Hello! Here I am with a story that wouldn't leave my mind. I don't own glee but I do own the plot. Once again thanks to Erica for browsing through this before I posted. Enjoy!

Rachel gave herself one last look in the mirror before she headed out the door. She was wearing a long sleeved bright blue lace dress. It was skin tight and fell mid-thigh. She had matching bright blue Louboutin pumps to match and her hair was loosely curled. She looked fantastic. However, she wasn't exactly enthused about her destination tonight. She would rather just have a quiet night in.

As she looked longingly at her pajamas thrown on the bed, her phone rang and shook her from her thoughts. Santana was calling.

She hit answer and before she could say hello Santana was barking orders at her. "Berry I swear to god you are going to make us late. I've been waiting down here forever!"

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Santana, I'm like three minutes late coming down and I doubt you've been sitting down there longer than that. I'm coming."

With that she hung up the phone, grabbed her bag, and hurried down to the waiting car.

"Berry I must say you look smokin' tonight! After all of the complaining you did about going I'm shocked you aren't wearing sweatpants and a hoodie." Rachel rolled her eyes, trying not to act like she was just staring at her pajamas not two minutes ago.

The driver began driving as Rachel readjusted her short dress in the back of the car. "Santana you know I hate public events. I can sing on a stage every waking moment but I hate going to these things sometimes."

"Oh please! Rachel you are nominated for a Tony next month. You need to be out in the public eye. These types of things look good for you. I've been your PR manager since your first gig. When are you going to learn to trust me on this? You have to stay relevant. Plus I'm sure you could find a hot guy to hook up with tonight." Santana laughed at that final statement as it came out of her mouth. Rachel hadn't had a boyfriend in almost two years.

"Santana! You know I don't hook up with guys. I date. Formally. If I have the time." Rachel fiddled with her hair as the conversation continued. "I doubt I'm going to find a date at a fundraiser. I don't understand why I can't just write a check to the charity and call it a day. I'm busy. I cherish my time off."

"That's the point Rachel. Number one, yes you could write a check which you will still do tonight, but your face needs to be seen. Being a famous Broadway singer has its duties off stage as you know. Number two, you need to get laid and loosen the hell up."

Rachel opened her mouth to argue, but really didn't have anything to say. She knows she's been too uptight when it comes to dating. She's just never been that good at it. At 28 she's only ever had two serious boyfriends before she decided to focus on herself. Two years had passed and although her career was skyrocketing, her personal life was definitely not.

The rest of the drive involved Santana prepping her on which reporters would be on the red carpet, the appropriate amount to donate, etc. The car came to a stop and the door to the car was opened. "Okay Berry, work that red carpet for us ok?" Rachel exited the car and headed toward the carpet and cameras. Santana trailed behind carrying their bags.

Rachel sucked in her stomach as she stepped onto the carpet. Immediately cameras started flashing and the photographers began screaming her name. "Ms. Berry! Turn to the left!" they shouted. "Over the shoulder Rachel!" She obliged as they shot away. She didn't mind this part so much, except the next day when one of the horrific pictures of her making a weird face would surface.

Next was the interview part of this night. Once again, this part didn't bother her. She knew they'd ask her about her Tony nomination or her next project. Easy stuff. She liked to keep her interviews lighthearted.

After a few mindless interviews with local New York and Broadway reporters, she reached the reporter for Broadway World. The reporter asked her about how she felt about her Tony nomination. "Oh I'm thrilled and so honored. Playing Fanny Brice has truly been an honor and I'm looking forward to my next role which is of course a secret right now" Rachel winked. She was nailing these interviews. She was almost bored with herself by this one.

The reporter started to wrap things up as the fundraiser was about to begin. "So Rachel, please tell us why you are here tonight?"

"Well Children's Hospital of New York does wonderful work. I've been working with them for about three years now and have done many Broadway Sing's events with them. Tonight it's my honor to come and support them." Okay, so she lied. She'd rather be at home, but she does greatly support the hospital.

"Well that's fantastic. Now, will you be buying yourself a hot firefighter tonight? This is a perfect night for a single lady am I right?"

Rachel was blindsided a bit and didn't understand. Santana hadn't mentioned anything about firefighters. She chuckled as she spoke to hide her confusion "Oh I don't know about that. I guess we will see how the night progresses! I guess I should head inside now. Bye!"

Santana caught up to Rachel as she walked inside. Rachel was at the table to sign in and get her seat assignment. "We're table 10, right in front by the stage" she said as she handed Santana their place cards. As they walked inside the entire room was set up like a sound stage. There were giant silver and gold fire hydrants displayed around the room and each table was covered in either a red, orange, or yellow table cloth. All of the centerpieces were some sort of fountain with running water through them. There was a shiny red fire truck with the letters NYFD on the side that was parked near the back of the stage.

As Rachel's gaze left the fire truck she saw the banner. "NEW YORK CITY FIRE DEPARMENT FIREFIGHTER AUCTION. " Her head turned back to Santana who was a step behind her. She pointed quickly at the banner. "Santana! Care to explain this? I thought we were at a Children's hospital Fundraiser!"

Santana put her finger in front of her mouth. "Shhh Berry! We are at a Children's Hospital Fundraiser. All of the proceeds from the auction goes to the hospital. Chill out!"

The lights began to flicker in the room indicating that things were about to begin. Rachel and Santana quickly took their seats along with everyone else in the room.

"What do you mean? I thought I could just write a donation check and be done with it. Why didn't you tell me about this other part of the night huh?"

