Oh how I missed SVU! The premier was amazing and provided plenty of tuckson inspiration. A couple more chapters in Paris and then back to the real world.

Despite having to adjust to the time difference and only getting a few hours of sleep Olivia slowly was pulled from her slumber feeling relaxed and at peace. She was resting on her side as Ed was draped around her, his head buried between the pillow and her shoulder his arms wrapped securely around her waist and their legs tangled together. Based on his breathing she knew he was still sleeping and based on the quiet of the suite she knew Noah was too.

They had spent their first glorious night in Paris and what a way to start their vacation. Well after Noah was in bed and the bet was settled Olivia and Ed found comfort in each other as they explored the foreign bed. While their first time was filled with passion and romance their follow up performances were filled with jokes, laughter and fun.

"What are you doing awake," Ed asked voice dangerously deep from barely being conscious and incredibly sexy?

"Dunno just woke up," she responded with a happy sigh as she felt Ed kiss her shoulder.

Olivia was practically purring as Ed kissed from one shoulder blade to the other and started working his way up her neck. She turned slightly so her back was resting against the mattress allowing Ed to settle on top of her.

"Morning," he smiled before giving her a soft kiss.

"Morning," she returned the kiss. "As much as I would like to continue this…I really need to check on Noah. I am surprised he isn't awake yet."

"You stay I will go check on him," he said giving her another kiss before slipping on a pair of boxers and leading out of the room.

Olivia snuggled back into the pillows and blankets enjoying these last few minutes she would have in bed before her day started. It was just after 8 in the morning and as much as she would enjoy it, she didn't want to stay in bed all day. Her peace was quickly replaced with worry when Ed returned with Noah in his arms, the little boy has tears running down his cheeks.

"What's wrong," she asked quickly sitting up thankful she had put Ed's shirt on last night?

"He has apparently been awake for a little bit but was scared he didn't know where he was."

"Oh my sweet boy I am so sorry," she said bringing her son onto her lap.

"I call mama," Noah sniffled.

Olivia's heart broke as her son's tearful admission.

"Oh baby I am so, so sorry," she said cuddling and kissing his tears away. "I promise that won't ever happen again…we need to set up the monitor tonight," Olivia said to Ed to make sure it was done before Noah went to bed that night.

"Absolutely," Ed said crawling back into bed snuggling the two in his arms. "And Noah and I will do a couple walk through to make sure he knows exactly how to get to us and he won't be so scared tomorrow," he said kissing Noah's head.

"That sounds like a good plan. You hungry baby…want some breakfast?"

"Brefest," Noah said with a smile.

"How about we all get ready to go out and we find a little café and then we can go to Luxembourg Gardens," Ed suggested?

"Sounds perfect."

"Perfect," Noah echoed his previous tears now long forgotten.

While the adults were still feeling the jetlag Noah was fully adjusted and ready to hit the ground running. They found a small café and sat outside which provided Noah plenty of distractions and entertainment in this new environment.

"I wish there were places like this in New York," Olivia said with a content sigh as she sipped her latte.

"There are places like this in New York the problem is they are surrounded by a lot more noise and people in a hurry to get someplace unimportant," Ed huffed.

"Ok grump old man," joked nudging him with her leg.

"Who you calling old," he asked playfully poking her sides causing her to burst out in laughter.

This caught Noah's attention and he wanted in on the action and wiggled off his chair and over to him mom. He followed Ed's actions and while they didn't have the same effect on her, Olivia continued to laugh with her son.

"Are you trying to gang up on me sweet boy? I thought you were on my side," she countered tickling him back causing the little boy a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"Mama tickles," he gasped out. "Help," he treated to the safety of Ed's arms.

Ed adjusted the young boy on his lap turning him so his back was to his chest and he could wrap a protective arm around his waist.

"Oh you think you're so smooth because Ed saved you huh," Olivia smiled at the proud look on her sons face that only grew with her acknowledgment. "I'll remember this little man you never know when the tickle monster will return," she said attempting to tickle him again but Ed playfully blocked her.

