Hey, guys! I'm back from the dead! Kinda - I dunno! I've just been gone for a while but I'm back! (I have been reading a few stories though ;) ) I just wanted to say, thank you for reading this story and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! Lots of you loved it SO much that you wanted a sequel!

Good news: I did start writing one! It might not be as long as this one, but hopefully it'll keep you just as entertained as this one :) though, after all, originals are the best.

If you ever want to chat with me and keep up with what everything else is going on lately, example: The LEGO Ninjago Movie, MLP movie, certain shows/YouTube shows, I'd really appreciate chatting with you! I do love chatting with people about these things :) Warning that I rarely reply on PMs, so if you can find me on Tumblr or Instagram, or any of my other sites I put up in my bio, great!

The first chapter to the sequel will be up in less than 24 hours as well :) enjoy! Hope you're having a great summer!

- FW