Jaune Arc a young man who came to make a life for himself. but has no formal training, no knowledge of the world of hunters and huntresses. But... what if... what if Jaune Arc was not the kind heart young Lad that the would saw him as? What if he was in fact, a highly skilled warrior, and What if he was the one true master. The true unknown enemy of Beacon and all the other kingdoms...


The room was dark as the moonless night, as three individuals stood before a large blacken screen, they knew themselves as his apprentices. His students. Two were female, and the other was male.

Among them was his first apprentice, she stood as a masked beauty, wearing a Nevermore themed mask. Her long and silky black hair rolling long her back. She wore a kunoichi theme armour. On her hip was her weapon; Huginn, the multi-bladed sword dispenser sheath. Unlike her Brother's Muninn, a sword/scythe/gun combo.

She had served her master for almost 4 years now, unlike the other two he had taken into his fold. Much to her own displeasure.

The second is another woman, with ash black hair. American eyes and a body most women would kill for. She grew her hair out in the last few years she had known her master. And was a little jealous of the fact he favored her senior tlrather than herself. Her weapon a bow/swords combo; Cruella.

The final apprentice was a young man who wore a grimm mask, like the first but it was a masquerad style mask. He was fairly tall for his young age and had red hair that let his faunus heritage horns blend slightly into his stylised mess.

He refused to admit his master was human, as he would much rather kill the man than serve him but he would never argue with the results of his training. With Wilt and Bloom by his side he was stood on equal footing with his other Associates.

but this quite moment ended when the screen came on, showing a hooded figure, which Shrouded the man's face in shadows, letting the cruel and dark blue eyes to stare at the three in mild disappointment.

"Report." Came the calm and semmingly kind tone, but to the three it ment they had better bring good news Or feel their masters wrath. It was also a voice of someone who was in his youth.

"Master, I report that my findings have shown great success. The Grimm-fixation serum is 72% complete, we are still working out the issue of mortality rates. As of yesterday of the 50 test subjects only one made it through." The woman said from behind her mask. Silently hoping she had brought the better news than the others.

"Good work, Mrs. Xiao Long." Came a humorous chuckle as the woman growled in anger at being addressed by that particular name. "Cinder?"

Hearing a heavy gulping sound form the younger woman, Raven's lips turned into a triumphant smirk.

"Things are going steady my lord, but.." The young seductress began only to pause for a moment. But it was a moment to long for her liking.

"Go on..." If one where to hear this it would seem like a young man flirting with the young woman. But to the three it was a promise of pain he did not like the news she brought.

"But we ran into a little snag. It would seem some huntsmen in training have been becoming a throne in our sides as it were." Cinder said noticing her master seemed unamused by her telling. "It would also seem that Mrs. Xiao Long's daughter is apart of the group which has been giving us problems."

"Don't you dare address me by that name again, Fall. Or I will cut your tongue out with a spoon." Raven said wit malice as she glared from beneath her mask.

But before they could argue further, their master had made himself know.

"Enough." It was cold and silent, but it was enough to let the two know they pushed his patience far beyond the norm. "Adam, what news do you bring to the table."

"I failed my mission, master. It would seem Blake has betrayed by trust and left the White Fang." Adam said knowing full well he was on thin ice now. "She has also been contributing too Cinder's plans my lord."

It a moment there was an unhealthy silence.

"It would seem amount the three of you raven has brought me the only good news. I am shamefully disappointed." Their master spoke like a father after hearing their child did something wrong. "Adam I know of your relationship with Ms Belladonna. But I ask are you devoted to my teachings to kill her?"

"I will right my wrongs, master." Adam spoke surely of himself. He knew his master would see through his hidden words.

"Seeing that you do." The Master said before looking to Cinder. "Will you be able to meet the mandate for the plan?"

"Yes master, in a week we will be back on track." Cinder lied as she would have to skip a few steps to get thing back in line.

"Good, don't fail me... or else." The Master said as he shift his gaze to the last. "And your problem daughter?"

"What if she could be turned to our side, master?" Raven said, but she was hoping beyond hope that her master would agree with her.

"..." The humming in thought was all they could hear. "Yes... what a delightful idea. Yes... another apprentice to join the Dark side."

"She will join us or die." Raven said as she bowed her head to the cloaked man.

"To kl your own daughter... Raven you impress me everytime. Haha!" Came the chilling laugh before it became quite. "You have your mission. Now go."

Was all the got before the screen went black.

-miles away-

Turning off the screen the man sat in the comforts of his dorms bathroom. As he pulled back his towel letting his wet hair fall to tangled mess.

"Fools. Each and every one of them." Came a sinister chuckle. Before he dried off the rest of himself and got dressed.

Opening the door he put on his normal goofy grin and dorky persona.

"Alright Team let head out, and show Beacon what we are made of!" He said with stupidly large grin. 'Dance! Dance for your master my puppets! Muahaha hahaha!'
