Hello everyone,

sorry for being late. But like I said my laptop crashed and I only got him back this weekend from the repair.

Anyway here we go with the last chapter. Our Epilogue. I don't know when the extra chapters will come out yet, because I have university and I started working so I don't have much time apart from the weekends.

Thanks for the reviews.

Disclaimer: Now I don't own them, so I am not resposible for DGMs constant Hiatus.

Six years later

"Aiden! Come back here immediately!" I yell down the hallway of our house.

The small black haired six year old only giggles and runs in the opposite direction. I groan. That child is an energy ball on two legs. That can be incredibly annoying at times, sometimes endearing, but also annoying and right now I am not able to deal with that. To my rescue the front door opens and a tall figure steps through.

"Papa!" Aiden squeals and runs into the person's legs.

"Are you exhausting your daddy again?" Kanda says as he hoists the child up from the floor, making him giggle and then positions him on his hip.

His eyes lock with mine and he smiles. He does that more often these days than he did in all the years I knew him before Aiden together. He puts his bag away and walks over to me. Pulling me to his body, he greets me with a kiss on the lips to which I happily respond.

"Hey, moyashi. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine," I lay a hand on my bulging stomach, "We are both fine, thank you."

He lays his hand on mine, "That's good. Aiden has not been a too great bother?"

"A bit, like usual, you know," I grin.

"Well, he's your son. What do you expect?" he smirks back.

"It's your education," I tease back but he only smiles and pulls me closer when he feels our child kick against his hand.

This time it is our child. Kanda's child. A child of love, not like Aiden was. Which doesn't mean that any of us loves our little troublemaker any bit less. Kanda treats him as if he was his biological son and if nothing happens he will never know the circumstances of his conception. I am happier than I ever was. The dark times six years ago are something none of us will ever forget but now our life is peaceful.

After Aiden was born I went back to staying with Kanda. The first months were exhausting because he was an energetic child, waking up at the most unpleasant times. I had to take care of him most of the time because Kanda had to go to work each day without looking like a walking corpse. Linali visited us about a month after the birth and was ecstatic over him and our newfound relationship. I started courses as planned and was able to get a graduation after two years. One year I learned and am now working part-time in an elementary school. When the next school year starts I will begin to be a full-time teacher. Kanda still works in the same company he did back then, but he got a good raise. Plus I sold some of his drawings behind his back one day and now he paints when he has the time and gets money for it. Kanda has also never cut again after that year. I am able to check it every day after all. He is still doing kendo as well. About two years ago I forced him to go to an adult tournament. I have rarely seen him that nervous before a match like back then because of the bad memories he is still connecting with it. But he is getting better each year.

As for our private relationship. We live together since the pregnancy. About a month after I got my graduation, he asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes. Our wedding was a small ceremony half a year later. It took me a good year to completely overcome my rape when it came to sexual contact, but Kanda was patient, teaching me slowly that it can feel really good as well instead of my painful experience. After I was comfortable enough again it took good three more years before the subject of another child came up again. I am now around eight months pregnant with a little girl. But this time she is even genetically Kanda's child. I couldn't be happier. Four months ago he surprised me with the house he had bought. He said that the apartment was too small for a second child. Not that I disagreed. That's where we are now.

Apart from that, we have been travelling to Japan two times a year. Once for Alma's memorial and once to Mana's birthday. Well, we try to. My father's birthday was about a week ago, but Kanda forbade me to fly there. We didn't go either as long as Aiden was still too young. Tiedoll has also become better, but Kanda still doesn't keep contact with him. Lavi came back from his world journey about ten months after Aiden's birth and is now some kind of librarian. He has settled down with Linali here in London too. She is now writing articles for the 'London Times'. They married about two years ago. The day of the wedding Komui had to be restrained from killing Lavi. And don't get me started on the day they told him. Komui is still back in Japan, helping to get Tiedoll back on track. Lavi and Linali though have become regular visitors in our house.

And just as I am thinking that, the doorbell rings. Kanda groans, ruffles my hair and walks back to the door. Opening it he cringes when it reveals a grinning red head who immediately tries to hug him. But the raven sidesteps which causes Lavi to land on the floor.

"Yuu! I am just so happy to see you. Why are you being so mean?"

"I told you not to call me that, baka usagi," he growls angrily and puts his free hand on his hip, his other still holding Aiden who giggles into the crook of his neck.

