Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. If you recognize it, assume it's not mine.

AN: This story is actually an expansion of chapter Six of the my story "Attack Of The AUs" also known as the Angel Sam 'verse, minus the appetence of Canon! Sam and Dean. The first two chapters are from flashback in that story, then all the rest will be new.

Part 1: The Assention

Dean had to get to Sam. Get to him before he finished the third trail.

"If Sam's complete those trails, he is going to die." Naomi's wrongs echoed through Dean's head in a never ending chant as he ran towards the church.

Dean burst through the church door just as Sam jabbed another thing of blood into Crowley's arm. Startled, Sam turned at the noise, clearly on edge.

Dean raised his hands and slowly walked over to Sam saying, "Easy there. Okay, just take it easy. We got a slight change in plans."

"What?" Sam began, confused, "What's going on? Where's-" Suddenly Sam started gagging as a yellowish light glowed from his arms showing his veins. Dean took a step closer. Dean wasn't sure what was happening, but he had to help Sam, somehow.

"Dean, don't!" Sam demanded in fear for his brother's safety, "Don't!"

Suddenly the ground started to shake. "What the Hell is that?!" Dean shouted.

"I think that's-"Sam began, "I think that's exactly what it is. I think that's gates of Hell closing."

"You idiots," Crowley grumbled from the chain he chained to, "Of course that's what it is."

Dean's heart sunk. "No," He said, shaking his head, "No."

"Dean, what are you-" Sam's voice trailed off as he screamed in pain and his upper body jutted, as if he'd been hit in the spine, and a bright white light began to emanate from his body. Sam could a strange power crossing through him, a power he had never felt before.

"I'm sorry, Sam," Dean said, tears streaming down his face, "Metatron lied. I'm so sorry."

An urgent feeling passed through Sam and suddenly he was screaming, "Dean, shut your eyes! I don't know why, just-do okay!"

"Dean, I think you ought to do what he says," Crowley added, shutting his own eyes.

"Dean please!" Sam managed to scream before his words turned to screams of agony.

Dean closed his eyes because this was Sammy's dying wish damn it, the fierce shaking of the ground and his own shock sending him to his knees. There was a finial scream from Sam and the sound of wood crashing and then silence.

Dean slowly opened his eyes. The shaking had stopped, but the pews around him had been turned to planks of timber, and if he looked out the now completely glassless windows he would have saw thousands upon thousands of angels falling from the heavens. He might have also seen one, one lone light, rising up in a choppy, frantic motion, as if it had no idea what it was doing. But as if was, Dean had no clue what was going on outside the windows, nor did he care. He was focused one sole thing in that room.

Sam was gone. Not just dead, there wasn't even a body. It was as if he had never been there.

"No!" Dean shouted, punching the floor with both fist.

"Dean," Crowley spoke up, too stunned by the spectacle to even think to mock or to use his usual sarcastic snarky tone, "Maybe you should calm down."

"Shut up!" Dean seethed, "Just shut up! Don't you-don't dare. Don't you there tell me to calm down!"

Dean spent the next half hour like that, screaming and pounding every surface he could get to, until he was horse and his knuckles were busted open, pouring blood. Then he fell over in a state of near catatonia.

He didn't even notice the doors open and steps of footsteps walking in, or Crowley saying, "Well, it's about time you showed up. And who's the girl?"

"Silence, demon," A strange voice, a female voice said. Dean barely registered it.

He also barely registered Cas' voice saying "He's not a demon anymore." Then crouching over him, whispering "Oh Dean..."

He grabbed Dean at his side and sat him upright. "Go unchain Crowley," He instructed his female counter part, a dark haired young woman, as he healed Dean's right hand.

"But-"The girl began to protest.

"Just trust me," Cas responded.

The girl ran off to do what Cas said.

"He's gone, Cas," Dean moaned, as Castiel began on the other hand, "Sammy's gone. He's dead. I couldn't get here in time."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Cas replied, finishing with the hands.

"What the Hell does that mean?" Dean asked, pulling away a little.

Castiel paused for a moment, as if trying to think of how to explain. "Alright, Dean," He said at last, sitting across from the hunter, "This is going to be really hard to explain, we're not actually sure what's going on ourselves, but please, just listen." He took a deep breath and said, "I'm not Cas. Well, Cas is in here too, he's just not the one-at the wheel in the moment."

"What the Hell does that mean?" Dean responded, confused, which was making annoyed on top of everything else.

"Dean, I know this is gonna be hard to believe but," Cas began, "I'm Sam."

Dean's mouth fell open. "What?"

"Due to a spell Cas turned into a human," Sam/Cas explained, "And somehow, we're not exactly sure, I turned into an angel."