Chapter 22
Chapter 22
Regina hadn't thought of what she would do if Henry saw Daniel, or if the man tried to take custody. Until now, she had always thought Daniel would leave them alone after the first three times of visiting them after the divorce, but he had proved he wasn't
going to. She had tried telling him each time he returned that there was nothing left between them except Henry, and even that wasn't enough to pull the together. Not after what he's done to her.
She had worried herself when she thought about how close the man was to her and Henry. She had known the man almost half of her life and she had grown to know how evil he really could be. College started in a week and that's when Henry would go to school
/too but she was too nervous to let the boy go. Whilst Daniel was here, anything could happen to him.
'What's wrong?' Emma grumbled from the pillow beside her in the dark room.
This had been the second night Emma had stayed with the brunette all night and she wasn't complaining. When the blonde was there she felt safe, even though she was younger and less able to protect her, she felt safe.
'Nothing dear' Regina whispered into the dark, feeling Emma move closer and pull her into her arms.
'Why are you awake?' She asked softly, her green eyes adjusting to the dark room as she snuggled into the brunette.
'Couldn't sleep' Regina replied, trying her best to not sound suspicious and worry the blonde.
'I know there is something you're not telling me' Emma said, holding the brunette a little tighter to show she was concerned about her.
Regina smiled into the dark, her tired eyes trying to give in to sleep but her mind not letting them. She gently caressed Emma's skin under her sheets before turning and blindly pulling Emma's loot softly against her own.
'You mean so much to me Emma.. In this short amount of time.' Regina whispered softly, her hand now gently resting against the blondes cheek. Emma lay silent as she heard the brunette speak. She knew Regina needed this and secretly, she did too.
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'I care so much for you. Do you know that?' Regina whispered, a lump in her throat making it clear to Emma that Regina was emotional when she spoke of feelings.
'I know' Emma whispered back softly, never leaving her hold on the brunette under the sheets.
'I want to protect you at every cost. Henry too...but I don't know if I can' Regina whispered, sadness filling the space between them. Emma frowned.
'Protect us from what?' Emma asked confused as to what the brunette was talking about. Whatever it was she knew it had been troubling her as she'd been paranoid when she welcomed Emma into her home. Maybe it was because of their situation. Emma was
/her student after all.
'There is so much you just don't know my love' Regina sighed, pulling from Emma and moving onto her back only to be dragged back by the blonde.
'So tell me'
Emma had walked into her apartmentat 12:08pm. It was quiet and The blonde wasn't
used to it. She called out briefly to her friend to recover no answer. She frowned. It wasn't like Ruby to just leave without a note or a text. Emma dropped her backpack by her bed before running the shower in the shared bathroom across the hallway.
/She needed to shower. After spending the night with Regina again, she needed it. Not because they spent all night with intimate touches but because she wanted to relax. All she could think about was the way Regina had spoken to her in the middle
/of the night and how it...frightened her. Something or someone made Regina feel fear and Emma didn't like it one bit. She had asked and asked what it was that acres her but the brunette always answered with the same thing.
Her past.
Emma stood under the boiling water and let it ease her muscles. She left Regina's ready for her shift tonight at the bar but she was reluctant to leave after the woman's speech. She felt the need to protect this woman, and so that's what she would
'Em?' Ruby called out.
Emma shut off the water and stepped out, grabbing her town and unlocking the door. She passed down the wood floored hallway, leaving wet footprints in her wake as she rounded the corner to face Ruby.
'Hey. I was in the shower. Where'd you go?' Emma questioned raising a brow as she headed into the kitchen in her small white towel to grab a can of cola.
'I had a hospital appointment' Ruby replied softly, looking down at her phone and appeared to be texting.
'What for?' Emma asked, a little worried that her friend hadn't notified her about an appointment that must've been important.
'Okay..' Ruby breathed. 'You might want to sit for this one'
Emma frowned as placed her can down on the marble counter that was rarely ever used for cooking. She folded her arms across her chest.
'What's going on Rubes?' Emma asked, her tone changing.
'So I've missed my period..' Ruby began softly, meeting Emma's eyes as the blonde was still clueless. 'Jefferson and I we're a thing Emma'.
'Duh. I got that part' Emma scoffed.
'Well, we were fooling around one night and..'
'He gave you an STD!?' Emma yelled, shocked at the news from her friend.
'What?! No!' Ruby yelled back, unsure of what her friend was thinking. 'I'm pregnant Emma'
Emma froze. Pregnant? No way! It couldn't be. She'd hardly been with Jefferson that long, how could she now try to raise a child with a boy who doesn't even know how to tie his shoelaces.
'You're pregnant?' Emma asked, still unsure of the words.
Ruby nodded and leaned against the counter.
'I'm two months already. I just thought I was getting fat through stress of the college and my period thing was the same reason. Jefferson was the one who made me get the appointment.' Ruby explained softly, pulling the cuffs of her jumper up and
over her hands asif she was trying to keep the warmth inside.
'Jesus Rubes..' Emma sighed. She didn't know what to say but she knew what she felt. How was this happening? 'So what are you going to do?'
'I have no idea Em' Ruby admitted softly. 'I've got to go anyway. I need to see Jeff and speak about it with him'
'Well you know where I am okay. I support you Ruby in whatever you decide, just know that okay' Emma said awkwardly pulling the woman in for a hug as she tried to keep her towel around her torso at the same time.
'Thanks Emma' Ruby smiled softly before pulling away from Emma and heading out the door.
