AN: Warning - following chapter involves events that may jump the shark. To all readers on FFN: please refrain from mentioning these events in the reviews section on the version of this story. If you do not like them, then you are free to leave, but don't spoil them in the reviews - I am fine with people leaving my story because it does not match with their personal tastes, but I want them to judge it for themselves, not based on spoilers. Thank you for reading this.


Hurdling over a rock, Tristan raced after the team's animal compatriots, who were already zeroing in on the predator's location. The rest of the group was all around him, with Sean and Elise just slightly ahead of him, and Cassandra tailing just behind. With the stakes as high as they were, they was no room to dilly-dally here.

Suddenly, a pinging sound filled the air. Without stopping, Tristan fished his phone out of his pocket and stared at the screen, letting out a curse as he did so.

"What is it?" asked Elise.

"Nigel said they had a break out last night - one of the Dilophosaurus, Cooler, a Chinleosaurus, Theo, a Camerasaurus, a Dimetrodon, an Edaphosaurus, a Smilodon, and Martha all vanished. He thinks they might be headed up here."

"...Why the hell do these creatures fear the predators?"

"Hell if I know, but he wanted us warned."

"Well, that's a small comfort-look out!"

Acting on instinct, Tristan ducked and rolled, just in time to avoid a rock sailing through the air. While the rest of the group split up to avoid similar projectiles, Tristan turned his attention forward, wondering what had thrown the stone.

What he saw could best be described as manic chaos - the dinosaurs the team had arrived with were now engaged in battle with a huge variety of foes. Al was currently riding atop a bison-like machine, trying to tear through its armor into its circuitry. Nearby, Terence was fighting a troglodyte wyvern, of which there were two - the second duel with the prehistoric dragon in the skies above. The predator, meanwhile, found itself torn between fighting Cynthia the Coelophysis and a pack of wolves, who had brokered a temporary alliance to repel the invader. A second of the bison-bots was fighting the wooly rhino, while the humans already in the area were trying to oppose a group of the corpse eaters. So far, they were losing ground.

At the edge of the tree-line, just a little ways behind Terence and his opponent

Hearing a ferocious snarl, Tristan barely managed to avoid an attack by one of the corpse eaters, to which he responded by lighting a flare and shoving it at the beast, for it to retreat. Nearby, Terence ducked as the wyvern tried to stab him with its tail, and retaliated with a powerful headbutt. In the skies above, more pterosaur riders had arrived, and were now trying to relieve the dragon of having to fight its battle alone.

A menacing growl made Tristan freeze up, before turning to a nearby tree. There, to his shock, was another of the predators. And it had him dead in its sights.

Hastily, the security team opened fire, but the beast was too agile. Leaping down from the tree, it knocked one member of the guards aside, threw a second into a rock formation, and tackled a third to the ground, knocking her out. Not even bothering to finish them, it charged at Tristan, who barely managed to avoid its pounce. Unwilling to remain on the defensive, Tristan grabbed a nearby rock and hurled it at the creature, though the blow only minorly inconvenienced his foe. Now further enraged, the beast launched itself at him once again, only to accidentally be knocked away by Big Al, who had been thrown off his own opponent. Momentarily dazed, the predator would have been an easy kill for Al, but the dinosaur never noticed him, instead reengaging his primary opponent.

A pair of hisses made the humans grow rigid - looking back up to the trees, another pair of future predators had emerged. Just how many were left?!

The two leapt to the ground before anyone could fire and began circling around the humans, trying to reach Tristan. In his haste to move forward, he had separated himself from all but Cassandra, Elise, and Sean, and with those three having fallen back when he had ducked, he was now the isolated, obvious target.

The first one charged right at Tristan, only to be forced to retreat by a hail of bullets and tranquilizers. However, this drew the team's attention from the other creature, which took its chance to strike...only to be knocked aside by Elise, Sean, and Cassandra all ramming into it. The four tumbled into a heap, but the humans recover fastest, and swiftly started pummeling the beast into submission, striking it with all they had on hand - flashlights, rocks, even their hands and feet. Crunching sounds filled the air as the predator's arms and bones were broken.

