Inuyasha raised her hand that held her cards. She nodded to the Lady Mime and had her go first. She played a jester monster and a face down card. She looked down at her cards and sighed. For in her hand was a card of a wolf demon with long black hair in a ponytail. "Koga..." thought Inuyasha. She was about to make her move when a sharp chill went up her spine. She looked up and to her right to see a figure approaching from an alley way.

Her hair began fluttering in the breeze that somehow started up as the stranger walked into the sunlight. The person removed his hood to reveal a ugly man with sunken gray eyes and a grim Chester Cat smile. "Hello, My Beautiful Queen. My Master sends you greetings." "And who are you?" Inuyasha questioned raising an eyebrow. "I'm Koff and my Master will reveal himself in due time." Said the stranger. "Koff is happy. A beautiful Queen and two fair ladies to pray upon." Said he as he pulled out a duel disk. She grimaced as she saw the evil look in his eyes. Inuyasha glared when Koff set himself between her and her opponent. "I ask you to move. I'm dueling." Inuyasha said getting pissed. "'Fraid not, My Queen." He drew five card and slapped on his duel disk. "Duel Koff, if you win, I will release your two friends and yourself. But if Koff wins you must come with me to meet my Master." "Fine by Me." Said Inuyasha looking toward Lady Mime and Tamar. She nodded toward them to tell them to move out of the way. Inuyasha pulled out a card from her deck and placed a card into one of the card slots. Inuyasha growled. "I play Witch of the Wood, in attack mode." Said the half-demon. A witch woman appeared on the field. "I play, Field of Snakes." Suddenly the battle field around them became covered in all kinds of snakes. Inuyasha looked as if she was about to vomit. "Snakes... Why does it have to be snakes..." Inuyasha whispered. Inuyasha's monster seemed freaked out as well. "Now I play, Rising Snake Pawn." Koff played the card and a gray snake creature rose from the field. It had 1200 attack points while her monster had 1300. Easy pickens. Inuyasha raised her hand and shouted. "Attack." Her witch attacked the snake and it shattered causing Koff to lose 100 life points. Koff looked as if in pain as the points were reduced. He growled then smiled.