This has been updated as problems that few people told me to fix are now fixed.

Example, fixing anything that interfered with the third-person narrative.

Replacing the & symbols with 'and'.

Erasing the long intro and LeafyIsHere reference, since they had nothing to do with the story according to what tsukishima7 has pointed out through criticism. One of the parts I haven't erased is because of comedic relief; those who already this or are newcomers, you'll know what I mean.

That's it.


It always has a funny way to surprise us by bringing in certain people into existence. Many historical figures are one example, their actions have shaped our present to the way it is, but it's not them who Fate wanted to surprise us with.

No, it's actually the most simplest and average of people that can have the hidden potential to shatter our sense of reality by doing the most unexpected acts that have never been done by other people is who Fate intended to surprise us with. Anything that could have been impossible to achieve will be proven that it is possible. Like for say, ending any fight with nothing but a single strike?

That's only if they can believe the method to attain such power.

For example, an important figure approaching you says that if you want to be strong, then you had to do an excruciatingly difficult workout by doing the following muscle exercises, then increasing the total amount you later needed to each passing day until you are strong enough to overpower or be on par with your opponent/rival.

On the other hand, an average nobody will tell you that the secret to gain immeasurable strength is to perform a simple, training regiment by doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, then a 10-kilometer run every single day for three years with no air conditioning, a banana in the morning, will give you the power to end an opponent in one punch.

Out of these two, which one of them are you going to believe? The important historical figure that everyone looks up to, or the average nobody that no one recognizes at all? The answer is pretty obvious if your someone who has been taught at an early age that something simple doesn't lead to a fantastic result.

In the words of an unknown individual:

"It's the most simplest and obvious of answers that result in the greatest of achievements discovered by mankind"

For the short summary of what's being hinted, this is it:

Don't look for the difficult answers, rather, just focus on the obvious.

That's what this story is about, to show that even one average, mediocre kid can have the most important role in life.

This is his story.




These three things are what describe this individual as they rode on a bus, headed towards what will be the individual's designated high school. This person's name was Tsukune Aono, and he was about as average as a human being can get. He is a 15 year old teenager, with brown hair with similarly brown eyes, and had flunked his high school entrance exam. It didn't really get to him though, he just brushed it off like it was another daily thing that occurred in his oh so average life. His parents however, were distraught with the knowledge of their son being a potential dropout.

Tsukune didn't really care about his education to be honest, thinking that it would just get in his way of his real goal. But if it's to get a successful future with little trouble of getting a good job, then he'll attend this academy. Hopefully it will suit his tastes as well, if not then he'll just have to suck it up and deal with it like a mature person. Which he secretly hopes doesn't happen.

It's also worth mentioning again that he is a major mediocre, including having little to no hobbies or specialties.

Well, that's only if sending your enemies flying with a single punch didn't count as one.

Or if saving other people from human/inhuman threats by being a part-time hero also didn't count as a hobby either.

Or in a long summary, Tsukune Aono wasn't just a normal human going to a private academy that's basically cut off from the rest of civilization, he is a human that can apparently end any fight with just one punch. Reason why, a series of events took place when he was a first year student at his junior high school that lead to him to train for three years to the point that he had gained unbelievable strength and power.

'But, why is it that I feel so empty? I got what I wanted, I have the means to protect everyone I care about. What else is missing? What's wrong with me?'

(One Punch Man OST - Theme of ONE PUNCH MAN ~Sadness~)

Unfortunately, this also resulted in him developing a self-existential crisis. The problem? He's become too strong.

About the day he was motivated to become strong, he had his first encounter with a monster that he once thought existed in myths before, making him realize that the world is a lot bigger than he assumed it to be. During the first year of his training, he encountered a few more monsters either by coincidence or by accident. They were in separate different classes, mostly C and B-Classes. A-Class monsters were a rare occasion.

He once fought an S-Class monster in his first year of training that proved to be a bit too much for him to handle, luckily he pulled through. Throughout the three years of his training, his encounter with them depended if they wished harm on humans. The fighting became a bit more, less challenging the more he continued on with his training.

They became easier and easier to beat until all it took was just one hit to end them for good. Eventually, he had forgotten both the feeling of thrill in a battle with another opponent and excitement. This also resulted in his emotions being dulled severely, as a result giving him a sense of apathy.

