Mamihlapinatapai: Two people looking at each other each hoping the other will do what both desire but neither is willing to do.
"I'll go ahead and start us off, since you're lookin' a little frazzled over there, Roxie." Axel stubbed out the remains of his cigarette on the iron gate, "what's the grand plan after you graduate? College? Travel? Living in a box in an alley?"
Roxas rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly, "I don't know really, if I'm being honest I'm a little scared. I know I have to go to college, that's always been the plan but I don't know where or for what or anything. I suck at realizing the significance of my choices so I'm kinda avoiding it all until I can't anymore." The blonde pulled out his own box of cigarettes and lit up eagerly. Thinking about the future always freaked out the blonde so he needed a distraction from what should have been an easy question, "Alright my turn, uhm, oh! Are you a natural redhead?" The blonde took a long drag of his cigarette and felt himself calm down as the smoke left his mouth.
"¿Por que? You lookin' to find out?" Axel purred, "no, my hair is actually really dark. I've been dying it since I was...huh, fifteen?" He shrugged, "I like to stand out I guess." He held his hand out for Roxas's lighter as he put another cigarette between his lips, "alright let's ever been with another guy? Or just girls?"
The smaller male handed over the lighter and sucked his lower lip into his mouth before answering, "The only legitimate relationship I've been in was with a guy actually," Roxas took another hit from his cigarette before continuing on, "and I mean, if you ever want to show me I'm not exactly opposed." The blonde chuckled softly at the wild grin Axel gave him, "Alright calm down, hmmm, why are at this club? Just cause' it's a normal hang out for you or?"
"Well," the redhead hummed, "this is a common haunting ground for me, but it did double as a good excuse to talk to you." Axel raised his eyebrows at Roxas, "so that guy you were at IHOP with, was he your boyfriend?"
There was something about the way Axel said it that made Roxas feel daring. For one, Axel had already asked him that when they had met, and even Hayner had denied them being in a relationship. So the fact Axel really wanted to make sure was interesting to the smaller male, "How bummed out would you be is he was?"
"Espere guerito, it's my turn to ask the question here, not you," Axel couldn't help but smirk at the feisty little blonde who's face was twisting into a look of challenge.
Roxas simply smirked right back at the taller male and took a hit of his cigarette, "Then I vote to skip." The blonde's smirk grew when Axel's eyebrows raised in surprise, "You already know the answer to that question, while I don't know the answer to mine, so I skip. Now, how bummed out would you be if he was my boyfriend?"
Axel eyed the smaller make up for a long moment, taking a deep drag off his cigarette, "pretty disappointed, I guess. Not too often cute white boys fall right into my lap, so to speak." Emeralds sparkled in his eyes, "so my turn again, huh?" Axel cast his face to the sky, "let's see...well this one will answer itself I suppose, ¿te hablas Español, o una lingua otra?"
It wasn't like people didn't compliment the blonde, but being called cute by Axel was something else entirely. Roxas actually cared what Axel thought of him, so the appreciation of his looks was something that did not go unnoticed. However any sort of smugness Roxas was starting to feel was immediately gone when Axel asked him something in Spanish. The Spanish thing was hot, hell it was beyond hot, but Roxas for the life of him had no clue what the other male had asked him. "Uhm, sorry Axe but uh, I don't know what you asked me. All I can say is it was something about Spanish." The blonde scratched at his cheek, "I never took a foreign language per say, my school offered sign language as a fulfillment of that requirement, so yeah. All I got under my belt is English and my fingers. Oh but I do know super basic Spanish, "azul" is blue, "hola" is hello, "pero" is dog." Roxas grinned sheepishly at the other male, "Alright my turn. Hmmm, are you dating anyone right now?"
Axel chuckled and leaned in towards Roxas, "Perro means dog, when you roll your tongue. Pero means like...except, or but, got it memorized?"
The blonde raised his eyebrows at Axel and smirked, "okay, memorized. Pero, you're avoiding the question."
