Ch 10

"So how's that Cylon drive going?" Nechayev asked.

"We've managed to fix it to the ship, and the simulations say it'll work, but that's just a theory. We won't know until we test it for sure." Godfrey said.

"Okay. We'll start the tests soon. In the meantime, I have to talk to Adama and Starbuck. Something about a rescue plan." Nechayev said.

Walking inside the war-room, she looked at Adama and Starbuck as they talked about the plan.

"So what have you come up with?" Nechayev asked.

"The resistance base camp is located here. We can jump in, beam them out, and jump out before the Cylons are aware." Kara said.

"It'll have to be an intra-atmosphere jump. That sonic boom, plus sheer size of the ship will catch attention. How many resistance fighters are in the group?" Nechayev asked.

"Last time I was there, there was 100." Kara said.

"Now it'll be less from attrition." Adama said.

"The Cylon FTL can take us to Caprica within 10 jumps. We do have to worry about jumping over the red line, but since this is a Federation warship, that's a low possibility." Kara said.

"While we're gone, what about the fleet?" Nechayev asked.

"We'll stay here. We have a presidential election right now, Roslin vs Baltar." Adama said.

"Baltar?" Nechayev asked, hearing about the scientist, and his questionable mental state.

"He's an odd case, and Roslin thinks he's working with the Cylons. There's no proof, so I find that hard to believe." Adama said.

"You should keep an eye on him. I've heard of his questionable mental state, that he talks to a person who isn't seen, and is seen doing strange acts in public." Nechayev said.

"It's all true." Adama said.

"I'll be enjoying every second on the rescue op." Nechayev said.

"I wish I could go with you, but the fleet needs me." Adama said.

"Good luck with that." Nechayev said.

"We'll need it." Adama said.

Graff Spee war-room

The senior staff was brought in, where Starbuck was giving them a briefing.

"None of us should be under any illusions about what we're going to face here. Our final jump will take us intra-atmosphere less than two klicks above the surface. We're also expecting to take heavy fire. I've been told this ship isn't maneuverable in atmosphere, so that will hamper our movements. Heavy casualties can be expected. That's why this mission has been designated as 2-Alpha by the command authority. It's volunteer only." Starbuck said.

"If there's not enough volunteers to crew the Graff Spee, we'll take all the raptors and shuttles to Caprica. Right now's the time to speak or hold it forever." Nechayev said.

"Admiral, I speak for everyone when I say that we're all onboard." The XO replied.

"One last thing. Since the Cylon FTL isn't fully synced with our ship, we'll be needing some help." Nechayev said

"Bring her in." Kara said.

The door opened, and Sharon walked in, with 4 security officers, armed with rifles.

"She's here to help us. She'll plug into the Cylon FTL, and lay out the course for us to follow. Got it?" Kara asked.

The Starfleet crew settled down after Kara told them the news.

"Sharon, you okay?" Helo asked, as the two headed to the engine room.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sharon said, staring into space.

"Then why are you staring like that?" Helo asked.

"I just have a feeling. Like something dark is coming." Sharon said.

"On the mission?" Helo asked.

"No. Elsewhere." Sharon said.

With the Cylon FTL now working, the Graff Spee left formation and headed towards Caprica.

"Starbuck, I'd like to speak to Galactica actual." Kara said.

"Actual." Adama said.

"Have I ever said thank you?" Kara asked.

"No. But that would be a first." Adama mused.

Kara only chuckled in response.

"Just come back in one piece. That'll be thanks enough." Adama said.

"All hands, all hands, get ready to jump!" Nechayev said over the comms.

The Graff Spee jumped away from the fleet, and ended up in an unknown location.

"Report!" Nechayev said.

"We're in an unknown location. Far away from where we're supposed to be."

"Ah shit. Can we get back on track?" Nechayev asked.

"We can, but it'll take a few minutes "

"Do it." Nechayev said.

"Captain, I'm picking up a planet just ahead of us."

"On screen." Nechayev said.

It was a blue planet, with habitability only in the equator.

"Flag it for Starfleet. They can check this out later." Nechayev said.

However, one of the bridge officers accidently sent it to the Colonial fleet.

"Jump drive?" Nechayev asked.

"Operational. It'll take a few minutes to get to the original co-ordinates, but we'll be on track."

Jumping away from the planet, they continued on their journey to Caprica.

Back in the fleet, news quickly spread of the new planet, now dubbed 'New Caprica.'

"This is what we need. Something that will put Roslin on the wrong side of an issue." Tom Zerak said.

"Are you full of it? That planet is barely habitable." Gaius Baltar said, as he looked at the reports from the Graff Spee.

"It's fresh air, solid ground, fresh food, a new hope for the people." Zerak said.

"Have you not been paying attention to the real world? The Graff Spee is from earth, which is the HQ for a powerful federation. There is no need to park there." Baltar said.

"And the Graff Spee can call the Federation to send ships to help us. We're on the brink of an historical moment. The 13 tribes of man, united against any and all threats, starting at New Caprica." Zerak said.

"Well, that planet does seem a bit lovely after all." Baltar said, after some prodding from head-six.

"All hands, all hands. Our final jump will put us in the atmosphere of Caprica. We jump in, get the resistance fighters, jump out. Brace for turbulence." Nechayev said.

"This will be fun." Kara sarcastically said.

"You'll take that back, after we come under heavy fire from the Cylons. I'm betting their baseships can operate in the atmo." Nechayev said.

"What makes you say that?" Kara asked.

"Just expecting the worst." Nechayev said.

The Graff Spee jumped into the atmosphere of Caprica, and the sonic boom got the Cylon's attention.

"Contact! Cylon raiders inbound!"

Over 100 Cylon raiders attacked the Graff Spee, now resorting to suicide runs.

"Suicide runs?" Kara asked.

"It worked in the Dominion war." Nechayev said.

Kara's eyes went wide open, as reality set in.

The ship violently shook as a raider jumped inside the ship and detonated inside, causing heavy damage.

"What the hell hit us!?" Nechayev asked.

"That raider jumped inside the ship! With enough raiders, they can destroy us!" Price said.

"Barrel roll the ship!" Nechayev ordered.

On the ground, the resistance fighters looked up and saw an intense dogfight between Cylon raiders, and a large unknown ship.


"I don't think so."

"Report!" Nechayev said.

"We're taking damage all across the ship. There's no way our shields can stop an FTL jump." Price said.

"Where are the resistance fighters?" Nechayev asked.

"We're right over them."

"Beam them up, and jump us out." Nechayev said, as the bridge shook from another raider jumping inside the ship.

"We got them. But there's a Cylon with the group"

"Kill the Cylon in the transporter buffer. Once the group's on-board, we get the hell out."

"We got them on-board."

"Sharon, jump the ship out of here."

Engineering was a mess from the Cylon strikes. Over half the crew was dead from the strikes. Debris from Cylon fighters littered the place.

"Sharon, get us out of here."

Helo grabbed an unconscious Sharon and laid her on a table.

"Sharon's knocked out. And half the crew are dead." Helo said on the PA system.

"Well whoever's still alive, needs to get that FTL working, or we're all dead." Nechayev replied.

The Graff Spee broke atmosphere and entered the Cylon blockade, firing torpedoes at the Cylon base-ships.

"FTL is online!" Sharon said, heavily breathing.

"Jump!" Nechayev shouted.