Emma stayed in er place for a minute, processing the information that her best friend had just shared. She didn't know where to go from here. She was due to head off to work at 8 and the only thing she wanted to do right now was confide in her teacher
/but how could she? The woman had told her today she would be working and couldn't spend much time together even though Emma had protested, she left her to it.
When Emma was dressed and her teeth were cleaned, she found her phone and began a text only to delete it and dial the number instead.
'Miss Swan' Regina's voice down the phone sent flutters around Emma's stomach.
'Regina, hey. Look I know you said you were working today but I just got some news and I really would like to see you. I'm not sure what else do to' Emma blurted out quickly, unsure that the woman would even bother letting her over.
'Of course Emma. Come over whenever you need, shall I meet you?are you alright?' Regina said softly down the phone, Emma could hear the sound of her heels making their way down the foyer of the miflin house.
'Could you meet Me? Coffee?' Emma asked softly.
'I'll see you soon dear'
Emma cradled the paper coffee cup she received when her order was ready. She had nursed it as Regina had studied her from across the table, brown orbs never left the blonde.
'Emma dear, what's wrong?' Regina breathed softly, reaching across her own coffee cup and gently squeezing the girls hand.
Emma had opted to meet Regina at the small coffee shop out of town where they couldn't be seen. She had hoped Henry wouldn't be there, not because she didn't love him already but because she didn't want to look vulnerable in from of Regina, let alone
/Henry too. But he was here. Across from the table with his colouring book a juice cup, so silent she forgot he was even there until her eye caught his little hand frantically colouring the white spots on the sheet.
'It's Ruby.. She spoke to me this morning and I didn't think it had effected me it really is' Emma said, meeting the brown eyes of her older lover.
'What did she say?' Regina asked softly.
Emma's eyes quickly went to the small boy beside her, still paying no attention to them before she sipped her coffee.
'She is pregnant' Emma said quietly.
Regina's breath hitched as Emma spoke those words. All it did was remind her of herself at Ruby's age. Pregnant and in a loveless marriage.
'I didn't even realise Miss Lucas was involved with anyone...Let alone a man' Regina said a little shocked.
'Ruby isn't gay' Emma laughed at that. The brunette sure acted it and they had their fair share of moments together but Ruby was definitely into men.
'I just always thought you two were a thing before...this' She whispered the last part with a small smile.
'God no. I mean we had a couple of moments but never anything serious'
Emma's voice faded from her ears as she heard the 'couple of moments' part of the speech. She felt the sting of jealousy stab her chest. Emma was Regina's. She sure didn't want to hear of her having any sexual encounters with anyone except herself.
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'Don't get jealous. I've only got eyes for you' Emma said quietly as she reached out under the table to gently caress the woman's Jean clad leg.
Regina smirked a little when she felt Emma touch her underneath the table. Since their first night together, Regina had become a horny teenager finding herself wanting more and more of Emma. They'd only slept together once and it had been more
than Regina ever expected. She'd almost told Emma she loved her. Emma knew the brunette was very sexual and it excited her when she saw the way the brunette looked at her or the small caresses she gave the blonde. Emma loved every moment.
She just hoped nothing changed in two weeks when they were due back at college.
'I think Ruby will be alright, if I can do it so can she' Regina's words were out before she realised. Emma frowned.
'What do you mean?' Emma asked confused. Was there something Regina wasn't telling her.
'Bringing up a child..of course' Regina quickly added to stop Emma from thinking too much into why she had just said.
'She's only twenty. How can she raise a child at that age?' Emma asked looking down into her coffee.
'Well you're wonderful with Henry and other children I'm sure. She could do it Emma don't worry' Regina reassured the girl before her.
'What if he leaves her? She can't do this by herself and knowing a boy of this day and age he'll up and leave straight away' Emma scoffed, leaning back against the soft leather chair she occupied.
'Darling, I'm sure Jefferson will be the gentleman here.' Regina said softly reaching for her hand again. 'Besides, if he isn't, you're gentleman enough for her'.
'Are you trying to Palm me off onto Ruby?' Emma asked raising her brows.
'Oh god no. You're mine Miss Swan. I just mean you will look after her. We both know you'd do anything for her now, her having a child will only maximise that feeling' Regina explained twisting the silver ring her wore on her right finger. Emma
looked down at the ring and smiled.
'I guess.' Emma shrugged. She smiled softly when she thought of herself having a child and what it would be like. She looked to Regina as she pictured them in a position where they could have a child. Smiling she met brown orbs.
'What?' Regina asked matching the blondes smile.
'Would you ever have another?' Emma asked, gesturing towards the oblivious Henry.
Regina's smile faded as she heard Emma's words. She'd never spoken of Henry's birth or any other children for that matter. It wasn't a subject she wanted Emma to know of. She never wanted Emma to think of her as weak and not a strong woman for
not being able to birth a living child without a miracle on her side. Emma frowned when the brunette didn't answer and a sad look overtook her features.
'Regina?' Emma asked softly, leaning down to catch the brunettes eyes.
'It would delight me to have another child Emma' Regina replied softly, the sadness still resonating in her voice slightly.
'Why do I get the feeling you're upset about that?' Emma asked frowning a little at the woman's sudden change of mood.
Regina sighed. Green eyes met brown and Emma understood.
'We can talk about it another time' Emma smiled softly.
Now she understood. Or had an idea of what troubled Regina. Did she lose a child? Or have fertility problems? She often caught the woman unconsciously running her fingers across her abdomen the two times she shared her bed with her.
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'Thank you dear' Regina replied softly.