Chapter one - Energy Spikes

In the SHIELD helicarrier, drifting 45,000 feet in the sky, Nick Fury was analyzing a new set of documents. It may have been boring but that was his day thus far, reading reports, handling cyber security and press but this latest report was giving him... The jitters. Agent Hill had just handed it to him, it focused on a series of energy spikes coming from a small town in Illinois. Amity Park... It was only fair, New York had seen aliens, Colorado - gods and their grudge matches, hell even Spiderman had been dragged LITERALLY to hell by Deadpool (accident which the 'Merc with A Mouth' apologized for). But this ~ Amity Park was a whole new ball game complete with its own problems, starting with these energy spikes. Some of the spikes were stable but others were random and out of sync. The suspected cause for these spikes though were what was giving him the jitters... Ghosts. Being the Director of SHIELD he could get so much from his agents and their individual investigations so he did a bit more digging on his own, finding newspaper articles and videos from these so-called 'ghost fights'. But one thing struck out at him about these supernatural altercations... A boy. He ran a hand down his face as he studied the poorly shot Snap chat videos and read the articles over. In the articles he found out that the WHOLE town had been transported to an alternate dimension on one occasion. This whole situation was making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as he reviewed the videos for the tenth time that morning. Then there was... HIM. The teenage ghost-boy and the two teens at his heel fighting off the rogues. Fury studied the boy and his fighting style which at first was wobbly and uneducated but as he went on got stylized and potent. But one certain video threw him for a loop... To find this kid... He was fighting some sort of weather ghost in the video and the second the thing tried to touch him, a highly powerful and explosive - frost ridden wail erupted from his mouth. The kid wore a black and white hazmat suit with snowy white hair and glowing green eyes. Fury couldn't deal not only did he have to acknowledge that ghosts possibly exist let alone have their own world but he was also forced to acknowledge there was a ghostly teenager out there he needed on his team. Being he was — I reiterate — the Director of the most powerful government agency on the planet and had seen his fair share of weird, he had no choice but to possibly accept and believe... Which here means...

"Agent Hill. "

"Yes, Director?"

"Get me, Agents Romanoff and Barton. " He mused. "They got a mission. "

"Right away, sir. "

Five instavids, three snap chats, and ten YouTube videos later, Natasha Romanoff was excited. Her steely and calm demeanor hid it but she was excited, FINALLY a challenge! Not stopping some stupid terrorists who let the wrong thing slip while talking to her or busting a smuggling ring of some sort. When you have a ledger dipped in as much red as hers you grow bored with take-downs and covert affairs. This mission had mystery to it and if it ended well, a possible new team mate for the Avengers Initiative. Romanoff was a little more intuitive than her boss, her prime niche. Studying her objective, then manipulating it was her finesse as well as total mastery of martial arts. Her partner was more or less uninterested for three good reasons, A) he was missing an old fashioned weekend with his family, B) they were literally going on a ghost hunt and C) said Paranormal spectre was a mere child despite his time of death, fifteen - sixteen tops. Barton could give two fucks less about this mission, he didn't believe in ghosts but being he had survived an alien invasion plus an android invasion, he was mildly willing to have an open mind. Five minutes of tense silence filled the conference room after the last video played only for Barton to break it with a complaint.

"So basically you're sending us on a giant ghost hunt? " Fury nodded once to confirm it, Barton wasn't known as Hawkeye for nothing, he could spot and shoot at the most miniscule of details whether by arrow or mouth and if his naturally enhanced eyes served him correctly he saw a shiver pass through his boss at the taunt.

"According to the documents, the apparition in question is named 'Danny Phantom'. " Fury supplied. "And based on what we just watched, he would make an ~INVALUABLE asset to the Avengers. "

"He's a kid. " Pointed out Clint who leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"He's powerful. " Countered Fury as he stood by Natasha. "And I need you two to track him down and bring him in. "

"Fine. " Mused Romanoff, the tiniest bit of a smirk graced her face as she plotted how meet the boy. According to the videos and articles he was elusive, nobody could ever get close enough to him to get a statement seeing as he flew off the second he caught his adversaries, never to be seen again till the next showdown or a random touch of luck to catch him flying about till the local ghost hunters or the GIW tried to capture him.

