Well, now I'm just thought this up and I want it put down before I forget. Remember people, we don't own anything that is on this website except for any and all OC. Let's get started.


Prologue: The Long Flight Ahead and Trials

As the bulkhead flew over the city, the blond boy dart his eyes over to the pair of girls chatting quickly with a smile. From a distance, the boy would look nondescriptive. Blond hair and blue eyes however closer up, his sharp teeth can be seen when he smile, five claws on each hand, small almost unnoticable feathers covering him and a pair of small crests is on his eyebrow. He leans back in remembrance with a small frown.

*Flashback, almost seven years ago*

"Welcome to Project Saurian, ya snot nosed brats," the scrawny man with red eyes, red hair and extremely pale skin, dressed in a dirty lab coat sneer at the thousands of kids ranging from five to twelve, "you'll become the most dangerous soldiers that this kingdom need so listen up!" "Firstly, don't even hope that you'll see your family ever again," as several bulky men, all humans, strap them on top of operating tables, their captor continues, "they think you're dead and we're going to keep it like that." As he speaks, he begins to check over a glowing greenish blue liquid as the men began sticking them with syringe, "Secondly, this will transform you from pathetic human brats into all powerful killers." As the man walks over to the computer, he smile darkly as the kids began crying for him to stop, "Now, now, I thought you wanted to save people. So stop crying." With those words, he punch in a code and turn towards the kids.

The liquid quickly flows into their veins, causing the kids to cry out in pain. The door to the room slowly close as the kids strain against their restraints, making the scientist turn towards the cameras in observation. After a few minutes and the fluid has finish draining into them, the first kid begins to groan. Her teeth begins falling out of her mouth and are replaced with thirty two serrated fangs, her nails split in half before falling off as curved claws took their place, and her eyes gains a slitted pupil. In a feat of strength, she breaks out of her restraints and roll of the table all the while clawing at her skin. As her skin is painfully torn off, feathers that are coated in blood springs up. Arching her back with a loud screech, a tail covered in blood and feathers tears extends from her pelvis before she collaspe in exhaustion and agony.

As the other begin their own transformation, the scientist focus the camera on a small blond boy, "Duncan, who is that kid?" A tall black hair, purple eye man with handbar mustace and brown skin raise an eyebrow before looking at the ten year old gritting his teeth, "...Jaune Arc sir, I'm surprise that he hasn't scream yet." As Jaune's tail errupts out, the adults in the observation room are shocked when he tear at his face revealing not only feathers but also two stubs on his eyebrows. As he pants, he turn his eyes towards the camera before hissing, gaining tired looks from the others, "What is h-" Throwing his head back and arms to the side, he screams loudly causing the others to echo him before he collaspe.

As the men don gear and began to round up the exhausted children, the scientist smiles before dialing a number, "Sir, I have an update on Project Saurian...you're gonna want to see for yourself."

*Flashback End*

After three years of training to kill humans, Faunus, and Grimms with any weapon, from claws and fangs to sword and rifles, the group of over five hundred began to notice how their captors seem to grow cautious. It wouldn't be until two years ago that they would know what was going on.

*Flashback, Two years ago*

The group of saurians were stalking to their dorms before a loud explosion echo through the compound. As gun fire cuts through the silence, Jaune snap his head towards a purple hair girl with orange feathers and sharp sickle like middle claw, "Ashley, gather everyone that you can and get into the armory to the weapons, I'll meet you there." "Yes Alpha!" As she dash off, Jaune turns to the two white haired boys beside him, one with white feathers and the other with green feathers, "York, Georgia, let's move swiftly and steathly" Before they could agree, the clanking of metal against metal was heard before a squad of five robots turn around the corner with rifles pointing at them, "Halt and identify yourself."

Jaune growls before lunging forward, bullets barely missing him as he thrust his claw into the throat of the robot. As the others turn to shoot him, the twin roar before they grapple with a pair of slightly taller robots. Jaune jump over the four grapplers before landing on a robot with a sword and using the sword to behead the other, "Hurry up you two, we don't have all night!" With twin yes alpha, the twins broke the grapple before biting into the robots' chest and bisecting them before following Jaune. As they headed to the armory, the fought three more squad of robots as well as a small group of mercenries.

As they enter, the twins grab submachine guns while Jaune grabs two pistols before turning to see three hundred and sixteen Saurians, "Where is everyone else?!" "Alpha, the others were tranq before they were place in cages," a boy with green eyes, silver hair, light blue feathers and three horns on his face. Before he could answer, Jaune heard beeping behind him and direct his aura behind him, "Get d-" As he is launch into a wall and drifts into unconsciousness, Jaune watches as the others are tranq before locking eyes with an older gentleman with black and white hair and blue eyes in a white suit, "Don't worry son...we'll get you back home."

