Okay, here it is, the last chapter. This is much longer than the other chapters, with an epilogue at the end. There was just no good place to split it without disrupting the flow and the epilogue wasn't long enough for its own chapter. Thank you to everyone who has continue to the end! Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 21

"Here are the aerial views for the first factory." Van Pelt said.

Jane and Cho leaned over the conference table to review the photo. It showed a building surrounded on two sides by active businesses. The other two sides were bordered by woods.

"This one is a maybe until we see the other three. The active businesses wouldn't give him the ability to come and go at all hours without being seen. I guess he could come through the woods." Cho said.

"I agree. However, Dean doesn't strike me as the kind to be walking through the woods. Even to carry out his plan." Jane said.

"Here's the next photo." said Van Pelt.

"This one is definitely not it. Surrounded on all four sides by active businesses. He could come and go at night at will, but not during the day. He needed to be able to come and go as his schedule allows him to." Jane said.

"That's good, we're down to three." Cho said.

When Van Pelt had the next two photos, she handed them to Jane. Jane and Cho started reviewing the last two photos. Both looked like good prospects.

"This one looks like it could be a possibility. It's surrounded by a fence that's hard to see through. The driveway is to the side, away from any active businesses. It's also surrounded by three closed businesses. This other one also looks like a possibility. It's also surrounded on three sides by closed businesses and at the end of the street." Jane said.

"So we have three possibilities. It won't take that much time go through all three places." Cho said.

"My concern is, if we go through all these places, we might alert Dean we're onto him. If that happens, he'll move Teresa and we could lose her. If we do this, we can't take in a full tactical team. He may have someone at one of the businesses watching out for him." Jane said.

"That could happen if anyone pulls up to those businesses. I don't see much difference between just us and a full tact team." Cho said.

"We can come in through the woods on this one." Jane said, picking up the first photo. "We can come in through the most obscure sides of the other two."

Jane and Cho continued to look at the photos, mapping out how they would approach each of the three buildings. Both giving their pros and cons of each idea.

"Cho. I have some information on the missing girl, Marisa Freeman." Rigsby said.

"Is it something you and Van Pelt can handle? We're trying to nail down a plan to go through the three businesses that are the most promising to finding Lisbon." Cho asked.

"Yeah. We could handle it." Rigsby said.

"What leads do you have right now? I should probably at least know where we're at if I have to go to a briefing." Cho asked.

"Marisa Freeman is fifteen, lives with her mother and step-father. Her step-father works at the airport as a mechanic and her mother is an LPN at a nursing home. Her mother's brother is the councilman who requested our assistance. Mom says Marissa likes to go on long walks but she never came back from her walk yesterday." Rigsby answered.

"Did she say where she usually walks? Maybe you and Van Pelt can drive over there and trace the area where she walks. See if anything seems out of place." Cho said.

"Yeah. She said Marisa's grandfather used to work at a furniture place that repaired furniture and resold it. It shut down years ago but Marisa likes to go by there to feel close to her grandfather. It's at 835 Chamberlin Street. We could go…" Rigby was explaining.

"Wait! What was that address?" Jane said quickly.

"835 Chamberlin Street." Rigsby said.

"That's one of the three addresses owned by Dean's father. One that's on the list to be searched." Jane said excitedly.

"Do you think there's a possible connection? I mean, that would seem like a real stretch don't you think." Cho stated.

"No, I don't." Jane said, running towards the elevators.


"Walk her over here and then step back. If you even look like you're moving this way, I WILL shoot her." the man instructed.

"I understand." Teresa said.

Teresa helped Marisa walk to the cell wall. When the girl grabbed hold of the bars, Teresa moved back towards the bed. She couldn't see the metal rod in Marisa's hand so that was good, he shouldn't be able to see it either.

The man took his gun out of his holster and held it in his left hand. He unlocked the cell door with his right hand and slowly started to open it. He kept his back to the door.

"Step out here. Slowly." he said.

Marisa took two steps and bent over, crying out in pain. She gripped the metal rod, ready to strike as soon as he moved closer.

"Hurry up! I don't have all day." the man said.

"Hang on just a minute. The pain is…is going away." Marisa said.

"She's hurting, give her a minute." Teresa said.

"Shut up!" he said.