"I was looking forward to my vacation. " Clint whined. "Can't you send somebody else with her? I mean granted, I'm for a new member and all but this is bugging me. Namely the fact when it comes down to we're gonna have to perform a seance to even see the kid. "

"What's wrong, Bart?" Teased Natasha. "Fraid of a little ol ghost? "

"We just watched him takeout half a damn town with that scream of his. Excuse me if I don't approve. "

"No room for discussion, Hawk. " Fury proclaimed in a stern voice. "You leaving, packed and ready in thirty. "

Natasha didn't need to be told twice, hell she was packed and ready in ten for the mission as of now she was reviewing the Phantom file but sadly... It was didn't contain much. She sipped on some champagne and softly smiled, the teen reminded her of her time in Burma — Ghost Recon. She mulled it over in her mind what to do first, a good spy never did anything without a plan in place—without three more trailing behind. Firstly research and Recon, talking with the locals. According to the geographic data in the file most of the ghost activity centered around four places: someplace called 'FentonWorks', the high school, a restaurant called the Nasty Burger and the Mayoral Mansion. Since most of the attacks took place around the high school, she decided it was best to start with the teenage populace but it was definitely on her list to visit FentonWorks since it was the second biggest hot-spot plus it was home to the foremost ectologist aka ghost experts. It was nearing noon but soon her and Clint would be in Amity. The Hawk was not feeling this, Fury may as well have sent them on a wild goose chase. Hunting a ghost, what the hell?! This kid better be a hell of a something for Fury to send them out there or they were going to have words when they got back.

"Will you let it go? " Natasha chimed nonchalantly. Clint looked at her with a grimace but then laid back down. The private jet was filled with tension as the Hawk silently stewed in anger.

"I don't care if he could out scream a banshee..." The Hawk whined. "He's an immature - prone to temper tantrums - likes junk food - over sleeping - nerdy high school boy- in over his big head - miniature Tony Stark ... Child." Widow looked to him with a firm yet playful glare.

"Your inner-parent kicking in? "

"You could say that... I'm also on the fact we're literally going to be talking to a dead man." He mused as he sat up on his elbow. "That is IF~ We do find him. "

"Stop being so negative. " Natasha ordered as she flipped some more through the file. "We found Banner... And trust me when I say he was hiding out in the shittiest of shitholes. " Clint shrugged at that... She had a point.

After touching down at the nearest airport, getting through security — one quick flash of the SHIELD badges, and a quick chauffeured drive to the only hotel in town— which was really some lady's converted mansion, they were setup in a suite on the top floor. They decided it'd be best to freshen up, Natasha went first while Clint actually read over the file. He smirked, Fury was dead set on getting this kid and finding out about this 'Ghost Zone '. Just after watching a few videos, he managed to create a decent scope on the boy's powers and fighting style, complete with a decent photo.

"Trained in Street Fighting? Heh. " His smirk went away when he went to the personality section... TOTAL BLANK. He reigned himself in, he was treating the kids like a suspect already not a possible teammate. That section would be filled out as they went along, so at that he moved on to the powers. "Damn, kid got ammo. " The aforementioned powers list was complete with:

- Flight

- Intangibility / Invisibility

- Energy Blast

- Enhanced Strength / Speed/ Agilty/Reflexes/ Durability

- Cryokinesis

- Cloning

- Telekinesis

- Volatile Scream

Natasha could only smirk as she caught her partner FINALLY reading over the file on their possible new ally. She was dressed in an orchid short sleeve blouse with a dark brown pencil skirt with black knee high boots. Her cover story for them was that the two were authors looking to write a book on Paranormal Activity.

"So you're finally interested? "

"Mildly. " Clint replied curtly as he stood and grabbed his towel. "He's got the moves, stamina but still... He's a kid. A dead one at that. " Natasha rolled her eyes and moved out his way so he could get dressed. At the sound of water, she went back over the file.

"How do you think we should do this? " A mildly muted reply came back.

"Start with the teenagers. Then we hit the Fenton's." The Hawk claimed. Natasha waited patiently as Clint cleaned up but one thing struck her as odd while she looked at the photos correspondent with the boy's powers... Two other teens. All the photos had the same two teens in it and even better they were helping him out whether it was helping blast a rogue or capturing them. She made a mental note to point this out. Soon Barton rejoined her, in a crisp black suit with a purple shirt underneath. He ran a hand through his hair to spike it a bit but other than he had a seat.

"You ready? "

"Yeah..." Mused Widow with a inquisitive manner.

"I know that look, Nat. " He countered. "What's eating ya? " She passed him two photos of the ghost-boy.

"Look at the two teens at in the background. They're —!"

"In every photo, I was gonna point out we should talk to them. " He passed the photos back. "What's a hero without a team? We track them down, we find your ghost... NOW! Let's go 'Ghost Busting' shall we?" At that they grabbed their electronics and left.