His problems didn't end there, for his strength had piled more onto his shoulders. He had to be careful on how much force he would use in every action he made, if he used too much then he could cause more harm than good. Even if it was either intentional or unintentional.

The last time he used too much of his strength by accident a couple of mountains disappeared from the map. It also caused a 5.1 magnitude earthquake to occur.

He was relieved when the news showed that there weren't any casualties. Him being the cause for so many injured and dead wasn't a suitable thought for his conscience. He was also glad that the authorities didn't trace the damage back to him, because the last thing he wants is paying off the destruction by doing community service for a good chunk of his life. That, and he didn't want to make his parents and Kyouko sad because of his mistake.

'I became so powerful no one can beat me. Before, I'd have all kinds of emotions whirling inside.'

Anyways, Tsukune continued to stare outside the window of the bus with his hand on his chin, witnessing the scenery pass by like a blur. That's if you were a human with untrained eyes; Tsukune didn't fall in that category. He can run much faster than this bus can, even if it's speedometer maxed out, he can still outrun it with ease. He's not exactly saying it because he was arrogant, but because he can outrun it.

"Why can't I just run to the academy?" Tsukune asked himself. It would certainly save him time, especially the odd bus driver's time. It wasn't until he remembered why he chose not to.

"That's right, I don't where it's at," he felt a bit stupid for thinking that. His train of thought, however, was cut to a complete stop due to the bus driver addressing him.

"Hey kid... you're one of the new students enrolling at Youkai Academy, right?"

"Sure, what about it?"

"He he... well, I was going to warn you to watch out for where you're headed, but one look at you tells me that you're not someone who should be underestimated with," The bus driver finished with an eerily cryptic tone. Also showing off his glowing eyes.

"Why? What's there to watch out for?" Tsukune asked with a raised eyebrow. Mostly because of the bus driver's glowing eyes. If his emotions weren't dulled, he would've been extremely unnerved by the sight of them. Sadly, he wasn't.

"You'll find out when we arrive at the stop," replied the bus driver.

Tsukune just left it at that and continued to look out the window with his bored, plain face present.

Many people who met him swore that his face was very unusual. It remains the same as before, except that the irises and pupils are pinpricks on his eyes and their half-lidded most of the time. When they return to their original shape, size and color, then he has on his "normal" face.

'Fear, tension, joy, anger... I feel none of them anymore. In exchange for power, maybe I lost something that's essential for making me human.'

Tsukune simply sighed, though if anyone else was on the bus, they would have noted that he seemed... a bit melancholic to say the least. Appearing as though a heavy burden was placed on his shoulders and has no one to help share that same burden.

A month before he was registered, he had become less lively than how he used to be, depressed even, and it greatly worried his parents & his cousin, Kyouko. As mentioned before, his emotions have been repressed permanently a lot that day.

The day he realized he became too powerful.

Oh sure, he now had finally gotten the means to protect his loved one's, but what did that leave him? He'd always find the same answer whenever he thinks back to the time he had gotten too strong.


Absolutely nothing.

Nothing as in, he'll no longer feel the euphoric feeling of adrenaline rushing throughout his system while being pushed to his absolute limit.

Gone were the days of fighting with his heart hammering in his chest, gone were the days when his family's life and his own would be on the line while training to get stronger. Each time he fought a new monster, he would get progressively stronger with each new encounter. The battle wounds became less frequent until he reached the point where he would always come out unscathed.

At first, he was happy that he managed to overpower any threat that wanted to hurt innocent people, but later on, the happiness slowly began to wear off and was instead replaced with boredom.

That statement may come off as selfish, seeing as he trained for the sole purpose to keep everyone safe and sound, but hey he also had needs he wanted to fulfill. Sadly, he may never get what he wants most.

'Dread, panic, rage...'

After his three year training regiment, he now fully understood the meaning of the term "there's a price to pay for everything in life". Maybe this is the price he paid for when he desired to get power when he was at his lowest point in life. Lose his emotions and everything that made him who he is, in turn for getting incredible power at the end.

'... but now all I need is one punch to end it.'

Tsukune's mind continued to wander off during his glum daydreaming. His bored face never changing, even if he did his best to at least admire the scenery passing by.

'Sometimes I come home washing my hands after encountering and fighting one or two monsters every week or month that try to hurt people for no reason. Or if they just do it to satisfy their twisted desires.'

