Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans but one day... I will, and that day, the 6th season will become reality... Or I'll just write fanfiction about it instead...

A/N: Remember when y'all were children and you used to bicker, back and forth, "he said this and she said that"? It's supposed to be a little like that...

Chapter 1- Parks and Recreation


He said I should lighten up and get out more. He said that hiding my smile is a Class III misdemeanor in and of itself, and promises to drag me back to my reserved cell if I do it again.

Although I wouldn't mind the cell, with its pink interior and unicorn posters. You know you're a special evildoer when there's literally a cell with your name on it. No one else from the H.I.V.E. gets one, so I guess it makes me a cut above the rest?

Focus, Jinx, focus. Today isn't plotting how to get yourself out of jail, it's how to avoid it at all… Jump City Policemen really are so cute, making a jail cell with my name on it and everything, but if they think I'm going back, they've got something else coming…

But the policemen aren't nearly as bad as the fiery-haired speedster whose mouth runs faster than his feet. Although I doubt his feet would sound any more intelligent…

*scoffs* As if he gets to tell me how to run my life. I've gotten enough of that from the rest of the H.I.V.E.

I always get blamed for failed missions and I spend all day picking up after five rampant monsters... If only their criminal abilities were half as decent as the workload they gave me…

But at least the job lets me get out plenty, contrary to his opinion… With the H.I.V.E's nightly endeavors, ranging from museums, banks, toxic waste plants, you'd find us anywhere there are valuables, really. A villainess leaves no stone unturned, after all.

But in some ways, the goddamn speedster is right… I'd love to smile more, but nothing ever seems to make me want to… What makes the epitome of evil smile? Raiding the city? Vanquishing the Titans?

Been there, tried that, didn't work.

I'll admit, KF, the roses are a nice touch and it's nice to know someone cares…

… But you're forgettable, although I almost don't want to… Like your roses, calling you by any other name would make you just as incorrigible. You're such a goddamn idiot, but the only one of these goddamn idiots that manages to see through my veil, understand what I have to deal with every single day of my life, stuck with these morons. The experience almost makes me wish you and I were a team instead of these brain-dead losers… But then, what would I be? Good?

I don't know what to think or feel anymore… I'm a supervillainess, for Christ's sake! I can't fall for a hero… But what if he's not wrong? What if I'm not all bad? What if my powers don't define me?

But He cost me the respect of Madame Rouge… He's the reason why I'm stuck in the H.I.V.E. and not out right now making a name for myself.

So am I supposed to like him? Am I supposed to murder him? What am I supposed to do? I… I just don't know anymore…

The arrangement of roses on top of my dresser says otherwise, but my room is triple-bolted, so the rest of the H.I.V.E will never know about that…

I don't know why I even keep the flowers, but something within me won't let me just trash them… There's just something about it, about the way they're everywhere I'd want one to show up. How he doesn't care that they keep piling up and I'm starting to run out of space for 'em…

No one's ever cared that much to bring me roses relentlessly, with a smile every time… A smile whose warmth could melt through steel beams… Icy blue eyes that pierce through your soul, and fiery-red hair to remind you of how he's left your life in flames…

Emotions are hard to figure out like that, never concrete… One second, I feel on top of the world… The next, I want to hex him like there's no tomorrow… I kinda wish we could go back to the days when the Titans arrested us, we broke out, and we got along swimmingly. As well as a Beluga Sturgon and a Bahamas Sawshark, although I'm not exactly sure who's who in that simile…

Either way, for the time being, I'm a villainess… Albeit a petty one at that for now… It's not like I wouldn't mind it, but my life largely consists of planning and executing crimes, then serving jail time, rinse-and-repeat.

I'm tethered to the small-time stuff for now, like a boat should be tethered to its anchor, or it was, before we held the members of that cruise ship last week hostage. It was even mildly successful, until that speeding idiot made an entrance. One day, I'll be more renowned than Madame Rouge, just you wait…

Blinding light hits my eyes, and my hands move to block it, but it proves to be unavoidable.

