A/N1: This is a sequel to "Knocking" in my unnamed series, although reading the previous is not necessary to understand the current

The Clever Clogs that own Dr. Who own all the characters and stuff of that, yada yada, please don't sue me


Jenny lashed out a fist, striking her target with an audible grunt. Before her opponent could retaliate, she ducked, curling into a roll as she came up behind them. She needed to move quickly, so that her mark never had the chance to realize that she now had her arm around their neck, kicking its legs out from underneath so she could throw the dummy to the ground with a loud thud.

"Your form's off." Vastra said lazily, never looking up from the newspaper she was absorbed in.

Jenny, righting herself, indignantly stuck her hands on her hips, scowling at her instructor. "And 'ow the 'ell could you tell that!? You weren't even watching!"

"I was too watching!" She gasped, feigning insult, "I just wasn't looking."

The now 19-year-old sighed. Realizing that the argument was as pointless as trying to describe birthdays to her, she marched over to the chair next to Madame and snatched up the towel waiting for her. "What'r'you reading, anyway?" She eyed the paper in between dabbing her damp face.

"The news."

"Well, yeah, I caught on to that. I meant what part of the news?"

"The crime portion. Petty thefts and street crimes seem to be increasing, especially around the SoHo area. Strange… Those parts have always been littered with various assaults, but never this quantity." Sighing she sat the paper down on her lap, shaking her head in dismissal.

"You know, ma'am," Jenny began, "I've been training for what, ten months now?"


"And, well- think it's 'bout time I gain experience in the field, instead of all locked up 'nside a wine cellar, is all."

Madame paused, considering. "You wish… to accompany me on my excursions, then?"

Jenny nodded.

"You realize it can become quite dangerous, and I won't always be able to ensure your safety."

"With all due respect, ma'am, you offered to teach me 'ow to fight 'cause you said the same 'bout me remainin' 'ere."

Of course, she was correct. Their experience with Gavin Fitzhaydn had caused the Silurian to realize no matter where the young ape was, she wasn't safe so long she knew the detective. Sighing once more, she studied her small chambermaid. Perhaps she could pass this off as a learning experience? She, herself, was already an invaluable asset to the London authorities, therefore so long she declared that she had acquired an assistant, they would allow Jenny to accompany her in her investigations. "I will agree to take you with me on my next case as my assistant. Your duties as such will be to take notes on our clues and quandaries for later review. Are these terms acceptable?"

Jenny grinned, enthusiastically nodding. "Yes, ma'am! I'll go change immediately." Without delay, she had dashed out of the room. The sound of feet trotting up the stairs, Madame swore, could have been heard by the whole street if they listened closely enough.

Vastra smiled to herself, and left to dawn her own veil.

After a quick stop at The Yard to receive the specifics about the scene, a man by the name of Constable Potet escorted them to the SoHo area, pointing them to the roped off area in what was probably the most shade-swamped alley in all of London.

"There it is, Madame." He said in a gruff voice, "We haven't got the chance to remove the body yet, so it's there fer ya."

Both women gazed down the narrow passage connecting the streets. Water pipes leaked onto the already damp and muddy ground, causing the air to have a sewer-like smell. Or maybe the cause was the body, stripped of all items even vaguely valuable, that was sprawled out dead center in front of them

Cautiously, Vastra lead Jenny closer to the scene. It seemed black and white, to Vastra's trained eye. Merely a mugging that ended in murder. Hardly uncommon in London. However, she did promise her apprentice an investigation, so she would do her best to voice her observations. This case seemed relatively mild compared to some of the others she had experienced, and she thanked the Goddess for it. The more routine the mission, the safer for Jenny.

"Madame?" Jenny had asked, snapping her out of her introspections.

"My apologies" She smiled, surveying the scene once more, "Was lost in my own thoughts."

"What 'append 'ere, do you think. Ma'am?"

"Well, what do you think? Tell me, what have you noticed so far?"

The Brunette crouched, inspecting the area surrounding the corpse. "Well," She began, "There's too many footprints to tell what 'append from them. But all 'is valuables are gone. Look," she pointed to his breast pocket, "'E doesn't 'ave a pocket watch, but it looks worn."

Vastra smiled from underneath her veil, nodding. "Very good, Jenny." She praised, squatting down herself. She pulled a small notebook and fountain pen out from underneath her cloak, passing it to the girl. "Here, write down everything you notice about the body and the alleyway. After you finish, we shall return home to conduct further research."

"Yes, ma'am!" Jenny took the writing tools as if she were holding a baby, with an excited smile and tender grip. Flipping to the first blank page, she looked around, scribbling down just what Vastra had told her to.

The lizard beamed, for Jenny's excitement seems to be contagious. She slipped away, mumbling a few words to Constable Potet, before conducting her own small inquiries of the cadaver.



Well, here's the new story! (And for once I actually have a chapter-by-chapter plan! #notwingingitmaybe)

Anyway, yeah, I have a story arc design going by chapter, so some may be shorter than others. Or longer. Let's face it, I'm going to mess it up somehow xD

So, side note: I injured my toe in what I like to call, "Pedicure Gone Bad". Basically it means I can't walk as often, and therefore postings can get weird, as I need to walk for my internet xD However, it also means I have more time to write, so… yay!

Side Side note: I also played Pokemon Go in flipflops. Don't do that. I have so many blisters now.

Also, SoHo is both where Jenny was originally attacked in "Street Sense", as well as where Vastra caught Gavin Fitzhaydn the 1st time. Kinda a crime center.p

Shout out to my friend Annie who made fanart of characters which will appear later in this story for me- Constable Potet was named for her (insert heart symbol here)