There was a pause on the redhead's side as he pondered over Roxas's question, "dating, no...not really anyway. Am I seeing people?" He shrugged, scratching his neck, "yeah, usually." He vaguely wondered to himself if the shorter make could see the blood rushing to his face in the dark. "But more importantly, neither of us are dating anyone." Axel snapped and pointed at Roxas, "okay, my turn; destino, destiny. Do you believe in destiny, Roxas?"
"Yeah, I do," Roxas believed everything happened for a reason. That small things lead into a bigger things that would eventually affect bigger things. "To many things happen in this world to not lead to something greater, ya know? Some things are just too perfectly timed, too convenient." The blond locked gazes with the other male and smiled slightly, "I'm a hopeless romantic, I'll fight it and deny it if ever brought up again, but I can't lie to myself and say that I don't believe everything happens for a greater positive reason." The blonde started to fiddle with the hem of his shirt under Axel's gaze, feeling slightly awkward for having been so honest about something. "Well what about you? Do you believe in fate Axel? That everything happens for a reason, and it's all for the greater good at the end of the day?"
"Fate, yes. Greater good? Not so much." Axel's eyes reflected the cherry of his cigarette, "I think that maybe sometimes things happen and they're just shitty, but I still think they were meant to happen. I don't believe that when bad things happen they have a divine purpose in our lives." He shrugged, "unless, of course, life is just supposed to be shitty." Pushing himself off the fence he leaned against, Axel stepped towards Roxas and plucked the empty glass from his hands, "c'mon. I'll get you another drink and then we'll go rescue those two hopeless saps." He bent down until he was at eye level with the blonde, their noses nearly brushing, "think they've confessed their burning love for each other yet?" The smell of beer and menthol and smoke rolled off of the taller male, he maintained his position, watching Roxas patiently.
The smaller male's eyes flickered to the mouth that was dangerously close to his own. If Roxas so much as tilted his head forward their lips would meet, and sparks would fly, and they two of them would live happily ever after! At least that's what Roxas' inner monologue was telling him. Every fiber of the smaller boy wanted to close that small distance between them but he knew better than to give in to his wants so easily. No matter how sexy the want was, or how willing it seemed to be had. Roxas placed a smirk on his face and locked eyes with the other male, "No way, if there's one thing about the Heart boys, it's that we're all stubborn. We initiate nothing, so unless Riku was the one who gave in there's no way in hell anything more than beating around the bush had been going on." The blue eyed male however decided he would close the distance between them somewhat, only allowing a hair of space between them, "There's something about a guy who smells like smoke that is extremely attractive isn't there?" Without waiting for a response Roxas winked at Axel and turned to head back into the club. The redhead stood, dumbstruck for a moment before he gathered himself and followed Roxas back into the heat and the pulsing music of the club. He pointed towards the table where Sora and Riku still sat, a little closer than they had been before, "well, we've got some progress!" He shouted over the noise to Roxas. Shaking the empty glass at the blonde, Axel nodded towards the bar, "I'll meet you at the table!"
The smaller male nodded and headed towards the table, Riku and Sora were significantly closer together than usual and they were chatting easily. It was rather adorable really, Riku said something to make Sora laugh and Sora playfully hit Riku which then caused the silverette to laugh. Roxas found himself smiling by the time he stumbled over to the table. Wait, why did Roxas suddenly feel like walking was incredibly difficult, before he could ponder that for long he saw Riku notice him, "I honestly hate to interrupt this moment but Axel and I have given you two enough time to have figured something out."
Riku looked up from a smiling Sora to his equally smiling brother, "From the look on your face, it seems like you and Axel were having just as much fun as we were." Sora started to giggle all over again and aimed a smile his brother's way, clearly deliriously happy about something.
The blonde twin looked between his brother and Riku, "Wait, what exactly happened between you two?!" Had Sora actually confessed?!