Damnit…The only thing I hate more than Himis ruined sleep… Well, there a lot of things equally hated as ruined sleep, but nothing more than Him.

"Hope by now, you're well rested and ready to hex?" came the query from a familiar voice.

"You! What are you doing in my room? How long have you been here? Were you- were you watching me sleep?"

The string of questions came with genuine alarm. If I couldn't protect my room from a hero, how was I going to be a greater supervillainess than Madame Rouge?

Not even a hero… I can't even protect my room from a boy… Sunk to an all-time low here, Jinxy…

Kid Flash

She said that she's 100% evil, that I'll- that no one… will ever change that. She said that there's no way in hell she'd help us, that the first item on her checklist is coming to my funeral…

But God, even when she says all that, it's hard to believe she really means it… I mean, come on, can someone who looks this cute when she's sleeping, really be pure evil? She's almost angelic, to a fault.

When she's awake, she does wants to murder me… but when she's sound asleep, I don't think she's capable of hurting a fly, much less me. I almost like asleep Jinx more than awake Jinx… Then again, pushing awake Jinx's buttons is the most fun I've had since… Remembering is too much mental effort for a morning…

But she's never going to wake up at this rate… If I want today to work out, I kinda have to make a little magic happen. Maybe she'll wake up when she sees the light… Literally?

"How are these blinds supposed to work? Ow-Owww"

Somehow, I've managed to get my fingers caught between these… What are they? I don't know if they're blinds or blades… The things I do for you, Jinxy…

Her eyes are starting to open, just a little… Well, I better say something, announce my presence and all so I don't get *accidentally* jinxed.

"Hope by now, you're well rested and ready to hex?"

"You! What are you doing in my room? How long have you been here? Were you- were you watching me sleep?"

"You know; I have a name…"

"Calling you Kid Flash isn't going to make me despise you any less. So, Kid Flash, to what do I owe the pleasure of this morning visit?"

"You think too much. Maybe you should stop that and go with the flow… Live a little, even… Ever ran across an ocean like there's no tomorrow?"

"In case you've forgotten, some of us don't have super speed… Some of us… are just bad luck"

"Yeah, maybe… But bad luck doesn't mean you have to be bad?"

And the game begins anew, me trying to convince her, her claiming that it doesn't exist. There's good within her, I just know it… It's not like she let me escape from Madame Rouge just cuz I'm irresistible…

Actually, I'd be fine with irresistible…

Focus, Wally! Task at hand much?

"You never change, do you?" she asked, tilting her head and raising her eyebrow distrustfully.

"I never really took you for the unicorn-type… I was thinking more evil-dragon-destroying-city-type… Any idea how you're going to explain that one to the Brotherhood of Evil?"

"With your head, Kid Flash… I'll turn you in, and then they won't mind a unicorn or three. Best part is, I'll finally complete something on my checklist…"

"I-It's not a terrible plan, but…"

I paused for a second, mentally preparing myself for the upcoming struggle.

She gave me a look that let me know she knew exactly what was going to happen…

"You're better than that, Jinxy… Better than all of this. If you wanted, I could get you outta here… Permanently?"

"Idiot… Naïve little idiot…As if I had anywhere else to go… The H.I.V.E. is all I've got… It's never going to happen, Kid Flash. I'm bad luck, and this is the path bad luck takes… If you know what's good for you, you'll get the hell outta here before bad luck finds you." She stood up off her bed, purple bolts flaring at her sides.

"Fine, fine, I'll leave you alone… For now, anyways…"

Well, I'm not going to break that promise… Not exactly… By the time I'll be back, it won't be now…?


He said there was good in everyone. He said that definitely included me. He said that he trusted me to make the right choice, and the second I did, life would… happen, things would go my way for once… He said that all he wanted from me was for me to realize my potential.

