Holy crap. I can't believe how long this chapter took to finish. I'm so sorry for the wait, but I got pregnant and, of course, morning sickness made it hard to write, and then the baby took even more time. But when I did write, this chapter just wouldn't go right. I think I made 5 or 6 different versions and none of them felt right. I think I got it right this time, plus I'm so exhausted just looking at it to be honest.
Anyway, I want to THANK EVERYONE who voted on what they wanted to have happen, and especially those who have waited for so long and stuck with me.
I really hope this chapter is good. I've become so numb to it that I'm not sure it has the emotional feels that I was looking for. Please let me know if it does or not!
The sexual tension in the cab of the truck was palatable as Eric parked. Not being able to stand it any longer, Olivia unbuckled her belt and climbed over the shift. Straddling him, she leaned in close, her mouth hovering by his as if to kiss him, but whenever he tried to close the gap, she'd move away with a smile. After the third time, Eric slid his hands into her hair and gently tugged so her chin titled up.
Whispering against her ear, he said, "Stop teasing me, Olivia. I want to hear you scream my name, but that won't happen if I finish before we've even started."
Olivia chuckled and slid her hand down the waist band of his pants as his mouth crushed against hers. The kiss was hungry as his tongue darted between her parted lips and swirled around, stroking and flicking, as if he was eating her pussy.
Moaning into his mouth, she caressed his growing member until it was straining against the material of his pants and he growled in frustration when she unzipped it one tooth at a time before it finally sprung free. Knowing she was as wet as slip n' slide, she blindly fiddled with her own panties until they stretched to the side and allowed her to gently ease herself down on him. Without seeing it, she knew he was large by the feel of him slowly stretching her out and she moaned when he filled her completely.
Then, she rocked against him. Slowly at first but her speed increased with each stroke as a hunger that wouldn't be satisfied grew inside her. When Eric pulled her dress over her head and unclasped her bra, the feel of him suckling her nipple as she rode him hard put her over the edge and she arched her back as a ripple of pleasure ripped through her body. But he wasn't done with her yet and pumped harder as her climax subsided and his grew. He took her other nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it as he softly kneaded the other breast and the pressure between her legs built up once more.
"I want to hear you cum for me again," he said, his hot breath tickling her wet flesh when he spoke and her nipples stiffened even more. Olivia closed her eyes at the sensation and moaned as he took control and gripped her hips as he thrust into her, his breaths ragged with the effort to wait for her climax.
"Deeper. I need you deeper," she panted in return. He responded with harder thrusts that she was sure hit her cervix and the constant pressure deep inside her built up, and up, and…
Olivia woke up with a snap to the sound of her alarm clock. Breathless, she looked around the dim room and realized she was alone. There was no Eric, no truck and no sex, even though her body still begged to be satisfied. Groaning, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and ran a hand through her messed hair.
Eric invading her fantasies was not good. It meant she liked him, but she'd be damned before she let herself fall for a guy who'd ditch her faster than Zayne did. There was only one way to get her shit together before she saw him again, and that was a cold shower.
Padding her way through the dark room to the bathroom just across the hall, her hand blindly searched the wall for the light switch. When it came on, Olivia had to squint against the sudden brightness of the tiny room to see where she was going and shuffled her bare feet over the smooth linoleum to turn on the shower. Her arm was mid-reach when the gentle sound of snoring from the other room reached her ears and Olivia's head turned to the door to hear better. When it came again, she peeked out to find Eric asleep on her couch for the second time.
Annoyed that the root of her current problem had explicitly ignored her need for privacy, she stomped over, sweeping his shirt up off the floor as she went and tossed the fabric at his face. "How did you get in here?" she demanded when he snorted awake.
Eric's voice was husky with sleep. "I picked your lock," he replied, casually dropping the t-shirt back on the floor. "Had to prove I can sleep over without turning into a sex maniac, now didn't I?"
Rolling her eyes, Olivia put her hands on her hips. "You can't go breaking into other people's homes just to prove a point, Eric."
"Then, what's the point of being a leader if I can't use it to my advantage?" he said as he stretched out, the muscles of his abs rippling with the movement and catching her eye.