The man bent forward to grab Marisa's arm to pull her out of the cell. She knew he would be off balance and she made her move. She quickly raised the metal rod and swung it as hard as she could. The rod made contact with the man's head. He dropped to the floor, grabbing the back of his head, causing the gun to fly across the floor.

Teresa was able to grab the gun. She couldn't believe their luck, the gun sliding close to her. She never thought it would work out that well. Marisa ran out of the cell and towards the work bench. She rummaged through the tools, but couldn't find the bolt cutters Teresa thought she saw.

"It can't find them Teresa. I don't see anything here to help us." Marisa said.

"You need to get out of here. Grab the keys out of the cell door and close it. Take them with you. Call Agent Cho, give him the keys. I have the gun. I can keep him under control until the police get here." Teresa said with force.

"What if he overpowers you? You're chained to the bed." Marisa answered back.

"I'll shoot him if I have to. Just go. I'll be fine. He won't be able to get out of here."

Marisa looked back at Teresa and the cell. She ran to the cell door, grabbed the keys and shut the door. Teresa could tell Marisa was having a hard time. She knew Marisa didn't want to leave.

"Go. Please. It's the only way, Marisa." Teresa said softly.

Marisa stood still for a split second. Then she turned around and ran to the door warehouse door. She looked back one last time and closed the door. Once outside, she looked around. It was dark. She needed to be careful in case there was someone else outside helping the man. She made her way around the side of the building. She would run along the fence line and make her way to the street. If everything looked clear, she would run home.


"How much longer?" Jane asked.

"About five minutes. We're close." Cho answered, knowing Jane was wound tight. He could see him rubbing his hands together.

"What if this isn't connected?" Rigsby asked.

"It is. I don't believe in coincidences. If I did, this would be too much of one. It's connected." Jane answered.

Cho really hoped Jane was right. He knew Jane was convinced they would find Teresa in the warehouse. He wasn't sure what was going to happen if she wasn't in that warehouse. Jane may just lose it.


Marisa ran the length of one side of the fence. She stood still for a minute, listening for any indication of another person. When she didn't hear anything, she ran the length of the next side of the fence. She stopped short of going out the gate and onto the street. Once she was on the street, she would be out in the open for anyone to see.

She peeked around the corner of the gate. She could see headlights heading towards her. She'd wait until the vehicle passed before taking a chance of leaving the safety of the fencing. She continued to watch as the vehicle got closer. She wished she'd brought the metal rod with her. She would've had a weapon if she was confronted by anyone.

She worried about leaving Teresa in the warehouse with the man. He'd be angry when he came to and he would take it out on her new friend. She knew Teresa had the gun, but she was chained to the bed and couldn't move as easily as he could.

She looked again and saw the vehicle was getting close, then it turned off its' lights. That wasn't normal. Who turned off their lights unless they were up to something? She moved back into the shadows of the fence and waited. There were actually two vehicles. One pulled up outside the fence, a couple of car lengths from the gate. The other quickly turned into the driveway and pulled behind the fence, out of view of anyone on the street.

She watched as two people got out of the vehicle that had pulled into the warehouse driveway. Then, through the fence, she could see two more people get out of the vehicle on the street. The two from the street jogged into the yard and joined the other two.


Cho cut the lights of their vehicle as they quickly pulled into the driveway of the warehouse. They would be hidden by the fencing. Rigsby and Van Pelt cut their lights and pulled a couple of car lengths up the street from the fence. When they got out of their vehicle, they jogged up the driveway to meet up with Cho and Jane.

"Okay. Rigsby come with me. We'll go in first. Van Pelt, you stay out here. Watch for anyone coming in the fence or from around the building. Cover us if you hear gunfire. Jane, you stay out here." Cho instructed everyone.

When Cho didn't hear Jane respond, he tried again, a little louder. "Jane? Did you hear me? You stay out here. When we're clear inside, I'll call you."

Just as Jane was about to answer Cho, he heard a rustling sound behind him and to the right. He turned around and saw a young girl slowly coming out of the shadows. He could tell she was terrified.

"Jane? Patrick Jane?" the girl asked.


Teresa stood by the bed with her back to the cell wall. She had the gun pointed at the man lying on the floor. He hadn't moved since Marisa hit him and knocked him down. She was hoping he'd remain where he was until Cho and the team could get here. That was assuming Marisa was able to get away and get to a phone. She also knew that it would be at least thirty minutes before anyone would arrive just based on where Marisa said they were and how far it was to the CBI office. Again, that was assuming Cho was at the CBI.