He now wonders if there really is anything that can give the thrill he truly desires. The feeling of his heart beating rapidly is what he missed most. But family & friends came first, it's an oath that he swore he would uphold no matter how much he wanted to selfishly fulfill his desires.

To put it short & bluntly, being overpowered as fuck took out all the excitement in life and that's why he acts like he's barely got any emotions.

'As long as I get a thrill out of it, in the end that's all that really matters. But that only comes in second, family always comes first.'

(End music)

It was then that he had an imaginary light bulb appear and float above his head.

"Hey bus driver dude, I've been meaning to ask you..."


"When you were about to warn me to watch out but chose not to, it's because the academy isn't safe or normal for human standards, isn't it?" Tsukune asked with an obviously questionable tone in his voice.

The bus driver didn't respond back after the question was asked, only silence and the sound of the bus engine and wheels whirring was all he got for a response. It was only after a few minutes had passed did the brown-haired boy finally got a response from the weird bus driver. More specifically, the sound of his eerie chuckling reaching his ears.

"Heheheheheh... how did you know?" The bus driver asked but with more creepiness added in his tone.

"I guessed, nothing special about that," Tsukune replied back, shrugging as if it really wasn't special. Which it wasn't in Tsukune's standards.


'This bus driver is really weird, I hope he isn't a super weirdo,' Tsukune thought with a small sweatdrop. More silence passed between the only occupants within the confines of the vehicle. The teenager decided to just take a small nap in hopes that it'll shorten the amount of time it would normally take to get to the academy in his perspective of time. Closing his eyes, he relaxed and patiently waited for the feeling of sleep to take over. That is if the bus driver didn't choose that moment to get his attention once more by asking him a question.

"Kid, I've got to ask, when the hell did you start sticking out like a sore thumb on the whole planet?" This however, only confused Tsukune.

"What do you mean?" He honestly had no idea what the creepy bus driver was talking about. If he meant sticking out of the crowd easily, then he was mistaken. I mean, how could an average nobody like him stick out of the crowd with no effort?

"I mean why do you have so much power contained inside?" The bus driver asked again, but in a way that can be understood.

In a normal perspective, Tsukune seemed ordinary by human standards. However, if you look at him in a different one, then you'll see that he is by no means "normal". In the bus drivers point of view, he saw it. He saw so much power being poured out from that boy.

It was unbelievable, to think that a human, a mere human, is capable of having so much power to make other monsters look like newborns in comparison. Hell, he didn't even think if the legendary S-Class Vampires could match up to him in terms of power.

One thing was certain, he would no doubt flip both the human and monster realms upside down in the near future.

"Oh, I just trained for three years straight," Tsukune said. Silence greeted his ears.

"You just trained? That's it? No genetic enhancement, or some kind of satanic ritual?"

"Yep, that's it. I just trained, not much of a big deal or anything." Once again, silence greeted the brown-haired boy's ears. Tsukune was genuinely getting a bit tired of it. It made things super awkward. Fortunately, the bus driver had once again pierced the absence of sound with his weirdo-ish chuckling. But this time there was another hidden tone in his chuckling.

It was an amused tone.

"Heheheheheheh... kid, you're an interesting fellow. I can see why the headmaster took a huge interest in you."

"Uh, thanks...I guess?" Tsukune was unsure whether to take it as a compliment or not.

"By the way, we're almost to the academy. We just need to pass through the tunnel and we'll arrive at your destination," just like he said, they were, in fact, approaching a tunnel as they spoke. Soon darkness overtook inside the bus.

"Almost forgot to tell you one important thing that you should know," the bus driver had started while in the midst of pitch-black darkness.

"Hm? What is it?" Tsukune asked with a raised eyebrow. His response was the bus driver looking towards him, his glowing eyes seemingly being the only sources of illumination. He also noticed from the front window that they are about to exit the tunnel, if the approaching light ahead was any indication.

"...Just don't make too much of a mess there, heheheheheheh..." The bus driver said, grinning with his cigar clenched between his teeth. Tsukune only replied with his most simplest of replies, his infamous plain face present and all.


Then the light at the end of the tunnel blinded everything momentarily.

The blinding light ceased and the bus exited the tunnel from the other side. The vehicle stopped next to a scarecrow which was next to a rotting tree with its branches bare of leaves; crows were perched on the branches. The doors opened, revealing the bus driver who did it...obviously.

