AN: D'aww thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! It puts a big smile on face whenever I read the reaction you guys have towards each and every chapter. Even though this story is a bit shorter than my other current one, it's still hard to say goodbye to it but I hope that you enjoyed the emotional roller coaster ride from beginning to end.

Enough of my ramblings and happy reading~ :)

Tu Me Rends Heureux


Marinette took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly to get her nervous, racing heart to calm down. She remembered what her parents had to go through with her when Chat Noir - when Adrien left her, alone and pregnant. She knew it wasn't easy on them to try and get her back on her feet. And she loved and cherished her parents dearly for it.

They mean so much to her but so does Adrien.

"Papa… Maman…" she started as she felt Adrien squeeze her hand again, urging her to speak up before his own nerves ate him up.

"I love you both so very much and I want you two to know that I'm happy, truly happy" she gave them a soft sincere smile and then turned her view towards Adrien and smiled again, "Adrien is my world and after two years apart, we've found our way to each other again so it's only fair that we confess something" she paused, making sure her words were heard as she kept her gaze at her slightly confused parents once more, "you know all about my time as Ladybug and about my relationship with Chat Noir but I'd like you two to meet Chat Noir in person" she gulped as Adrien squeezed her held hand tighter and let go as he stood up.

"My real name is Adrien Agreste, son of famous fashion mogul Gabriel Agreste, but to the rest of the world I was Chat Noir and Ladybug - Marinette's partner and the biological father of her child Louis" Adrien mentally noted that he amazed himself, he didn't mess up or stutter his words. He didn't know what to do other than face her parents and bowed at them.

He held his head down as a tense silence filled the room.

A minute later, Tom was the first to speak up as he stood up from his seat, "You're the tomcat that seduced and slept with my daughter, who was already risking her life behind our backs. Why, I ought to-!" Tom lunged himself across the table as Adrien's quick reactions swiftly caused him to dodge two bulky arms from grabbing his neck to choke him.

Marinette pulled Adrien by his left forearm, placing him behind her as she slammed both palms roughly against the table and yelled at her dad, "Papa! Please! Adrien didn't seduce me! It's my body, and my choice! I didn't know Chat Noir's real identity back then. Fate happened to bring us back together and I'm happy to get the opportunity to say that I'm raising our son with his rightful father! Louis will grow up knowing his real father who loves him very much! The man that I love and adore, that I can't wait to get married to!" tears pricked at her face, warning her that they'd spill but she fought the urge to cry in front of her parents.

She felt Adrien cautiously walk closer to her and hooked his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his side as he looked determinedly at Tom, "I never intended on ever hurting your daughter, Sir. I love Marinette with everything that I am and I plan on never leaving her, never making her cry or cause her any pain, and to never not remind her each and every day how much I love and worship her" Adrien finished his plea as he turned his body while still holding onto Marinette and held her chin with his free hand, staring lovingly into her sapphire orbs that looked back at him with all the love she had for him in the world.

Sabine soothingly rubbed her husband's arms as he steadied his breathing and deeply sighed, "Marinette, you're not a little girl anymore which is hard on me but… this is the first time I've seen you genuinely happy in over two years. Seeing you miserable broke my heart and I never want to see that expression on your beautiful face ever again" he gave her a half-smile and then stared at Adrien, his eyes hard as stones, "Adrien, I know you're a good man and I don't hate you. Knowing that you're taking responsibility for your actions is more than I could ever ask for. So, I won't go against your union and you have my blessing but… ahhh" Tom scratched the back of his neck, then looked at his simple silver band on his ring finger, "Both of you are young and have endured so much already, you'll continue to fail and succeed as you grow but you'll hurdle through whatever obstacles life throws your way, together" he finished as he weaved his hand with his wife's and smiled at her.

Adrien glanced at Marinette, a peaceful content smile placed on her pink lips, then he quickly pecked her cheek and rushed towards Tom as he grabbed the bigger man into a tight embrace.

"Thank you, Monsieur Dupain! Thank you!" he chanted as Tom laughed and patted him on the back.

