A/N: So, this had been shelved too long and it deserves, I think, to see the light of day. The title came from Gaby Dunn's amazing work called "Maybe In Another Universe, I Deserve You." If you haven't read it, then it's high time you do. Trust me. Anyway, hope you enjoy this and let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: Star Wars is not mine.

Summary: When Anakin Skywalker and his former master, Qui-Gon Jinn, witness a singularity opening above Coruscant through another universe, things get a bit out of hand. Especially when Commander Ahsoka Tano of the Rebel Alliance of the other universe claims they're being chased after a Sith Lord called Darth Vader. AU.


The news of a singularity appearing right above Coruscant's system spread across the galaxy in a span of a galactic standard day. The Clone Wars came to a welcomed halt, both the Separatists and the Republic gaining the much needed reprieve from the onslaught of bloodshed and wasted resources. The Jedi themselves were called away from their respective military duties to help investigate this phenomenon unlike anything that's ever been recorded.

The singularity itself seemed to be an enormous swirling black hole that neither sucked nor moved to destroy anything in its wake, which what had most baffled the experts of the cosmic behavior of the Core. It stayed firmly in place, looming in the sky barely seen from all the smog of a city planet.

Then, something was detected in their scanners. It was coming right out of the singularity.

Anakin Skywalker and his former master, Qui-Gon Jinn were, naturally, the first to be dispatched to meet the intruders. They were the best Jedi team the Order had to offer. Their success rate trampled over almost all of the Jedi Knights and Masters combined and their military strategy was unparalleled, a hair's width short between ingenious, suicidal, and insane.

Their respective battalions immediately formed the protocol defensive position without much prodding, lining the planet like a barricade reminiscent of another invasion in a peaceful planet thirteen years ago.

"Anakin, do you copy?" A familiar voice came through his comm.

"Yes, Master Qui-Gon. I copy." Anakin replied, checking his systems and his trusted astromech, Artoo, in the back. All was in perfect condition. He tuned in to his troop's frequency and did a preliminary check-up of their crafts.

A shiver ran down Qui-Gon's spine. Not unlike the feeling that commanded him to train a slave boy out of a dessert planet years and years ago, the Force barreled onto the Jedi Master, delivering its will.

"Command, this is General Jinn. Requesting to negotiate with the invaders. I sense an intervention from the Force that these people mean us no harm." He told Command which composed of the Chancellor, the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, and High General Windu.

Long used to Qui-Gon's bouts of feeling that what he claimed to be the Will of the Force, the senior Council member responded without missing a beat after a nod of approval came from the Grandmaster. "This is General Windu. Request accepted, General Jinn, but exercise caution."


He stretched his senses using the Force and felt Anakin doing the same. They're consciousness met and, with years of sharing a master-padawan bond between them, melded together to perform a powerful Force sweep of their visitors. What they felt were two Force-presences coming toward them, familiar but unrecognizable because of the distance between them.

"Are you sure it's wise to talk to them, Master? What if they do mean us harm and open fire at us and we aren't ready?" Anakin asked. The habit of calling his former master his honorific was never dropped and Qui-Gon had never dissuaded him. After so many years together, it became more than an honorific to them anyway.

"This is what I feel the Force wants me to do. We are in the Force's hands now, my former padawan." Qui-Gon said. Anakin said nothing and only nodded grimly.

Then, a cruiser came out of its center. It was a Corellian Starship, battered like it took more hits than it could take but it still flew albeit looking like it was being splintered to pieces. The cannons were armed and trailed right at their center, which just so happens to be Qui-Gon's fighter.

"This is General Qui-Gon Jinn. On behalf of the Galactic Republic, I order you to stand down and identify yourselves. We mean you no harm." He said through an open frequency. There was static for the first few seconds before a voice came through.

"General Jinn, this is Commander Ahsoka Tano of the Rebel Alliance! Requesting immediate assistance! They're right behind us!" The voice sounded desperate and alert.