The sight of his nearly naked body sent a tingle through her still sensitive one, and she swallowed the lust filled lump in her throat. "You need to leave," she said next to him, hoping he'd go before she did anything she would regret later.
"Not until you admit that you're wrong about me," he said as he yanked her down by the wrist. When she fell on top of him, his arms wrapped around her, effectively trapping her body against his.
"Hey! Let me go," she protested, pushing against the expanse of his hairy chest.
"Just say it and I will," he said, his warm breath tickling her cheek.
She didn't want to, though, and kept fighting. But every time she squirmed, his knee rubbed against her sensitive area and as sweet heat built up, she no longer moved to free herself, but to relieve the pressure between her legs.
Eric quickly caught on, but instead of asking what she was doing, he began to match her rhythm. She was near climax when he suddenly flipped her beneath him and captured her lips with his. This kiss was softer, more loving, than her dream's and, desperately wanting to feel loved again, she returned it as his hands roamed her body. They left a trail of fire over her breasts and stomach as he released her mouth and leaned back to cup her ass. Angling her hips up, he rubbed the length of his boxer clad shaft over the wet patch on her pajama shorts and she moaned.
Who knew Eric was so good at foreplay? She blindly thought, and then remembered that she did. After years of listening to it from the other side of the wall, she knew he had plenty of moves to please a variety of women and that's when she remembered this was the man she swore she'd never sleep with.
Panic setting in, she pushed at him. "Stop. I can't do this."
"What do you mean?" he asked, slowing and meeting her gaze.
"I mean, I don't want to sleep with you," she replied, wiggling out of his grasp and standing. Her body begged to go back and let him finish what she had started but her mind wouldn't allow it. Instead, she began pacing the room.
"This is about Zayne, isn't it?" Eric asked, getting up himself. She didn't want to acknowledge the hard edge in his tone and so, only shrugged in reply. He scowled in return. "I don't fucking get it, Olivia. He broke your heart and left it in pieces for four years before he bothered to apologize and you're still pining for him?" he said, every muscle on his body tensed with anger. "Are you so damaged that you can't move on?"
His words hit a nerve and she rounded on him. "You know what, Eric? Maybe I am," she yelled, her arms spread wide.
"Then what the hell was this?" he gestured to the couch before pointing at himself, "Because you wanted me, I know it."
Olivia shook her head and kept pacing. "That was just a lapse in judgement. A mistake that shouldn't have happened," she said.
Eric scoffed. "So, you were going to use me until you realized what a mistake it was?" When she didn't reply, she could feel the anger radiating off of him as he grabbed her arm and forced her to face him. "Ralph was right, you really are a tease," he hissed at her.
Frozen with disbelief, Olivia stared at him before slapping his cheek, hard. "Get the fuck out," she said, her voice cold. But Eric remained rooted, angrily staring at her.
She screamed, then, and shoved him hard in the chest. His balance faltered briefly before he righted himself and she did it again, and kept doing it until he stumbled all the way to the door. Once she finally managed to shove him out, she locked it and pushed a chair under the handle to stop him from picking it again.
Wanting to cry and scream at the same time, she continued to pace the room. What right did that man whore have to call her a tease? Besides that morning, not once did she lead him on. She even told him from the beginning that sex was off the table, so what the fuck? As for Ralph, he was a delusional misogynist who only saw her as an object to be desired. In fact, all men seemed to…
Olivia's pacing faltered. Was Eric, right? Was she somehow teasing them?
Torn between rage and self-doubt she wanted to hit something, but going to the gym was out of the question when there was a good chance Eric would be there. The next best thing was to burn it off with a run. Satisfied with her idea, she went to her room to get changed and spied the bag of items from last night near the pile of dirty clothes. It reminded her of the promise she had made and, glad for a purpose, Olivia quickly dressed and left with the little Erudite girl's glasses tucked in her pocket.
Over the years the path from Dauntless to the Hub was ingrained in her muscle memory and she normally ran it on autopilot. Today wasn't any different as her mind wandered through her thoughts, unable to escape from her last conversation with Eric. Tears blurred her vision as Olivia made her way through the small crowd until her shoulder bumped into someone. Managing to catch herself mid-stumble, she turned to apologize but the Erudite man was quick to snarl at her.
