Corazon Week 2016

Title: Kindness
Rating: T
Fandom: One Piece
Summary: Because of his kindness, Corazon is allowed to be seen as a ghost for a short time.
Warnings: Possible OOCness; Slight AU; During Dressrosa Arc, after Doflamingo loses to Luffy

Sengoku and Tsuru were standing in front of Doflamingo's cell when they heard a commotion. "GHOST!"

"Your soldiers have gone crazy!" Doflamingo laughed.

A transparent figure ran into the room, tripping over his own feet. "Who are you?" Sengoku demanded. "Are you a pirate?"

"I'm a Marine," The figure said, sitting up.

"That voice…" Tsuru's eyes widened. "Rocinante?"

"Hi," The ghost stood back up.

"That's impossible!" Doflamingo shouted but from his position he still could see the transparent man's face clearly. "I killed him!"

"And I did die that day, Doffy," Rocinante said. "I'm a ghost," He lit his cigarette and immediately caught fire.

"How can ghosts set their selves on fire?" Doflamingo asked. "Or trip?"

"It's all an act," Rocinante lied. He didn't have his makeup on and wore the outfit he had when demonstrating his Devil Fruit's ability to Law.

"Rocinante…how can we see you?" Sengoku asked, bringing the klutz into a hug and was grateful that he could feel Rocinante, although he was cold to the touch.

"Because I was so kind when I was alive, I was granted some time to be seen and felt by," Rocinante answered. "Guess kindness does pay off,"

"Rocinante I'm so sorry…" Sengoku cried. "I shouldn't have sent you to infiltrate Doflamingo's crew…It's my fault,"

"I was the one that insisted since I was Doffy's little brother," Rocinante told him. "It's not your fault,"

"I should've gotten there sooner," Tsuru said. "Then you would've still be alive,"

"Nope, I would've killed you all," Doflamingo claimed.

"I purposely gave you the wrong information so that I could give Law the Op-Op Fruit," Rocinante confessed. "Oh my god! Law!" He ran for the door but tripped. "By the way Doffy, Mom and Dad says hi!" He then resumed his leave before coming back real quick. "I took Law in so he's kind your grandson now, Sengoku-san,"

"Wait…that means my grandson is a pirate…" Sengoku realized. "NOW MY FAMILY'S LIKE GARP'S!"



The Surgeon of Death blinked. "That voice—" When he turned he was knocked down by a tall blond man.

"Sorry Law!" Rocinante helped him up. "I tripped trying to stop and ended up hitting you,"

Law's eyes were wide, staring at the man. "Torao, are you alright?" Luffy asked. "Who is this man? Is he with Doflamingo!?"

"No," Law finally spoke. "He's Doflamingo's younger brother,"

"Eh? But didn't you say he died?" Luffy then looked to Rocinante. "Ah! He's a ghost!"

"Straw Hat Luffy, thank you for looking out for Law," Rocinante thanked.

"No problem!" Luffy grinned. "Torao's my friend!"

Law bit his lower lip and tried to stop himself from crying to appear strong. "Cora…san…" His voice quivered, afraid that he was just hallucinating due to his injuries.

Rocinante brought the smaller male into a hug. "It's alright to cry, Law,"

Law sobbed loudly. "CORA-SAN!" He didn't care that he was a ghost or that he felt cold, he was just glad that he was here. "CORA-SAN!" The other fighters watched the happy reunion. They were actually quite surprised that Law was showing the emotion of sorrow. "CORA-SAN!"

This was all I had to type out since I was really busy. I might go back and expand it more. Basically, Corazon's kindness rewarded him with the ability to see those that he cared for one last time. Sorry this chapter sucked.