Hello everyone,

this is the other story I promised in 'Just to feel alive'.

I know the plot is not unlike Jtfa but it's a completely different setting. This is a total AU.

Alright, WARNINGS: where to start? violence, self-harm, kind of character death, mentions of suicide and rape, shounen-ai/yaoi (though no lemons, M rated because of the other reasons and I'm paranoid) and obviously mpreg

I hope I forgot nothing. Probably some OOC for Kanda too.

Alright, you were warned for all of that. Who doesn't like any of that, simply click away. There are enough other stories on this site.

For those who are still here, I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: Even in the new story, I still don't own DGM. Surprise ^^'

London, 5:47 in the morning, in a small road close to the centre

Soft but cold mist drifts between the building walls. It is still cold these days, it's only February after all. The various night clubs and play saloons have just closed, the last workers are still cleaning. On the other hand, cafés are opening, every shop doing daily business. Waiters cleaning tables, the delicious smell of fresh bread coming from three streets ahead. At this time of the day the streets are still silent, only very few people bustling around.

But the tranquil quiet is broken by hard retching sounds. Barely anyone turns to look where they come from, assuming it is only a drunk who didn't make it home.

Well, hey there, that's me. The one making these sounds. Not voluntarily of course. And before you ask, no, I'm not drunk. Not in the slightest and never been. So yeah, the people's assumption is wrong.

Who I am? Oh sorry, I didn't present myself. Not that there is much to be proud of. My name's Allen Walker, I'm 17 years old. And well, you might have guessed it, I live on the streets. Surely not a nice life. But what else can I do. My adoptive family threw me out because I refused to join their dubious businesses. Then I lived with Cross Marian, my master as I call him, for about one year and a half. Not a pleasant time either. He was permanently drunk and sleeping around, making me pay for his depts. Luckily I learned how to cheat at poker during that time. That helps me now to get money, for the huge amount of food I need due to my fast metabolism (or whatever I have). To be precise I was already abandoned by my birth parents because I have natural white hair and a black arm. To add to it, I acquired a scar on my forehead in the last years.

Oh, you want to know why I'm throwing up like crazy even though I didn't drink any alcohol. No, I'm not sick either. At least not exactly. It's called morning sickness. I'm pretty sure you have already heard of it. Yes, the one that occurs during pregnancy. Yes, that means I'm with child, that's true, I am. How? do you ask now because I'm a boy. Well, I don't really understand myself. That's something that started to occur in the past years all over the world. There were less and less girls born. For that males started to appear, who could bear children as well. They are called mamorunin. And yeah, apparently I am one of them. Thank you very much! I am bi, okay, I give you that but that didn't mean I wanted to bear children! And for sure not getting one before becoming 18, for goodness' sake! From my words you might have guessed that this is an unwanted pregnancy. And I don't even have a lover I can blame for not being careful enough. I haven't ever had a relationship. Well, yeah, I was raped. I hate to talk about it, but that happens on the streets.

How far along I am now and what I'm planning to do? Well, I'm around three months along. The other question is more difficult. I am a pretty kind-hearted person, so I couldn't bear to abort the child and kill an innocent live. That means I will carry it to terms, but after that I will have to give it up. I can't look after a baby while living on the streets so it will be given to adoption. It's the best way and I know it.

So at the moment all that damned child is doing is causing me problems. I have to throw up every morning, could basically sleep all the time and it makes me eat even more. I even passed out some times already, which is very dangerous out here. I don't want to go to any official office either because I don't want to be found by my adoptive family nor by the police who want to question me about said family, the Noahs.

I groan when I'm finally finished with vomiting. I wipe my mouth and walk over slowly to a small park. There I sit myself on a bench and lean back exhausted. Closing my eyes, I think back to happier times.

After I was abandoned by my biological parents at the age of two I was taken in by Mana. He became my father but also the reason I'm stuck with the Noahs now. We moved to Japan when I was five. I went to school there. Sadly Mana died when I was twelve but for some time the Noahs just let me continue my life like I wanted. Until I became fourteen. Then I fled from them. But the time from elementary on was most likely one of the best times I ever had. No one bullied me and I had good friends. Four to be exact. One girl and three boys. The girl had green-black hair and violet eyes and would scold us boys when we would fight, but she was really nice. One of the boys was an energetic red head with one green eye and an eyepatch over the other. He was a very cheerful person and tended to get on some of our nerves. The second boy I knew the least, he had brown hair and dark, warm eyes. He smiled to everyone and looked after his friend. The last one though I remember the clearest. That jerk! He always called me moyashi! I'm not a beansprout, he's just too stupid to remember my name! But he was unfriendly to nearly everyone, even though deep down he cared a lot about all of us. He had blueish-black hair, relatively long, and piercing black eyes with a dark blue tint. Linali Li, Lavi Bookman, Alma Karma and Yuu Kanda. I miss them, I do, but I wasn't able to contact them since I had to disappear three years ago.

Suddenly I shoot up. Just as I thought about Kanda's dark hair I saw a long ebony ponytail swish past some bushes on the other side of the meadow in front of me. No, it can't be, can it? He wouldn't be here. He has Alma back home and why would he be in London exactly. Surely not because I'm here, I'm not that lucky. But I can't stop myself from standing up and walking over. When I peek around the green I only see a person disappearing in the shadows of the trees towards the exit of the park. I hurry after him, but when I get out the figure is already disappearing into the people in the streets now getting more. I frown, trying to find a clue. But I can't spot anything. So I only sigh and turn, deciding that I only imagined it, because I was thinking about my old friends.

That's it for today. Thanks for reading.

I know it's short, but it's only the first chapter after all (the Prolog if you want to see it like that).

Hope you liked it and please review!

Next chapter, next weekend, see you then.

Update 16-7-16: Sorry I left that Explanation bracket in the Story. I didn't mean to.

It belongs in the comment:

Japanese: mamoru - Support/protect

nin - human