Dimension Traveling: Beast Quest

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Beast Quest only my own characters

AN-this the third story in my sequel that I am writing. For those of you who have just clicked into this because it sounds interesting read Dimension Traveling: Pokemon first and the Dimension Traveling: Harry Potter before you read this one otherwise things will not make sense. Now let's begin the next story.

Andrew sighed as he woke up on his 13th birthday after having yet another dream of Luna and the great times they had had together. It wasn't the first time he had these dreams and he definitely knew it wouldn't be the last.

But he was excited for today as his parents would be going all out on his party today because of his excellent grades the past year. 'It really helps to have an adult brain for things like school' he thought.

He made his way downstairs where proceeded to unwrap his presents leaving 'The Author's' letter til last. When he opened it this is what it said


I'm sorry to say that you don't get a choice this year but I'm telling you now so that you prepare. This year you are going to be helping Tom and Elenna in their first two Beast Quests. You will be a wizard and shall accompany them riding on Gogoat and when you get to Epos go all out because she will be the hardest to subdue. Also expect a duel with Malvel at some point.

The Author

That night Andrew was packed with his staff, training robes, Beast Quest books and he had cancelled the glamour charm he had to hide his snake tattoos. He fell asleep ready to for the morning and the start of his Beast Quest.

The now familiar queasy stomach was welcome to Andrew when he woke up. A quick glance around showed that he was in a small village. There was a note next to him.


You are currently in the village of Errinel. The townsfolk know what you are and trust you whole heartedly even if you are supposedly only a 13 year old kid. Today is the day that Tom goes to the city. You are to accompany him. I leave you to your own devices.

The Author

Andrew quickly dressed in his training robes, extended his staff and walked from the house to Tom's training grounds where Tom was slicing at a hay bale pretending it was an enemy.

After he had stopped Andrew and Tom walked towards the village when they both smelled smoke from not that far away.

They ran towards the smell and came out of the trees to the sight of a burning field of wheat. Andrew quickly put the flames out with an augumenti before they spread to all of the crop.

"Who's there," Farmer Gretlin's voice from in the smoke

"It's Tom and Andrew Gretlin," Andrew responded

"Thanks for putting the fire out Andrew. Better head up to town and tell you Uncle, Tom."

"Sure thing Farmer Gretlin."

After a quick town meeting in which Tom petitioned to go to the city and Andrew volunteered to accompany him to the city. Andrew helped the other villagers put out a barn fire.

Tom and Andrew both slept well that night in preparation for the morning.

AN-So first chapter done. I'm not sure how many chapters this fanfic will go for but it should be good. See ya.