But sometimes, I don't think that's all he wants… There really isn't any normal reason for watching a girl sleep, is there?

Of all the goddamned people on Earth, only Kid Flash would even try to pull something like-

A yellow streak of light shot out of my bedroom window before I could stop it… And unfortunately came back quite promptly…

With a sandwich…

Which seemed a little lacking in the condiment department…

Not this again… Please, have mercy on my soul…

"Hey, do you have any mustard for this sandwich… It seems kinda dry…"

"It's in the fridge, second shelf, on the right. Wait, what am I saying? Just get out! Before I make you, Kid Flash… I'm serious… If the H.I.V.E. walks in… You have no idea what kind of things I will do to you!"

"No idea of things you could do to me, eh? Well, this sounds nice… In that case, I'm willing to stick around and find out, Jinxy?

"Do I have to get Gizmo to put Level 4 containment fields around the tower?… You might not be too happy in one of those after the last time… And I won't be around to help you out"

"Ah, well, nothing is fast enough to catch the fastest kid alive?"

"Well… I'm going to run some errands, so I'm going to need to change out of these clothes… Help yourself to whatever's in the fridge… God knows if Mammoth and the others haven't cleaned it out by now.

"And about the changing… don't even think about watching!" I finished.

He looked down at his feet, and if he didn't have a mask on, I could've sworn he was blushing.

Boys… I rolled my eyes and his glance came to meet mine.

"I wouldn't dare watch, it's against the hero code. A-At least, I'm pretty sure… If you wanted, I could go check my manual?"

I laughed, the first time in ages, but I wasn't sure why… It was something about him that merited a laugh, maybe his awkwardness, or his will to persevere even if he had zero chance with me.

My hands relaxed from their usually clenched fists and the magic faded away.

"So, you wanna see a magic trick?"

"Does it involve you disappearing?"

"Maybe… I'm going to need your hand for this one"

He placed my now-outstretched hand in his, but somehow, I didn't mind… His hand was warm, gentle even, far from that of any past exes. Not that Kid Flash was any better than they were. He wasn't… but he was different, like a rock you find on the street is different than the stone on the walls of a fancy restroom.

But they're still both just rocks… A Kid Flash is still a hero, no matter which Kid Flash he is… And heros and villains shouldn't mix…

He moved his other hand behind my head, and for a second, I felt something prick my hair before he pulled it back to show me… I looked down to find a pink rose with black flecks, probably the color of my hair and usual uniform, with a note attached to it.

He offered it to me, and I accepted… After all, he wasn't going to leave before I took it… Even if I discarded it later, Kid Flash never would've gone without leaving a rose somewhere I could find it.

"That sleight-of-hand had nothing to do with holding mine," I said questioningly, wondering how he'd get out of this corner.

"I wouldn't have been able to do it without the help of the most amazing girl I've met?"

I'll give you that one… this time. But really, KF, I expected originality…

I brought it up to face height, pausing for a moment to inhale its aroma. "Do they even make these?" I asked, mildly impressed at the trouble he'd have to go through to get one of these. I waited for a clever answer, but I got none. I looked up, and found the traces of a yellow streak, one that I knew I'd see again, before long.

But here I am, my entire existence reduced to mere shoplifting. And even that might not go well. I pocket a simple Hershey's milk chocolate bar from the candy aisle and proceed to casually make my way out the door. As I pass the detectors out, a yellow flash of light blinds me. The hands of the man on my left, the one supposed to be apprehending burgeoning criminals like me, seem to have gained weight, in the form of $2.66 in assorted bills and change, and a small paper note with calligraphic handwriting that read, "Please forgive my girlfriend, she really doesn't mean to steal".

What? How dare he? That was a little far… I am not his-

I look down at my own hands for a second and realize that there are two more chocolate bars waiting for me, making three in total…

Wait… (3 * .82) * 1.0825…= 2.66

Not only did the bastard pay for mine, but he-

Why does he have to mess with every little-

Calm down, Jinx… Deep breaths... In…. out… In… out…

Not only would he take away the bigger victories, but he also wouldn't let me enjoy the simpler things in life like a perfectly-stolen piece of cavity-inducing chocolate.