"We're here kid, time to get off board," the bus driver said. The only response he got was the sound of light snoring coming from where his only passenger is seated at. Using the top bus mirror, he witnessed Tsukune, in all his average glory, asleep with his head supported upright with his right hand.

(One Punch Man OST - Comical Dance)

The brown-haired boy looked somewhat peaceful with his eyes closed, his mouth barely open and a snot bubble that shrunk & expanded on the same interval as his breathing. The bus driver continued to look at the scene before him with a neutral frown, all traces of his grin completely nonexistent, almost as though he had never grinned before within his entire lifespan. The only sound heard was the low rumbling of the bus engine.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, is what went on between the bus driver staring and the first year student snoozing when he should be on his way towards his new school.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, is what went on as the staring intensified and the dreaming more pleasant by the seconds.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, came a stray thought to the bus driver as to how much change this modern human, the subspecies of Homo Sapiens can cause just by his mere presence; a dream about sales day discounts occurred in the boys mind.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, is what went on as a hand slowly hovered above the honking function of the bus; a boy dreamt that they got all the items they wanted thanks to the bargain sale.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, is what went on when the sound of a very loud horn went off. Bloodshot eyes opened when the annoying sound similar to a bothersome alarm clock reached the first year students eardrums.

At first, brown eyes stayed completely static in place; cerebral organ connected to squishy visuals processed what had occurred. Jumbles of stray thoughts and memories were tossed around, attempting to make sense of all this confusion going on. When all had made sense, the eyes of one human suddenly locked on towards the culprit responsible for his disturbance, the one who interrupted him when he was just about to get the pack of meat necessary for tonight's dinner. A grin is what he noticed form on the bus driver's face.

The teenager never once noticed, until now how a grin like that looked so punchable right now. Temptation grew in the pits of Tsukune's consciousness, the feeling of something falling by his fist is sort of like someone experiencing the effects of a highly addictive drug. His addictive drug right now is ridding that grin for good, that bane of his existence.

He fucking interrupted his pleasant dream of grocery shopping at bargain day alright? Catching on to the look within the eyes of his 'what if' executioner, the bus driver placated the boy why he was awoken.

"We've arrived sonny boy, best head on towards the academy if you don't want to be late on the first day," said the bus driver. A few more seconds of some more intense staring before Tsukune stifled a yawn, getting up to stretch for a bit while rubbing his eyes, and finally getting his school bag and backpack. He was soon off the bus and beside the scarecrow that pointed towards his new school. He was about to head on towards the building of learning, if not for the bus driver calling out to him one last time before he drove off.

"Remember what I said, don't make too much of a mess there, heheheheheheh..." He reminded with his signature eerie chuckling. The bus doors closed, and the bus drove towards the tunnel once more. Tsukune was now all alone, who was busy observing the environment around him; the blood red ocean reminded him of that one American film called Jaws.

It was at this time that the surrounding scenery had decided to scare the wits out of the brown-haired boy. Out of nowhere, a chorus of howls and cawing were introduced to Tsukune's eardrums, making him look around in confusion. Crows flew overhead, cawing nonstop. The wolves howled to their hearts content. The crackle of lightning from the dark clouds above rumbled the sky. The symphony of caws, howls, and crackling would have most definitely spooked a normal person.

Fortunately, Tsukune was no longer considered normal if anyone knew the truth about him. With his plain face on, he raised his right fist, and punched the air above him. If he wasn't so strong, that punch wouldn't have meant shit to the environment. But he was strong; ridiculously strong to be exact, and the force behind that punch caused the clouds above him and beyond to disperse to nothingness; the speed it went at is Mach 4.

This also caused a sonic boom to occur, sending out a loud shockwave as a result. It also made the scarecrow and the tree beside it to shake, and the crows perched on the branches to fly away in panic.

(End music)

The sounds from before all ceased after Tsukune's little "demonstration" of power. Every animal in the vicinity now had fear filling them up, their instincts telling them that the individual beside the scarecrow isn't something to be trifled with. Not wanting to further anger the human exuding all that power, they remained silent.

Tsukune however, was confused as to where all the noise suddenly went, but was glad it stopped because it was slowly getting on his nerves. With nothing interesting left to look at from his stop, he walked on the academy. As he walked, he had the sudden urge to speak out his thoughts. Since no one is around, he didn't see the harm in doing it.

