Zoe looks at all the texts on her phone that she has sent in the past few days, that have gone unanswered.

She doesn't usually reach out to John like this. And she should be keeping her distance, knowing that John has decided to pursue something serious with the police shrink.

On the other hand, what's been happening in the past two weeks has Harold Finch written all over it, even if she has no idea as to exactly how. Which means John is also part of it; a major part.

Zoe hears a knock on the door. She grabs her gun from the table next to her and releases the safety, chambering a round before she gets up and walks over. She looks through the peephole, and relaxes when she sees Sameen Shaw there, unloading the gun and putting the safety back on before she lets the other woman inside.

Bear bounds through the door happily as soon as it's opened, nudging her hand and wagging his tail. Zoe has to smile as she pets him.

"Shameless," Shaw comments as the lock clicks into place.

"Don't listen to her, Bear," Zoe says in a crooning voice that most of her clients would never believe could pass her lips. "There's nothing wrong with wanting a little attention." The good humor she feels at Bear's obvious affection evaporates as she looks up at Shaw. "What's happened?"

Shaw doesn't ask what Zoe means. Zoe has always liked that about her. Shaw meets Zoe's gaze unflinchingly and says, "John's dead."

Zoe's heart constricts. She takes a deep breath, feeling a sharp stinging in her eyes as the tears threaten to start. She takes another deep breath to calm herself. Zoe Morgan does not break down weeping, even for the death of someone she cared about - someone who gave her amusement and joy. Part of her had known this was how it would end, with what John was always up to. Putting himself in dangerous situations for complete strangers in pursuit of some greater purpose.

It's never easy, confronting the unpleasant realities of this world. Zoe knows that better than most.

"Thank you," Zoe gasps. It might seem an inappropriate reaction to being told of a loved one's death, but Shaw nods, showing that she understands what Zoe is trying to say. Thank you for telling me the truth, for not leaving me with unanswered texts and calls, always wondering what happened to him.

Shaw walks to Zoe's liquor cabinet and pulls out a bottle of bourbon, then pours two glasses. Shaw has never been in Zoe's apartment before - that Zoe knows of. Somehow, Zoe wouldn't put it past Shaw to have broken in here and then left without Zoe knowing anyone had been there. Zoe isn't disturbed by the idea - if Shaw had done that, it would be a mark of respect and trust.

Such a strange world she got herself mixed up in.

Zoe takes the offered glass of bourbon and allows herself to sink into her comfortable arm chair. Shaw perches on the edge of the couch with Bear at her feet. The bourbon brings some welcome warmth, dulling the grief that is threatening to overwhelm her. Zoe holds out the empty glass for a refill. She resists the urge to down this one quickly. Instead, she looks back up at Shaw. "Who else?"

Shaw stares back at her for a long moment, the hard expression on her face softening slowly. Pain of her own is leaking through, Zoe realizes suddenly, and Shaw's single word confirms Zoe's half-formed guess. "Root."

Zoe fights back the impulse to say I'm so sorry. Instead, she raises her glass, and Shaw follows suit. A clink, and then both women are downing the alcohol.

Shaw toys with her glass, looking at the floor. "Finch is gone. Overseas. Might never see him again. Fusco's back to being a cop first."

"Good for him," Zoe says, and she means it. She knew of Fusco before she knew he was working with John. What she had known then was nothing good, but she knows he's a different man now.

The silence reigns, broken only by the sound of Bear's contented sigh as he flops on his side. "I want to know," Zoe says finally. "I want to know everything."

She expects Shaw to deflect and defer, as the others did so many times, but Shaw appears to be considering the request. Shaw lifts her head and looks past Zoe, almost as though listening to someone else. Zoe notices that Shaw's still wearing the omnipresent earbud. If everyone that Zoe knew of is out of the game - who's talking to Shaw?

"This is one of those no-turning-back moments," Shaw says finally. "If I tell you, nothing will ever be the same."

Zoe snorts. "Nothing was ever the same the minute I met John."

"Yeah," Shaw agrees. "But… seriously, Zoe. This is conspiracy theory level stuff. You wouldn't believe half of it."

Zoe Morgan leans forward on her elbows and looks Shaw squarely in the eyes. "Try me."

Shaw sighs. "Just remember. You asked for it."

In a forgotten subway station, The Machine redesignates Zoe Morgan as an asset.