Again Sora just giggled without giving an actual response, Riku per usual took it upon himself to answer the gaping twin. What exactly had happened between Riku and Sora was beyond the silverette himself. He just knew that one thing had lead to another and Riku had kissed Sora on the cheek, which had caused him to laugh like a madman and return the gesture. Then they had smiled at each other and talked about how Sora's day at school had been like they did whenever they were together, but with more playful touches, which was more than welcome. There was only one way Riku could answer Roxas' question without ruining anything that had happened between him and the older twin and that was with four little business, "Don't worry about it." This response seemed to be the right one because Sora smirked at his younger twin proudly and scooted slightly closer to him.
Roxas felt his jaw actually drop, from the looks of things Hell had indeed frozen over.
There was a dull thunk as a nearly overflowing glass appeared in front of the blonde. Axel slid into the booth next to him and turned acidic eyes towards Sora and Riku. He smirked, unsurprised.
"You two are dating." He sipped at his beer, "took you long enough."
Sora frowned, "you know it's really not even any of your business." The seriousness in his face fizzled out quickly, "but yeah. I think so. Are we Riku?" He glanced to the boy at his side and then thought the better of it, "no, if I let you decide it'll take another fifteen years. Yes, we are."
Axel leaned into Roxas, "so how long til Riku gets the balls to ask him for some lovin?" He held out a hand, "I'll bet you five dollars that he beats around the bush for three months."
Roxas picked up his drink and took a few big gulps, the soda burned his throat more than he thought it would but he thought nothing really of it, then smirked at his red haired companion as he took his hand, "You're so on. He won't even make it to three months, Sora has been wanting to jump his bones since puberty. Since Riku hit puberty that is. I give it one month of cutesy shit, then by the middle of that second month Sor is gunna be asking me for condoms."
Axel eyed the blonde curiously, "you may wanna slow down there, Rox." He tilted his beer back, "at this rate I won't be able to keep up with ya, borracho."
Sora took a sip of his drink, "what does 'burricho' mean?"
"Burricho isn't a word. Borracho means drunk." Axel corrected, eyebrows raised. The brunet across the table blanched, pointing at Roxas's drink, "hang on a second, what have you been giving him?"
There was a heavy pause. Axel bothered at his lip ring, "it's a Jack and coke." He turned carefully to Roxas, "what did you ask me for?"
The blonde felt his eyes widen slightly then made a noise between a laugh and a cough, "When I said coke, I meant just that, a coke." Roxas sat down next to Axel and pulled his drink closer to him, sipping it gingerly. "Explains why it's been tasting kinda funny." The blonde took another sip, much to the amazement of his brother. "Might also explain why I was as honest as I was during our question game Axe. Might also, also explain why I'm feeling kinda funny right now. Oh god, I'm going to be considered a lightweight aren't I?" A slightly tipsy Roxas hid his face in his hands, starting to now realize his slight fuzzy feeling was due to alcohol running through his system. The blonde's features quickly settled into a pout in his hands and he looked up to see his brother staring at him with a look of surprise, "I don't wanna be a lightweight Sor."
"I hate to tell you this, Rox, but I think that ship has sailed." Axel grimaced, "perdóname, I just assumed…" He clinked his beer against Roxas's drink, "cheers?"
Sora shrugged, "well if it's a party…" He turned to Riku, "why don't we go ahead and get some more drinks while Roxas copes with his sad, sad life? I want something a little less sober."
The two slid out of the booth and disappeared into the masses. Axel glanced at Roxas, who was still gazing forlornly into the depths of his glass.
"I really didn't mean to get you drunk." He clarified once more, "I mean I did, but only because I thought you wanted to." The redhead frowned, laughing nervously, "soy un pendejo, huh?"
Roxas looked up from his drink to reply to Axel, but for the life of him he couldn't think of what to say, so he just patted the redhead's face before downing half of what was left of his drink. "You know I really like your whole Spanish thing. I think I've told everybody I like it but you and you're the one who does it! That's funny huh? Of course I don't understand what you're saying half the time but it sounds attractive so there ya go." Roxas smiled goofily at the other male before downing the last of his drink, which seemed to help him think of something to say rather then leaving his response as a simple face pat, "Oh yeah! It's fine you got me drunk, don't feel bad. I just don't drink often. I'm more of a smoker ya know? But this is cool."
