Summary: When she came of age, Clary was offered to the alpha of the pack, Lucian (Luke). She was to be his mate, his bride. The other half to his soul.

However, she didn't choose that life and if she has her way, she won't be marrying the wolf.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Mortal Instruments or it's characters. Any unrecognized plot or characters are mine.


Jocelyn watched the teenagers sitting in the living room of her small two story apartment.

Today was her daughter's birthday and they were celebrating.

The teens were laughing, merry and completely oblivious to what the day signified. At least, to Jocelyn and the man leaning in the shadows with his arms crossed over his chest.

"It's nearly time." He murmured, careful to avoid catching the attention of the teens.

"I know." The red headed woman whispered, unable to tear her eyes from her child.

Soon the teen wouldn't be hers anymore.

"Remember our arrangement, Fairchild." The man replied, he pushed himself off the wall and turned for the door, leaving on silent feet.

The parting words stayed with the woman throughout the evening, even during the cutting of the cake.

The meaning haunted her as she lay her head down to sleep.