So, this is it. The last chapter of the story. I am happy how it turned out and I hope you will like it too.

Thanks to my beta musicalfreak22 for putting up with me and my bad spelling and grammar. And thanks to everyone, who has read the story and liked it and for leaving nice comments for me. They really pulled me through and not make me delete the story (which I wanted to do a couple of times, I admit).

You guys are wonderful!


Chapter 13

"I have to tell you something." David turned to Kathryn. "I'm pregnant.", she declared.

David smiled at her and pulled her in for a hug. "Congratulations! I am so happy for you and Frederick."

It was late October and they were walking out of the courthouse, now finally divorced. Kathryn had gotten back with her old college crush, whom her father had not allowed her to marry back then. But now, she was more confident. She had moved to Seattle, where her boyfriend was living and where she was studying law, like she had always wanted to. And now, another one of her wishes had come true.

"I would ask to be invited to the wedding, but I guess that would be a bit too much." David winked at her.

"Probably. But I am so glad you are happy for me. And I really hope you will soon be happy yourself."

David gave her a confused look. "I am happy. I have a daughter, a grandson, another grandchild on the way."

Kathryn rolled her eyes at him. "Oh David, you know that is not what I am talking about."

"No, no, Swan. You will sit down and rest!", Killian ordered his fiancé. Emma sighed in annoyance, but sat down anyway as Killian continued decorating the room.

"I'm just four months pregnant, not going to pop any day now, man! Stop fussing. I am barely showing yet.", she complained.

Next to her on the couch sat Elsa, who just laughed and caressed her own pregnant belly. She was already seven months along, with twins. "The Jones men and their offspring. Liam refused to believe the doctor when she told us there was no need for me to go to bed rest yet."

The brothers both laughed as they decorated the room together with Graham and Henry.

"Hey, I am already an overprotective daddy.", Killian complained and ruffled Henry's hair. "Oh, he is.", the little boy joined in.

"Go help your grandma in the kitchen and make sure the cake is good.", Emma shooed their son away, who happily obeyed.

They were preparing a birthday celebration for Emma. Everyone was coming over from Storybrooke to celebrate the big day. So, due to a lack of room, they were celebrating at Ingrid's house.

Emma had not stayed mad at her mother for very long. Perhaps because she was so overjoyed at finally getting married to Killian and having another baby. The only person happier about the baby was possibly Henry. Graham had once warned him, that babies were pretty loud sometimes, but he had just declared he was already an expert on babies after spending a few nights over at his new best friend Roland's place, whose baby brother Tom was pretty loud.

Everything was quite perfect for Emma right then. Never in her whole life had she pictured herself like this: engaged to the most wonderful man, having the sweetest son and another baby on the way (probably not the last), surrounded by her friends and family and, especially, with her parents.

The relationship between Emma and Mary Margaret had a rocky start, but you would never guess it, if you saw them together now. Mary Margaret was now just as important to her as David and Ingrid were. The only sad thing was that her only living grandparent, George Nolan, didn't like her. She now counted Regina and Zelena as her aunts, but Cora absolutely didn't count as her grandmother. But after all she had heard about him, George was probably just as horrible as Cora and was not worth it to be sad about.

And when she looked around her, all she saw was love.

Wendy and Neal, who were not so secretly sneaking kisses from each other.

Graham and Zelena, who were making eyes with each other across the room.

Lily and August, who were holding hands with each other under the table.

Anna and Kristof planning on being the next ones with a kid.

Regina and Robin amusing their baby.

Liam and Elsa feeling their babies kick.

Ingrid showing Henry and Roland how to make frosting.

And, of course, Killian looking at her like she was the sun and moon.

But suddenly, she realized that David and Mary Margaret were missing. Were they running late?

Mary Margaret rushed from her car, just to see that everyone else had obviously already arrived. She had gotten into her car, but had forgotten the present. Then, she had already driven away from her hotel, only to realize, she had forgotten Ingrid's address in her room. She should really listen to Emma and save such things in her phone.

As she was just approaching the door, she heard someone call for her. "Mary Margaret, wait!"

She turned to see it was David. "David, I am so happy I am not the last one to arrive.", she joked. But David's expression was serious.

"Yeah, I came right here from my appointment. Kathryn and I had our court hearing today.", he explained.

"I hope it went well." David and she had talked about everything after Emma had come to her. She was glad they were on better terms now. Deep down she hoped that now that the secret was out, they could go back to being a couple, but she knew too much had happened since they split up and it was probably too late.

"It went great. We are divorced now and are both so relieved about it. Kathryn's studies are going well and they are even expecting a baby."

An honest smile spread over Mary Margaret's face. "I am so happy for her."

She turned to ring the doorbell, but David caught her arm before she could.

"David, what are you doing?", she asked a bit confused, as she turned towards him.

To her surprise, he let go of her wrist, only to cup her face with his hand and wrap his other arm around her. "What I should have done twenty-five years ago, Snow." And with that he kissed her. Her confusion lasted a moment longer, but then she passionately kissed him back, like she wanted to do for so long. And like she wanted to do for the rest of her days.

Emma opened the front door, only to find Mary Margaret and David kissing. She rolled her eyes. "Mom, dad, is that really necessary. You are scaring my little brother!", she exclaimed mockingly.

David and Mary Margaret looked at the toddler playing on their living room floor. He just looked up from playing to notice his older sister was standing in the door. "Em!", he exclaimed and got on his little feet to run towards her.

When Emma picked him up to greet him, David and Mary Margaret watched their children happily.

After the birth of their daughter Dawn, Killian and Emma had moved to Storybrooke. They had both always wanted to live in a small town. And after Emma had been offered the job as the deputy sheriff, the decision was made. It was a bonus that the other new deputy of the town was Graham. She would have never taken away Henry from Neal, so this was the only factor that delayed her decision. But to her happiness, he was more than glad to move along with them, as things with Wendy were getting serious. And of course Lily was in no mood to be left behind, especially when she could now see August whenever she wanted.

Ingrid was not so delighted by Emma's decision to move, but when Emma pointed out that Ingrid's only reason to ever stay in her old house, were her girls and she was now free to go where she wanted. So Ingrid had left her shop in Boston to the care of Elsa and Anna and opened a new flourishing business in Storybrooke.

Mary Margaret and David had gotten back together after their kiss at Emma's birthday party. Emma had been really happy for them, Regina's only reaction was 'Finally!' and Kathryn had sent him a winking emoji with the text 'I told you so'. And after wasting so much time, they had no desire to take things slow. So they got married on New Year's Day and were so even married before Killian and Emma. And Emma didn't mind that at all.

And now, they had two year old Leo and Emma, who had just herself had another baby boy.

"I left Killian at home to enjoy the day with the kids. I think the other guys are coming over later with their kids. I can't believe it is Graham's and August's first time.", Emma said. She could hardly believe that on this day exactly five years ago, she had hated this day.

"I guess we should get this little man ready, so we can start the fun. And next year, our little sister can join us.", she went on and gently rubbed Mary Margaret's pregnant belly.

Then, she turned to David, with her little brother still in her arms. She hugged him and said the words she had always wanted to say on this day and now used every opportunity to do so. "Happy father's day, daddy."