"Man, I feel like I'm in a Tim Burton film. Wait, scratch that. It's more like someone was inspired by him to make this place," he said while walking. He wasn't going to lie, the atmosphere here was something that could only come from one of Tim Burton's many films. The surrounding leafless trees and tombstones on the sides of the dirt path he was walking on seemed to further prove his point; either that or he was wrong.

'Could be either one,' Tsukune thought. Just as he finished that one thought, his hearing picked up another sound from behind. The sound was reminiscent to him, something that was obvious and unforgettable, like the sound of wheels turning and moving on terrain. Along with the faint sounds of pedaling.

The sound of a bike approaching.


Tsukune looked behind to see who made that verbal warning, and when he did, time slowed down. It should be noted that this isn't one of those love at first site meetings that usually happen in movies or novels or whatever. No, the reason why time is going so slow is because of Tsukune's heightened reflexes due to the fast approaching object moving towards him.

Well, not really. It still would have been too slow for him if time wasn't going at a snails pace.

He didn't have time-bending powers of any sort, mind you. But it's more of his perception of time that made him think that it was going slow. The intake of information to be exact. It's been proven in studies that the brain takes up a whole bunch of information that can affect our perception of time. Any new information that is gathered within the regions of the senses can take time to process, not to mention that it has to be rearranged in a form that can be understood. Familiar information goes a lot faster.

So, the scene before Tsukune is something new to him. Because a girl with a lot of pink hair is speeding towards him, with absolutely no signs of slowing down has never happened before in the 15 years he was alive.

Doing the first thing that came to mind, he stretched the arm that wasn't holding his school bag towards the bike the girl is riding on. His hand in a 'stop' motion, because if it wasn't obvious, he planned on stopping the bike with his bare hand. This would be one of the most stupidest things to do if a normal person tried to stop a speeding object approaching at high speeds, luckily for the protagonist, he wasn't "normal" as he's said so in the past before.

When the front of the bike met his open palm, all the speed and momentum it had gained from its users reckless pedaling was all gone, and instead passed on to its user; time also resumed to normal in Tsukune's perception of reality. The girl riding the bike was lurched forward, carrying the momentum she gained in her reckless pedaling as the non-living, inanimate bike once mentioned.

Luckily for her, she didn't get a rough welcome from the dirt road itself. Too bad for her, she instead had her forehead collide with the brown-haired boy's forehead.

Both boy and girl had different expressions on their faces. Boy had a blank, half-lidded calm expression. Girl had a shocked expression because of the obvious pain flaring through her head. Both had expressions that were polar opposites to each other okay?

Or in a summarized term, a very odd first meeting of a lifetime.


Tsukune blinked, then blinked again, and continued to blink until he reached the tenth one. Okay, so to recap all this, he punched away some clouds, took a nice stroll through a dirt road with dead trees and tombstones everywhere, and finally a girl crashed into him by accident and had unintentionally butted heads with him.

Oh, and it caused the pinkette great cranial damage as well if her gripping her forehead is any indication, slumping in her bicycle seat all the while.

His attention on her was immediate, a person was in physical pain because of him; it was more unintentional and accidental than intentional and purposely. But still, he had to rectify the situation so as to avoid any kind of unnecessary conflict, the last thing he wanted right now is having a bad day by needlessly arguing with someone.

"Hey miss, are you okay?" Tsukune asked, hoping that an argument wouldn't follow. The girl must've heard him, because she stopped her slight shaking and loosened her grip on her forehead. A few seconds pass before she finally looked up and made eye contact with him.

There were many things that Tsukune would be honest about, he could be honest about somethings, like how bargain day at his local supermarket were one of the greatest things to happen. He could be honest enough for him to say that he's not the Mr. Perfect that some people expected him to be.

Hell, he could be honest about many things, except for some sensitive topics from his life. Right now, he was honest enough to say that the girl in front of him is, hands down, cute. Her green eyes seemed to fit her right, like a certain trait that seemed to fit most people. Her face just screamed cute. Hell, everything about this girl was cute, no matter how many traits he tried to identify from her.

However, that wasn't what he was paying attention to mostly. His attention was focused mainly on the fucking anime background from behind her. He had no idea why such a thing was even there in front of him to begin with. He guessed that it most likely emphasized the pinkette's cuteness and beauty.