"Ay, que're hammered." Axel looked up as Riku and Sora approached the table, drinks in hand.
"Roxie! Got ya another drink." The brunet slid another full glass across the table to his twin. Axel eyed Sora incredulously, jaw slack. He slid down into his seat, cradling his beer.
"Riku?" He peered at his friend across the table, "we're gonna be babysitting for the rest of the night, aren't we?"
Sora made a face as he knocked his drink back, "I resent that, we can handle ourselves."
The silverette took that opportunity to wrap his arms around his boyfriend's waist while staring at his friend and shaking his head, "The twins can take care of themselves, Axe." Roxas however was not about to let Axel think he needed to be taken care of.
"I'm fine, we'll both be fine! And Sor, your boyfriend just did that thing where you say one thing but shake your head. Punish him or something, spray his face with water. Can't let bad behavior slide." The blonde then took his new drink and scooted closer to Axel. The closer he got to him, the closer he got to the comforting smell of smoke. Roxas then began to wonder how weird it would be if he got caught basically sniffing the redhead. Sora waved a hand at Roxas and pushed the untouched drink closer to the blonde.
"Shush Rox, just keep on drinking. Otherwise you're gonna be super mad at me when I start ordering shots." The brunet smiles innocently as his brother picked up the glass, "there we go! That's what I like to see!"
Axel leaned towards Sora, elbows propped on the table, "I'm sorry, did you say shots? Please say that you didn't say shots?"
"Hm? What was that Axel?" Sora finished off what was left of his beverage and twirled the empty glass in his hands, "I didn't think you were such a wet rag."
The redhead perked up, "woah now, let's not start throwing accusations around. Order as many shots as you want, I'll just be sure to take pictures while you puke your guts out later."
The blonde twin moaned as he swallowed a few gulps of his drink, "I'm not opposed to getting shots or anything but," he turned his big blue eyes on Axel and let his mouth fall into a pout, "only take dumb pictures of Sora and Riku, 'Kay?"
Riku rolled his eyes at the comment and slid back into the booth, "Cut the act you bleached blonde midget, your tolerance is low but not this low. We both know you drunk is just you without a filter." Riku took a sip of his drink and shot a look his boyfriend's way, "You on the other hand turn into a handful, but you're my handful so it's fine." After another sip Riku finally gave Axel a look, "Good luck with that one though, Rox is...well, you'll see."
"Ya know Riku? You think you're all high and mighty 'cause of your flowy silver hair but the truth is, actually your hair is really nice, but that's not the point. Anyways just shut up." Roxas took another few gulps of his drink and smiled, "this is gunna be fun, huh, Sor?"
Before Sora could answer his brother, Axel chipped in, face smug, "so hang on, Roxie, you're not a natural blond? 'S that why you were so curious about my hair?"
Sora's eyes widened and he sank down in the booth, "oh shit, Rox. Ya got caught."
Roxas felt his face heat up, not in embarrassment but slight anger. "I AM, a natural blonde, I just...have to use Sun In so it stays blonde. Just because I'm not quite as easily a blonde as Cloud doesn't mean I'm not a natural. Fuck you Riku."
The older male chuckled and held up his hands, "come on Rox, you know I didn't mean anything by my comment."
"And I won't mean anything when I shove my foot up your ass." The blonde flashed a grin at his long time friend. While they both knew they would never actually fight, due to the fact that they never wanted to put Sora in that situation, they also knew how annoying the other could be at times.
Riku smirked and cocked his eyebrow, "I don't take anything up my ass, just for future reference."
Roxas simply rolled his eyes and went back to sipping at his drink, staring daggers Riku's way. "Bottom line I am a natural blond," Roxas suddenly realized something and turned to Axel, smiling sweetly at him. "I mean if you don't believe me Axe, you're more than welcome to check."
With a satisfied smirk, Axel leaned into Roxas, "don't test me, blondie, you and I both know I have no problem dragging you into the bathroom and finding out."
