So, the weeks continued.

And Lily realised. . . she loved spending time with James. He just made her laugh, now that they had become more relaxed with each other. She had always thought the Marauders were idiotic, and that when James and Sirius were together they were immature. And. . . well, the immature bit did still stand when they were together, but she now found them funny.

It was strange, actually. She'd become a lot more laid back since she'd split from Danny.

Ah. Daniel. Speaking of whom, was. . . trying to prove he didn't need Lily at all.

Nobody really knew who he was trying to prove this TO, but everyone guessed he was just proving it to himself. It was surprising, the number of girls who were still willing to go out with him.

And, he'd go out with most of those girls. In the past weeks, he'd probably gone out and split up with more people than the rest of the males at Hogwarts had gone out with all together.

But nobody cared.

Nobody really NOTICED him, anymore. Lily and James were the golden couple, the ones everyone suddenly had their eyes on.

Lily's friends thought this might have annoyed her, but she didn't care.

Because. . . she was just having fun with James, at the moment.

Yeah, that's what it was. Fun. Nothing serious, which she liked.

So, feelings for him? She liked him. A lot.

Love? No. . .

She'd had enough with heavy, loving relationships, for the moment.


"Okay!" James said loudly, stepping into the Common Room and clapping his hands together. "Where're my three boys?" he grinned.

Lily, from where she was sat curled up in armchair, talking to her friends, rolled her eyes at her boyfriend and smiled.

Danny, from where he was slouched on a couch with his arm around today's floozy, scowled in the direction of James Potter.

"I take it you mean your fellow Marauders?" Sirius asked, appearing within seconds at James's side.

James's grin widened as he clapped his best friend on the back, and led him over to where Lily was sat. He sprawled out on the floor, and a few moments later, Remus and Peter had joined them too.

"What did you want us for?" Peter asked, looking agitated. "I was just trying to get a head start on my packing. . ."

For the summer holidays were fast approaching, and the 7th years would soon be leaving Hogwarts forever.

"Sorry," James replied uncaringly, and shrugged his shoulders. "But anyway, that's why I wanted to talk. Listen. . . We're leaving soon!"

When James didn't continue, but merely looked scandalised, Courtney raised her eyebrows.

"Wow," she said sarcastically, a smile tugging at her mouth. "He's quick, isn't he?"

Lily giggled with her friend.

"Shut up," James replied good naturedly, but looked towards Sirius, Remus and Peter intently. "What I mean is, we're leaving soon, and we haven't-"

Suddenly Sirius's eyes widened in horror. "-Come up with an end of year prank!" he finished his friend's sentence.


"Oh, God. . ." Lily mumbled, shaking her head.

She sighed loudly. "James! You're supposed to be Head Boy. Grow up a bit, yeah?"

"Aw, c'mon Evans," Remus grinned, blowing his hair out of his face. "What end of year feast would be complete without an original Marauder prank? PLUS. . . It'll be our last ever one."

"Quite sad actually," Peter added thoughtfully.

Again, Lily rolled her eyes, but this time began to stand up. "Fine. Just. . . Don't expect me to be a part of it."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Sirius answered. "You're not a Marauder, are you? Now, you girls hurry along now, we've got planning to do. . ." Lily threw Courtney and annoyed look as the two made their way out of the room, but not before James grabbed his girlfriend and gave her a quick kiss.

This made Danny – who unbeknownst to them had been watching them intently the entire time – glare even more.


The rest of the day, James spent with the Marauders plotting their last ever prank. All of them were agitated, as they couldn't seem to come up with something "spectacular enough".

And when Lily had suggested they tried something simple yet effective, Sirius had claimed she was distracting him and ruining his train of thought, therefore she had to go.

Which is why Lily ended up strolling around the school, trying to take in a mental reminder of everything before she left forever.

She tried to steer clear of friends (which was hard, as they kept popping up everywhere, insisting that she write and keep in touch when she left) because she couldn't concentrate properly on her surroundings if she was with people.

Which meant she was alone when someone poked her in the side. She whirled around immediately, and her face hardened when she saw who it was.

