It was a little before 10PM when Olivia arrived at home. She was tired and her mind was racing. She was trying to wrap her head around her talk with Elliot. As she opened the door she noticed Ed Tucker sitting on her couch. "What are you doing here? Where's Lucy?"

Ed Tucker pushed mute on the TV, "I let her go home. I thought you would've been home at least an hour ago." He grabbed his beer from the coffee table, "So what took so long?"

She pulled off her jacket and threw it on the floor by the door, "I uh- Elliot stopped by the precinct earlier today."


"Yeah, he wanted to talk after work so we did over coffee." She sat down next to him and took a sip of his beer.

He nodded and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, "He tell you about where he's been?" she nodded. "He was at such a low point but I mean after shooting and killing a teenager, what would you expect." He slowly caressed her head.

"Yeah- wait how did you know he was at a low point?" She moved quickly out of his embrace. "Did you know where he's been what he went through?"

"I uh-"

"You did!?" She sprang from the couch, "You knew where he was this whole time! How did you know and why the hell didn't you tell me!?" She was pissed. She was beyond pissed.

He stood up, "Liv calm down. You're going to wake Noah."

"Tell me."

"I couldn't tell you. I can't tell you."

"You can't or you won't?"

"Liv Please." He reached for her hand but she quickly snatched it away. "Liv?"

She backed away from him, "You knew where he was. Did you know that he knew about Lewis, did you know about his drinking problem, about his divorce?" Her voice getting louder after every word. She couldn't believe. She felt betrayed. She was hurt and so many things were going through her mind. She was thinking about everything that Elliot told her. Yeah she was angry with him for leaving but after hearing his explanation she was more sad than anything. Sad for what he went through and sad for herself as well. But now after realizing that Ed Tucker, her boyfriend, knew where her best friend of 12 years was, knew what he went through and never told her - that pissed her off all over again. She had had enough for one night.

"Liv I couldn't tell you because I knew you would choose him."

"What are you talking about?" Now she was confused.

"God Liv, I worked with you guys for years and after that long it didn't take a genius to realize how close you two were. You always chose each other. You had a connection. I was jealous of that. I wanted you for so long and I knew you both hated me. I knew if he was around, there would never be a chance for me. I didn't tell you because I knew that you go and find him and then that would be the end of us. I love you Olivia and I didn't want-"

"Stop. I-I cant think." She sniffed as her eyes watered. "I need you to leave."

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"I just can't do this tonight." She began walking back to her room as he stood there. "Lock the door on your way out."

He was hurt and he knew that he screwed up. He rubbed his hands down his face and sighed. He contemplated going into her room but decided against it and to just give her some space. He heard the door shut and made his way to Noah's room. He peaked in and saw him sound asleep, "Sweet dreams Little Man." He pulled his door up and left Olivia's apartment, locking the door on his way out.

The next morning Olivia woke up to four texts from Ed. All of which he was apologizing to her. She was still upset so decided to ignore them for now. She got up and went to Noah's room to wake him up. "Good Morning baby," She said as she opened the door and realized he was already awake. "You're up early."

"Pancakes." Was all he said.

She made her way over to his bed and sat down next to where he was laying. She leaned down and kissed his forehead, "I guess we can get some pancakes. Let's get you dressed okay." She stood up and turned around, "Hop on!" He jumped up from bed with a smile on his face and jumped on her back. She caught him and took him to the bathroom. She sat on him on the counter and gave him his tooth brush as she took her own. "You think you can do it by yourself?" He nodded and she put toothpaste on his brush then he began brushing his teeth.

"Look mama!" He exclaimed with a mouthful of toothpaste.

"I see! Good job." She replied after spitting her mouthful in the sink.

Once they finished and were dressed, they walked the short distance to the local pancake house. Once seated, Olivia asked Noah what kind of pancakes he wanted.

"Chocolate!" he yelled as the waitress approached them.

"Hi cutie, do you want some pancakes?" The waitress asked Noah.

"Chocolate!" He exclaimed again.

With the waitress and Olivia both laughing at the boy's excitement, Olivia spoke up, "He'll have the silver dollar chocolate chip pancakes and I'll have a coffee for now."

"Sure thing, coming right up." She gave Noah one last smile before leaving.

As they were waiting for Noah's pancakes, Olivia helped him color a picture from his kids menu. The waitress brought back Olivia's coffee and a kids drink for Noah. Still coloring, Olivia saw a shadow cover their picture. She looked up and saw Eli and a few steps behind him, Elliot. "Hi Olivia." Eli said with a huge grin on his face.

"Eli, Hi." She gave him a smile then acknowledged Elliot. "Hello."

"Good Morning Liv, Do you mind if we join you?" Elliot asked.

She looked between Elliot and Eli and then at Noah who had his eyes still on his picture that he was coloring. "Uh-" Just then her phone rang, she looked down to reveal that it was Ed...