"Welcome to the family" Sabine patted Adrien's shoulder, waiting for her turn to hug him as her eyes and lips silently smiled at both her worried, soon-to-be-wed children. They could go home now at ease knowing that no secrets were left to clear up.


As their conversation switched to a lighter mood with Tom and Sabine too busy focusing on Adrien and joking with him, Marinette bit her lower lip as she twiddled her fingers together and walked towards their little circle that moved away from the front tables to the back kitchen where they were opening up a bottle of champagne. She stopped before reaching them and stood by the empty display case by the cash register.

"Umm…" she cleared her throat as all three turned to face her.

"Yes, honey?" Sabine asked facing her as Tom and Adrien were struggling with opening the bottle.

She knew that Adrien knew so he wouldn't be surprised, if anything he was internally trying not to jump over the moon but she stood far away in case her dad decided to faint on her… again from the news she was about to throw at her parents.

"I'm p-p-pregnant!" she squeaked out.

Sabine clasped both her hands to her mouth as she gasped, surprised but overjoyed. Meanwhile Tom stopped what he was doing and turned around to look at his daughter, now noticing the small bump of her stomach with wide forest green eyes.

Adrien heard every word as he kept the bottle from slipping from Tom's grasp and ended up popping the cork in the shocked silence. Fizzing champagne spouted out of the bottle and onto the floor as Tom fainted onto the tiled floor. Sabine immediately went to embrace a shy Marinette as she gushed while Adrien awkwardly set the bottle of champagne down on the counter and helped Tom out.



A five year old boy eagerly led the way towards a public park, his green-hazel eyes glued onto the nearby mini market that was sure to have ice cream, perfect for the Parisian heatwave that they were currently feeling.

"Quick Maman! Hurry! Hurry!" he jumped his steps as he tugged on his mother's peach tulle skirt with his tiny hand as an airy laugh escaped his mother's lips.

"Slow down, Louis" a man's voice called out, "you know that your mom can't run" he told the boy as they made their way across the park.

"I wonder whose fault that is" the woman smirked, as she heard her husband chuckle.

"I promised we were done, didn't I?" he shot back his own smirk at her as he quickly grabbed his eager son and placed him on top of his shoulders, "I'll race you to the shop, Bugaboo!" he said as he sped off.

Rolling her eyes, she adjusted the weight of a little girl on her right side and with her left hand she caressed the bump of her stomach, pulling the cotton material of her mid-sleeve white lace blouse further down, paranoid that her round belly would be exposed. At this point, she couldn't even see the simple white with peach colored flats she wore on her feet.

Slowly she waddled her way in the direction her son and husband ran off to as she enjoyed the nice little stroll with her daughter and finally arrived at the small corner shop.

Inside she could already make out the tall blonde figure of her husband as he stood by the freezers searching for the ice cream that his son wanted.

She knew that he would get a cold treat for both children as her random food cravings tugged at her growling tummy. Before deciding which aisle to look for a snack in, she carefully maneuvered herself to place her daughter on the ground so she could walk as she held her tiny hand.

Finally doing so, she chose an aisle that had different types of chips on the shelves. Distracted by all the choices, she didn't see when her shoulder accidentally bumped against a slightly taller figure than her in the narrow passage.

"Oh! Je suis désolé! Excusez-moi" the man apologized as her sky-blue eyes widened as wide as saucers, a small gasp escaped her parted rosy lips as she tightened her hold on her daughter and stood in front of her, blocking her from the man's view.

"M-M-Marinette?" he asked, surprised as he ran one slender paint covered hand over fiery bright red hair. Her hair was longer, styled in a wavy side braided ponytail, but he could never forget her face.

"Nathanaël" she breathed, too stunned to move with shaky legs that wanted to be anywhere but there with him.

Face to face for the first time in over five years.

His name a mere whisper of bad omens left on her lips.

Nathanaël hastily put his hands up in front of him as he spoke, "please don't freak out! I uhh… I want to apologize to you, Marinette. You didn't deserve the way that I treated you back then" he gave her a weak, shy smile and tried not to stare too much at her pregnant stomach and the beautiful blonde haired, green eyed little girl that curiously stared back at him from behind Marinette's skirt.