I smile and walk slowly over to the two while Linali steps inside and helps her husband back up. I rest my head on Kanda's shoulder from behind and grin at him.

"But you allow me to call you 'Yuu' too, don't you?"

"Yes, but you are my moyashi, my husband. He is just a baka usagi who I unfortunately happen to be acquainted with," he answers me nonchalantly.

Aiden laughs and holds his arms out to me but I only shake my head, "Sorry, sweetie. But I can't hold you right now. Your sister is taking up that space," I explain, motioning to my huge belly.

He pouts and snuggles into Kanda's mane instead. Meanwhile Lavi and Linali are heading towards the living room. Kanda gives me a concerned look and puts his free hand on the small of my back.

"Something wrong, moyashi? The girl said they had something to tell us. And I am sure you want to sit down."

"Yes, please," I smile up at him.

"Good," he says and puts Aiden down on the ground, "Take the little troublemaker and go ahead. I will follow shortly with tea."

I nod and takes the toddler's hand to lead him to the living room. He pouts up at Kanda. For some reason he likes him even more than me. Which surprised both of us, regarding I am the one related to him and I was the one who took the most care of him when he was small. Walking off to follow the couple I simply take the child with me. I put him into the play area in the corner of the living room and he immediately grabs the crayons and starts to draw on a white paper. I seat myself heavily on the sofa across from the couple who are cuddling together. Soon Kanda returns with four cups of tea which he places on the coffee table and then sits down next to me, putting an arm around me.

"So what is it you wanted to tell us?" I ask curiously.

"Well, we have great news," Linali beams.

"What? You finally got Komui to stop crying about your marriage?" I grin.

"No," Linali pouts, "That would mean hell would be freezing over."

"Then what?" I cock my head to the side curiously.

"Lina is joining the same club as moyashi-chan is now," Lavi suddenly bursts out grinning.

"What?" I ask dumbfounded while Kanda seems to be thinking for a moment as well, then smiles a small smile.

"Congratulations to you two then."

"What? Hey, what am I missing?" I pout, my brain too muddled over by hormones to think clearly.

But Kanda simply lays a hand on my bulge and looks at me sternly, "What he wants to say is, that Linali is pregnant too."

"Really?" my face lights up.

The girl nods excitedly, laying a hand on her abdomen, "I am about three months along."

"Oh god! Congratulations!" I jump up and throw myself at the girl, tears coming to my eyes.

Lavi looks at me a bit strangely, but Kanda only shrugs, "Hormones. I wish you a lot of fun with that."

"Have you told Komui yet?" I ask cautiously when I have returned to Kanda's arms.

"Only in an E-Mail," Lavi squirms, "We are still waiting for his response. Or his killer robot. We don't know yet."

That causes us all to laugh, well Kanda only smiles, but hey, what do you expect from him.

We continue talking for a while after that. Kanda leaves for some time to bring Aiden to bed. Because of a heavy thunderstorm, Linali and Lavi decide to stay at our house overnight (again). The building is big enough anyway. I think Kanda bought such a big house because I always said I wanted a big family and many kids. Later Kanda and I am laying in our bed, one of his arms around me, the other over our child.

"I can't wait until this little one is born," he murmurs absent-mindedly.

"Neither can I," I smile at him, "I hope she will look like you. I mean Aiden already looks so much like me, so it would only be fair."

He smiles back, "It doesn't matter. We will love her anyway."

"That is true. And any others that might come after her," I lean up to kiss him.

"Yes, each of our children and even the idiot's."

"Even Lavi's, true. I am really not looking forward to when Aiden and one of Lavi's children team up to cause havoc," I grimace at the thought, our troublemaker alone is already enough.

"Urgh, don't make me think of that. We still have a lot of time to go until then. For now you should sleep, moyashi. You need it," he strokes my hair and I cuddle into his arms.

"And you will watch over me as you always do," I say contentedly, already half on my way into dreamland.

"As we will both watch over the other for always."

That is the last thing I hear before I fall into the welcoming slumber. Happy at finally having a complete family and friends, a peaceful life.

~ END ~

That's it. Thanks for reading.

Like I said, the structure (especially the epilogue) is very similar to 'Just to feel alive'. It's just darker.

Hope you liked it nonetheless.

Please review and maybe see you at some other story.