Jaune eyes snap open as he felt a jolt, gazing around he see the others in the room. Checking over himself and realizing he's not bound to anything, he stands before heading to the door and knocks, "Hey, is anyone out there?!" After a few minutes, a slot opens revealing piercing green eyes, pale complexion, and orange hair, "Salutaion! How can I help you?" Blink at the blinding smile, Jaune tilts his head questionly at her, "Who are you people, why are we here?" The older man from before walks over to them, a disarming smile on his face, "Don't worry son, we're with the Atlesian Military and we'll drop you back at your home town."

*Flashback Ends*

Feeling the bulkhead jolt to a stop, Jaune shake his head before standing and uncoiling the five foot nine tail, "Well, here's to hoping that noth-" A loud explosion broke his musing as a cloud of smoke, sparks, and snow flakes drew his attention, "I can't believe I'm gonna do this."

As Ruby sighes, a shadow hover her before she see a clawed hand before her, "Hey there, ya need any help?" Looking up, her eyes lock with slitted pupils. The boy before he stood around six feet tall, had blue eyes and blond hair. However he also had a thick tail for balance, claws on his hands and possibly feet, a pair of black crest replacing his eyebrow forming a v, with the strangest part she saw being, "Wait, are those feathers all over your body?" As he rolls his eyes and nod, Ruby feels him lift her up and set her on her feet, "Um, thanks very much."

"No problem," as he flash a smile at her, she sees a row of ravor sharp teeth, "the names Arc, Jaune Arc." Smiling at the taller teen, Ruby lifts her head up, "I'm Ruby Rose, it's a pleasure." The pair continue to walk towards the castle in a slightly awkward silence, before the young huntress reach behind her back, "So...I got this thing." As a large red and black sycthe shifts in form, Jaune tilts his head questionally, "...Is that a sycther rifle?" "A what?" "A sycthe that is also a sniper rifle," seeing the younger girl nod, he smirk at her, "a friend of mine is into the more...exotic weaponry like yourself."

Jaune pulls out what looks to be a normal revolver, with blue tinted metal and white grip, before a 2 and a half feet blade springs up and also draws out a longsword from its sheath, "The gunblade is høstfolkene and the longsword is Crocea Mors." "While Crocea Mors was used by my great-great-grandfather during the Great War," sliding the longsword in the sheath, he presses a needle, causing the blade to split, "Høstfolkene was forge about six years ago along with his sister Såmenn." Seeing the second gunblade, this one being a colt with orange tinted metal and a black grip, she smiles at him before scrunching her nose in confusion, "If you have those already, than why do you have a family sword too?" "I will use Crocea Mors if I need to, but it's mostly so I can pass it down to any kids I eventually have." "Than why not wait until you have kids instead of carrying it around?"

"Mostly keeping it close to myself," as she scratch her head questionally, he pats her shoulder with a chuckle, "come on pipsqueak, let's head to the auditorium."

Yang impatiently taps her feet on the ground while looking at the door, waiting for Ruby. As the door opens, she see her sister walk in with a guy wearing blue jeans, chest armor, bracers and a blue and orange hooded t-shirt, "Ruby, over here!" As the pair walks over, Yang blinks as she takes the guy's appearance in (not detailing it again). Yang could see the feathers that cover the majority of his body, with his face, hands and possibly his feet being bare, was a spring green with the tips and some spots being black, "...Fluffy?" "Yang, this is Jaune Arc, my new friends," at the easy going smile from the boy, Ruby turns to him, "Jaune, this is my older sister Yang Xiao Long."

As Ruby begins telling Yang about an explosion, Jaune looks over and see the familar white hair and light blue eyes of a Schnee, "Uh...Ruby, you may want to look behind you." As the red and black color girl turn, the young heiress stomps on the ground in anger, "YOU! You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!" "Oh my God, you really exploded." "It was probably the Schnee's fault anyways," as the three girls turn to him, Jaune shrugs his shoulders while clicking his claws together, "after all, she shouldn't have brought so much dust unless she was selling it." "No one asked you, you overgrown lizard!" as the young pale girl huffs indignantly, several people shake their head in disgust while a few laugh.

