Jay was a boy filled with a lively spirit, whose laughter and simple smile could always bring joy to others. Everywhere he went, he greeted those around him with a friendly 'hello' or 'howdy', his blue eyes sparkling with energy.

Every grade he went up, his optimism did as well. Many students wondered how he could keep his energy at that level. Some thought he consumed large amounts of sugar everyday to keep him lively. Others thought he was born with a disease of pure happiness.

Which was just silly.

But of course, Jay was just like every other boy or girl on the inside.

Stress, social relationships, family relationships, and growing up.

He was a normal boy.

"Oh, Ed, our son's going off to college soon," Edna said with a half smile. They were both sad to see their son go, but it was for the good.

"Oh, uh, you mean in 5 minutes, Edna," Ed told her with a point at the clock. True, Jay was about to leave the house and head off into a new place where he would spend the next four years.

Edna, as a mother, handed Jay his jacket and hugged him tightly. As her soft brown hair rubbed against Jay's cheek, he let out a soft sigh and he hugged his mom back.

"It's alright Mom and Dad, I promise I'll come back to visit you guys soon." Once he and his mother parted, he gave them his signature smile, which always lifted his parents spirits. Ed wiped the tears from his eyes and took his turn to embrace his son.

Finally, Jay heaved his backpack over his back and picked up his duffel bag. Walking towards the door, he gave his parents one last look and walked out the door.

As he walked to the car, he thought about the types of clubs he'd try and join if interested. He had to make new friends, he had lost all of them at the end of high school. Some of them moving out of the city or state, others just to never see again.

Before he started the car, Jay quickly checked his phone and saw that his parents had already sent him over 30 messages. Most of them corrections. He chuckled softly to himself and turned if off, then started the engine.

"Well Jay, soon, you get a clean slate. Let's not mess this up, buddy."

The door creaked open causing Cole to jump. He shut his book and walked towards the door, holding his book by his head ready to whack anyone who walked through.

Slowly, the door opened. Cole eyed it carefully and furrowed his brows, lifting his book higher.


With quick instincts, Cole swung the book and thwacked the stranger on the back of the head.


The voice was high, and sounded too young. Cole grabbed the edge of the door and opened it wider to get a good look at he was up against. "Who are you? You're not one of those jerks from yesterday, are you?"

Turning his head, Cole met with energetic blue eyes which somewhat made him feel more alive.

"Jerk? I guess you could call me that," he said with a laugh.

Cole lifted a brow and set his book down on the table beside him.

"Is this your room? It's way to clean, hah, you should've seen my room back home; it was a total dump! Ooh, what's this? You got a lava lamp?! That's so cool! What else ya got? Any video games? Movies? Co-" He stopped when Cole's hand grabbed his wrist and pulled it away.

"What do you think you're doing? This is my stuff… And you still haven't answered my question, who are you?"

The blue eyed kid gulped when he saw Cole's fiery eyes. "I'm Jay," he said with a wide grin, "pleased to meet ya." He anxiously stuck out his opposite hand in hopes that the other would shake it.

Instead, he let go of Jay, shut the door and flopped down onto his bed.

Just yesterday, when he first got his room, he noticed two beds sitting in the dorm. He had wondered why the dorm was so big when he was just one person, and why there were two beds. So, to take up space, he used the other bed as a storage for his books and bags.

"What are you doing here?" Cole asked Jay.

He then noticed the bags by the door.

It couldn't be…

"I guess you're the lucky one! Cause I'm your new roommate!"

Jolting up, Cole hit his head against a small hanging shelf and fell backwards onto the mattress, eyes closed.

"Uh, you okay there buddy?"

Cole opened his eyes and grabbed a chunk full of the blanket in his hands angrily. "Don't, call me buddy…" he began laughing in a way that made Jay shiver. Sitting up, Cole put a hand to his forehead and continued laughing. "Heh, a roommate? Since when?"

Offended, Jay out his hands to his hips and frowned. "If I were in your position, I would've been joyed to have someone to keep me company."

As if Cole hadn't heard Jay's comment, Cole stood up and brushed past Jay, pacing around the room. After a few minutes, Jay had thought he had finally calmed.

"So to be clear, you're my roommate for the next four years of my life?"

"Uh, yeah? Can't get any clearer than that. And for the record, I don't know your name yet, so what else can I call you aside from buddy?"

What felt like his new roommate ignoring him for the second time, Jay rolled his eyes. He looked around the room and found a picture frame sitting on the desk with a picture of a man who looked like his roommate's father just by resemblance. The man was holding a trophy with the words dance scrawled in the background.

"Ah, so you're a dancer then, Twinkle Toes?" Jay said with a smug grin on his cheery face.

Cole's face turned red from embarrassment and he snatched the picture, tossing it to the closet. "And please, don't call me Twinkle Toes either."

"Well tell me your name then."

Cole's lips tightened and he looked at Jay glumly. He began to speak without enthusiasm, "My name is Cole, and welcome to your new room… Jay."

A/N I've already began writing a lot on this AU because I'm just so into it. So please, I hoped you enjoyed it and I'd appreciate all the reviews and constructive criticism is fine too.

And a quick note that I'm a freshman in High School, well I will be this year. So I haven't even touched on college yet. I just thought an AU like this would be fun!

As of now I'm using some sources for help like Monsters U and Pitch Perfect and the universities my cousins went to.

So if anyone has ever been to college or has more knowledge then I do I would be grateful if I could ask for your help!

Thanks for reading! - FropessionalWriter