A/N: Chapter 1 of my new story!

Summary: While being chased by Shizuo a sudden headache will change Izaya's life forever.

Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara!

"IZAYAAAA!" Izaya had been walking through Ikebukuro when he suddenly heard the familiar yell of the blonde, who would probably be throwing something at him any minute now.

The crowd was already parting and soon he saw a vending machine flying his way. Dodging it with ease he smirked in Shizuo's direction. "Seems like you still can't hit me." He said before taking off, since he knew the blonde would soon be throwing the next thing.

A sign flew right by his head when he turned into an alleyway. He could hear the loud footsteps of the blonde behind him, but he just kept running ahead, keeping his gaze focussed on where he was going, looking for a way to escape.

He kept running through different ally's, but the blonde didn't even seem to slow down. Izaya was already getting tired of this chase and he saw a fire escape a little further up ahead, that would be a good way to escape from the blonde.

Suddenly a sharp pain started in his head and his vision blurred for a moment, making him stumble past the fire escape. He almost fell to the ground, but he was able to catch himself before he could actually fall.

His head was still throbbing when he got out of the alleyway and into the crowd, but his vision was back to normal. Weaving through the crowd he decided that it was better if he went home and hopefully Shizuo would leave him alone now.

Luckily Shizuo hadn't seemed to follow him and now he was already entering his apartment building. The headache hadn't gone away to his irritation and he knew that Namie would be inside his home, probably complaining about something.

With a sigh he opened the door to his apartment and just as he had expected, Namie was still there.

"I see that you're finally back." She said. While looking over to him for a moment. "You should do you work more seriously instead of going out to play with that man."

"That's none of your business." Izaya answered irritatingly. "And I have a headache, so could you shut up?" His mood had definitely not gotten better on his way back.

Namie seemed surprised for a moment though, since she found it surprising that Izaya would even admit that he had a headache.

"Is your headache so bad you can't even hide it?" She asked while smirking.

Izaya glared at her for a moment before sighing some more. "Just go home and leave me alone for today." It was clear that Namie wouldn't let him change his mind, since soon she was out the door leaving him alone in his apartment.

Now that Namie was gone, he really felt like taking a rest, but he also wanted to know what had caused the headache and the change in vision. It couldn't really be from overexertion, but maybe he was just tired?

It may not be such a bad idea to ask Shinra about it, even though the doctor might say that it is probably nothing.

Picking up his phone he dialed Shinra's number and let it ring a few times before Shinra finally picked. "Hello, Kishitani speaking."

"Shinra, I need you to check up on me." Was the first thing he said. He didn't even know if the doctor had any time for him.

"Ah, Izaya." The doctor started. "I don't have time for you today, but might you tell me your symptoms?" Oh great he couldn't come today.

"I was being chased by Shizuo today when suddenly a headache appeared and my vision got worse." He explained. A moment of silence came before the doctor finally answered back.

"Do you still have vision loss? And what about the headache?" Shinra asked.

"My vision is back to normal, but the headache is still there." He explained.

"And is the headache at a certain position?" Why was Shinra asking all these questions, didn't he already know what was wrong?

"It's more around my eyes and behind them too." He said and now that he thought about it that was a bit odd.

"I will come and see you tomorrow morning, for now just take something for the pain and take a rest." Shinra said. "I will try to get to you as soon as possible tomorrow." With that the doctor hung up without letting Izaya ask questions himself.

With a sigh he got himself up the stairs and took some pain medication before going to his bedroom to get some sleep.


Izaya didn't know what time it was when he woke up, but since it was still dark he assumed that he probably hadn't slept till morning. It wasn't even that uncommon for him to wake up early. He sometimes didn't even sleep at all during the night.

Before he had the chance to get out of bed though, his phone started ringing. A little confused, Izaya looked in the direction of his bedside table, but he couldn't see his phone lighting up. That was definitely strange.

Going by the sound it should be there, but he didn't see it. Reaching with his hand, he soon touched the phone and lifted it off the bedside table, but still no light. Frowning he answered the call, since he could at least do that without seeing his phone.

It didn't stop him from thinking though. Why wasn't he able to see it? It was strange after all, since normally the phone would light up.