"Hey! Nobody is dragging anybody into any bathrooms here!" Sora jumped up, palms pressed against the table, "Axel, behave yourself!" He pointed an accusing finger at the redhead, "that's just filthy."
Axel put his hands up in surrender, but the grin failed to dissolve from his face, "yessir, I promise not to do anything filthy to your brother in the bathroom of this club."
There was a pause from Sora. He ran a hand down his face, "alright I'm going to get shots, don't molest anybody while I'm gone."
Roxas merely waved as his brother walked away, having switched his attention from Riku to Axel since the redhead had closed the small space between them. So Axel did want Roxas, in the blonde's drunken mind that made things very interesting. "You know, you have a way with words," the redhead turned to face Roxas, devilish grin ever present and infectious "'in the bathroom of this club' so you plan on doing filthy things to me in a different location huh?" Roxas bit his lip and leaned forward ever so slightly.
Riku took that moment to clear his throat and shoot Roxas a look, "You need to slow it down there, or I'm going to take you away from your new chew toy." The blonde turned his head to look at the third male.
"You're no fun Reek, I was just teasing. I don't expect anything to actually happen." The blonde's grin dulled somewhat and he scooted away from the redhead as if to prove a point. "Maybe I'll go look for Sora, help him with those shots."
Axel let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding as Roxas sauntered away. He looked up to Riku, eyes wide. "Is he always like that when he drinks?" The redhead questioned, jabbing a thumb towards the offending blond, "he's gonna fuckin kill me if he keeps this up."
Riku took a sip of his drink in an effort to mask his laughter, "kind of. I mean, I warned you man. He has absolutely no filter when he's even slightly tipsy." The silverette chuckled as Axel's face remained one of shock, "he just stops caring about what anyone thinks, and does what he wants as it comes to him. Look on the bright side though, he wants you. You can't really do anything about it, and he'll more than likely deny it in the morning, but hey at the core of it all he wants you." Riku held his drink out in Axel's direction in a "cheers" motion, "Here's to an interesting night with some interesting twins."
Green eyes narrowed into slits, "this isn't fair, you've got experience." Axel tapped his bottle to Riku's glass, "drink up, gorgeous. You gotta keep up with your little boy toy." He leaned in towards Riku, "how long exactly have you been thirsting after little mister sunshine?" Eyebrows quirked upwards curiously, "according to Roxas he's been all googly eyed over you for quite some time now."
Riku took a few gulps of his drink before doing some math in his head, "Well, I didn't fully realize the gay thing until I was, about thirteen. From that point I tried convincing myself I wasn't attracted to Sora in any way for about a year. But when fourteen rolled around, I realized I was just comparing every guy I tried dating to him. " The slightly younger male chuckled and took another sip of his drink, "Sora on the other hand, I can't say honestly. I mean he told me he liked guys when he was sixteen, but Rox says he's been drooling since I hit puberty so he was eleven then. But technically we got married when we were seven so, yeah. I guess we have been stuck on each other for a while."
Axel cackled, "married? What the-"
He was cut off prematurely by an enthused shout, "buttery nipples! We've got buttery nipples!" Sora cheered as he approached the table, a shot glass in each hand. "That's the name of the drink, we don't actually have buttery nipples." The brunet made a face as he slid one of the small glasses to Riku, "that would just be messy." He peered over his shoulder at Roxas, trailing along behind him, "The ones Rox got are called redheaded sluts," he glanced at Axel, "they've got jaeger in them, good luck."
The redhead in question perked up, amused smile settling over his lips, "Roxas, are you trying to insinuate something?" He crooned.
The blonde smirked as he slid the drink towards Axel and leaned towards him ever so slightly, "What can I say Axe, I'm a slut for slutty redheads." The blonde held back the urge to burst into laughter opting for a slight giggle instead. Roxas knew he would regret his behavior in the morning but at that moment he really didn't care. All that mattered to him at that moment was Axel and seeing how far he could push him.