He kept his distance, afraid of trying to touch her, not wanting to feel the scared rejection from her as he continued, "I was a struggling artist with my own demons to face… I was in a really rough spot, both physically and mentally. You saw me at my worst and it's sad to admit, but it took a beating from your…" he eyed her elegant diamond and ruby encrusted wedding ring and looked at her, "from your husband. After that experience… I got help. I've been in therapy ever since and I've been sober for four years now" he told her as he took a small step towards her.

Marinette's throat tightened up on her but she nodded, understanding. "I'm... happy for you" she quietly said.

Nathanaël nodded back, ready to excuse himself and leave when Marinette spoke up again, "I forgive you, Nathanaël. I'll always be grateful to you for the time that you accepted me with my son. I… wasn't perfect either, even though I had cheated on you, you still wanted me and picked up the pieces of my broken heart, thank you for that. I can't hate you completely because I know there's good in you so, I forgive you" she told him simply, not wanting to add more knowing that she would start crying with her current heightened emotions.

Nathanaël let out a heavy breath, not realizing he had held it in for long. Feeling as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, he started to feel lighter. The boulder of guilt that had piled onto his back in the past five years was finally crushed.

"Nath! We're going to miss our movie!" a woman made her way towards the aisle and looped her arm with Nathanaël's.

"Oh, right!" Nathanaël lightly smacked his forehead and then genuinely smiled at Marinette facing the tall, thin, tanned woman on his arm. "Marinette, this is-" he began.

"Lila" Marinette finished for him.

Lila flashed her a tense toothy smile and waved, whispering into Nathanaël's ear and walking off.

"You know my girlfriend, Lila?" Nathanaël asked, confusion coloring his tone as Marinette giggled and shrugged her shoulders, "it's hard not to know who Lila Rossi, famous Italian supermodel is but yes, I work for the Gabriel Agreste label so I see her occasionally there but soon enough, I'm planning on leaving and opening my own little boutique" she explained, not wanting to add that Lila was once her husband's stalker that he had a brief fling with years ago or how she planned on naming her store after said husband's alter ego. Le Chat Noir had a nice ring to it but not even Alya, her best friend knew the name just yet.

"That's… amazing, Marinette! I'm glad to hear that your dream came true!" Nathanaël cheerfully replied then he glanced at his watch, "Oh man, I should get going now but… I'm grateful that I got a chance encounter with you, Mari, to make amends with what's happened in the past. I've been wanting to apologize to you for years now but you know… life and being a coward to do so got in the way"

Marinette shook her head and held her hand out for him to grab.

He gladly accepted her invitation to as he gently squeezed it, "what matters is that you did and that you finally found your own happiness, Nathanaël"

Marinette allowed him to lean in to give her a chaste kiss on the cheek as he departed.

"Mommy, who was that?" her daughter that was holding onto her hand asked, looking up at her.

"He's just a friend, Emma" she told her smiling as they made their way towards a patiently waiting husband who held three melting ice creams in his hands as Louis happily ate his own. He didn't say anything but saw everything that had just occurred.

"You okay?" he asked her, watching her every move, even trying to catch a fib.

She shook her head and rubbed her stomach with her free hand, "he apologized and also thanked you for beating him up, Adrien"

Adrien snorted, "wow, that's a first. Now if only my dad would thank me for knocking some sense into him"

"Don't you mean, scratch some sense into him?" she corrected as she helped him with the ice creams, taking one for herself and handing the other wrapped in a napkin for Emma.

"Same thing" he playfully stuck his tongue out at her.

"Oh, Kitty's got his tongue tied"

"It's hot, I can't make any paw-some puns that don't sound cat-astrophic" he said with a big smug smile plastered on his face.

"See what I did there?" he laughed.

Marinette rolled her eyes, taking a dollop of her ice cream and tapping the tip of his nose with it, staying in the fairly air vented store not wanting to face the summer heat at the moment. Once they finished their treats, they made their way outside towards the small park again.

Adrien scrunched his face up from the cold wet sensation still lingering on his heat flustered face and puckered his lips. "no fair, Princess, you're setting a bad explain for our kids" he joked as he tried to lick the remaining ice cream off his nose, using his tongue but failing.