Danny stood with his hands behind his back, smiling guiltily down at her. "Um. . . hi," he greeted her, a grin playing on his lips.

"What?" she snapped, completely confused as to the reason he was talking to her, and looking as if. . . absolutely nothing had happened.

Because he was.

He was simply grinning at her, quite carelessly, albeit sheepishly.

"Aw Lils, don't be so snappy," he laughed gently.

She glared at him. "Don't be so SNAPPY?" she repeated, eventually.

She blinked several times, her mouth hanging open ever so slightly. "Daniel, why the hell are you even talking to me?"

He sighed heavily at her words, and shook his head. "Because. . . Lily, this is stupid," he replied. "Us. . . We're being stupid. Okay, I was in the wrong. I take full responsibility for that. And you've made your point by stringing Potter along for the past few weeks. Okay? So. . . How about we just forget everything and just get back together? Hmm?"

She gaped at him in complete shock.

And her silence seemed to voice her opinion precisely.

"Oh, come on Lily," he continued pleadingly.

He was no longer looking as relaxed and controlled as he was a few minutes ago. "You know it'll happen eventually. We BELONG together. I'm. . . In love with you. Still. You must know that."

Still gaping at him, she frowned slightly. "No you're not," she finally said quietly.

"Yes I AM."

"No, Danny, you're NOT. Okay? Maybe you think you are, but. . . you're really, really not," she insisted. "If you loved me, you wouldn't have had to bed that other girl, would you? AND, I am not just 'stringing James along'. I do actually like him. A lot."

Danny scowled at this.

He'd expected Lily to fall into his arms if he was to act sweet, sorry and understanding, but. . . It wasn't going to plan.

And he didn't want her to sing Potter's praises.

"Okay, so maybe you DO like him. . ." he murmured grudgingly, pulling a flower out from behind his back and handing it to her with a shy smile (a FAKE shy smile, she noted right away). "But. . . maybe. . . you like me too?" he asked sweetly, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

Lily couldn't believe the nerve of him.

She thought, after all the years she had spent as his girlfriend, that she knew him.

But it turned out. . . She didn't.

And apparently, he didn't know when to give up.

Sighing quietly, Lily shook her head. "Danny. . No," she said, quite softly but firmly. "I don't like you like that. At all. Jesus, I don't like you in ANY way, right now. . ."

And by the look on his face, Lily could tell he was actually taking it in, now. Now that they weren't having a slanging match in the middle of crowded common room, or hanging off the arms of new boyfriends and girlfriends. Now that it was just the two of them, and he could see she actually meant what she was saying, not just telling him things on the spur of the moment.

"So you mean nothing's ever going to happen between us?" he asked unhappily. "Ever?" he repeated.

"Nothing," Lily confirmed.

Danny frowned, staring down at the floor.

When he finally raised his head, he gave Lily a tight smile. "Really blew it then, didn't I?" he muttered, humourlessly.

Before waiting for an answer, he turned on his heel and stormed off, feeling an enormous amount of sadness.

And an enormous amount of hatred towards James Potter.


After meeting Danny, Lily immediately returned to the Gryffindor Common Room.

Being the night before the whole school was due to go home, it was a hectic place to be. Whilst some people were relaxing and spending time with friends, many others were running around frantically, trying to find possessions they had misplaced during to course of the school year.

"Where's my Transfiguration book?" a third year girl was demanding as Lily walked passed, clambering onto her hands and knees and searching under a couch.

Lily hid a smile and kept walking, pushing past a couple in order to get to her friends, who she had spotted by the far window.

"Ooooh, I'm going to miss you so much!" the sixth year girl was exclaiming tearfully to her boyfriend, clutching his hands.

The boy was looking quite embarrassed by her display, and trying to calm her down. "Yeah, but. . . I'm coming to your house in two weeks, aren't I? So. . . y'know, calm down. . ." he laughed nervously, throwing looks towards his friends, who were smirking at him.

"That's still two whole weeks!" she cried with despair.

Lily threw the boy an amused glance before finally reaching Kim and Courtney, who were in the middle of what looked to be a very serious chess game.

