of tries to get it out because it kept getting stuck, and I tried my hardest not to burst out laughing even though it wasn't all that funny.

Class finally started but I didn't even attempt to pay attention, my mind wandering through so many things at lightening speed. First was about Willow, then homework, then work, then random other things.

'Hmm, I wonder if Bella wants to have a sleepover this weekend? If Daddy is coming I might not be alive next weekend so a pillowfight with Bella needs to happen immidiately.' I mused to myself, staring up at the ceiling. From the corner of my eye I could see Edward shift like he was uncomfortable, so I turned to him to see he was glancing at me in what seemed to be concern.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, leaning over to him slightly. I usually wouldn't just talk to him, this is probably the first time I spoke more than a hello to him, but as I've pointed out I'm not in my right state of mind. He nodded his head, and gave me a small smile which I returned before focusing back on the ceiling.

The rest of the class went by quickly and soon I found myself on my way to French with my arm around Bella's shoulders. I giggled softly as I pulled her closer, loving that I didn't feel anxious or depressed. It was great to feel like there were no problems for once, even though the little voice in the back of my head was screaming that I shouldn't like being doped up, that these feelings weren't real.

We made it to my class and I hugged Bella tight and promised to meet her at her truck after class before I went in and found my seat. Jasper wasn't there yet, so I hummed to myself and pulled out my notebook to doodle.

It wasn't long before the chair next to my own was pulled out and Jasper sat down, giving me one of his award winning smiles. I gave him one back, glancing at the clock to see that we still had a few minutes before class.

"How are you today ma'am?" he asked, leaning back in his chair with his entire focus seemingly on me. It kind of made me nervous, as if he could easily see that I was on something, but I ignored it and answered him.

"I'm doing great, and you?" I asked, continuing my doodles so I wouldn't get lost in his beautiful golden eyes. The little flowers and vines I was drawing were lopsided and looked funny from my unsteady hand but I thought they were cute.

"I'm doing good." he replied, not taking his eyes off of me. Even though I wasn't looking at him, I could feel his intense gaze like they were burning a hole in the side of my face and it made a blush rise on my cheeks. Finally the bell rang signaling the start of class, and students all went to their desks as the teacher started the lesson.

It was a verbal lesson today so it was almost impossible to talk, which I was kind of thankful for. I don't know why I felt so worried about Jasper finding out I was on pills, it wasn't like we were great friends or anything. But the thought of him looking down on me or thinking I was weak bothered me for some unknown reason even when I tried to shrug those feelings off.

Class went by relatively quick with me not paying an ounce of attention to the lesson, and when the bell rang I quickly put my stuff away. After saying a polite goodbye to Jasper I hurried out of the room to get to the parking lot. I made it to Bella's truck after only stumbling once to see her with a small smile on her face.

"Good class?" I asked her, setting my bag of the side of her truck. She nodded, laughing softly.

"Yeah. Edward actually talked to me, we talked throughout the whole lesson. Maybe you were right, maybe I was in the wrong place at the wrong time." she said, setting her own bag on the hood to find her keys. I went for my own keys when my bag fell into the bed of her truck, causing me to groan and pull myself into the bed as well.

Just as I grabbed my bag and stood up, the sound of schreeching tires sounded through the parking lot and I looked over my shoulder to see Tyler's big blue van coming straight toward Bella's truck. Bella whipped around right after I did and gasped, watching as the van got closer, neither of us having a chance to move.

"Bella!" I screamed, fear clenching my chest tight but not for me. I was scared for my friend.

Right before the van hit, I saw a blur take Bella to the ground and the side of the van that was right in front of her stop dead, the back of it swinging around to slam into the side of the truck in front of me. The impact sent me tumbling harshly backwards, my leg catching the side of the bed and sending me flying to the ground.

I tried to catch myself, but my right hand landed hard on the ground causing pain to explode through my wrist just before my head met the concrete. Everything went black for a few seconds as the screaming started, and when my vision blurred back into focus I could see people suroudning me.

Slowly, I sat up cradling my injured wrist the my chest. My head was pounding and I could feel hot sticky blood trailing down the side of my face but I ignored it all and stood up, stumbling around to get to the other side of the truck.