Riku on the other hand took the shot from Sora and downed it in a second flat, "that does sound messy Sor, but maybe a fun kind of mess you know." The silverette wrapped his arm around the slightly younger male and pulled him to sit next to him, "how much have you drank Sor?"
There was a wide grin on Sora's face, "some girls at the bar bought us both a shot while we were over there."
Axel stared down the shot for another second and shrugged, "fuck it." He finally conceded, tipping it back with a grimace. Slamming the glass back to the table with a gag, Axel turned on Roxas, "fuck, blondie. You're never allowed to order again." His attention shifted to the crowd gathered at the stage, "alright, we're gonna move your attention away from drinking like a frat boy for a few minutes. Time to go mingle and get sweaty."
"Axel, you better not be taking him to the bathroom." Sora warned, eyes narrow.
"I take offense to that, cerdo." The taller boy gaped, "I merely mean to dance with your lovely brother." He looked back at the crowd, "well. Maybe not dance. More like amateur moshing." He corrected.
Roxas smiled broadly, "Cool! Let's go!" The blonde grabbed the redhead's hand and tugged on it eagerly. "Hurry up old man, lets go!"
Axel feigned horror, "¡No soy viejo! Who you calling old man?" The redhead laughed and let himself be tugged toward the crowd of thrashing bodies by the shorter male.
The blonde laughed and started to jump around just as the other bodies were, his fist raised and pounding at the open air above him. When he turned to look at Axel, he found the male was rather close behind him fist in the air and a wild grin on his face. The two thrashed around, sweat beginning to form, and all the sounds melding together.
Barely even through with one song, Axel found himself catching Roxas as he tipped backwards, giggling like a fool. The redhead couldn't stop his own bout of laughter as he stared down at the hysterical boy in his arms.
"Okay, maybe this was a little bit too much for you." Axel shouted over the music, "let's get you somewhere you can't hit your head or get trampled."
Roxas continued to giggle as he shook his head no, "Why? This is fun!" The blonde continued to giggle in the arms of the other male while the crowd around them began to intensify. The words "open" and "pit" were shouted and the smaller boy's eyes widened to the size of saucers, "Okay yeah, Axie, take me away before I die."
Axel helped Roxas upright and dragged him out of the sea of bodies that had started throwing punches and headbanging. Once they were out of harms way, the two males stood to the side panting and watching the chaos, Axel with a wild grin and Roxas with a goofy one. "If I wasn't so gone I'd be in there, I love pits. Helps get out all the aggression, which I have a lot of apparently," Roxas began to giggle all over again as he realized Axel was still holding his hand. "You got me all alone Axe, now what?" The smaller boy squeezed the hand holding his ever so slightly and batted his blue eyes, feigning innocence for the millionth time that night. With a sigh, the redhead bent down to Roxas, locking his eyes with the blonde's hazy ones.
"I just don't know if I can keep up with you, Rox." He moved his hands up to the boy's face, cupping his cheeks as he pressed their lips together for the briefest moment before pulling away, noses still dauntingly close, "is that what you were looking for?" Axel crooned.
The smaller boy felt his mouth turn up in a grin, "something like that." Roxas lifted his hand to Axel's hair and felt his grin grow, "so soft, I've been wondering about that." The blonde met his eyes to the redhead's, and moved his hand from the fiery locks to the slender neck beneath. Roxas pulled Axel down in for a kiss that he hoped would take the older male's breath away, a kiss that would antagonize the taller male and make him do unspeakable things to the blonde in the grotesque bathroom of the club they were at. But instead, Roxas in his drunken state had miscalculated the distance between them and instead of their mouths colliding in a passionate kiss, their noses hit and Roxas let out a squeak in surprise.
A/N: Hey there lovelies! Axel here, I want to apologize for making y'all wait so long for an update, that's kinda my bad. Roxas and I sincerely hope you guys like this most recent chapter, we really love seeing your reviews and follows and likes. Every time somebody new pops in we get more and more excited to put out good work for you. Get ready for some more great stuff soon. ¡Adiós!