Disclaimer:  I do not own any of this.  This all belongs to J.K. Rowling.  She is a genius and I hope that she doesn't sue for for writing this little fan fic.  Harry Potter belongs to her, the movie company, her book company and any other.  I am just their mere servant and to write this is for fun.  No money is being made from this.


Chapter 1: The Dursleys

Harry awoke and found himself face down in the dirt.  He looked over to find another person lying in the dirt.  Once he saw who it was, it scared him.  He knew all to well what this was.  Cedric got up and go to his feet.

"Did anyone tell you the cup was a Portkey?" he asked.

Harry only knew where this was going.  He got up from the ground to find familiar surroundings.  Harry was in the graveyard in which he and Cedric were transported to by the cup that the fake Moody had made into a portkey.  Harry got to his feet and stop over to look at Cedric.  He tried with all his might to move Cedric.  But nothing he did had any effect.  Nothing he did ever had any effect.

"Cedric, we have to leave! We have to leave NOW!"  he cried.  But it was no use, Cedric couldn't hear him.

"Wands out, d'you reckon?"

"NO!  We have to get back out.  All you have to do is grab the cup! Go grab it! It will get you out of here! Damnit, GO AND GRAB IT!"

Then Harry felt what he had felt in every dream he had had since that night.  A small figure walked toward them.  It was Wormtail walking over to where Cedric and Harry were.  They both heard a voice from farther away.

"Kill the spare." Was what the voice said.

"NOOOOOO! Cedric you have to get out of here, Voldemort is going to kill you.  Damnit, why don't you listen." cried Harry, but it was no use. 

"Avada Kedavra." He saw a bright green light and he heard Cedric's lifeless body fall to the ground.  It was only when Harry had looked into Cedric's dead eyes that he awoke from his dream hearing yelling. 

As Harry awoke, he saw a staring Uncle Vernon in his doorway.

"Damnit boy, don't you ever shut up.  You have been keeping us all up with that racket.  I know exactly what to do with you."

Uncle Vernon ran, as fast as he could, into Dudley's spare bedroom.

"Careful Uncle Vernon, you wouldn't want to strain yourself." Harry said sarcastically.

"Why you little ungrateful little monster." Said Uncle Vernon.

"Get over here boy."

"No, I don't want to go anywhere."

"Well that's too bad, because you are going to go somewhere."

Harry put up a fight, but was no match for Uncle Vernon without his wand.  Uncle Vernon dragged him down the stairs and threw him in his cupboard.  Harry didn't realize it until he got back into the cupboard, but Uncle Vernon must have punched Harry when he didn't abide by his will. 

Harry felt those feelings of anger and hatred that he has always felt for the Dursleys.  But this was different, he had never wished anything bad to happen to them before this, but that is all he could feel.  He wanted them to pay for everything that they had done to him.  Never told him how his parent died or even that he was a wizard.  He had to find out from a complete stranger that he trusted more than the only family he had ever known.

"How could they do that to me?" Harry muttered in his head.

"I hate them, I HATE THEM!." Harry was surprised that he actually said these words out load. 

Once he said those words, his scar started to burn.  He knew that the only way his scar would burn if Voldemort was nearby.  He couldn't be near by, Professor Dumbledore had said that he was safer here than even at Hogwarts.  His real home.  Could Voldemort have found his when he was at the Dursleys?  If not, then why did his scar hurt?  Before he could even think why, he was not in his cupboard anymore.

He was standing in a dark room with no doors and no windows.  The room was pitch black except for the fire that was stirring in the fireplace on the east wall of the room.  There was only one chair facing the fire.  Harry remember back one year ago when he had almost the same experience. 

Without even thinking, he knew who was behind that chair.  As he suspected he heard a voice that made his hair on the back of his neck stand on end. 

"Wormtail, come now."  Said the voice.

"Y-Yes m-master. I am c-coming."  Wormtail replied.

It was the only person it could only be that got up from the chair.  The living, breathing Voldemort.

"I have a gift to give Mr. Potter, I know you are watching."  Said Voldemort.

At the sound of what Voldemort said Harry fell over where he was standing.  How could be possible know he was watching.  Just how did he know?

All Voldemort did was point his wand to his forehead where Harry's scar was and laughed.  Harry wondered what was so funny, but then again, a lot could be funny to a sadistic maniac.  As soon as Harry looked down at his hands, he was back in his cupboard.  It was pitch black in his cupboard, but it wasn't the darkness that scared him.