Hey, it's free chocolate for me, either way? Might as well take it and run… Going with the flow…Just this once, KF… Just this once, you get your victory… Relish it, cuz the next time we meet…

He stood at the exit, casually leaned over, the same smirk that had haunted me since the Madame Rouge incident plastered on his face.

"So aren't you going to thank me?" he asked, attempting to maintain his composure as best he could.

"And why would I do that? They would've never caught me… You just had to step in, suck all the fun out of it, and make everything legal, didn't you?"

"Is that why you steal? For the fun of it? In that case, I think I could show you a much better time than theft".

Kid Flash leaned back a little more, running his fingers through his hair, and inadvertently knocking the trash can behind him down. He struggled to stuff the random assortment of… water bottles and other beverages…

Apparently blue cans are for recycling… Being a villain and all, I suppose there was no point in ever knowing that but now I can avoid doing a good deed, at the very least?...

"So, when we're done here, shouldn't you be getting into the can too?"

"This one's a recycling can, so I should, cuz I am trying my best to make a difference in this world, right?"

"Goddamnit, does everyone know the difference except me? Was there a memo or a meeting I missed when these god-forsaken things were unveiled?"

Our hands unfortunately brushed against each other's for a brief second, and Kid Flash paused for a minute to say sorry.

Well, it wasn't hard to tell that it wasn't on accident, but I never thought the guy was capable of apologizing… Guess there's a first time for everything?

"Why say sorry if you meant to do that?" I asked cautiously, on the verge of a breakthrough.

"Sometimes, we do things we… aren't supposed to try… Even if we know we shouldn't, it's not like we heros don't ever break rules either. Lives matter more than rules…"

"And how was making a fool out of yourself saving anyone's life?" I ventured, almost at checkmate.

"It saved mine, didn't it? You might think that heros and villains are different and that you'd never fit in with us… but we're not really that different… Chocolate is a big favorite of mine, too," he said, snatching a bar out of my hands.

"Hey, that's-"

He placed a finger on my lips while he finished taking a bite out of the chocolate. "Just think about it, babe. Any day of the week you get tired of living in filth and never having anything in the fridge except mustard- which, by the way, was delicious- call me," he swallowed, handing me what seemed to be a small rectangular piece of paper styled like a business card.

I pushed him out of my way. "I appreciate the offer, but… Actually, I don't appreciate the offer at all. I would appreciate it if you got out of my life… for good"

He moved his hand to clutch his heart in fake agony, as if my words were knives hurled at him.

"If words were made of steel, milady, yours have pierced my heart… And my lungs… Possibly my other internal organs as well"

"I almost wish they were, Kid Flash. You know, if I went back to that night… I'm not so sure I wouldn't turn you in to Madame Rouge…"

The look on his face changes, from one of playfulness to genuine pain. His normally piercing blue eyes shifted, and for a split-second, I could've sworn I saw a single tear caress his cheek.

I closed my eyes for a second, hoping that this was all a dream, that we never met in the first place. When I opened them, he was gone. Oh well, what did I care? Kid Flash's no different than any other superhero, and none of them matter.

Then, I was blinded by a yellow flash of light.

"I almost forgot," he said smirkingly, pulling a rose from what seemed like thin air and pinning it in place of my H.I.V.E insignia. "Well, I'll see you around. Enjoy the sugar rush… And lighten up, will ya? If you ever need a hug, number's on the card," he finished, throwing a crumpled chocolate bar wrapper into the right trash can before speeding off, much faster than any means of transport I could find to catch up to him.

Well, he is the fastest boy alive…

Damn him… Damn him and everything he stands for. Damn truth, damn justice… I almost wish the Titans were locking me up again.