The Marauders and several other people were sat around them, only half interested in the game.

"Hi," she said, letting herself be pulled into James's lap. He seemed to be in a good mood, and was happily humming some song to himself.

"Shh!" Kim said immediately. "This is THE game, Lil."

"Err. . ." Lily trailed off and frowned, looking towards James for explanation.

He simply shrugged, stopping his humming. "I dunno," he answered.

"The game to see who wins the title of reigning champion," Courtney grinned, tilting back in her chair confidently.

"Ah. Anyway. Where've you been?" James went on.

Lily shook her head dismissively in reply, turning back to watch Courtney and Kim play chess. "Just. . . around," she mumbled.

Immediately, James sensed that something had happened, and exchanged a look with Sirius.

"Around where?" Sirius asked with interest.

"I was just saying 'bye to people," she informed them, before standing up and heading towards the girls dorms. "Speaking of which, I promised Heidi I'd go talk to her before I left. . ." Lily went on, before disappearing upstairs.

Remus raised his eyebrows knowingly, once she'd gone. "Who bets the 'person' she was just saying goodbye to happened to be a certain Mr Danny Noonan?"

Kim's head immediately turned towards him, her chess game forgotten for a few minutes. "What?"

"Yeah, what?" James repeated, a firm frown on his face. He drummed his fingers idly on the arm of the chair he was sat, looking at Remus suspiciously.

"You don't think so?" Remus asked, looking mildly surprised. He shrugged carelessly, spreading himself out on the couch he was vacating to more comfortable. "I just thought it was obvious. . . Y'know, Lily wasn't here with us, he's not with his friends. . ."

Courtney craned her neck to see Matt and a few others Danny was usually seen without sat talking in a corner.

And, right enough, Daniel wasn't with them.

"And then Lily came in here in a mood. . ." Remus went on, but again he shrugged offhandedly. "Like I said, I don't know. It's just what I was thinking."

"Sounds about right," Sirius agreed, nodding his head, as he wrote down his new address to a smug blonde girl.

James nibbled his lower lip thoughtfully. "I wonder what he said, then. . .?"

"Oh, Merlin," Courtney sighed heavily, shooting James a glare. "You start being all jealous as well, I shall KILL you," she warned.

He smirked, as did the other Marauders. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I'm not jealous, I'm just. . . wondering."

"Hmm, wondering what would be the best way to hurt the bloke," Sirius grinned.

The blonde girl had now rushed up to her room, no doubt to squeal with her friends over the fact Sirius Black had given her his address.

"I'd like to hurt him as well. . ." Kim mumbled, settling back into the chess game with Courtney.

Remus laughed, before rolling onto his stomach and looking at James expectantly. "So what's going to happen with you and Lily, eh?" he asked randomly.

James tilted his head, looking confused. "What do you mean?" he questioned.

"Well, we leave tomorrow. . ." Remus reminded him. "And it's quite obvious that you're a bit besotted with her, so. . . What? You two going to carry on going out?"

James eyed Remus worriedly, having not thought about this before. "I. . . don't know what's going to happen, actually."

And then he fell into silence, wondering if Lily really cared about him enough to go out of her way to see him once school was over.


A few hours later, the whole school was bustling into the Great Hall, for the final feast before the holidays began.

Lily and Courtney sauntered towards the doors leading to it slowly, not at all in a rush.

Though they were excited about leaving school, they were also quite sad to be leaving Hogwarts.

Just as she was about to enter the doors, James appeared from no where and gently grabbed Lily's wrist, pulling her back out into the entrance hall.

Courtney eyed them curiously for a second or two, but shrugged and walked into the feast when James sent her a look.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked, her eyebrows drawing together slightly, but smiling at her boyfriend. "Is something the matter? Because we really should go into the feast, we're Head Boy and Girl-"

"I know, I know," James nodded hurriedly, running a hand through his hair. "But. . . I just wanted to see you. . ."

"Well, you'll see me later," she laughed.

"Nah, I probably won't. Everything will be crazy in the Common Room, what with us leaving, and. . . Whatever. I wanted to ask you something."