"Bella! Bella are you okay!?" I yelled, trying to find my brunette friend through all of the other students. She rushed out from between a few students, trying to get to me as fast as I was trying to get to her. When she reached me, she pulled me into a hug.

"Oh my god Jaime, I was so scared! You're bleeding, the ambulance is on it's way, don't worry." she said, fretting over me to the point where I had to crack a smile. I glanced over her shoulder for a minute only to catch Jasper's eyes staring at me with panic in them. His brother, Emmett I think was his name, was holding onto him tightly as he pulled him into a silver Volvo, taking him from my sight.

It wasn't long before the ambulance came and I was forced onto a stretcher. We reached the hospital fairly quick, and before I knew it me and Bella were sharing a bed in the emergency room while Tyler laid in the bed next to ours.

"What happened? Once second you were standing there, and the next something came out of nowhere and pulled you down?" I whispered to her, making sure the boy in the bed next to us couldn't hear.

"It was Edward...he just showed up and grabbed me. Jaime...he stopped the van. He pushed it away from us." she whispered back, looking really confused. I furrowed my brow, wondering how he could have done that. I remembered nothing but a blur, something going so fast I couldn't see it correctly. That had been Edward? How could he have moved that fast? My internal questions were cut off when the door to the E.R. was opened and a tall pale man with light blonde hair and golden eyes walked in, the picture of perfection.

"Hello girls, I'm Dr. Cullen." Of course. "Ms. Parker? You took a hard fall, how does your head feel?" he asked me, glancing at the right side of my face that was covered in blood still, which had dripped down onto my shirt.

"I'm fine, check on Bella first please." was all I said, refusing to let him even think of checking me over until Bella was cleared. He looked hesitant, but eventually complied, shining a light in her eyes and touching around her head. As he did this, the doors once again flew open and Charlie rushed in, looking frantic.

"Bella! Jaime!" he called, running over to us, only to stop short as he caught sight of my face. His own face went white as a sheet, and I bit my lip to keep from giggling.

"Jaime, my god are you okay? You're covered in blood..." he said, coming to stand next to me after Bella waved him off saying she was fine.

"I'm fine, really. It looks a lot worse than it is. I was more worried for Bella" I assured him, feeling a bit uncomfortable with all the attention. I wasn't used to this, my mother didn't even show up to the hospital when I broke my leg in 7th grade.

"Yeah, it would have been a lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He got to me so fast, he was nowhere near me." she said, a calculating look in her eyes.

"You were very lucky then. Ms. Parker, your turn." he chuckled, seeing the sour look on my face.

"I'm really fine." I mumbled.

"I'll be the judge of that." Dr. Cullen said, coming to stand beside me. As he felt around my head, me wincing the whole time, Tyler continued to apologize until Charlie pulled the curtain on him. I knew he felt bad, but neither me or Bella blamed him so he didn't really have to keep apologizing.

"You have a bit of a concussion. Does anything else hurt?" he asked, eyeing my wrist which was still cradled to my chest. I sighed, knowing I couldn't hide it. I told him that I landed on it when I hit the ground and he examined it, humming to himself.

"Well, it's a nasty sprain. It's on the verge of a fracture so I'll put it in a brace to keep it in place. But you won't be able to use it properly, and no lifting what so ever." he said, and I froze. How coud I take care of Willow if I couldn't lift anything or use my hand?

"Dr. Cullen, I have a child. I have to be able to use my hand, no lifting is just not an option." I told him, worried a bit.

"You'll have to get someone to help you then. If you use it you run a high risk of breaking it then it'll take a lot longer to heal. I'm going to have to put in a few stitches to your forehead." he said, taking out a syringe. He injected whatever was in it into the wound that was right at my hairline. When it was numb, he put in the stitches and taped a gauze pad over it.

"I'm just gonna check a few more things and then I'll release you." he said, shining the light into my eyes, but stopped with a furrowed brow when my pupils didn't change from the dialated state they were in.

"Ms. Parker, I'm going to need you to be honest with me. Are you on any drugs or narcotics I should know about?" he asked me seriously, causing my eyes to fall to my lap.