Lightening up would be damn near impossible if the Titans are around to arrest me every time I breathe. His kind never lay off, relentlessly pursuing a "truth" and a "justice" at every turn. Every time I'm doing something even mildly wrong, they show up knocking…

And even when I'm not doing anything wrong, He can't seem to leave me the hell alone… Appearing at the most random of moments: during H.I.V.E debriefings, my frequent trips to the chocolatiers' place, and even when I'm getting out of the shower… He's always there… Whether I like it or not… I could've been in the middle of a H.I.V.E meeting and he might speed by and drop a rose in front of me. And I can't even count the number of times we've finished up a wild goose chase that, as usual, produced zero results, hard copies of our plans go MIA, and a rose in my lap takes their place.

After the first time, they wanted it to stop… After five times… Let's just say the next meeting won't go over so well…

That look… I remember that look well. How many times I've seen it before, how many times I've had that look myself. That look was something I wanted no one to have.

Damn him… Every second makes me want to kill him that much more. Even made me feel sorry for him…I should know better than to expect true emotion from his kind. Cold, manipulative, every bit as dark as us villains. All they do is pretend to save the world. But from who? Us? Or themselves?

As I reached H. headquarters, not yet tired of the first rose, I noticed another, carefully placed on the doormat, with an all-too-obvious tag, reading, "For Jinx… Sorry about foiling your plans yet again…Figured another wouldn't hurt?"

If the rest of the H.I.V.E caught wind of this… I would never live it down. The rest of them are way too childish to let anything, 'specially not this, go. After the first few roses, I had to be as secretive as possible…

But the rose's note appeared to have writing on the back too… In a weird mix of cursive and script… "Jump City Central Park… 6PM? -KF".

I was taken aback… Central Park at 8 PM would be fairly dark, fairly unnoticeable if two people, namely, him and I, were to… rendez-vous…

But then again… After all, I owed him nothing… I possessed zero obligation to go… There was nothing that was going to make me play to his hand.

Until my communicator rang, saying otherwise.

"Jinx, you're sure you don't wanna help out the Brotherhood? I mean, you are a huge fan of Rouge and all…" said Gizmo.

I shook my head. There would be a cold night in hell before you would catch me with the Brotherhood. Even if we share the common enemy of all things heroic, we certainly aren't the same side. The enemy of my enemy isn't always my friend…

Well, with the rest of the H.I.V.E enjoying a night out and nowhere else to go… I might as well see what He's got planned… If I have nothing better to do, at least this will take my mind off of the Brotherhood and whatever the hell they're up to…

Well, after my bad luck caused me to land in a leaf pile on the way here… Which turned out to be a cleverly-disguised mud pile, I should probably shower before leaving H.I.V.E HQ…

Not that it matters or anything…

For all I care, I could show up wearing a t-shirt and jeans to the park… I don't even have to go, you know? He should be happy that I show up at all… Like I care about what he thinks of me!

Kid Flash

She said "I'm bad luck", and that I should stop pestering her if I know what's good for me. She said that the next time she gets a chance, she'll hex me till I can't walk, let alone run.

I'm not buying that for one millisecond. It's preposterous that anyone couldn't fall for Kid Flash. My charm, my windswept hair, my vivid personality… Can any girl even try to resist my charisma?

But Jinx is playing awfully hard-to-get… Still, for the fastest kid alive, the chase makes it all the more fun.

God, I haven't seen her in soooooo long…

Okay, well, it's been around an hour and a half, but when you're used to going from NYC to LA in a minute when the flight time is a whopping 5 hours and 30 minutes, hour and a half seems like eternity.

An eternity without being able to see her smiling, give her roses, or do anything that might mildly provoke her interest.

But they do say that absence makes the heart grows fonder… I hope that's true for her, with the way she's been towards me lately. I don't think she'd get any less colder towards me even if we spent a millennia apart.