Why such a thing like that exists, he didn't know. Going along with it is the best idea right now; trying to figure it out would just give him a migraine.

"Cute..." He muttered without thinking.

"Excuse me?" The girl asked.

"Oh, uh, sorry. I meant to ask if you were okay," Tsukune said, wanting to avoid being awkward and sounding like a weirdo.

"Oh! Yes I'm okay, my head just hurts a bit is all."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Tsukune rubbed the back of his head sheepishly with a small smile.

"Don't worry about it. It was clumsy of me to crash my bike into you," the girl replied with a similarly sheepish smile. Also, speaking about crashing bikes into teenagers-that-end-any-fight-in-one-punch...

"Why did you crash your bike into me?" Tsukune asked curiously. The girl in front of him didn't look like anyone that would have a hobby of crashing bikes into people for a living. That is, unless of course that's saying hello where she comes from.

"Oh, that's because of my anemia. I got dizzy while I was riding on my way to the academy," the girl explained while she got off her bike. Tsukune quirked an eyebrow at her explanation.

"I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be riding that bike if your suffering from a low amount of red blood cells," Tsukune pointed out. The girl averted his gaze a bit in embarrassment.

"I-I know, it's just that I didn't think it would hit sooner than I expected," the girl said while nervously scratching her cheek with her index finger.

"Well, can you still walk?"

"Um, I think so," Tsukune didn't buy it for a second, but he left it at that. However, not even a minute passes before the girl lost her balance; she also lost her grip on her bike, making it fall as well. Luckily, Tsukune caught her before she hit the ground. Though he dropped his school bag in the process.

She really shouldn't be standing if her anemia is this bad.

"Hey, I think it's best if you get some rest. You shouldn't push yourself like that," Tsukune warned her, hints of worrying for her safety hidden in his tone. Even though they just met; albeit in an odd way, he still considered protecting innocents his top priority.

Meanwhile, the pinkette was struggling to regain her focus, but the low amount of red blood cells in her system was making it difficult for her. Her current dizziness didn't make things any easier. Her mind becoming all the more hazy as her struggling continued. Not to mention that being in close proximity to the boy holding her was giving her a good whiff of his scent.

It was intoxicatingly great, she could only imagine of what his blood may taste like. Without thinking at all, she caved in to her temptation, nearing the brown-haired boy's neck.

"I... I'm sorry..." Tsukune raised an eyebrow. What was she sorry for? Is it because she accidentally tried to run him over with her bike? If it was that, then there's no need to apologize for that. If something didn't physically hurt him, then there was no need to apologize. "... It's just 'cuz..." Unknown to Tsukune, The girl's canines were revealed to be a lot sharper and pointier than a human's. "...I'm a Vampire," she then sunk her fangs into his neck, where the jugular vein was located at.

Tsukune's whole body tensed, along with his hand balling into a fist out of reflex. His eyes widened slightly in surprise. Two factors were the cause of this. One was because in the first year of his training he had once encountered a vampire, needless to say the situation turned rather ugly in the end.

He'll be honest, the vampire gave him a hard time; those broken ribs, deep slashes and a broken left arm were previous proof of the little 'scuffle' he had with the S-Class monster. Fortunately, like all the other monsters he previously fought, he came out as the victor. Before he could deal the killing blow, the vampire managed to escape. Him and vampires don't really mix well, until now that is.

Two, the now identified vampire girls' fangs were piercing his skin. It may sound like it's not really a big deal, considering how it's common logic that anything sharp and pointy can pierce through skin. This is one of those moments where Tsukune can consider something a big deal. He's making a big deal out of the situation he's in because after his three years of training, absolutely nothing was able to pierce his skin. For example, when he had gotten strong enough, there was nothing that could damage him; he could still feel it, but it wouldn't hurt in the slightest.

He's dealt with some typical crooks who would wave a knife around like it's a toy, just to get their point across while issuing a robbery. He would be on the scene if it's by some coincidence or if he catches wind of it. If said crook stabs him with their knife all because he refused to to as they said, the knife either bends or shatters on impact and they get knocked out with a weak chop to the neck.