"Ahsoka?!" Anakin retorted in disbelief. He had not seen his old padawan since she left the Order. She sounded different then— older, with a hard edge in her tone that spoke of command. "What in the Nine Corellian Hells are you doing there?"

There was a short pause before, "No time to argue! We need help! TIE fighters right behind us!" She growled.

Then that's when they noticed the black fighters coming right behind them at incredible speeds, firing at the already damaged stern of the space cruiser. The Jedi generals immediately went into action, retaliating with heavy firepower at their command.

"There'll be more of them!" Ahsoka's voice came through their comm. The enemy fighters are being slowly obliterated and the damaged cruiser was allowed entry on the planet. The cruiser flew right passed them. "Do you have a shield generator big enough to block the singularity?!"

"What?! That thing is massive, Ahsoka! We don't have anything big enough to cover it entirely!" Anakin bellowed.

"Then rip the generators from different ships and rig them together!" Ahsoka snapped.

"Those don't come cheap, Ahsoka!"

"Do you want to be invaded by a Sith Lord?!"

"What are you—"

"A Sith Lord is behind this?" Qui-Gon interrupted before the heated argument could continue.

"Yes, and he has an entire empire to back him up. If you don't plug that hole, you'll be engaging in an all out war with an army from a different universe!"

"A different universe?!" Anakin screeched.

"YES! NOW, CLOSE IT!" Ahsoka roared. The line became nothing but static.

"Where is she?!" Anakin demanded, concerned as he avoided enemy fire. A new squadron of enemy fighters had just arrived. He made complicated loops and sharp turns to get the fighters chasing him off his back but the TIE fighters seemed to be designed for its maneuverability along with its incredible speed.

"They're fine, Skywalker." Windu said through the comm. "She just landed."

"Command, this is General Jinn." Qui-Gon said as he pursued an enemy fighter. "We need shield generators big enough to plug the singularity. Ahsoka spoke of a Sith Lord after them and I believe her. I sense a dark presence on the other side."

"We heard, Qui-Gon, but Tano's claims may be true or not, those generators would take some time to remove." Windu said.

"Then, we'll buy you some. Just hurry." Anakin grunted as he downed another fighter.

Qui-Gon's flagship, which served as their joint Jedi Star Dreadnaught for this battle, the Voyager, loomed over the city planet's atmosphere. Anakin's second-in-command, Captain Rex, manned the bridge.

"This is Captain Rex aboard the Voyager." He reported.

"Captain, status report." Qui-Gon barked, as he noticed their fighters were slowly diminishing.

"We're losing too many fighters out here, General." Rex reported. "It's only a matter of time before they overwhelm us. Their fighters are faster and more shielded than ours. They pack a lot of firepower, too. Scanners are indicating there're more of them coming your way, sir."

"Call for reinforcements. Make sure the enemy fighters do not go beyond our range."

Suddenly, all enemy fighters ceased fire and drew back closer to the singularity. Qui-Gon felt an ominous feeling from the Force. A familiar, eerie voice passed through his thoughts.

I have a bad feeling about this.

The voice made his heart ache. He had not heard it for so long...

He shook his head away from the memory. Now was not the time to dwell in the past. He needed to focus on the here and now.

"Sir, the scanners are also picking up a colossal object coming through the singularity."

"What object?"

"I see it, Master." Anakin chimed in grimly. He had ventured too close to the hole as he followed the enemy fighters and saw the tip of, as Rex described, a massive object. He turned and flew back to their defensive line. "That dark presence you felt, Master? I feel it's aboard that thing. We're about to have some serious company. Captain, bring all squadrons back to our defensive position. We hold the front until reinforcements arrive. Master, I need you back here."

"Copy, Anakin." Qui-Gon responded as he flew to his former padawan's side. He let the younger Jedi assume command despite their rank differences. Anakin was, after all, better at strategizing and improvising. It was like he had been born for war. Qui-Gon frowned upon that line of thought.

"This is Commander Tano. General Jinn, do you have visual on that colossal object?" She demanded, tuning into the frequency.

"Commander, I thought you'd be in the healing facilities right now." Mace Windu's sharp voice followed hers.