However, Jaune stood over Weiss with a fang filled smile making several people step back subconsciously, "Miss Sneeze, dinosaurs are closer related to birds than reptiles. You should be ashamed of your lack of knowledge." As Weiss stammers in rage and several others openily laugh, the headmaster step onto stage (not repeating the speech). As everyone head to the locker rooms, Jaune and the two sisters don't notice a pair of yellow eyes following them.

Jaune shakes his body as he exit the shower, causing water to fling out of his spring green feathers and yellow mane. Walking over to his overnight bag, he pulls out a pair of dark blue gym shorts and underwear before quickly dressing. Before walking out, he ensure that his locker remains locked and walks into the ballroom with an enraged glare.

"I don't think dad would approve of all the boys though," Ruby rolls her eyes as Yang lays down beside her. Yang eyes several shirtless guy with a smile, "I know I do...hey is that Fluffy over there?" The two sisters look at the feathered teen as he walk past, his tail swaying side to side as he stalks across the room. His slightly hunch over stance would cause most to be uneased but with the talons on his feet click on the hard ground, serrated teeth flashing out and feathers puffing out, most would pause at his visible anger. "Hey Puffball," except for the mocking voice of a testosterone filled orange haired ape, "this ain't the zoo you little gecko."

Unknown to the teens in the room, the various faculty members of the school were checking on them with Glynda frowning at the actions of some of the future students, "Headmaster, I still feel as though Mr. Winchester should not be here." "I would agree with you normally Glynda," as Ozpin took a sip from his coffee mug, his eyes narrow as the bully pushes the feathered huntsman in training, "however, I'm hoping that we can teach him...better habits." Doctor Oobleck opens his mouth to interject when everyone's eyes widen when Mr. Lark accidently steps on Mr. Arc's tail, "...Oh Oum why."

Sky Lark is a coward, nearly everybody knows such. So when the feathered person slowly turned to face him, he does the first thing that made sense to him. "S-Sorry," uncaring at the other three shaking their head in disgust, "i-it's just that I-I was pushed, ya unde-" The room quiets as Jaune grabs Sky by his collar and brings him to his face. As Jaune glares at him, his growls with his fang filled mouth gnashing, " . ?"

Slowly, Dove pulls out two pistol and places them to the side, "Here, now drop the coward!" As Jaune uses his tail to grab the handguns, he keeps his eyes on the other three. As soon as he has them, he draws his head back making everyone leans slightly forward. Throwing his face forward, Jaune let loose an ear spliting roar in Sky's face before dropping him. As he walks away, Jaune hears Yang snorts in laughter, "He's gone and piss himself."

As Jaune flew through the air yawning, he watch as Yang flew past him, "HI JAUNE! BYE JAUNE!" Hearing a whistling in the air, he snaps his arm out and grabs the incoming javelin. As he twist around, the javelin sticks into the tree and he lands on the shaft, "...nailed it." Looking around, he watch as several pairs rush off before Weiss walks through a bush. As the Schnee heiress looks up to him, she surprise him with slouching and heading back.

Hearing a happy shout, he shakes his head before hearing a feminine voice, "Sorry about the javelin!" "Don't worry about it," yanking out the weapon, he lands before a red hair amazon with jade eyes, "name's Jaune Arc, kyría mou!" "I'm Pyrrha-" "Nikos I know," a savage grin crosses the experiment's face, "I've wanted to fight you since I first saw you." "Oh!" the bronze wearing warrior blinks in surprise, "that's...nice?"

Seeing a blush on his face, she giggles as he stutters, "S-Sorry about that, it's just...I-I haven't had a challenge since I return home." As the pair travel forward, they never notice slitted eyes tracking them.

Glynda Goodwitch cringe as the faculty found the body of a young huntress that was partially eaten facing the camera, "Headmaster...this can't be a Grimm, most Grimms don't actually eat people." "I agree but I haven't the foggiest clue about what it could be," seeing the nervous look on Peter's face, Ozpin's eyes narrow, "you know something Peter." A nod appear across the rotund professor's face, "It was when I was traveling through Vacuo's most dangerous desert, hunting a rare specie of Grimm." "When I had gotten to a town looking for information...I heard this strange call and saw as everyone ran into their homes," a shudder pass through his body before he continues, "thinking this was a Grimm attack and this would be my chance to hunt what I was looking for." "Instead," a deep sigh follow as a few tears travel down from his face, "I...I found out what happen to those of Project Saurians that didn't succeed."

As the group of eight made it to the cliff, Jaune stops suddenly with his eyes narrowing into slits. "Jaune, what's-" "Get out here," the others drew their weapons nervously as Jaune began to growl into the forest. Soon enough, a group of three humanoids that look similar to Jaune stalks out of the forest. Before Ruby can lower her scythe, Jaune sniffs the air before growling at the brown feathered Saurians, "Ferals like you lot should be put down." As the seven back away from the angry blond, the largest of the trio snarl at him before barking at the other two.