On the other hand, monsters with sharp claws that could rend a human in seconds weren't able to break his skin either and would instead end up as piles of mutilated flesh on the ground. In other words, sharp weapons couldn't put a scratch on him, but a cute vampire girl's fangs are able to pierce through his skin as if he never spent those few years training to get strong. That's why Tsukune is making such a big deal out of this within his noggin.

Speaking of the vampire girl, she seemed to be at peace drinking his blood. Every six or ten seconds; give or take, she would make these small, quiet moans that leaned towards cute instead of sultry or lust filled, along with a 'chuu' sound.

Another stray thought went through. If anyone were watching this scene unfold in the middle of the dead forest riddled with tombstones, they would think that the girl was giving the boy a hickey.

Wanting to prevent such a misunderstanding to occur, Tsukune hastily, but gently pushed the pinkette off of him; geting a free trip around the world is the last thing he wanted for her to happen. The girl let out a sound of protest, along with a cute pout.

"Why... did you do that?" Tsukune asked, feeling confused while placing a hand to the area he'd been bitten on. The girl suddenly had a look of realization before bowing profusely.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking straight! I couldn't help myself!" The girl continued to apologize continuously. Tsukune was still dumbfounded, not sure on how to respond. He could scold her for doing that, but that would be pretty mean of him.

"That's... fine, really. Wait, how did you do that?" The brown-haired boy suddenly asked, along with a questioning look in his eyes.

"I, uh, bit you?" the vampire girl's answer came out more as a question instead.

"No, I mean how were your fangs able to pierce my skin?" He asked again.

"Because, they're sharp and pointy?"

"No, see my skin is really hard to put a scratch on, and no monster has been able to break through it. Your fangs were able to pierce through them like it's nothing, so I'm asking you how you did it."

"Oh! Well, I just sank my fangs in. That's all," Tsukune didn't look convinced. So he opted for a different option.

"Let me see your fangs," he ordered.

"What?" She was caught off guard by that order.

I need to see them and check a hypothesis I had just now," the girl was unsure whether to comply or not. Then she remembered she drank his blood without his consent, so the least she could do is repay him by cooperating. She opened her mouth, just wide enough that her canines were in full view. Tsukune then began the simple process of observing them, while getting into a thinking pose; it was just his hand under his chin.

After some observing happens, he then pressed his right index finger against the pointy end of one of her fangs to see if it'll break the skin.

A few seconds pass and the fang still hasn't pierced his finger, he then pulls it back along with the pinkette closing her mouth. 'Hmm, maybe it's the side of my neck?' He thought to himself, remembering how her fangs pierced through them with ease. "Okay, I want you to hit me on the side of my neck as hard as you can," he said.

"Um, okay?" The girl was now both confused and unsure, but went along with it. With as much force as she could muster, she swung her hand in a chopping motion towards his exposed neck.

The hit connected, and at first nothing happened. Then she withdrew her hand and quickly cradled it, her face was contorted into pain. Tsukune looked on with a look of regret, mentally berating himself. Just how stupid was he? He had gotten her hurt again, what kind of a person was he to let that happen again? He shook his head, now wasn't the time to start blaming, he had to check if she didn't break her hand.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked, concerned for her wellbeing. Again, they just met, but he was just that nice.

"Yeah, it just hurts," she replied. She winced a bit when she flexed it a bit.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to do that," he apologized while rubbing the back of his head.

"It's okay, really. It doesn't hurt as much now," the vampire girl responded. The brunette then had a look of realization.

Oh, I just remembered! We haven't introduced ourselves yet. The name's Tsukune Aono, put 'er there," he offered his right hand. The girl had on a bright smile on her face at the introduction.

"Well nice to meet you Tsukune! My name is Moka Akashiya," she gripped his hand with her own, and noted how his grip seemed... too gentle to say the least. Like he was doing his best effort to not crush her hand by accident.

Perhaps it was because his was slightly calloused compared to her own soft hand. Anyways, after greeting each other through the simplest of handshakes, the brunette jabbed his thumb behind him.

"Hey, we should get going to the academy if we don't want to be late," at the mention of the academy, Moka perked up.

"That's right! I can't believe I forgot," so with all said and done, both picked up their respective items and proceeded to continue their path towards their new school.

A couple of minutes pass before Moka asks Tsukune a question to which in her opinion was important. "Um, Tsukune, what do you think of vampires?" She asked timidly. This made Tsukune stop in his tracks with a distant look in his eyes. The silence was slowly beginning to get to Moka, along with a small sliver of nervousness making its way inside of her. It wasn't long before the brunette answered her question.

