Four years had passed by since she up and left me. For a while, everything was gray. School wasn't the same. I would watch my friends and talk, only to get sympathetic glimpses from everyone. After while, the numbness set in. Occasionally, glimpses of white hair in the crowd. Lisanna had meant the world to me, but when she died, I felt lost. Surely, everyone had found their soul mate. We even had our names show up. But that the pain was too much. I watched as her name disappeared from wrist. That was junior year.

Since then, everyone married. They all had their career paths. Gray and Juvia ran a really nice night club. Jellal and Ezra opened a cake shop. Levy and Gajeel opened a protection service for bodyguards. That had made me laughter the first time in a while. Even Mira and Laxus, had married and opened a café. My little sister, Wendy had found her soul mate. Her and Romeo were inseparable.

Each time I saw my parents, I could see the worry on my mom's face. I knew my dad worried. I knew that's why Wendy and Romeo weren't as expressive. Yeah, it hurt, but it shouldn't matter because my sister was happy.

But today, somehow seemed better. When I woke up, the emptiness seemed to have disappeared. I grabbed one of mom's homemade donuts. "You are unusually happy today" she remarked. I kissed her on the cheek leaving powder. "Ick! Such a horrible child!" She fussed. "Sorry mom but something is telling me if I don't hurry to the park, it'll be the single biggest mistake I've made" I spoke with donut powder on my face. "Natsu! Be careful!" She called as I grabbed my skateboard. "I will!" I yelled back as I closed the door

At the skate park, I found the gang. They were cheering on the other competitors. "Oi! Flame brain!" Gray called. I ran over to him. "Elsa!" I called back. I knew he'd try to kick my ass later. Sitting down on the bench, I leaned towards levy. "So who's in the lead?" I asked her. "Some guy from two towns over" she told. Registration had closed, so I was out of the play. "I'd do so much better" I said folding my arms behind my head. "If your ass was here earlier, you could've backed that up" Gajeel scoffed.

After the competition, we had gone to eat at Fairy Tail café. "Alright guys peace" I said. Dropping my board down, I began humming to myself while weaving around people. "Look out!" I had yelled to a pretty blonde with her head in a book. We collided into each other. Papers were sent flying and begun to rain down. "Watch it you idiot! Those are my theory papers!" The blonde yelled. I managed to pick up most on my side, except the last paper. As I picked it up, her hand touched mine causing spark, I hadn't felt in a while, to jolt through me.

Her eyes captured my attention. They were a deep chocolate color. The rim of her reading glasses somehow matched them perfectly. "I'm so sorry," she had started to mumble. Gathering her papers, I stood up and handed her the last page ruffling my pink hair. "It's my fault" I told her. Her cheeks turned the same shade as my hair. "How about I get you a coffee. As an apology for running you over" I said nervously. She shook her head "I'm sorry, I'll have to decline. My dad is waiting for me at his work" she said. My hand fell from behind my heat. "Then let me walk you. So no one else runs over you" I offered again. "Thanks" she said with a smile.

After some silence, I cleared my throat startling the blonde. "I'm Natsu Dragneel" introducing myself. "Lucy" she said quietly. "There a last name?" I asked her. She stayed quiet. I stepped in front of her, causing her face to press into her book. "It would just complicate things" she scowled causing me to frown. "How?" I asked. "Don't ask, Natsu" she said. We resumed walking again without any words exchanged.

15 minutes of silence brought us to a very shiny office building made entirely of windows. My fascination was the cause of a giggle. "How does it stand up?" I inquired. "Steel framing" Lucy said starting up the stairs. "Wait, can I see you again?" I asked her. She paused"my dad and I are only gonna be in town for the next couple days." I ran up to her and stood on the step below, standing at eye level. "Tomorrow? Please" I asked her, as if my very life depended on her saying yes. She smiled in response, "Sure, where do you want to meet?" She asked shyly. "My friends have a cafe near the park. Fairy Tail. Not hard to miss" I excitedly told her. "9 am?" She cautiously tried to clarify . "Deal! I have a date with the beautiful Lucy" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air. She kissed my cheek giggling, "See you in the morning" she called waving.

My phone buzzed as my hand touched the handle of the front door.


-Heard you ran someone over. Was she pretty?-


-Who told you? And yes. I got a coffee date at 9 am-


-Mira heard a couple talking about it and go Natsu!-

Chucking, I thought to myself, stupid gray. I noticed on my left wrist, it was a little red. Opening the door and seeing Wendy cuddling with Romeo on the couch, I smiled. "Hey guys" I said ruffling wendy's hair and high giving Romeo. In the kitchen, I began rummage through the fridge. "Mom and dad went on a date tonight. They said order pizza. Which is on its way" Wendy called as I gazed into the semi empty fridge. "How are we paying?" I called back to my little sister. "Mom ordered it before they left" she answered. "How long have you two been alone?" I asked leaning against the archway in the kitchen. "Only 5 minutes" Romeo spoke up. He cringed as a dude fell face first into the pavement. I sauntered over and flopped on the couch. We watched tv and ate pizza till Romeo left.

I was picking on my unplugged guitar, Wendy knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" She asked. She sat down on my red blanket, looking at my posters on my subdued red walls. "Let me see your wrist" she said taking my left hand off the guitar body. She looked at the red spot. "It's been four years and now it's starting to get red again" she said. I pulled my arm away, thinking back to that day.

Lisanna had come over and left went it was dark. Mira, Elfman, and Lisanna lived down the road. I had asked her if she needed to walk me down the road. She shook her head. The street lamps would give her light she said. So I figured she would be safe. She gave me a kiss and walked out the door. Hours had went by since she called. So I had called her house. Mira had picked up. She said Lisanna hadn't made it home and thought she was still at the house. That's when my heart and stomach sank. I had hung up the phone and ran. The cold nipped at me. I could hear my dad yelling. Only a few minutes later, I saw three cop cars and an ambulance. In the back of the car was some guy. I didn't pay attention. All I saw was a white sheet. A cop caught me. "Son we need you to step back" he said. "Who is it?" I croaked out. "Young female, white hair blue eyes" he told me. I froze. It was her. "Do you know her?" The older cop asked. "Lisanna Strauss" I croaked out frozen in shock. The cop motioned for the corner to roll the body that was no longer on the road. They lifted the sheet, showing her glossed over eyes. My legs buckled and hot tears stung my eyes. I felt warm large arms around me catching me before I hit the ground crying. I felt the same arms hold me to their chest. Everything had become a blur. When I got home, I texted Gray. I passed out after that.

"I accidentally knocked her over after I left the cafe" I told my little sister. "Really?" She asked folding her arms. "Yes really. Don't be such a nosey brat" I teased her. "At least I'm not a stinky brother" she teased back. I threw a pillow at her causing her to fall of the end of my bed. I laughed till tears fell out. A pillow hit me and Wendy yelled "wait!" Her hands popped up to test the atmosphere. Her face popped up next, "You laughed" she said. "I laugh all the time" I said sticking my tongue out. "No you really laughed. Like before Lisanna" she said crawling up to me and examining me carefully. "This new girl did something to you" she concluded. "Why's that?" I asked her. "There is a light in there again" she said. "Go to bed brat" I scowled at her. She stuck her tongue out and hurried out of my room. Putting my guitar in its stand, I laid down. Maybe she was right? I shook my head. I just met her