"Drugs? Jaime, are you doing drugs?" Charlie asked me, worry dripping from his voice causing me to cringe.

"They're prescribed. I have an axiety problem and I'm supposed to take them when I start to go into a panic attack. I had a really bad one today so I took two instead of the prescribed one." I said, not looking up to meet their eyes.

"Alright, I'm going to need to see the prescripion so I can pick out the right pain medicine to give you." he told me, and I rummaged through my bag to get the pills. After I handed them over, he wrote me a prescription and handed them back to me with the slip of paper.

"Okay Ms. Parker, someone is going to have to wake you up every two hours for two days to make sure you don't fall into a coma. You're parents can do that can't they?" he asked while he marked stuff on a clip boars. I glanced at Bella nervously, and she shrugged helplessly, causing me to worry my bottom lip.

"Um..my mom is working out of town at the moment. She won't be home for a few more days." I said, fiddling with a buckle on my backpack.

"Still? I haven't seen her once, she's been gone this whole time?" Charlie asked, his brow furrowed. I internally panicked for a moment, not realizing Charlie had actually been paying attention.

"No..she was here a few days ago overnight. She got called back early the next morning so you probably didn't see her." I mumbled, looking anywhere but at the sheriff in front of me and hoping he believed me.

"Oh, okay then I guess." he said, not really sounding convinced. I could only hope he would stay off my back long enough for me to come up with a solution to this problem, because I had no idea what to do about it right now.

"Well, do you have any friends who could help you out with you're child and waking you up?" Dr. Cullen asked, breaking the tention that was building around us. I mentally thanked the man before thinking. I only really had Bella but I couldn't ask her to do all that for me, she was already doing so much by keeping my secrets for me.

"I can help out, I don't mind." Bella piped up, making me smile a bit. Even with all she's doing, she was still willing to take more on.

"Bella, I can't ask you to do that. You're doing so much for me already. I'm sure it can't be that bad, I can set an alarm every two hours. And if I don't put too much pressure on my wrist with Willow then it should be fine." I said quickly, not wanting to burden her any more. I was used to doing things on my own, I've been doing it for a very long time now, being dependent on someone is just not going to work for me.

"Ms. Parker, I don't really think you understand how severe a concussion can be. If you start to slip into a coma, an alarm is not going to wake you up. Someone will have to be there to bring you to the hospital if you don't wake up. And any pressure on your wrist is not going to end well, I assure you." Dr. Cullen spoke up again as he slid a black brace onto my wrist and tightened it. I winced, feeling the pain shoot up my arm, and ground my teeth. I didn't know what to do, I suddenly felt helpless again at having to depend on someone else.

"Make sure you have someone with you, no lifting your child, and no driving. I'm sorry, but your health is my main priority." Dr. Cullen said, stepping back.

"Am I free to go?" I asked, not looking up as I continued to grit my teeth together.

"Yes, but I will need to see you back here in two weeks to check your stitches and wrist." he said carefully, obviously noticing my horrible mood. I said nothing as I stood up and snatched my bag from the bed before storming out of the E.R.

I walked quickly to the bathroom and gripped the counter, staring at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible, the side of my face completely covered in blood as well as my neck and shirt, and the skin around the gauze pad was already turning a strange blue color.

I could feel myself shaking as I looked around myself, the adrenaline from the accident and the pills finally wearing off. I hated hospitals with a passion, and being in one again had already set my nerves off. Now I get told that I can't even care for my daughter without help? How would I manage that, I was alone. I had Bella but she shouldn't be getting mixed up with someone like me, someone with so many problems.

Suddenly I was hit with the realization that my dad was going to be here in a week. He was coming for Willow and I was in no condition to even care for her, let alone protect her. These thoughts brought on a new wave of helplessness and stress, much worse than before, and I couldn't stop the tears that spilled over my cheeks.

Letting out a small sob I fell to my knees and clutched my head, trying to figure out what to do. I couldn't let that monster near Willow, but what was I going to do? Bella couldn't be around when he got here, so her helping me at my house was out of the question. I had only one option left.

I had to run.