Welcome everyone to Bopal Week 2016! I decided I would make all my Bopal Week stuff into a separate story, but this fanfic is still in canon with Lives and Times.

Day 1 - Milestones

Bolin and Opal celebrate their first (third) anniversary.

Bolin stuck out his tongue as he very carefully ran his comb through his hair. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he stared into the mirror. Just a little more, and it'd be perfect.

"Bolin, what are you doing in there?" Mako called from the hallway. He suddenly appeared from behind the door. "You've been in the bathroom for an hour!

"I'm trying to look my absolute best for Opal," Bolin replied. "Today we're celebrating our first anniversary, and everything's got to be perfect."

Mako blinked and counted on his fingers. "Um…You two have been dating for three years."

Bolin grimaced. "Well, I wasn't here for our first two anniversaries, so we're making it up with this one."

"Well, she might have to wait until your fourth anniversary to celebrate at the rate you're going in there."

Bolin's comb came flying out the door and smacked Mako in the head. "Ow!" he cried.

"Shut up! I'm trying to look gorgeous!" Bolin stared intently in the mirror as he smoothed his eyebrows and tugged on his spit curl. Finally he nodded and grinned. "Perfect!"

Mako poked his head back inside with a raised eyebrow. "You look exactly like you do every day. Also, your fly is down."

"Wait, what?!"

Opal hummed a lofty tune as she slowly brushed her hair. Her mind was far away thinking of the exciting day she'd spend with her beloved earthbender.

"Opal! There you are!" She was startled out of her daze by Ikki, who was poking her head through the open window. "What are you doing in your room? Don't you want to race air scooters with us?"

"Ikki!" Jinora poked in her head next to her sister. "Don't be rude! Leave Opal alone!"

"But I just wanted to know if she wanted to race!"

Opal shook her head, but grinned. "Sorry, Ikki, but I can't today. I'm going out with Bolin for our first anniversary."

Ikki blinked in confusion. "But…you guys have been dating for three years."

"Yes, we have," Opal conceded. "But he couldn't be here for the first two, so we're making it up now."

"That's very sweet, Opal," Jinora flashed her a smile. "I hope you two have a great time."

"I'm sorry you didn't get to have your proper anniversaries," Ikki stuck out her lip. "You must've been so sad."

Opal put down her brush and knelt next to her bed. "Yes, I was sad. But that didn't mean we ignored them." She pulled out a hand-painted box and opened it, revealing a huge stack of letters all from Bolin. "For both of those anniversaries he sent me a flower with his letters." From the box she pulled two pressed flowers. "He was at the Makapu Village during our first anniversary, and he went to the top of the volcano to get me this panda lily. He got me this moon flower for the second."

The younger girls both cooed at the gifts before they heard Kai's voice from below. "Hey! What are you girls doing?"

"We were asking Opal to race with us, but she's celebrating her first anniversary with Bolin instead," answered Ikki.

"…But they've been dating for three years…"

Opal grumbled as she closed up her box and hid it away. "Yes, yes, we've all established that. Now out, please!"

The sisters jumped down from the window as Kai's voice called again. "Hey, when's he coming? The ferry's here."

Opal's heart fluttered. She leapt to her feet and bolted for the door. She smiled all the way down to the docks.

Bolin strolled down the gangplank, his smile wide. He wore a new bright green jacket, new pants, and matching spats. In his hand was his gift for his girlfriend. It was such a gorgeous day, perfect for their anniversary. Now all that was missing was…


He turned and beamed when he saw Opal jogging towards the docks. He couldn't wait; he pulled up a section of stone from the dock and bended himself the rest of the way to meet her.

Her orange and yellow dress swished around her knees as she created a gust of wind to launch herself into his arms. Spinning them around, he gave her a deep kiss. They slowed down to a stop, but Opal cradled the back of his head to keep their lips locked. When they finally broke apart, they rested their foreheads together and stared into each other's eyes. "Happy Anniversary," Opal said with a smile.

"Happy Anniversary," he replied. Then he jumped back and took a bow, holding out his gift. "For you, My Lady!" In his hand was an enormous bouquet with flowers of every color of the rainbow.

Opal gasped in awe and held the flowers to her chest. "Bolin, they're beautiful." She pulled out a white one and tucked it behind her ear.

"I hope they make up for the years I was gone." Bolin's cheeks burned pink as he nervously tapped his fingers together. "I'm sorry I could only get you one the other times."

"I loved the flowers you got me before." Opal reached out and clasped his hand. "And I love these just as much. All that matters is that we're here now together." She perched on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "Come on. I'll put these in a vase, and then we can go."

A few minutes later the bouquet was safe on Opal's windowsill, and the couple headed back to the ferry hand in hand. "So, what are our plans for today?" she asked.

"Well, first I thought we could take a boat ride around the bay, then there's a matinee show of this play called Love Amongst the Dragons, then we have reservations at that new restaurant on the West Side, the Blue Qilin, and then we can end with a flight above the city and some stargazing. There's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight. What d'you think?"

"I think that sounds great! But… I had my own idea of how to wrap things up…" She cast him a seductive glance and nipped at his earlobe. "Think we can squeeze that in?"

Bolin's entire face turned bright red as he stammered. "W-Well, um, I…I mean yes! Of course!"

As they drew nearer to the docks, a call startled them. Korra and Asami were heading towards them, Korra waving enthusiastically. "There you two are! We haven't seen you all morning!"

"Hey Korra! Hey Asami!" Bolin chirped happily. "We're off to celebrate our first anniversary."

"Aw, that's wonderful," Asami replied. "I didn't realize today was the day."

Korra nodded before raising a confused eyebrow. "Wait…But haven't you two been dating for three years?"

Opal's pleasant smile suddenly vanished into a scowl, and a gust of wind pushed Korra back. "That's it! We get it! Come on, Bolin, let's go! We have a full day planned without people's comments!" She grabbed his hand and yanked him down the walkway to the ferry.

Bolin waved back at them. "Sorry, guys! We'll see you later!" And soon they were gone.

Korra straightened her pelt with a huff. "What's her problem?"

Asami just let out an exasperated breath. "Korra…"

Thanks for reading! Reviews are appreciated!