Teresa thought she heard a vehicle outside. She didn't remember hearing a car any of the times the man showed up. She was probably just imagining it, given the circumstances. She glanced towards the door, taking her eyes off the man on the floor. Before she could react, the man was up and on top of her.


"Yes. I'm Patrick Jane. Are you Marisa?" Jane asked.

"Yes. Are you Teresa's boyfriend?" she asked.

Jane's heart skipped a beat. "Yes. You know Teresa?"

"You have to go in there now! I knocked the man out, but he and Teresa are locked in the cell together. She has his gun, but she's chained to the bed. Please help her!" Marisa said.

Cho and Rigsby ran towards the door to the warehouse. Van Pelt motioned for Jane and Marisa to get on the other side of the vehicle, out of sight.

"She's okay Mr. Jane. She took care of me and she talked about you. She loves you, you know?" Marisa said.

"Yes, Marisa. I do know. Thank you for taking care of her. You had to be brave to knock him out." Jane said.

"Teresa made me leave. She made me leave her there. I didn't want to. I…I couldn't find anything to cut the chain off of her leg."

"It really is okay. We're here now. We'll get her out." Jane said, hoping what he was saying was true.


As Cho and Rigsby opened the door they could hear scuffling, the sound of people fighting. They ran towards the sound, shining their flashlights as they ran. As they got closer to the sound, they saw Teresa and Dean fighting. Dean had Teresa pinned to the bed, one hand on her throat. She was holding a gun above her head and he was trying to get the gun, while holding her down with his other hand.

"Freeze Dean. Let her go and get down on the floor!" Cho yelled.

Dean didn't appear to hear him. He continued to wrestle with Teresa.

"Dean, I said stop. Stop and get down on the floor now or I will shoot you. Believe me, I won't have a problem doing it. Just give me a reason." Cho said angrily.

Dean stopped trying to get the gun, but he didn't take his hand off of Teresa's throat or her arm holding the gun. He stood still. Teresa wasn't fighting him any longer.

"I could kill her before you get in here." Dean said.

"Do you really want to play it that way Dean? A bullet can leave my gun and enter your brain before you take her life. You really want to try me? I said, let her go and get on the floor, face down with your fingers laced behind your head." Cho stated.

Cho waited a few seconds and was about to pull the trigger when Dean let go of Teresa and started to get down on the floor. Teresa started to stand up, but before she could sit all the way up, Dean lunged for her. She was able to get the gun up and pull the trigger.


Jane heard the sound of a gun. He stood up and ran towards the building. Marisa right behind him.

"Jane. Wait." Van Pelt yelled. However, she knew it wouldn't do any good.

Jane ran inside the door and stopped. It was dark, but he saw what he assumed were Cho and Rigsby's flashlights.

"Cho?" Jane enquired loudly.

"Jane. It's okay. Come this way." Cho yelled out.

Marisa and Van Pelt entered the door behind Jane and stopped.

"Cho said we could come in." Jane said and started walking towards the flashlight beams. Marisa followed him.

"Van Pelt? See if you can find a light switch and get us some light." Cho instructed.

Jane heard Cho radio for an ambulance. He stopped. Was it Teresa? It couldn't be or Cho wouldn't have told him to come in. He started walking again. He got to a structure that looked like a jail cell. Inside, he saw Cho and Rigsby leaning over the body of Andrew Dean. Cho was administering CPR and Rigsby was taking turns with him.

Jane walked in the cell and saw Teresa sitting on a metal bed, her knees pulled up to her chest, watching Cho and Rigsby.

"Mr. Jane? Here are the keys to the chain on Teresa's leg. I was able to get them from the man when I knocked him out." Marisa said and walked back to the door.

Jane took the keys and walked over to the bed where Teresa was sitting. He reached down and picked up the chain, looking for the lock. He sat down beside Teresa and reached out for her foot that the chain was attached too. He unlocked the lock and threw it on the floor. He gently reached out and pulled Teresa to him and enveloped her in a hug. She was tense at first, but then she relaxed and hugged him back fiercely, sobbing.

"It's okay Teresa. You're okay." Jane said soothingly.

