AN: This fanfiction is titled Crystalfilm after the song "Crystalfilm" by Little Dragon. That song has meaning to this fanfiction and I will say when at that time.

Chapter 1

I remember a time and a place when I wasn't stuck on this boat. As a child I dreamed of being with Zuko everyday, but this isn't at all how I expected things to turn out. I still daydream sometimes. I think of Zuko finding the Avatar and regaining his honor so he will finally be happy. That's all I want is for him to be happy.

Roughly 4 years prior

"But daddy I don't want to play with a boy. Boys are gross!" I groan to my father while vigorously slashing my katana at his stomach only to be blocked by his sword.

"You won't be saying that in a few years. You may be eleven years old now, but wait about five years." My father smirks and mocks me in a high pitched voice "Daddy I want to go on a date! Daddy can I go out with him?"

I stick my tongue out at him and whack at him again with my blade.

"You have to focus Kasai or you really will hurt me," he says cautiously avoiding my swing. "Besides… you'll like this boy."
I shake my head blocking my father's swing for my left leg, "I doubt it. Who is he anyway?"

My father sits his sword down and motions for me to do the same. "Well my good friend General Iroh got back from the war and we have some things to discuss, so you'll get to meet Fire Prince Zuko."

My jaw drops, "How are you friends with the General? You never told me this daddy!"

He gives me a grin and chuckles, "The story of our friendship is for another time, but guess what else I have in store for you?"
"What?" I ask eagerly.

"Another reason Iroh and his nephew are coming all this way is because we've made an arrangement. Iroh is a powerful firebender sweetie, and—"

"General Iroh is going to be my firebending teacher!" I shriek with excitement cutting him off.

My father laughs, "Yes, and while you are learning that, I am going to make a fine swordsman out of Prince Zuko."
"When are they going to get here?" I ask intrigued.

He gives me a smirk again, "I thought you didn't like boys?"
I kick some dirt his way and he starts laughing.

The Arrival

"They'll be here soon Kasai; do you need help tying your robes?"

I sigh with defeat looking down at a tangled mess, "Yes sir."

He comes in my room and neatly ties my robes at the waist. "Lucky for you, I picked up a few tricks from your mother."
I look at the ground, "I wish she'd been able to teach me. I'm never going to get the hang of this."

My father places a hand on my back, "You said the same thing when I first handed you a sword, and I'd say in a few years you'll be as much of a master as I am."

"Really?" I say with a genuine smile.

He nods and a servant runs to the door, "They're here."
I walk next to my father as straight as I can. When we meet the famous duo we both bow to them at the same time they bow to us. I find this incredible since they're the ones more honorable.

When I rise, my eyes meet Prince Zuko's golden ones and my heart leaps. I never thought I'd meet such a worthy person in my life. He stares back at me and we just blink awkwardly at each other until the adults begin talking.

"Piandao it's been too long my friend," Iroh says holding arms out for a hug.

"Iroh, I'm so sorry to hear about your return," my father says taking the man in is embrace.

When they finish hugging, Iroh gestures to the prince, "Nephew say hello."

The boy stutters a polite, "Hello."

I feel my face reddening, "Hello, it's such an honor to meet you Prince Zuko."

My father interrupts Zuko before he has a chance to reply, "Kasai, why don't you show him around? And when you're finished you two can go out in the gardens and play. The adults need to speak alone."

I nod to my father, "Yes sir."

I give Zuko an awkward look and he follows me down the hallway.

"I can't believe your dad is the legendary Piandao! I thought he was just a myth all these years until Uncle told me I'd get to train with him!"
"Are you kidding?" I laugh, "Your dad is the son of the Fire Lord! That's the most legendary title of all!"

Zuko shrugs, "I don't know. I'd much rather my dad be a sword master. I don't really see my dad much anymore."

"Why not?" I ask perplexed.

"Well," Zuko rubs the back of his neck. "He's always busy."
I give him a look of sympathy, "I'm sorry."

Zuko shrugs, "It's alright. I love hanging out with my mom. She's the best there is. Where's your mom?"
"She um… She died giving birth to me. I never knew her."
Zuko's face becomes paler, "Oh I'm sorry, I really am. I shouldn't have asked, I—"

I shake my head, "It's okay Prince Zuko. You didn't know."

"You can just call me Zuko. Um what was your name…I forgot."

"Kasai, it means fire."
"Why are you named fire?" Zuko laughs a bit.

"Well my mom was a firebender but my dad isn't and since my mom died he named me after fire because he felt like I was the last flame my mom made."
His gold eyes widen, "Wow that's really cool. I don't even know why I'm named Zuko. But my sister Azula is named after our grandfather."

"I'm sure it's after something great," I say with a smile.

Zuko looks around, "Aren't you supposed to be showing me around?"

"I thought this would be more fun," I smirk opening the doors to my father's dojo.

I grab Zuko's wrist and run him over to the wooden cabinet that holds my katana. "This is my katana!"

Zuko looks amazed, "Wow do you know how to fight with it and stuff?"

I sling the sheath over my shoulder and pull out the blade, "Well of course I do. My father is the legendary sword master after all."

"I can't wait to learn!" Zuko said in awe.

"Here you can hold it," I smile handing him the blade. "I wonder what you'll choose."

Zuko shrugs slashing the sword at thin air, "I want something cool!"

"Can you show me some firebending when we go outside?" I ask excited. "I've never seen any in person."
His gold eyes look at me in shock, "You've never seen firebending?"

I shake my head, "I live on this island with my father and these servants. No firebenders."

Zuko hands me the sword, "Well come on!"
I put my katana away quickly and I grab Zuko's wrist and we race to the gardens.

"Watch this!" Zuko calls out to me before pushing his hand in the air and making fire soar from the palm.

"You mean I can do that?" I ask jaw dropped.

Zuko nods, "If you're a firebender then the possibilities are endless. Have you never tried to do any own your own?"

I shake my head, "My dad used to let me mess with candles, but after I caught the yard on fire he wouldn't let me anymore."

Zuko laughs, "It's not too hard once you get the hang of it. My sister is a prodigy, and I'm barely making it."

"I think you're fantastic!"
He shrugs, "Wait until you see Uncle!"

Coincidentally enough, Zuko's uncle and my father stepped outside as soon as he said that.

My father smiles, "I see the two of you have become well acquainted with each other. Iroh and I have some news."
"What is it Uncle?" Zuko says walking next to me.

General Iroh smiles as well, "Piandao and I have made the decision that every weekend the two of us will travel here to stay. Zuko and I will arrive here in time for dinner on Friday. We'll wake at dawn Saturday and while Piandao readies the dojo, the three of us will meditate in the morning light. Then we'll eat breakfast and I'll teach Kasai how to firebend; while Piandao will teach Zuko the ways of the sword. Then we'll take a break for lunch, and Piandao and I will have our time while the two of you will have yours. Then after dinner we'll ready for bed and Zuko and I will leave at dawn on Sunday."

I nod my head, "I can't wait!"

"Dinner will be ready soon so you children go clean up." My father says turning away with Iroh.

"I think I'm going to like this," Zuko says outstretching a hand to me.

I shake it, confirming our friendship. "Me too, Prince."

AN: Thank you human that took the time to read this! Please leave a review letting me know if it's good. Because if it isn't I'm taking it down and accepting my defeat as a fanfiction writer haha. I thought Kasai's background and all was a great idea for an OC, and I have really great ideas for this fanfiction. I really hope you enjoyed it enough to follow/fave and review. I plan to upload chapter two tomorrow if this gets feedback.