Any worries about Zane being liked by the group had quickly dissipated on their way to lunch. Zane politely answered all their questions with a soft smile on his. It was almost like he was dealing with a group of well behaved toddlers. Cole was more than happy to watch, knowing that he would have plenty of time to ask Zane questions. As they entered the cafe there was an increase of noise, and he swore one girl nearly fainted. The waitress looked rather unimpressed, if her bored tone was anything to go on. "How many?"

"Five," Kai replied, smirk playing at his lips. The waitress rolled her eyes, grabbing the menus and leading them to their table without another word.

"You just rejected, dude!" Jay whispered, stirring laughter from Lloyd. Kai shoved him, and Cole swore under his breath. Sliding into the booth next to Zane, Cole turned to the blonde. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine. Why? Have I done something that has concerned you?" Zane asked, tilting his head and looking at Cole curiously.

"No, no, it's not that. These idiots are just a lot to take in, is all. I was just wondering if they were too much for you."

"They remind me of children," Zane replied slowly, "and I am rather fond of children." Cole laughed, and glanced at the other three. They had crammed into the other booth, laughing among themselves. "Was what I said amusing?" Zane asked, drawing Cole's attention.

"Yeah," he mumbled, idly picking up his menu. "It was."

"So, who's Zane gonna sleep with?" Jay stated, surprising Cole. It was a good question, and he furrowed his brows.

"You've gotta spare bed in your room, right, Cole? So shouldn't he stay with you?" Kai replied, biting his lip in thought.

"It's only fitting," Lloyd reasoned, "that he stays with the leader." There was a hum of agreement, and Cole swallowed thickly.

"Is that okay with you, Zane?" Cole managed to get out. The blonde looked at him, the same curiosity in his expression. He has pretty eyes, Cole thought, watching as Zane's expression turned into something warm. "I do not mind," was his response, his voice creating the same warm tone as his expression. Cole sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Well, don't we all look cheerful," someone said, Cole's attention. "I'm Natalie, and I'll be your waitress today. Do you know what you want to drink today?"

"Three cokes," Kai stated, looking smug, "and whatever those too want."

"Diet coke," Cole replied, glaring at Kai.

"Iced tea, please." Zane added after a moment, causing the waitress to smile.

"I'll be right back with your drinks, oh, and I think you might like our special." Her last words were directed at Zane, who nodded in response. "It's one of my personal favorites." With a smile she left, leaving the four boys gawking at Zane.

"Dude, did you see the way she looked at you? She totally likes you!" Jay cried, and Kai was quick to add in his agreements.

"I do not think she likes me," Zane replied, carefully folding his menu.

"Well, do you like her?" Lloyd asked. "I mean, she's pretty cute." Zane shrugged, and Cole couldn't help but think that Zane looked rather uncomfortable.

"Back off," he replied, making sure his menu made a sound as he put it on the table. "I'm only going to say it once."

"Jeez," Jay mumbled, but Lloyd's brows furrowed in concerned.

"You okay, Cole? You've been on edge lately."

"I'm fine, Lloyd. Just nervous for our first fan meeting, is all."

"Fan meeting?" Zane asked, and Cole could've cried in relief.

"Yeah, we sit at this panel and our fans get to ask us questions, and we sign stuff." Kai stated, setting his menu down. "And there's usually a couple cuties there."

"And we take a lot of pictures!"

"They're a great way to promote our new album."

"We'll probably introduce you, too." Cole said as an afterthought, shifting so he could see Zane.

"You all look a lot better when you're smiling," Cole turned to see their waitress, who looked like the cat who caught the canary. "Here's the diet, the three cokes, and the iced tea. Now, do you know what you want to eat?"

"I'll have a number five." Kai started, handing his menu to Natalie.

"Seven!" Jay piped, passing his menu to Kai.

"Three." Lloyd reached over Jay and handed his menu to Lloyd.

"I will have the special," Zane stated, passing his menu to the waitress.

"Make it two," Cole responded, handing the final menu.

"All right, so we've got a five, a seven, a three, and two specials." Natalie recited, earning a murmur of agreement. "Well, I'll be back when your food's done. See you soon." There was a murmur from the group, wishes of 'good luck' and 'see you soon' being the most prominent. As soon as Natalie was out of earshot, the conversation quickly turned to Zane.

"So, you got a girlfriend?" Kai asked, twirling the straw in his drink.

"What?" Zane spluttered, and Kai smirked up at him.

"Oh, so you're not into girls? That's fine. Just know that Lloyd's all mine."

"Kai, c'mon, leave him alone." Lloyd looked embarrassed, and Cole offered him a sympathetic smile.

"I am...not interested in anyone romantically right now." Zane replied carefully, tapping his fingers against his glass.

"You mentioned you sang a bit," Cole started, choosing his words carefully, "I can never get anyone to do ballads with me. Would you be interested?"

"It's a little soon to be asking that." Jay stated, letting out a cry when Natalie returned.

"The album is coming out soon," Kai defended, taking his plate from Natalie, "and the recordings need to be done soon."

"If you don't want to that's fine. I'd understand."

"Cole has a knack for knowing who sounds good," Lloyd piped in, "so if he want's you to sing, then odds are he knows you'll sound good. In my opinion, there's no harm in trying."

"Will you at least listen to them? The songs, I mean. If you absolutely hate them, then you don't have to sing them. They're mostly covers, though." Cole admitted, thanking Natalie before she left.

"I would be honored to listen to your music." Zane's voice was honest, and it made Cole's heart skip a beat.

"You probably want to see the apartment and stuff, right? So how about tomorrow afternoon? Does that work for you?" Zane sent him a smile as he twirled some pasta onto his fork.

"That sounds wonderful, Cole."

"Great," Cole replied, stuffing food in his mouth in an attempt to conceal his embarrassment, "thanks Zane."

Cole wasn't going to lie and say he didn't melt a bit when Zane laughed.