So we're off to the races, with Finding Love In Strange Places. So this is where we kinda split focus between The Pines, and The Belchers which will eventually connect of course to form together the story. I will say that there is a bit of twist to the story and many things will happen to flip things onto their head, also I just want to say thank you to all for reading, reviewing, following and favoriting this story. Truly it means the world to me anyways I suppose it's time to begin the story, I do hope you all please...


Gravity Falls, Oregon. USA.

Bob pulls up to the Gravity Falls sign, before driving down hill into the town.

"Okay, here we are Gravity Falls." states Bob with a slight smile.

"Alriiiight! Oh I feel just like a princess in a new land!" replies Linda happily with a smile.

Louise then looks out the window, at the small town before sighing.

"Oh yeah, I can already hear the banjo playing and squealing like a pig." says Louise sarcastically with a smirk.

"I think it's nice." responds Tina calmly as she looks out the window next.

"And with such a small place, I could probably get some amazing accoustics!" exclaims Gene perkily with a smile.

*Ugh, I can already tell this is going to be one hell of a vacation. I mean what could really be so interesting about this place!?* muses Louise in annoyance with a huff.

Gravity Falls, Oregon. USA.

Suddenly Dipper, and Mabel drive up to the sign of Gravity Falls as Mabel squees in excitement.

"Oh my god! I am so excited! We're here back in Gravity Falls! we're going to get to see our Grunkles and Soos and Wendy! and ooh Grenda and Candy!" exclaims Mabel excitedly with a wide smile.

"I know, it is kind of nice I still have some hesitations after the whole "Bill Cipher incident." but seeing Grunkle Stan. And Uncle Ford plus of course Wendy and Soos will be great." Responds Dipper with a calm smile.

"Plus you get to see your girlfriend." Says Mabel with a wide smile as she begins to poke at her brother.

"Oh come on it was just a summer crush, I mean I had one on Wendy too besides I was twelve." Retorts Dipper as he rubs the back of his head with a slight blush, while he continues driving through the main square before turning down a dirt road.

"You know I'm just picking Dip, although I do think you should at least go see her. Never know when you might find true love," replies Mabel perkily with a bright smile.

Suddenly Dipper stops he and Mabel's car in front of The Mystery Shack.

"We're here." States Dipper as he turns off his, and Mabel's car as he opens his car door and looks at his surroundings with a smile.

Meanwhile Mabel opens up her driver's side door, and exits the car as she runs up to the front door cheerfully.

Twin Beds Motel: Gravity Falls, Oregon.

Bob stops his car in the parking lot of the Twin Beds Motel, before turning around to address his kids.

"Okay kids, me and your mom are just going inside to check in then we're heading straight to the hotel room." States Bob in an exasperated manner.

"And leave us in here, like trapped animals! No friggin way!" retorts Louise.

"Yeah, you can't keep a free spirit down!" exclaims Gene in an over dramatic manner.

"I really would like to see around." Says Tina calmly.

"Oh god, okay you kids can get out but promise me you won't go too nuts in there." Replies Bob as he sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose.

"Oh come on Bobby, everything will be fine nobody such a fussy gussy." Responds Linda with a smile.

After this Bob, and Linda as well as Tina and Gene plus Louise exit the car and walk up to the hotel lobby and enter before walking up to the check in/out counter as a young man greets them in a somewhat uncaring manner.

"Welcome to the Twin Beds, only hotel in this Podunk tourist trap of a town how may I help you?" says Robbie sardonically as he continues reading his magazine.

"Uh, yeah we're the Belcher family we were given a free trip by Channel thirteen in Seymour, New Jersey." States Bob as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the letter from Channel thirteen.

Bob then hands it to Robbie as he looks it over, before sighing and turning to the hotel computer as he enters the information from the letter. Into the computer before getting out of his chair and walking over to a wall behind him with keys on it as he grabs a key with a number hanging off of it as he hands it to Bob.

Meanwhile Linda, Tina, Gene and Louise look over to brochure's about the different tourist locations.

*Ugh, minds well have taken a vacation to bum fuck Egypt and saved our selves the bore fest.* thinks Louise to herself as she looks over each tourist locations.

"Ooooh, so many unique places to visit! Big Gunz Laser Tag, Gravity Falls Museum Of History. Gravity Malls, Lake Gravity Falls, Ye Royal Discount Putt Hutt and Ooooh The Mystery Shack sounds so mysterious." Exclaims Linda happily as she looks through the brochures.

"Hey at least I know where our graves will finally be located." Says Louise sarcastically with a grin.

"Might not be so bad, The Mystery Shack looks fun." States Tina as she looks over the brochure as Louise walks over to Tina and begins to look it over as well.

*Huh I guess maybe Tina's right…Mystery Shack at least looks somewhat interesting. Still seems like this vacation's a total dud.* Muses Louise curiously yet cautiously.

"Alright kids, let's bring our stuff to room six thirteen." States Bob as he walks out of the hotel lobby as Linda, Tina, Gene and Louise follow him outside.

To Be Continued In Chapter 4

A/N: So there was chapter three, of Finding Love in Strange Places. I know it probably wasn't the best but I did try I'll admit still rusty from not writing Fanfiction in forever, been kinda working on three Youtube Channels featuring different content plus music and a day job. And then of course I've just had a lot of personal stuff going on. But I promise to continue on with this story as well as several others, I'll definitely never leave fanfiction or any fandoms. Especially not two of my main ones: Gravity Falls and Bob's Burgers.