Chapter I: The Return

She poured herself some water from the jug, her fingers working slowly as her mind was occupied somewhere else. She was contemplating a thousand things at once, but the most important question was still unanswered in her head.

North or South?

Her revenge would take her South, down to the streets of King's Landing, the place haunting numerous of her dreams as the center of all that went wrong.

Mycah, Jory, Father...

Cersei Lannister, The Mountain...

Her revenge was closer than ever, and just one simple decision away. But somehow she couldn't decide. She couldn't choose between the one thing she wanted and the one thing she feared she needed more than she realized.

Her family. Her home.

My sister. My brother.

The news of the Starks taking back Winterfell had filled her cold heart with warmth. It was the first time in years she had truly felt happy. She wanted to see them. Sansa, who she had no doubt has grown into a beautiful woman. Rickon, who she remembered as a little, wild boy who ran around the castle with Shaggy in tow.

But she wanted to see Jon most of all.

She wanted to close her eyes and feel his fingers muss her hair. She wanted to show him Needle, to tell him she had kept it all this while, and that it had saved her life more times than she could remember. She knew he was a Lord now and she was far from being a Lady. She only hoped Jon hadn't changed. That the boy with the warm smile and the young eyes still lived, that he, like her, didn't have to lose who he was.

Her lids were slowly getting heavy. Her body demanded sleep, a lot of it. But she knew she couldn't. She drank the water in one gulp and laid back on the bed, a soft sigh escaping her lips as her thoughts started drifting away. She could make her decision in the morning, but she couldn't resist the warmth of the featherbed now, and in a few seconds her eyes were closed.

It was the sound of hurried footsteps that woke her up, and Arya became alert, her hand gripping her Needle and her ears searching and amplifying every sound.

She stood up, barely making any sound as she tiptoed with bare feet to the door. With a vice-like grip intact on her lithe sword, she pressed her ear to the door.

There was no sound for a few seconds, then the footsteps again, and she shrank back just before the door was banged open with an unbelievable strength.

"Are you hiding here, you arse! I'll break your bones-"

She was gaping now, the breath sucked out from her lungs as the man in front of her looked hastily around the room and finally fixed his eyes on her. His eyes narrowed.

"Are you alone, woman?"

Arya couldn't find her voice. Her hand loosened its grip on Needle.


The man repeated his question, this time harsher, but her shock kept her from answering.

"Are you dumb, you bloody-"

She caught the exact moment his eyes drifted to her hand and realization hit him.

"Seven hells!"

"I left you to die...," Arya finally whispered in awe. "It's impossible."

In an instant he lunged at her and Arya's instinct moved her away from his path as she dodged him and placed Needle against his throat in a heartbeat.

"You think that puny sword of yours can save you girl?" He roared and pushed her away, pouncing again, but Arya was jumping faster than he was moving. "I'm going to kill you!"

"Sandor! Stop it!"

He did stop abruptly as Arya turned to look at the familiar figure standing near the door.

"Stay away from this, Beric!" Sandor yelled. Arya gasped as he almost came too close to her and she looked at him angrily.

"Fuck you Hound! Stop this bloody nonsense!"

Sandor clenched his jaw and cursed under his breath. He turned with furious eyes to Beric, but Arya noticed his body become less tense.

"Did you come here to attack a woman?" Beric asked angrily.

"She is no woman!" The Hound grabbed her arm. "This is the little wolf bitch whom I kidnapped. Can't you see that sword? That's her fucking Needle."

"Leave my arm, Sandor," Arya warned. She was getting annoyed by this. This was not supposed to happen. She hated when her plans had to be changed.

"Arya Stark," she heard Beric exclaim in awe. "Princess Arya."

"I'm no princess!" She pulled herself away from them and turned around to walk to her bedside. She pulled out the pouch of coins from underneath and pillow.

"You can leave now. I am fairly sure I'm not the one you're searching for." Her eyes were cold again when she turned to look at the men. "Be on your way. I want nothing to do with either of you."

But Beric blocked her way out of the room.

"I'll not ask twice, Lord Beric."

"You are in no position to make threats, Lady Stark," Sandor mocked from behind her. She felt an undeniable desire to gut him, and this time to silence him for real.

Beric got down on one knee, and Arya rolled her eyes.

"For Gods' sake, Beric, get up!"

He looked up at her.

"I thought you were dead," he whispered.

"I told him I'd live longer than him." She pointed towards Sandor.

"Aye, that she did," Sandor said.

"This is not a safe place for you, Lady Arya. This place is swarmed with Lannisters and Freys. We could keep you safe if you come with us."

"I don't need your help," she said, but Beric stopped her with a hand on her arm.

"Let me take you North," he said. "Please, Lady Stark, the last thing I want is to live with the regret of not getting you to your family. Again."

"Not if she has other plans," Sandor muttered, and Arya turned to glare at him.

"I can speak for myself, Hound. Shut your bloody mouth for once." Before he could reply with another remark, she turned to Beric with a sarcastic smile.

"And why would you do that?" She asked. "There is no King in the North to reward you anymore."

She saw Beric look past her at Sandor, and she noticed the look pass between them. Before she could make it out herself, Beric cleared her confusion.

"My Lady... There is a King in the North now. Your half-brother Jon Snow was crowned the King."

A/N: New story!

This fic will be largely based on the show. It takes place after S6E10, but I'll add a few necessary elements from the books also.

Thanks for reading and comment.