As he opened his eyes, blood fell into them.  He reached up to his forehead to find where the blood had originated.  His right hand scanned his forehead to find that the blood was coming from his scar.  Harry took off his shirt and put it to his scar until it had stopped bleeding.  Why had his scar bled?  It had never done that before.  Usually when Voldemort was around, his scar would just hurt and sting.  This time it had done a lot more than that.  Blood was poring from the wound.  Harry took off his shirt and put it to his forehead.  It took a good fifteen minutes to stop the blood from dripping from his scar. 

After his scar stopped bleeding, Harry didn't want to go to sleep due to the fact that he would probably have a new nightmare added to the ones that he already had.  Ever since Harry was back from Hogwarts for the summer, he never got one night's rest.  Every time he would fall asleep, the same dream would haunt him, Cedric Diggory's death.  It was his fault.  Cedric was dead because Harry led him straight to Voldemort. 

His thoughts wandered.  He first thought about Cedric and how he was an innocent person who was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Why did they have to kill him?  Why couldn't Voldemort just make him touch the cup again and go back to Hogwarts?  "Why kill him you sick bastard."  Harry knew that he was just bringing up something that he should not bring up.  What was the past was the past.  No matter how hard he would try to change the past, there was nothing he could do. 

"But there is something I could do.  If I could get a time tuner, I could go back to stop Cedric from his fate." 

Harry and Hermione had gone back to save Harry's Godfather from the demeanor's during his third year.  Why couldn't he do the same to Cedric?  He could save him.  He REALLY could. 

Harry imagined what Hermione would say if he told her the idea.

"Absolutely not.  How could you even think of something like that?  You can not just go into the past and undo something just because you didn't like the way it ended."

The thought of this made a grin show on Harry's face.  She would be right of course, as usual.  There was nothing that Harry could do.  He was gone and he had to accept this and move on with his life. 

His thoughts then remember how Cho Chang was crying at the closing feast on his fourth year.  She had gone to the Yule Ball with Cedric.  He fancied her very much.  She wasn't only a girl to him. She was beautiful, smart, and even the seeker for the Ravenclaw Quiddich team.  Had see really liked Cedric that much?  Having a fellow classmate die is something, but did she feel something else for him.  Did she feel for Cedric the same that he felt for her?  If she did, then Harry would have done more damage to Cho then he would ever think possible. 

All thoughts turned back to Voldemort.  He had caused all this pain.  He killed Cedric, his parents, and countless other people.  He was even the cause of Harry's Godfather Sirius Black to stand twelve in Azkaban, the wizard prison guarded by those horrible dementors.  He only thought for a couple of hours that he was going to live the rest of his life with his Godfather, but that turned out to be not true.  Nothing in his life was going the way it was supposed to.  This was all because of Voldemort.

Then Harry quickly remembered the encounter that he had with Voldemort tonight.   Voldemort had known that Harry was listening to him in the vision.  But how did he know?  The vision started when Harry's scar started to hurt.  Could that mean that since Voldemort is in his new body, that he can be linked to Voldemort when ever his scar hurt?  Voldemort would make Harry's scar hurt when he had thought of pure hatred and anger, the same way Harry felt when Uncle Vernon had thrown him in the cupboard.  This thought scared him half to death.  If Voldemort could see Harry when he felt feelings of anger or hatred, then it would do him no good to stay at the Dursleys. 

Professor Dumbledore would know what to do.  Harry would write him a letter.  Luckily Harry was in his cupboard so much that he kept quills and parchment hidden.  He found the lighter he had hidden with the quill and parchment and wrote the letter to Professor Dumbledore.

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

You said that I should contact you if my scar hurt again.  Tonight my scar hurt and I had a vision of Voldemort and Wormtail in a dark room. But my scar didn't just burn this time sir.  It bleed for fifteen minutes before I could stop it.  Voldemort was talking to Wormtail when he suddenly made it known that he was talking to me.  He knew I was watching, but how is that possible sir?  How could he possibly know?  I did a bit of thinking before writing this letter and this is what I think about what happened.  My scar hurts whenever Voldemort is near or when he has feelings of anger or hatred.  Well sir, tonight by Uncle punished me for having a nightmare and I was so angry with him.  This is when I had the vision.  Another thought occurred to me sir.  If I could see Voldemort in my vision, could that mean that he could see me in a similar vision?  Please respond quickly sir, I don't know if I could bear waiting.


After Harry read it a couple of times it was ready to send.  He whistled softly enough for Hedwig to come to him.  He put the letter threw the grate in the cupboard.

"Take this to Professor Dumbledore Hedwig." Told Harry.

With a hoot of understanding, Hedwig flew back upstairs and out of Harry's window.  With his letter written and not wanting to think about what he had just experienced, Harry put his head down and tried to get some sleep.

A/N:  Please R&R.  This is my first fan fic that I have ever written.  Be gentle with the reviews.  I have most of the story planned out in my head.  It shall be fun writing it.  Thanx.