If only there was some better way… But I wouldn't have it any other way… I'm a hero, and this is why I became a hero… To save people… Sometimes from what they think of themselves…

~Dadada dadada Dadadah~

Great, the communicator… Again? This is like the 5th time today since morning.

"I thought I put you on silent after you rang while I was in Jinx's room. It was a miracle and a half she managed to sleep through it…"

Every brilliant plan of mine seems to be easily ruined by the other titans… Some force of good they are…

"What's so important you had to interrupt my daydream sequence, Robin?"

"Well, you see, Wally, I kinda have a date tonight…"

"And I'm trying to get a date for tonight!"

"Yeah, yeah, well, the thing is… My gel kinda ran out… And I can't exactly find a replacement on such short notice. So I'm calling in a solid ya owe me… From the time you let her get away… Just find me replacement hair gel… And quick, kay?"

Hair gel, eh? I bet I know a certain beautiful pink-haired with decent hair gel…

"Always happy to help… But just in case anyone comes asking, I'm pinning this one on you"

"… Robin out"

Seems like I have to pick another rose…

God, she's in the shower… Whatever you do, Wally, don't open your eyes…

I can feel the teenage hormones surging within me… But I am a hero, and that would be kinda… Not who I am… Besides, I checked, and the handbook does forbid intrusions into anyone's privacy… Showering is probably a private activity, right? I'd like it not to be, if Jinx and I wind up together, but in the meantime…

I phase through the room like it's nothing. Guess all that practice phasing in and outta the H.I.V.E. paid off. And there it is, in plain sight... Jinx's hair gel… I placed the note separate from the rose this time; it did get kinda long since there was something to explain this time around. I put the note where the ink wouldn't smudge and put my trademark rose on top of it, before phasing out with hair gel in hand.

Now I'll see her with her hair down for the first time… Maybe she'll even dress up for it?

Heck, I should dress up… After this, I'm going to have to borrow some of Robin's

~Dadada dadada Dadadah~

"Hey, yo Wally… I have about half an hour before I have to leave with Star… Any chance you could-"

I gave him a slight shoulder tap to indicate my presence.

"You, my friend, really need to make a mute button for these things," I pointed at the infernal communicator.

"Well… You are the fastest boy alive?"

"So far, it's held true enough for me… Your gel, my liege. I do hope your courtship of the Princess goes swimmingly," I said, attempting a posh English accent as best I could. Barry tried to teach me once, but I didn't really pay attention to his lessons that involved anything other than the deliverance of justice.

Come to think of it, wasn't there one on winning a girl over?... Oh well, guess I'll find out how soon enough…

"I'd stay to chat, but it is kinda past 6, Wally… Don't you have somewhere to be?"

I glanced at my watch, terrified of the consequences of standing up a supervillainess… 6:05, on the nose

"Well, if you want to borrow any of my clothes, feel free… Getting home would just slow you down, and I did make you get me gel, so…"

I nodded, appreciative of the boy wonder's kindness. He's finally warmed up to me! It only took forever, but…

Going through his wardrobe, I thought I'd be pretty overdressed for the occasion with anything. Finally, after a whopping 6.8 seconds, I settled upon a light blue shirt, khaki slacks, and a purple and grey striped tie.

Heck, I couldn't resist myself, I'd like to see how she will.

After combing my hair, I thought I'd pretty much kill it if I ran all the way to Central Park…

Time to ask my favorite Titan for some backup…

*Knock *Knock *Knock*

"Whoever's there can stay there," came the almost-growling reply from the darkest of the Titans

"Oh come on, Rae, you know you love me… Anyways, I probably shouldn't try to flirt or anything since she wouldn't appreciate it… So I'll cut to the chase… I need a favor. A small favor… Please?"

"You're not leaving, are you?"

"Just portal me over to Central Park. I'll even make it worth your while… On my way back, I'll stop at the library and bring you some of those dusty old books you like so much"

"Keep talking…"

"I will voluntarily stand in line to buy a copy of the new Pretty, Pretty Pegasus book this Saturday?"