Unfortunately, while this predator was down, the other had managed to evade the larger group and was now circling around for another attack. Just as it moved to strike, though, a fuzzy form emerged from the woodland - the jailbreaking Dilophosaurus. As soon as it saw the mammal, it snarled. Then, without warning, the flesh atop the dinosaur's crest began to expand, as if it was inflating.

A moment later, a loud, trumpeting noise filled the air as the coelophysoid cried out.

Confused and enraged, the predator tried to attack, only for dinosaur to catch it in the air and throw it aside. Without missing a beat, the crested reptile ran up to its fallen foe and opened its throat.

Sensing a kill, a trio of corpse eaters moved in to attack. None of them made it to their target - one was crushed under the weight of a prosauropod, another gored on a stegosaur's tail spines, and a third sent flying by Theo.

The cavalry had arrived.

The arrival of the various prehistoric critters was enough to cause the gathered machines to lose their nerve, or at least judge victory to no longer be worth the costs - the machines fled, and after a moment, so did the non-predator beasts.

Beneath Elise, Sean, and Cassandra, the predator they had savaged hissed. Without hesitation, Cassandra kicked its head. A loud crunch filled the air, and the beast grew still.

Further away, Cynthia and the wolves were digging in - they had overwhelmed and slain their foe, and now were enjoying the spoils of their victory.

The last predator, realizing it had lost, tried to run away.

It had barely leapt into the air when Terence's jaws closed around it, crushing its body and ending its life.

While the rest of the group checked for any remaining foes, Michelle ran up to Tristan and offered her hand. Smiling, Tristan took it. Though his happiness turned to embarrassment when all of his friends and siblings subjected him to a group hug.

Breaking free with some difficulty, Tristan turned to Terence. The tyrannosaur was unscathed, but winded.

Approaching cautiously, Tristan walked up to the tyrannosaur and waved it down. Only once the two stared each other in the eyes did Tristan give a nod of approval.

Of course, the meaning of the movement completely flew over Terence's head.

The sudden sound of something impacting the ground turned everyone's attention toward the time portal. There, to everyone's shock, were two people, who had just emerged from the hole in time and space. They appeared to be a couple, dressed in a mixture of common clothes and some kind of armor, but what really confused everyone was their hair.

The boy had black hair ending in red, yellow, and blue tips, while the girl had white hair ending in purple.

Annnddd the, young man, given his appearance, was staring at them in shock, as was the girl.

Deciding to try and defuse things, Tristan whistled.

The man turned to face the elder Saurus sibling. "Who are you?"

Tristan was surprised by the question, but nonetheless answered. "I'm Tristan Saurus."


Tristan sighed - this happened to often. "Yeah. I get that a lot. And you?"

"...Call me Phil."

Somehow, Tristan knew that was a lie.


AN: So, if anyone was wondering why I put my story Conquest in the Name of Advancement on hold for so long to update this story (or why I suddenly did a ton of updating on its FFN version, Annihilation through Unity), this is why - I am doing a crossover between both stories. Hence my warning about shark jumping.

Just for the record, this was always going to happen - I just planned to do it much later in both stories, and with more foreshadowing. However, someone on Spacebattles (Zuikaku) suggested the Prehistoric Park team encounter the critters from Monster Hunter World, and since I already had plans to cross PPR with Monster Hunter at some point, and that's where the Conquest cast is right now, I just decided to massively speed up the time table.

If your interest in these stories has been torpedoed, I am sorry. For those of you who wish to stay, thank you for your continued support.

Also, just for the record, of all my currently posted and consistently updated stories, only the ones in the Prehistoric Park: Returned From Extinction mythos are crossing over with Conquest. Ten Zero, Phantoms of the Bay, and Lelouch of the XCOM are in separate multiverses.

With that out of the way, Read and Review!

This is Flameal15k, signing off!