Teresa continued to sob. Jane knew she needed to cry all her fear, anger, frustration and relief out. He knew she would speak when she was ready. Once her sobs stopped and turned to crying hiccups, she pulled back and looked up at him.

"I thought you were in jail. I thought you believed I was dead." she said.

"I was only in jail for a short time. I…I only believed you were dead for a minute, then I felt you, here." Jane said, taking Teresa's hand and placing it over his heart. "I felt you alive. I knew you weren't dead." This made Teresa start crying all over again.

"Cho, I'm taking her outside." Jane said as he helped Teresa stand up.

"Marisa! Where is Marisa? Did she call you? She wasn't gone long enough for you to get here. She helped me." Teresa said.

"She's here. She's fine. It's a long story how we found this place. We found her as she was leaving." Jane explained.

Jane and Teresa walked out of the cell and towards the door. When Marisa saw Teresa she ran up and hugged her.

"Teresa. You're okay. I'm so glad it all worked out." Marisa said, continuing to hug her.

"Thank you Marisa. I'm glad you were so brave." Teresa said.

"Boss, glad to see you're okay." Van Pelt said.

"Thanks Van Pelt. For everything." Teresa said.

Cho joined them. "He's dead. Serves him right, he got what he desired."

"He got better than he desired." Jane said.

"Van Pelt. You and Jane take Teresa and Marisa back to the CBI. Call Marisa's parents and let them know we found her and that she's alright. Rigsby and I will stay here and deal with all the fallout. Let the director know we found Teresa and she's okay." Cho instructed.


Marisa's parents picked her up at the CBI shortly after receiving Van Pelt's call. They were so happy to have her safely back and assured everyone they would make Marisa available for questioning at any time she was needed.

As soon as Marisa and her parents left, Jane and Teresa were alone in her office. They sat down on the couch and Jane put his arm around her. She laid her head on his shoulder and hugged his waist. She closed her eyes and savored the feel of being in his arms.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jane asked.


"Okay. When you're ready." he said. He pulled the light blanket from the back of the couch and covered her up. It didn't take long before he heard her breathing change and he knew she'd fallen asleep.

Cho stepped in the door a while later. Jane nodded his head in acknowledgement and then shook his head. He knew Cho understood Jane didn't want Teresa to be disturbed. Cho turned around, closed the door and left.

Jane would sit just as they were, as long as took for Teresa to get the sleep she needed. Their nightmare was finally over.

Epilogue-Three days later

Jane and Teresa were lying in bed. Teresa hadn't wanted to be around anybody, so they'd spent every minute of the last three days either in bed or on the couch. They ordered food so they hadn't even cooked. Patrick wanted to do whatever Teresa needed to deal with what had happened. He'd talked to Cho several times and he knew she was going to have to answer some questions soon, but Cho had told them to take the weekend and they would deal with it on Monday.

However, today was Sunday. She hadn't wanted to talk about it. He was starting to worry about her. She needed to talk about what happened. He needed to break the ice, so to speak.

"Nice welding job." Patrick said.

"What?" Teresa asked.

"I said, nice welding job."

"Oh. So you found it." she said, sheepishly.

"Not really. I told Cho I was going up there to think and he said 'No'. When I questioned him about it he said it wouldn't do any good even if he let me because you'd welded the door shut. Thank you." Patrick explained.

"Thank you? You're thanking me?" Teresa asked.

"Yes. You knew what I needed or what I would need, if I started down that road again. So, thank you. It was a way to say you love me." he said.

"I do." she said.

"I do too."

"You love you? I always figured that." Teresa said with a slight laugh.

"Ha. Ha. It's good to hear you laugh." Patrick said.

Teresa dropped her head. "I know you think I should talk about it. I'm okay. Really. I just needed some time with you."

"You feel guilty. You shouldn't." he said.

Teresa didn't say anything. She just looked at her hands. He knew she felt like it was her fault that he'd been arrested and put in jail. He had to make her see that none of what had happened was her fault in any way. It was the fault of a paranoid, revengeful, sociopath.

"None of this was your fault. You have to understand that." Patrick said.

"You, Patrick Jane, are telling me not to feel guilty, it wasn't my fault? Really? I believe I said that to you on so many occasions and you never listened. So how is this any different?" Teresa asked angrily.

Good, thought Patrick. Anger was a good response. Once she worked through her anger, she could start dealing with how she was feeling.