Jaune roars loudly before lunging towards the right and with his sharp claw, piercing the side of the young male as it prepare to leap. The other male let loose a shriek before jumping on Jaune's back and began trying to claw through the thick armor. As the female prepare to leap in, Jaune bucks off the male before stomping on his back. The female chirps in shock before fleeing into the forest as the lone male bit into Jaune's calves making him step back. As the pair circle around, both of them let out a roar before throwing each others body into the other.

As Jaune pushes the brown feathered Saurian back, he gains a slash against his left eye by the sickle like toe claw. Before the claw could be brought back, Jaune grabs the legs in a vice grip and stalks forward. A deep chirping echos from his foes mouth, calling for help before Jaune brings his fangs into the other Saurian's neck. As the smaller male struggles, a sharp crack silence any more noise as the brown Saurian goes limps. As Jaune threw his blood cover face back in a roar, the group of seven flinch back once he turns towards them, "We got to get moving."

Pyrrha looks away as the various professors gather over the two Saurian corspes, a disgusted face cross over as she remembers hearing that Mistralians preform unethical experiments. Looking up as Jaune walks over, her mouth opens before her mind could form properly, "So what happens to them?" "One of the body is going to Atlas for dissection," Jaune looks over as they took the smaller of the two body, "what happens to the other one is up to me." Seeing the unanswer remark on her and the others face, Jaune smiles sadly, "We're Saurians, we go into battle knowing we can die and we know that another Saurian could end up eating the loser."

"That's so wrong-" "It's life for us." "-and sad," Ruby sat next to him with tear filled eyes, "why do you do it?" "...Because we believe in the Triangle of Predation," Jaune notice several people looking over but can't bring himself to care, "there's the point of Apex, the point of Equalization, and the point of Sublty." "The point of Apex is when the Saurian in question is the strongest and healthiest among the others gets the kill, the point of Equalization is where those that are equal in at least two things may end up hunting the other," as he ticks of two fingers, he notice a bulkhead drift down with several Atlesian soldiers, "the final and, sometimes, most dangerous one is the point of Sublty that involves swift movements, ambushes, poisons...and teamwork."

"So it was a fight between two different points of the same philosophy," Weiss raise a delicate eyebrow, "so what, your point is the correct one then." "Incorrect," as the various people groans in confusion, Jaune chukles, "we were both using the point of Apex however, I am have the right size, strength and prowess to use the point correctly." "So what you're saying mister Arc," the two teams turn to see the faculty approach them and stood, before Ozpin wave them to sit and turn towards the living Saurian, "is that if they used the point of Sublty...then you may have died instead?" As Jaune nods, Professor Goodwitch places the other cooling corspe down, "What do want to do with him?" "Eat him of course," the faculty and students flinch back as Jaune glares at the older huntress, "I killed him and he was an honrable opponent, so I'm not going to insult his soul."

"I've seen what happens when a Saurian doesn't respect an honorable kill properly...I hope you never do," with his piece said, he turns to look at the dead Saurian while the others look away and flinch at the flesh ripping sounds.


Adam Taurus walks through the base watching a group of White Fangs carry a crate of dust towards an empty bulkhead. Nodding to himself, his hand drifts towards Wilt and Blush, "What do you want Pierre?" Slowly, a six foot tall Saurian covered black feathers tipped with blood red arrow design dress in barbarian like armor and carrying a large two handed axe pump action shotgun, "Come now boss...when will you admit that me and my pack are an...excellent addition to your organization." "As soon as they stop doing that," the two turn to see a cerato and a pair of compys eating a still screaming worker. The carno sighs before walking over and crushing the man's head before kicking one of the compy's chest, "Don't play with your food and just eat."

Adam shiver as the trio whimper under the carno glare, he thought of how lucky that was all he did. He remembers the previous Alpha, Arthas, and his duel against Pierre. While Arthas wanted nothing more than to be left alone, Pierre is blood thirsty to the point of not caring about allies. Hearing a soft cry, Adam frowns as a young woman is pushed into a small room, "What exactly are you going to do with her?" The mad Saurian just smirk at the bull Faunus before he walks over toward the room.

As the door closes, he question if he hated humans that much.

And thus another fanfiction. Sorry if you guys are expecting updates on other storie but if I don't start I probably wouldn't want to finish. Until next time.