"Watch were you're going, Dauntless," he said as he leaned over to pick up the book he had dropped during the collision.
Pretty sure he wouldn't have let her run into him if he had been paying attention, she said, "Look, I'm sorry I bumped into you but it's not like you saw me either."
"That's because I was busy reading something important," he snapped.
Doubting anything could be that important, she asked, "What was it that it couldn't wait until you got home?"
The man glowered at her, but answered, "It's a study that pre-dates the war about the similarities between the human mind and a chimp. It was revolutionary. Not that I expect someone like you to understand."
Already tired of men presuming things about her, she stepped closer. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Really?" he sneered. "I thought Eric would have trained you to be smarter by now. He was always so adamant that Dauntless weren't completely mindless."
Just hearing Eric's name made her blood boil, but at the same time, she was curious what this man's connection was with him. "How do you know Eric?"
The man's eyebrow raised. "I don't know him. Not anymore. We disowned him long before he ever spilled his blood on the hot coals."
Disowned him? She wondered and then remembered Eric's story back in the elevator. "You're one of his brothers, aren't you?"
"Like I said, not anymore."
His cavalier attitude toward neglecting his own blood was appalling and it only served to switch her anger from Eric over to him. "You're the reason he's such an asshole, you know?" she snarled. "All he ever wanted from you was your approval and you couldn't even do that when he made leader."
"It's hard to give approval for something he was only second best at," he replied, sounding bored. "Did you know their first choice was a boy from Abnegation of all places? Eric only got the position because the other boy turned it down."
"I've heard the rumors," she reluctantly admitted.
"Rumors," he scoffed. "I've heard rumors, too. Like the one where he has all of you wrapped around his finger because you're all afraid of him. But I guess a girl like you finds her own way of convincing him of things."
"What's the supposed to mean?" she growled, her fists tightening at her sides.
"Judging by your reaction, you already know what I mean," he said, eyeing her. "So, did you have to fuck him more than once to get what you wanted?"
His comment barely even registered when pain shot through her fist and she realized she had broken his nose. Watching him try to staunch the blood that flowed down his chin and onto his blue jacket, she wanted to hit him again, but someone shouting at her from behind stopped her.
The sun was hot that afternoon and it beat down on her back as she sat on the curb, waiting for someone official to pick her up. When the black Dauntless truck finally arrived her mood quickly went from irritated to furious as Eric stepped out.
What the hell was he doing there? Eric was supposed to be busy smoking out Zayne's attacker, not escorting delinquents to jail.
When he spotted her, flanked by a couple of armed Dauntless patrol officers, his jaw clenched and Olivia looked away. His footprints crunched on the gravel as he approached and it took everything she had to not claw at his face when he stopped.
"What happened?" he asked her guards, ignoring the fact that she was sitting less than a foot away from him.
"She was witnessed assaulting an Erudite man half an hour ago, sir," the younger one replied.
"And, where is he?" he asked and then, looked in the direction the boy pointed off to. The Erudite man was getting his nose taped up by a medic in blue clothing with a red cross stitched on her back. Eric's voice was clipped when he saw who it was and said to her guard, "I'm going to need a minute to ask her some questions. Alone."
"Yes, sir," the kid said and followed his partner down the road to join the rest of their squad who were keeping onlookers away. Olivia remained sitting, arms crossed and tight lipped.
"What the fuck?" he barked at her. "Did you pick a fight with my brother just to get back at me?"
Olivia scoffed inside. Of course, he'd think this was about him.
"Olivia, answer me," Eric demanded but she stayed quiet. "You can't ignore me, I'm your leader and you're in shit. So, if you want me to fix this mess, I suggest you start talking."
"I'd rather spend the night in a cell than talk to you," she growled.
Biting his bottom lip, Eric glanced away; a fist clenched at his side. "Alright, fine. I know you're pissed at me. What I said this morning was way out of line and I didn't mean it like that..."
Olivia's eyes snapped upward. "How did you mean it, then? Because if you meant, I don't put out, then fine, we can do it right now. Right where everyone can see since it's what's expected of me, right?" she said, angrily standing up and reaching out to unfasten his pants, but Eric quickly tried to stop her.