"How do you- "

"If you thought you could keep anything secret from the fastest boy alive… You thought wrong"

She can't keep anything secret. The sorceress is much harder to figure out… Much cuter…

"Fine… but if you ever tell anyone…"

"You know about her, Rae… I have pegasi… I think we possess equal amounts blackmail for now"

The door opened, almost by magic… I'm pretty sure it was magic. Or maybe Cyborg installed a new remote-controlled mechanism into Titans Tower… I wouldn't be surprised….

"Here's a list of books I want…"

"Um.. Raven? This is a book in and of itself"

"That's volume one… Of thirteen"

"How am I-"

"Your problem, not mine, speed demon… Azarath Metrion Zinthos"

And I was whisked away into a vortex darker than night, falling onto the pavement just before Jump City's Central Park quite elegantly, if I do say so myself.

As I got up and brushed dust off of myself, I noticed a pair of heels, a dark violet dress, and pink hair that cascaded down to her shoulders. Hopefully, she doesn't turn around just yet… She looked to her left and right, almost impatiently scanning the park.

I looked at my watch, and it was 6:10. I could almost hear Barry's words in my mind…

"You know, Wally… A gentleman never keeps a lady waiting. Especially not a superpowered one"

She's bound to be mad already…

So I reached out, and prepared for the old classic shoulder tap… Worked on Robin, should work on her?


He said that there was an exorbitant amount of good in me... That eventually I would turn to his side. He saidhe'll always be there for me, no matter what happens…

But there is no good in me… Not one ounce of the stuff… I'll never see things his way, or understand why they all would be satisfied with such a meager existence. He's got to be wrong… Because if he was right…

When I got out of the shower, I unusually found no hair gel on my sink… Instead, there was another note with a rose atop it…

"Sorry, but Robin needed some gel for his date with Star and yours was the only one close enough to borrow on such short notice… Remember the chocolate and don't kill me just yet?"

Damnit… My last bottle of gel… I bet he knew too… But the rushed handwriting told me he didn't have much other choice.

Well, he may annoy the hell outta me, but I've got to admit, his handwriting is above-par… I guess my hair's going down today. Today is all about taking L's, isn't it?

Wait… If he left a note while I was- He better not have looked in the- I am going to murder him and bury the body underneath the rose bushes…

I turned the note over.

"Since it was official hero business… I didn't peek… No promises for next time, though"

I have to admit, even if Kid Flash is essentially my sworn enemy, he'd be a better choice than my last boyfriend. Kid's got some weird sense of honor... But it's honor, regardless. Guess that's settled…


"Sure, if my hair's down and brushed, I might as well wear a dress and put on lipstick, go the full nine yards," I said to myself, exasperated of the futility in even trying to avoid Him anymore.

So I did, for the hell of it. I brushed the dust of a dark violet dress I'd been saving for a second dance with Stone, in hopes that at the very least, I'd be stunning enough to knock him out and drag him back to H.I.V.E HQ to make him pay dearly for his offences against moi.

Had I actually wanted to go to Central Park, I might have been overjoyed, but seeing as how this was my way of killing an evening, I felt not one ounce of happiness. Powering up Gizmo's laptop, cracking the password to it, and getting directions took only a little more hexing than I thought it would, thankfully, but walking alone to Central Park wasn't so easily accomplished…


A rose sat on top of a plank on the bench outside H.I.V.E Tower, but it wasn't really doing much…

No doubt he'll have a few more to give me…

The jerk should have at least sent me a ride, seeing how he's rich enough to have an unlimited rose supply. I wonder why it has to be Central Park anyways… He knows where I live, and probably has the intel to discern that none of the H.I.V.E would be home tonight…

And he couldn't even send a car… How thoughtless of him… I almost want to turn around and go back to the tower.