"Hello?" He decided to say, since he still hadn't said anything yet.

"Goodmorning Izaya! How are you feeling?" Shinra's voice was way too enthusiastic for the time it was. Wait, did he say 'goodmorning'? Izaya suddenly thought.

"Did you say 'morning' Shinra? What time is it?" He could already feel himself slightly panicking. He just hoped he was wrong and that it was just really dark around him.

"Yes, I said that and it's 9am at the moment." Shinra said. 9am meant that it should be light out, which meant that he should be able to see and that it shouldn't be darkness around him. Slowly he reached up with one of his hands and held it up in front of his eyes, but he didn't see anything. "Is something wrong Izaya?"

He did hear the doctor's voice, but he just didn't know how to answer. How could he even, since he just found out that he had become blind in just one night. How could this even happen?

"Izaya?" The doctor sounded more worried this time. "Answer me!" Shinra kind of yelled when he didn't respond.

Taking a deep breath he finally opened his mouth to say something. "Shinra, can you come over?" Was all he asked.

"Of course I can, but why? What's wrong?" He just couldn't answer the doctor right now, it would be easier if he came here.

"Just come." Was all he said before he hung up in the hope that Shinra would listen to him. Now it was just waiting till the doctor would get here.

Izaya didn't know how long it took before he heard his doorbell ring, but he realised one thing: how was he going to open the door?

Carefully he got out of his bed and walked to where he thought his door was. As soon as he felt the wall, he carefully walked towards the direction of the door while keeping a hand on the wall.

When he opened the door, the doorbell rang once again. Walking a bit faster this time, since he didn't want to let the doorbell ring again, he hadn't noticed a table in his hallway. He hid his knee on it, losing his balance after which he fell to the ground.

Slightly groaning with pain he could hear his doorbell ringing once more and a lot of knocking this time too. How was he ever going to get there? He still needed to go down the stairs too.

Before he could decide whether to stand up and try to go down the stairs he heard his front door open. How could they have opened it?

"Izaya? Are you here?" It was Shinra's voice. Slowly he pushed himself off the ground, while having one hand on the wall in the hallway. "Izaya? Are you upstairs?" It was clear that the doctor had already looked downstairs.

"I am upstairs!" He confirmed, while he kept standing in the same place. There was no way he was going to move on his own again now that Shinra was here.

He could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and soon they could be heard walking through the hallway. "Izaya? Why are you standing here?" The voice was suddenly surprisingly close and Izaya couldn't help but jump a little in surprise.

"Ah Shinra, ehm, you see…" He tried to say, but he didn't really know how to tell the doctor about this.

"Izaya where are you talking to? I'm standing here." Shinra said, but soon Izaya could hear a gasp. "Wait, you're blind?" He asked.

A nod was all Izaya could give the doctor, before he suddenly got grabbed by the arm and taken to what he thought was the direction of the stairs. "Shinra, what are you doing?" He asked a little worried for what the doctor might try to do.

"I need you to come to my apartment, so I can look at how this happened." Shinra explained. "Celty's already here, so that's good."

Izaya let the doctor take him down the stairs carefully by one hand, while he held the other on the railing, to make sure that he wouldn't fall, he didn't trust Shinra completely after all.

As soon as he had taking the last step he could hear someone typing on something. Probably Celty typing something, but Shinra would have to read it, since there was no way he could do it.

"Ah Celty, can you take us all back to the apartment." More typing could be heard and he was getting a little impatient.

"Are we going or not?" He asked, since he had no idea what the dullahan was saying at the moment.

"Ah, right, you can't read it." Shinra suddenly said. "Hm, oh Izaya has somehow gone blind and I need to find out how it happened."

There was no more typing, but Shinra had grabbed his hand again and was leading him out of his apartment.

He followed the doctor blindly, till he suddenly stopped and Izaya walked right into his back. "Why did you stop suddenly?" He growled a little.

"We're waiting for the elevator." Was all he got as an answer before he heard the elevator doors open and he was lead inside.

Soon he got taken out of the building and to the doctor's apartment where they would hopefully find out what happened to him.