"What are you?... Stop, Olivia… Stop!" he said when she struggled to fight past his hands. Managing to finally wrestle her away from his crotch, he held her tightly by the wrists. "What has gotten into you?"
"Nothing, besides the truth," she said. "I've come to realize that I'm worthless and I might as well just go with it. Let myself be passed around like a piece of meat until I'm all used up and then thrown away like common garbage. It's how everyone see me, isn't it?"
Eric's grip tightened on her wrists and he growled, "Did my brother tell you that?"
Olivia shrugged, now numb down to her core. "He might as well have," she said.
Lips flattened into a thin line, he told her to stay put just before he stormed off toward the medic truck and his brother, who didn't see Eric's fist until it collided with his already broken nose. The force of the blow pushed him to the ground as guards quickly jumped in to detain Eric from hitting him again.
As they pulled him back, his brother spat blood at Eric's feet and sneered. "Looks like you got everything you wanted, dear brother. Power and a whore who is as violent as you are!"
Enraged, Eric wrestled away from the two guards holding him and yanked his older brother up by the collar. He repeatedly punched him until his brother's head lolled back and then dropped his limp body to the ground. Everyone stood frozen as he then waltzed over to the guards with his wrists out.
"Do your fucking job and cuff me!" he growled when they only stared at him in fear. Finally, one of them did as told, although rather hesitatingly, and without waiting for them, Eric began walking again. As he passed her, he said, "You are not worthless," and then got in the back of the truck without another word.
Gossip really did travel fast in Dauntless because as soon as they walked through the doors, cuffed and guarded, almost everyone found a way to sneak a peak as they were guided to Max's office. Olivia even saw Lace in the Pit during their walk of shame looking utterly shocked by the scene. She mouthed 'what happened?' to her when their eyes met but Olivia could only mouth back that she'd tell her later and kept walking until they were ushered into Max's office where he was waiting for them.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" he demanded Eric, as he slammed a folder down on his desk. "I've got reports stating that you've sent a man to the hospital, and your brother by the sounds of it, too," he said. "Care to tell me why?"
"A brother's quarrel, nothing more," Eric replied, standing tall.
"That's some quarrel, because he's probably in a coma," Max replied. "What was it about?"
"Nothing," Eric said, jaw clenched.
"It wasn't nothing," Max shouted while leaning forward with his palms planted on top of the desk. "You're a leader and Jeanine is demanding retribution because of it. If I don't punish you accordingly, there's going to be hell to pay; you know we rely on Erudite for their technical advancements," he said and then glanced at Olivia. "And how is she involved? I was told she assaulted Tom Coulter a good thirty minutes prior to your arrival."
"Olivia had nothing to do with it, Max," Eric was quick to say and Olivia side glanced at him, confused. Why was he trying to protect her when he was in deeper shit than she was?
"I highly doubt that," Max replied, unconvinced. "What were you doing there?" he asked her specifically.
"I was returning something to Erudite when I ran into Tom by mistake. We had an argument and when he insulted me, I hit him. Eric was just defending my honor, sir," she explained.
"I see," Max said, looking between the two of them. "You know, I heard about the two of you being an item but I wasn't sure if I believed the rumors. Eric doesn't seem the type to settle down, but here we are…" he paused and sat down. "Well, I hope she's worth it, Eric, because you're demoted."
"You can't possibly…" Eric began to argue but Max stopped him by raising his hand.
"It's already done. The other leaders agreed to it before you arrived and Jeanine has been notified. Someone will pack up your office and send you your things later in the week while we vote on someone to take your place. I'll let miss Spence off with a warning this time."
"This is bullshit!" Eric snarled as Olivia stared in stunned silence.
"It was either this or send you to the Factionless sector. Which would you prefer?" Max snapped back, his brown eyes challenging him to keep fighting. Thankfully, Eric kept his mouth shut. "Smart choice," Max said, relaxing into his chair. "Now, get out."
They were escorted back to their apartments and as soon as Olivia closed her door, she could hear things crashing behind the wall in her bedroom as Eric raged on the other side. Full of guilt, because this was all her fault, she slid down the wall and cried.