I glanced at the rose for a second, before casting it off like the others. It meant nothing more to me than any other plant in existence, the mere fact that a boy had known I would take this path was insignificant.

God, now he's clouding my thoughts… Everything is about him…Make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!

Deep breaths, Jinx, deep breaths…

Suddenly, I realized that the rose might've had a note attached to it… He did leave me a billion others… Not like I cared… It didn't matter, but curiosity -and only curiosity- had me intrigued as to what he would say…

I dragged out the plank and it appeared to have some sensitive mechanism that powered it on when I touched it, igniting some blue columns of god-knows-what…

I got on the board and found that it was remarkably easy to maneuver and had a sticky note attached to the bottom…

"Have fun on your date!"- Stone

Stone must have put a lot of work into this one… Much more effort than that scrawny robot he fought at the Academy.

Wait, he thinks this is a date? Kid Flash told him that-

And then, I spiraled into chaos.

Straight for a goddamn tree, Jinx, of all the things you could've chosen to die for.

I closed my eyes and prepared for the seemingly inevitable crash… But when I opened them a minute later, I found no trees in sight; instead, I was flying high 'bove the clouds, not a tree in sight. I heard an all-too-memorable voice.

"Well, if you're hearing this, it means you somehow managed to get yourself in trouble… Which, um… even after I made the steering so easy my 5-year-old brother hasn't wrecked his… Oh, but back to the point… This is auto-pilot mode; just a little safeguard I threw in… Just tell it where you wanna go and it'll take you there…Speedster out"

"All righty then… Let's go to Jump City Central Park... And make it quick, I have better things to do"

Not that I really did have better things to do, but the thought of this taking time away from important activities gave me reason to be mad at the fastest boy alive.

Not that I needed a reason, him being alive was more than reason enough.

"You have reached your destination. If there is anywhere you would like to go, please illustrate. If you would like to turn off auto-pilot, press one. If you would like to record a message, press two. If you would like to know where the buttons are, press eight. If you would like to silence Kid Flash, permanently press 7".

If only I knew where seven was…

"Just kidding, 7 doesn't exist. Thank you for flying Kid Flash Airlines, we hoped you enjoyed your flight and see you next time… slowpoke"

I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day.

I swear, Kid Flash… One day, my eyes are going to fall cleanly out of their sockets cuz of you. And then I'll get the best laywer in town to sue you. And then you'll be broke, and-

Focus, Jinx, focus.

Stepping off the board, I came face to face with a sign that read "Jump City Central Park", but the self-proclaimed speed demon was nowhere to be found…

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and a chill run through my spine.

"Looking for someone?"

Kid Flash

She said that heros and villans don't mix, like oil and water, fire and ice. She said that one day she'd be worse than Madame Rouge, that the only way we'd meet then would be in a fistfight which she didn't intend to lose.

But I'm still unsure… The figure before me doesn't seem like it wants to hurt anyone… It almost seems like the one she's hurt the most… Is herself

Uncle Barry once said that you could never leave a teammate, especially not in their darkest hour… He told me that our job, as heros, isn't just to protect the city, or the priceless artifacts…The city itself doesn't matter. It's a fancy pile of metal and rock. The civilians are the most important, and protecting them, keeping them out of harm's way, that's our goal as a hero.

But Jinx is a civilian too, like it or not, and she's too good for the H.I.V.E. to consume the rest of her life. Stealing candy doesn't suit her… Good or evil, I know Jinx was made for greater things than shoplifting…

Maybe too good for me…

But this isn't unfounded. Jinx could have ended my career if she really wanted to by turning me in to Madame Rouge… She didn't, so there has to be good in her…

And that's why I'm here. Cuz, well, let's just say, someone's going to see what heroism is all about...

Flinx happens to be one of my all-time fave ships and I'm intrigued to know what Kid Flash has planned for their quote-unquote "date"...

Reviews would be nice, and critics are more than welcome! Tell me whatcha thought of it or something?