"Touché. I know I wasn't always good at believing that, but the longer you said it, the more I started to believe it. So, the longer I say it to you, the more you'll start to believe it. Even if I have to get punched in the nose or threatened with being shot!" he said smiling.

Teresa looked up at him with tears in her eyes. His smile always made her feel better. She just couldn't shake the guilt she felt for what he went through that started because of something in her past. She knew it was irrational to think he would resent her for what happened, but she couldn't help thinking it might.

"I don't resent you for what happened." he said.

"Dammit, Jane. I hate when you do that." Teresa said, although he could tell she wasn't really mad.

"You need to know I don't resent you and I never will. What happened wasn't your fault and you had no control over it." Patrick said.

"Logically I know that, but for some reason I can't get my heart and head to believe it." she said.

"What can I do to make your heart and head accept it?" he asked.

"I don't know. I guess just time, maybe." she said.

"I think I have a better idea. Wait right here." Patrick said, running downstairs, two steps at a time.

When he returned to the bedroom, Teresa saw he had a smile on his face. She didn't ever remember seeing the look he had on his face before. He appeared more…more…more what, she couldn't decide.

"What did you do?" she asked.

"I didn't do anything." he answered with that same look and smile.

"You have this look on your face that I haven't seen before. What is it?" she said.

"I'm just happy. That's all."

"You've been really happy since we started living together. Haven't you or was I wrong?"

"Oh no, my love I have been happy, very happy." he said.

"Then why this new look of happy? I'm confused." she asked, a little leery about what he was talking about.

"I asked you what I could do to make your heart and head accept that I didn't resent you. You said you didn't know and I told you I had a way. Here's the way." Patrick said, as he pulled the black velvet box out of his pajama pocket and opened it.

Teresa's hand flew to her mouth and tears started rolling down her cheeks. She looked at the ring in the velvet box. She slowly lifted her head to look at Patrick. She could see and now understand the new look of happiness on his face.

"Well. Are you going to give me your answer?" he asked.

"You haven't asked me a question yet." she answered with a small laugh.

Jane looked at Teresa and laughed too, as he took the ring from the velvet box. "Teresa, will you marry me?" Patrick asked as he placed the finger on her hand.

"Yes. Of course, yes." Teresa said. Once the finger was on her finger she pulled Patrick to her, giving him a long, soft, kiss and hug.

"I love you." Patrick said.

"I love you too." Teresa said. "Did uh…did my kidnapping have something to do with this?" she asked looking down at her gorgeous ring.

"No! Absolutely not. I bought the ring before it happened. I was planning to ask you the weekend you were taken. I asked you because I want you to be my wife not because I thought I might lose you." Jane said.

Teresa dropped her head. "Thank you. I mean, I'm glad…I mean…I'm…I love you too."

"I understand." he said. He knew she needed to know he asked her to marry him because he loved her, not out of a desperate need to hold on to her.

"I…I know I'm going to have to talk about this tomorrow. I just don't…I just don't understand why all this happened. I mean, I know what he said, but I can't believe he did it because he wanted revenge. It just seems crazy that he would wait more than ten years." Teresa said.

Jane didn't want to interrupt her. He knew she needed to get it all out. He wanted her to do that here, with him first, before she was grilled by authorities.

"He didn't do anything to me." she continued. "He said he was going to torture me by sending you to prison for my murder and kidnapping. He made me watch a video of you being arrested…I…I…" she started to cry.

"It's over. He didn't get what he wanted and he's dead. We, you and me, move on. We get married, build our lives and maybe have a family." Jane said.

"You…you want that again? Are you sure?" Teresa asked, surprised and happy.

"I do. I will admit, I didn't think I did, but this situation did have something to do with changing my mind about that. Well not changing my mind really, but deciding I did actually want it again. With you." Patrick explained.

Teresa hugged Patrick tightly. She knew she'd loved him for a long time, but now, the thought of having everything with him was more than she could imagine.

"Uh, want to start working on that family now?" Teresa asked seductively.

"Now? Really?" Patrick asked.

Teresa laughed at the look on his face. "Well, we don't have to succeed today, but as the old saying goes, 'Practice makes perfect.'"

"Oh we may need a whole lot of practice." Patrick says, turning off the light and snuggling down in the covers to start practicing.