"I'm not injured and my men are more than capable of overseeing our wounded. I'm much more needed here. Now, the colossal object," This time, her question is directed again to Qui-Gon. "What does it look like?"

"It's looks different but I'm pretty sure it's similar to a Venator-Class Star Destroyer only more heavily armed and bigger." It was Anakin who answered her, mildly sounding impressed.

"It's him," She whispered before a hard edge coated her voice. "If it's larger than the old Venator-Class, heavily armed, and carrying a dark powerful presence onboard then I'm pretty sure it's the Super Star Destroyer, the Executor. It's Darth Vader's flag ship. He's the Sith's apprentice and extremely powerful in the Force. No matter what happens, do not let him escape. Destroy that flag ship at all cost."

"Extremely powerful, huh? Well, let's see about that." Anakin responded cockily.

"Anakin, don't do anything reckless." Qui-Gon warned him.

"When have I ever, Master?" He said innocently. Qui-Gon only shook his head. Two other Jedi Star Dreadnaughts joined their position with four battalions trailing their wake. The reinforcements have arrived.

"This is General Plo Koon, joining your fleet for battle." The Kel Dore master reported.

"This is General Shaak Ti. We will be with you in this battle as well." The Togruta master followed.

"It's good to see you, Masters. I wished it were better circumstances."

"The feeling is mutual, Qui-Gon." Shaak Ti lamented with him.

"What are your orders, Sir?" Rex spoke through the comm.

It was Anakin who responded for them. "All squadrons direct your firepower on the oncoming Super Star Destroyer. We blow this Sith Lord from another universe to smithereens for messing with the wrong battalion!"

There was a chorus of enthusiastic affirmatives. The other masters remained silent but willing to follow the younger Jedi.

"Force, that sounds weird. Another universe? Surreal." Anakin murmured to himself.

"Stay focus, my former padawan." Qui-Gon chided.

"Right, Master. Stay close to me. We'll go right for the bridge. Chances are, the Sith Lord may be commanding from there."

"Copy, Anakin."

"Master Shaak Ti and I will be focusing on the enemy fighters. We will be keeping them on the defensive. We will pave a clear path for you."

"Copy that, Master Plo Koon." Anakin answered.

When it arrived, the Super Star Destroyer loomed like a pale dagger of death through the singularity. Surrounding the Executor were squadrons of TIE fighters, swarming to protect its command ship. Anakin can see more similar looking Star Destroyers right behind the Executor coming their way. He suddenly realized that this may be harder than he originally anticipated and that there was no way they could buy enough time for those shield generators to arrive even with the reinforcements that came to help without a full scale war with the Republic's entire army. After their war with the Separatists, he's not entirely sure how equipped they are to fend off another party. If Ahsoka was right and these Sith Lord from an alternate universe really did have an Empire behind him, then Force help them, the odds were stacked against them.

Anakin shook his head angrily. This was not the time to be a pessimist.

"Master Windu, we need those shields now!" He growled.

"They're still detaching them from the ships. They need more time." Mace Windu growled and Qui-Gon knew that he'd be itching to call for his own battalion to help them and only his Jedi training and his status as a Master of the Order is keeping him from doing so.

"Just do everything you can, Mace." Qui-Gon told him before Anakin could retort. Anakin could only grit his teeth.

"Rex, General Jinn and I will target the bridge." Anakin commanded. "Assume command of our squadrons. Master Plo, we need a squadron to disable those cannons on the Executor. They look huge and they look like they could inflict a lot of damage. If they are used to full capacity, we won't last very long."

"Copy that, Skywalker."

The TIE fighters were beginning to engage in an aggressive attack formation. A few other squadrons were used to defend the command ship, making it almost untouchable by enemy fighters. It was going to be a challenge to break through it but Anakin was more than a capable pilot. With his master on his side, they'll be unstoppable.

"Let's give these Sith hell." Anakin said and those of his battalion and the Jedi Masters verbalized their agreement.

"Squadrons, engage." Shaak Ti ordered and the battle commenced.