"You ready to hit the playground bud."

"Swing," he asked?

"Oh there are swings, slides, jungle gyms, trucks, trains, ponds and so much more," Ed said getting more and more excited as Noah's eyes grew with innocent wonder.

"We go now," Noah jumped down and acted like he knew exactly where to go to get to Luxembourg Gardens.

"Whoa sweet boy first we need to pay and then potty and we can go," Olivia announced as they had been working on potty training and she didn't want him to regress.

"Here," Ed said giving her some money. "You want to wait for the waiter and I will take him to the bathroom."

"Are you ok to do that," she asked as he had never taken Noah to the bathroom in public before?

"If I am not back in ten minutes send the search party," he joked taking Noah's hand before the venture into the building.

Olivia couldn't help but smile as she watched her two guys go. Going to the bathroom was such a small thing but it was such a fatherly thing to do. The waiter came and Olivia paid the bill telling him to keep the change. He left with a happy smile on his face but that was nothing compared the grin she saw her son sporting. She could see Ed chuckling slightly as they got closer and Noah was clearly excited to share their bathroom adventures.

"Mama mama guess what," Noah said placing his hands on her knees and bouncing in front of her?

"What baby," she asked laughing already at her son's excitement.

"I pee standing up," he announced proudly.

"You did," she over excitedly asked.

"Uh-huh the potty against the wall and goes to the floor."

"They had urinals in there…I thought about putting him on the toilet but they looked so big compared to him and I didn't want him to fall in or have some bad experience. I hope that's ok," Ed said suddenly nervous.

"Ed of course it is ok," she said with a smile. "We have only done sitting on the potty because he is usually too little to stand up…looks like he had a good first experience standing up."

"First step standing up to pee second step writing our names in the snow," he smirked.

"Oh please spare me," she joked.

"Mama playground now," Noah asked tugging her hand?

"Ok, sweetie lets go," she said gathering their things. "Ed," she called out.

"Yeah," he asked preparing to help her with something?

"Thanks," she said giving him a kiss.


Once they arrived at the Garden's Noah was amazed at everything he saw. There was a lot of open space which the young boy was not use to even though he had spent plenty of time in central park. The paths where lines with trees, bushes and flowers all meticulously cared for. Seeing Noah's fascination with the overall beauty of the area they explored a little instead of going straight to the playground like they had planned.

"Whoa big building," Noah said pointing ahead of him.

"That is the Luxembourg Palace," Ed provided the information he was certain Noah would not retain.

"What a palace," his curious eyes looked up to one of the two people he thought had all the answers in the world?

"A palace is a really big house," he said keeping it as simple as possible.

"Wow someone live there?"

"Well, not anymore, but someone use to live there."


"Her name was Marie de' Medici and she was the Queen of France," Ed said thankful he read up on all the places he wanted to visit before they came. "She lived here with her son."

"We live here," Noah asked excited?

"Not on my salary," Ed joked but Noah didn't understand. "No one lives here anymore…people use it for business."

"Like police," Noah asked knowing only people that work for the police.

"Yeah like police," he responded.

Olivia and Ed watched as Noah took in his surroundings. He would run a few feet ahead of them to look at another flower or pick up sticks. Never venturing far, he would always turn back for his mom approval which he always got. Not wanting Noah to expend all his energy before they got to the playground Ed hoisted the small boy up on his shoulders.

"Whoa I big boy now," Noah said happily from his new vantage point.

"You're the biggest boy here," she confirmed loving hearing her son's laughter and joy.

"What do you say we head to the playground Noah."

"I say playground," he shouted.

As they approached the playground Noah got overly excited and started wiggling around. Not wanting to drop him, Ed quickly settled Noah on the ground and almost instantly he took off running.

"The equipment for the younger kids is in the front and the more advanced equipment is in the back," Ed explained reading the sign.