Santana leaned over to whisper in Rachel's ear. "Look, I thought it would be great PR if you purchased a night of fun with a hot guy. Is that so bad? Plus it would be great for your image."

Rachel began to breathe quickly with her nostrils flaring. "You want me to BUY a date with a guy? You know how against this concept I am? I can find my own date without having to purchase him thank you very much."

Santana laughed. "Oh can you? Because your vagina would say otherwise am I right?"

Rachel slapped Santana's arm. "Will you be quiet? There are a table full of people here so please stop referencing my lady parts for the rest of the night! And under no circumstances will I be buying a date with a firefighter. Got it?"

Santana rolled her eyes. "Okay Rachel. Whatever. We can sit through this shindig and you can go home ALONE. You will perfectly waste this hot ass outfit you are in, but you're the boss."

The events of the night soon began. Dinner was served as some speakers from the hospital talked to the audience about what monies were needed for certain things. Then they showed a heartwarming film about how money donated from last year's auction was used to help three children in need of a medical procedure. Rachel cried.

Soon the emcee came back out and began the auction. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen! We will now begin our firefighter auction this evening. Each of you was given a paddle at the beginning of the night with a number on it. This will function as a normal auction would. Highest bidder wins a night with one of these great men of the New York City Fire Department!"

The audience cheered. Rachel knew that this was just a way to drum up money. No one had to go out with these guys, but the concept still bothered her. This was practically one step away from prostitution.

Santana pulled Rachel close. "I know exactly what you are thinking Rachel. Lighten the hell up. It's a fundraiser. You aren't buying a hooker off the street. Oh wait, never mind because you aren't going to participate. My bad."

Santana was starting to annoy her. They sometimes had a love hate relationship, but bottom line she always has Rachel and her career in her best interest.

The first firefighter up for auction came out on the stage. He was a tall blonde with blue eyes. Pretty cute but he looked not a day older than 21. His name was Frank and he had been with the Fire Department for a year. She was relieved to see that he was fully clothed. He had his firefighting pants on with suspenders, and a blue NYFD shirt on. For some reason she was expecting them to be in only their boxers and a fire hat. Maybe subconsciously she wished they were. No! This is gross, she reminded herself. He ended up going for $1200 to an actress from a Soap Opera. Not bad.

The next two guys each went for $2500 and $3100 to women she didn't know. She thinks one had a husband so maybe that date was never going to happen.

As the next guy was announced, Rachel had to readjust herself in her chair. When doing so she saw Julia Welsh, her arch nemesis of Broadway. When she first moved to New York, she and Julia were always auditioning for the same parts. Always. Of course it came down to her and Julia for role of Elphaba in Wicked and Julia got it. Rachel was the understudy and Julia made her life a living hell. And of course she never, ever, missed a show.

Rachel eyed Santana. "You didn't tell me SHE was going to be here!" she whispered and shouted simultaneously.

"Rachel can you just stop complaining? I don't know every single person who will be at an event. Even if I did know, I wouldn't have told you. The night is almost over. Please take a large sip of that wine for my sanity."

Now Rachel was thoroughly distracted, daydreaming of Juila's demise through the next two men.

The emcee announced the final firefighter coming out. "Our last man of the night is Mr. Finn Hudson. He's been with the NYFD for 5 years. Starting bid will be $100".

Rachel looked up and her jaw dropped. This man was hot. Like super super hot. He was wearing the same outfit as the others, but you could see his defined arm muscles underneath the t-shirt and a tribal arm band tattoo poking slightly out underneath the right side. His hair was gelled but messy, and he was possibly the tallest man she'd ever seen. He looked so nice. Possibly could be the nicest man she'd ever meet. However, she would not lower her moral standards for some cute guy. That's ridiculous. Right?

Bids started flowing. He was up to $4000 when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Julia raised her paddle with the number 13 on it and said "$5000".

Rachel suddenly felt an urge to bid. NO way in hell was Julia going to get a date with this hot guy. Julia always got everything!

Julia was in a bidding war with some other woman she didn't know. "$6500" Julia shouted. Before she knew what was happening, Rachel picked up her paddle with and shouted "$8000!".

The emcee confirmed her bid. "$8000 to number 5, do I have $8500?"

Santana's eyes grew wide. What was happening? "Rachel what the hell? I thought you said you would never ever bid! Is it because of Julia?"

"NO" Rachel lied.

Julia raised her paddle again "$9000". Finn's now looked stunned as he stood next to the emcee on stage. Rachel thought it was adorable. He has to know how hot he is.

Rachel huffed under her breath. "Oh no you don't". She raised her number 5 paddle high. "$10,000!"

The audience gasped. The emcee asked for any following bids. "I have Mr. Hudson going to number 5 for $10,000. Going once, going twice, Number 5 you are the winner! Congratulations."

Everyone cheered while Firefighter Hudson stood awkwardly on the stage blushing. He fiddled with his suspenders unsure of what to do. Rachel caught his eye as she stood clapped loudly, making sure Julia saw her excitement.

Santana pulled her back down into her chair as the crowd died down. "Rachel what the hell? Do you even have $10,000?"

"Of course I do Santana! I work non-stop, have no boyfriend, and no life. I never spend any money. It's fine. Isn't' this what you wanted?" Rachel pushed her hair back behind her ears. In all of the excitement she had become flushed.

"So are you going to tell me what this is all about then?" Santana asked as she quickly got on her phone to email Broadway World of Rachel's winnings. For once Rachel had done something totally spontaneous that actually worked in her favor.

"Well Santana, I just bought myself a date to the Tony's."

Thoughts? Should I continue?