"To tell the truth, I actually met one two years ago before I came here," he admitted. Moka now became interested, she wanted to know who this vampire was that he knew.

"Really? What were they like?" She asked curiously. Tsukune still had that distant look in his eyes, he looked oddly at peace.

Inside was a whole different story. That memory was burned into his mind, no matter how much he tried to forget- he did forget it, but her question made him remember. He can still hear the exchange of words between him and the western monster as though they were spoken not too long ago.

(One Punch Man OST - Kai)

"Hah... looks like I win," Tsukune panted out with a grin on his face despite the ghastly wounds on his body, his blue tracksuit in tatters. The whole area surrounding him and his defeated opponent was littered with smoking craters, deep trenches, uprooted trees and dirt, and decimated buildings that surrounded them.

Behind him were his parents and cousin, who looked on in disbelief at the scene before them. Hidden from plain view was the vampire that tried to attack his family; only their silhouette was visible from the cloud of dust and smoke. Brown eyes locked onto red slitted ones, which were also visible from the makeshift smokescreen and were oddly glowing. After a long silence between them, the vampire spoke.

"I never expected a human to have so much power," the vampire's voice sounded like that of a young woman's. It sounded eerily calm despite the wounds she suffered.

"Well you shouldn't underestimate anyone that looks normal," he replied while clutching his left arm.

"Big talk coming from someone who's having trouble even standing up," she retorted back in the same calm voice.

"These are mere scratches," his grin remained unwaveringly strong. "This is nothing compared to what I went through to get this strong."

"Hmph. If that's the case, then be prepared for what's about to come in a few years," Tsukune raised an eyebrow as his grin turned into a neutral frown.

"What do you mean?"

"It's best if you find out for yourself. Until then, get stronger. Although it'll all just be in vain in the end," she finished with a mocking tone.

Tsukune's face hardened, then walked to the vampire. He had no intention on letting her live, just like she had no intention on letting his family live. He raised his good arm and balled his hand to a fist, ready to end his family's assassin.

Before he could throw a punch, the vampire mustered up her remaining strength to throw dust into the brunette's eyes before escaping. Tsukune rubbed his eyes with his arm, trying to get the dust out of them. When he finished, he looked to see the vampire was gone. He let out a long sigh, before falling towards the pavement with a smile on his face.

"TSUKUNE!" His parents and cousin cried out while running towards him, highly concerned for his current state. Before he blacked out, this is what he thought.

'I need to get stronger. Looks like I just have to continue training,' before he knew it, three pairs of arms wrapped around him as he fell into a deep slumber.

(End music)

"I... got into a fight with them," he finally answered. Moka was slightly surprised, wanting to know what happened next she asked the brunette the result of his encounter with the vampire he fought.

"What happened next?"

"I won against them. Not much of a big deal," Tsukune answered with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. To Moka this was sort of a big deal.

Emphasis on sort of. She had been taught early in her life that vampires were the strongest monsters to walk the Earth. So to hear that her new friend; she was unsure if they were friends or not, was able to go toe-to-toe with the strongest S-Class monster and win was... not really surprising to be honest.

It is commonly known among monsters that the only way to take down an S-Class monster would have to be another one of the same class. Could he be a powerful S-Class monster as well?

"And to answer your question, I don't have problems with vampires in general," he said. He never held any hatred towards other monsters, he only fought for and killed them because they tried to kill innocents for the sake of their amusement. That didn't mean all of them were inherently bad. He met a few monsters who wished to coexist with humans and were quickly befriended by him.

One monster in particular who wanted to be his disciple was one of them. Speaking of his disciple, how was he now that the brunette won't be back for some time?

"Really?! That's great! So, if you're okay with me, please be my friend. I was feeling really lonely since I'm not familiar with anyone here."

"Okay, if that's what you want," Tsukune replied with his usual plain tone. And so both walked to the academy that they'll be staying at for the next three years. One of them unaware of the change the other would bring and the havoc that followed him.

(Guitar Bridge No.1)

Tsukune's fist rapidly closes in on his opponent before making contact, obliterating them and a large portion of the academy behind the newest victim of his punch. Moka hastily drags him away from the scene before they could get in trouble for property damage.