Lily raised her eyebrows expectantly.

She could hear Dumbledore's voice saying something before the food appeared.

"And you don't have to say yes or anything," James went on, trying to shrug casually. "I just. . . Thought I'd put it out there, y'know?"

Oh dear God, don't let him propose or something, Lily suddenly thought.

"Okay. . ." she nodded her head.

"Well, you know me and Sirius have bought a house together, yeah?"

Again, she nodded, only half paying attention.

She could smell the food, and she was absolutely starving.

"Well this summer is mainly just going to be us fixing it up. Decorating, and stuff. We thought for a laugh we'd do it the muggle way-"

"For a laugh?" Lily giggled, shaking her head.

"Yeah," he grinned. "So I was wondering if you'd come over and give us a hand? You could come in a couple of weeks and. . . stay, for a bit. . ." he said, trailing off.

Lily grinned. "You're asking me to stay with you for awhile?"

"You don't HAVE to or anything, I know you don't think we're really THAT serious-" he said hastily, but she cut him off by giving him a quick kiss and wrapping her arms around him.

"I'd love to," she smiled at him, and he grinned back down at her.

"Really? Good, good. . ."

"What? You think I'd say no?" she smirked.

"I did kind of, yeah," he admitted, before kissing her softly again.

She giggled, but then looked curiously towards the closed Great Hall doors when she heard lots of murmuring and then someone yell, "Where the hell did all the food go?!"

Frowning, she started to pull away from James and move towards the doors, but he grabbed her and shook his head.

"Don't worry," he laughed.

"Oh, please tell me you didn't have anything to do with this," she groaned, trying not to laugh.

"I didn't have THAT much to do with it, actually. It was the others who organised it. And we decided to go off your idea, y'know. . . simplicity."

She cocked an eyebrow at him, and then immediately raised both of her eyebrows when lots of shrieking could be heard in the Great Hall.

This time she made it to the doors, and flung them open, to be greeted by. . .


Absolutely nothing.

Pitch blackness.

She blinked rapidly, and quickly realised that all of the light had gone from the room, and the pupils were freaking out.

When suddenly a shot of red sparks shot high into the air.

Expecting it was one of the teachers, Lily sighed with relief.

But then another spark followed. . . And another. And she quickly realised it was fireworks.

"Wh-?" she started asking, as James came from behind her and placed an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. Then he rested his chin on her shoulder, watching the show.

The fireworks – red and gold – slowly started to form words, and the people in the Great Hall went quiet as they tried to work out what was being written in the air. James didn't seem to know what they were saying either, and curiously squinted his eyes.

After a few moments of silence, there was a tremendous bang as the sparks suddenly shot together and the message was visible.

James groaned loudly, as he read the message, "'Bye Hogwarts. . . HELLOOOOO world!" from the air.

"Ugh," he started, shaking his head. "I KNEW we shouldn't have let Sirius be in charge of this one. Trust him to come up with something corny like that!"

Lily laughed quietly, and rolled her eyes. "Well. . ." she sighed, as the lights came back on and the fireworks slowly faded away. "At least you didn't do something to poor Snape, again."

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, there was a strangled yell from the Slytherin table.

James smiled sheepishly at her. "Erm. . ."

She turned to find Severus Snape had been drenched in water, and was stood up, his clothes clinging to him and his hair sopping wet.

He looked angry beyond belief, and was sending looks of pure loathing towards Sirius, Remus and Peter at the Gryffindor table, who were trying their best to look innocent.


Lily glared at James, who laughed nervously.

"Oh, come on. . ." he chuckled. "You couldn't expect us to leave him out, could you? Eh? Lil. . .? Lily?"


Hi! Wow, I finally finished it!! This last chapter was crap, I know. I'm sorry. Really busy with schoolwork right now. I know, I know. Excuses. So. That's that over. Wow. I may do a sequel, or something, I don't know. But I'll definitely be updating my other fics and writing more, so keep an eye out! LoL. Thanks SO much to anything whose ever read or reviewed. Reviews now would be WONDERFUL since. . . That's the end. Aww. Again, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed.