Hiiiii everybody! Soooooo sorry I am so late with thee chapter. Did I use that right? Probably not. Maybe I did. Any ways I was on vacation, when I came back I was super busy trying to get cheaters up, so sorry to make you wait that long. Umm... Review down below because I love to know what you think about my story. Just umm... No spamming or swearing. Don't read and drive, ok enjoy.

Spottedkit sat down on the dusty floor half heartedly. She couldn't remember why she felt so weird. It's not like there was anything weird with the current leader. Or was there? She couldn't remember. All she remembered was an attack, a flame coloured cat, and a sweet scent...

"Spottedkit, from this day onwards you shall be known as Spottedpaw. The clan honours you. And your mentor shall be Foampool." Spottedpaw touched noses with the pretty she cat has the clan cheered. "Willowpaw! Redpaw! Spottedpaw!" Spottedpaw shivered. She was pretty sure that in this life, she wasn't supposed to become a medicine cat. Still, it was weird to have this new kind of ceremony. The clan started breaking up. Spottedpaw felt he exit won't take over again. Foampool was one of the clans best hunters. Spottedpaw loved to eat, so thy were a good match. "Sol what will we do first?" She asked her new mentor. "On apprentices first days, they don't really do much. So..." Foampool looked thoughtful. "Hi Spottedpaw!" She turned around to see Willowpaw arrive with her mentor, Silverlake. Was that just Spottedpaw, or was there really an air of uneasiness and anger between their mentors? "I'm taking Willowpaw around the territory. Aren't you going to take your apprentice some place important?" It seemed like Silverlake was enjoying making Foampool squirm. "I'm taking her hunting! She'll be better than you!" Her mentor shot back. Yyyyeeeesssssss! Score one for team Spotted-Foam! Thought Spottedpaw. Wait why did I just think that?

"Come on Spottedpaw!" Foampool said, brushing her tail along her flank as she padded out of camp. "Bye Willowpaw!" Spottedpaw cheerfully said. As she turned around she bumped into a larger fame coloured shape. "Are you ok?" She asked . When the cat got up, she realised it was Flamepaw! "There is something abut you I feel like I should remember!" She told him, spitting. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I'm more than fine!" She growled. As she walked out, she knew Flamepaw was from her past. He must have been an enemy! The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Of course! She must have remembered because he was a dangerous enemy. That explained why she kept seeing a full grown fire coloured green eyed cat in her dreams. She let out a low growl. Flamepaw would pay for being an enemy in his before life!

Oh Ho Ho! So Flamepaw is Firestars recreation, like I said, but since Spittedpaw is forgetting about her before life, she thinks that since she keep seeing him he was an enemy in his before life, instead of a cat that Spottedpaw hehehh mind blown? Say if you were mind blown or not in the reviews!