"I'm not sure Noah will even notice there is other equipment," Olivia laughed seeing her son immediately hop on a wood train set.

"That boy does love his trucks and trains," Ed smiled standing behind Olivia and wrapping his arms around her waist.

He never really thought about his future before but he was certain he never would have imagined this. Now though, he couldn't imagine his life without this. He held Olivia as she relaxed into his arms and they watched Noah running around the jungle gym equipment without a care in the world. It almost couldn't get better than this.

"Ed swing," Noah ran over to him grabbing his hand.

Ed glance at Olivia who nodded her head for him to go. Olivia followed taking some more pictures and videos of her two guys. Eventually they switched and Olivia pushed Noah while Ed documented the moment. After the swings Noah raced to the slides where he easily ran up and slide down 20 times. Noah also made sure to hit up the sandbox and found his way back into the jungle gym wanting to show his mom and Ed how he walked the rope bridge, crawled through tunnels and climbed into the tree house before going down the slide.

It was approaching noon and Noah had been going strong for a couple hours, but Liv knew her son was headed for an epic meltdown if he didn't get some lunch and a nap.

"Hey Noah we are going to go get something to eat ok," Olivia explained to her son.

"Ok mama I stay here," Noah responded not missing a beat.

"Oh nice try little man but you need some lunch too."

"I not hungy."

"I think you are hungry and you need your energy to keep playing right."

Noah looked at him mom not sure he liked her line of reasoning.

"We play after."

"We will play after, plus there are still some cool things we need to see," she said hoping to distract her son away from the playground.

Noah stood up and requested to be picked up by his mom. She obliged and they headed out of the playground. They stopped by the fountain and Noah was fascinated by the boats floating on top of the water. If her son wasn't so tired she knew he would request to stay longer but his head had sunk to her shoulder and his thumb was in his mouth. She knew if she didn't get food in him soon he would be asleep before he ate and she didn't want that.

"How about we get some food for him now because I don't think he makes it back to the hotel awake?"

"Yeah I saw a little pizza place just outside that should be quick," Ed said looking at Noah who was quickly losing the battle with consciousness.

"You want pizza Noah," she asked and kissed his head.

"Pizza," he whispered with a smile.

Olivia and Ed kept Noah engaged in a conversation as they made it to the pizzeria to keep him awake. They ordered him a regular slice of pizza and would worry about themselves once they got back to the hotel. It didn't come a moment too soon as Noah perked up just slightly to polish off the whole piece before promptly falling asleep.

Ed carried him and they took a taxi the short trip back to the hotel. Olivia took off his shoes and pulled off his pants leaving him in pulls ups and a t-shirt before Ed put him in bed.

"I am going to set up the monitor so we can see when he wakes up. Why don't you order us some lunch," she requested pretty hungry herself?

"Sounds like a plan…anything special you want?"

"Whatever you want is fine just get some extra bread and olive oil."

"Done," he said giving her a kiss.

Olivia connected her ipad to the wifi and worked on setting up the monitor. She did not a repeat of this morning and knew Noah would probably still be disoriented waking up from his nap. She walked into the living room area and set the ipad next to the couch.

"Everything good?"

"Yup, he should be out for at least an hour he was totally spent."

"He had so much fun this morning though," Ed smiled thinking back to the pure joy Noah experienced running around the new playground.

"He did and he loved showing off for you," she said giving him a kiss.

"I'm glad he likes me."

"Who are you kidding he loves you…I love you."

"I love Noah…and I love you too," he said giving her a kiss.

This kiss carried on for longer than they intended but this couldn't go to far as they were interrupted by a knock from room service.

"Ugh…to be continued," he questioned?

"Definitely to be continued."

Olivia answer the door and in rolled a fabulous tray of food and bread. She was on vacation and she was going to enjoy every single second of it. So far their short time in Paris had been amazing and she couldn't wait to see what else this city had to offer. She was honestly the happiest she had ever been.