"Hardly. If anything, you're the one setting the bad example for our little kittens with all those horrible puns too" she raised an inquisitive brow at him as she wiped his nose with a napkin.

"Touché, but you know you love them just as much as you love me" he said, as he intertwined their fingers together, his own diamond and emerald encrusted wedding ring glimmering off the reflections of sunlight as Emma and Louis walked by their sides, holding their hands.

"I do" she glowed radiantly and tilted her head to give him a playful kiss.

Adrien leaned down to capture her lips and smiled into their tender moment.

"Je veux être avec toi, Marinette Agreste" he told her in a hushed tone, only wanting her to hear it. Remembering her exact words to him five years ago when they were both nervous about talking to her parents.

"You've always had me, now and forever" she told him, repeating his same words to her five short years ago as she claimed his lips again for a bit longer this time.

"Eww gross, maman, papa! Let's go play!" Louis whined at seeing his parents 'making out' in public while Emma silently with a curious gleam in her eyes, looked over at her bouncing big brother and wanted to play too.

Adrien and Marinette laughed as Adrien let go of her hand and surprise attacked his kids by scooping up Louis and Emma in both arms and ran off like a jet with them to go play in the grassy area nearby a water fountain.

Marinette rubbed her pregnant belly again and giggled, "I can't wait for you to meet your crazy dad, and big brother and sister, Hugo" she whispered to her active sleepy baby that was growing inside her and found a bench to rest on as she sat and watched her small but happy family play.

Seven years ago, she would have never pictured herself happily married to the love of her life and able to give her only child a little sister and soon a little brother.

Seven years ago, her life was hell and filled with darkness, never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd ever find Chat Noir's real identity.

Seven years ago, she was convinced that her Kitty didn't love her back.

Seven years ago, her head stayed up in the clouds, daydreaming and being pessimistic about her dreams of becoming a fashion designer and purchasing her own shop that she could call her own, from ever becoming a reality.

But now, she had everything and so much more.

It wasn't about the money or the successful career.

It was about destiny and the red string of fate reuniting them in a public laundromat of all places.

It was about the handsome young kind-hearted model who spared a few moments of his personal time to lend an ear, listening to her problems, a 'stranger' that needed helped but was too stubborn to ask for it.

It was about the young, broken and bruised woman who took a chance at love and happiness and risked it all in order to escape an abusive relationship.

It was about the life she's made with Adrien.

It was about their kids.

It was about all the happy memories already made and blissful moments that were sure to come in the future.

It was about love.

Ladybug and Chat Noir had found each other and all was right with the world.


The End~ Done. :)

All good things must eventually come to an end. Since I didn't include Chloe in this one, Nathanaël got his redemption and ended up with Lila (don't even know if that's a ship but eh) don't worry, even though I didn't bother to write more about their relationship – people change as they grow older so picture Lila as not being that crazy stalker she was to Adrien with Nath now in her life.

Marinette was pregnant with Emma when she and Adrien tell her parents about Chat Noir. No baby Hugo in this one but he will make an appearance elsewhere. ;D Plagg and Tikki are still there, probably just decided to stay home instead of face the heat of a summer day. Lol.

Thank you all for supporting this fic for an entire year!

Thank you to those who stuck around until the very end. To those that took a liking to my story telling and writing. I aim to write quality fics, stories that I, myself can read over and over again.

With times changing, I can't help but to feel discouraged sometimes whenever I see that other platforms such as AO3 and Tumblr are the preferred for fanfics… so, from the bottom of my heart – thank you for reviewing/favoriting/following this fic and showing me that you as the readers out there are genuinely interested.

This certainly won't be my last fic! I still have Tu Es Beau to finish and am currently thinking of writing a Fashion and Soulmates au based fics that I can hopefully start on either one sometime during the summer. Please look forward to more in the near future!

So, even though this fic is now completed – please don't be afraid to continue showing it love! Please do review! Until next time! :D

If anyone is afraid to leave reviews due to language difference - please don't be! I can fluently read Spanish and partial French! :) And hey, that's why Google translate was invented after all! LOL.

So ya know the drill! Tell me what ya think! ;D