It's with some expectancy, a bit of trepidation, and lot of good humor that the team pulls into Ducky's driveway that afternoon. Ducky and Jimmy arrive first and go into the kitchen. Jimmy has been there enough times that he knows where just about everything is, but to his surprise a lot of dishes and other items are no longer in their normal place. He turns to his mentor and sees a hint of moisture in the older man's eyes. That's when it occurs to Jimmy that it really hasn't been that long since Ducky lost his mother. For the ME to want this much company, to insist on it, reminds the younger man of how much he still has to learn about life and those who are his friends.

"Well, Mr. Palmer, don't just stand there gawking, go out and wait for the others. We will need to make certain that Caitlyn isn't seen, however, I do believe most of my neighbors are gone for the weekend."

"Are you sure, Dr. Mallard? Can't I help with anything until Gibbs and the others are all here?"

Ducky smiles, "It's alright, dear boy, go and wait for the others. I just need to figure out the sleeping arrangements."

Jimmy opens his mouth to reply, when there is the slamming of car doors and Ducky ushers him outside to greet the team. Breathing a sigh of relief, Ducky peeks around the curtains, then heads upstairs to plan on where to house the team for the weekend. As he comes back down he can tell that Mrs. McDougall, one of his mother's few remaining friends, is home. The old woman's curtains are moving back and forth, a sure sign that the curtain twitcher is in residence, at least for a few more hours.

He knows that she misses having Victoria come and knock on her door, demanding that she keep her nose out of the Mallard's business. Of course, with Victoria's health being what it was the past few years, the curtain twitcher hasn't had much reason to spy on her neighbors; Ducky hasn't mentioned anything to anyone as of yet, but he knows that Gibbs and now Jimmy will have figured out that he's not planning on staying in the house for too much longer. It's just too big for one person. It had actually been too big for two people, but the price at the time, when he and his mother had needed housing, had been too tempting to pass up.

He listens as the team silently enters the house. He knows it won't always be this quiet; for now they just have to get Caitlyn settled and then they can figure out what to do once Jethro gets there. He ambles on down the stairs, mentally preparing for the questions that will arise when the others see the furniture covers and tags. To his surprise, there are no covers and he quietly blesses Jimmy Palmer for thinking on his feet. The fact that Victoria is dead and that Caitlyn would be going back to the realm of Heaven would have just made everyone more depressed and he didn't want to see so many young faces full of grief.

If there would be any consolation regarding Caitlyn Todd's situation, it might just be the ability to actually say goodbye with hugs, and yes, with tears, but it wouldn't be a sudden thing. At least he hoped it would be something with a bit more happiness than shock, denial and anger. Acceptance and sorrow this time; that is to be expected. This time they would be a bit better prepared for her leaving.

Tim and Tony enter the house with full packs, and Ducky can't help laughing as they pull out snacks and drinks as well as several sets of women's sweats and t-shirts. Kate looks at the one in her hand and stares up at Tim.

"I remember finding these in your apartment the day that Tony and I were looking for you."

Tim smiles, "My sister Sarah was going to college at the time. She's teaching now, back home."

Tony edges him out of the way, "By the way, make sure you tell McAuthor not to use you in his next novel."

Ziva nods in agreement, "I can threaten to kill him with paperclips if he does so. Then again, it might not be a threat."

Kate laughs as the others glare at Tim, who still maintains that he was only using them as templates, despite the way the names were changed. This is what Ducky wanted to see, some good old-fashioned teasing, laughter and most importantly, in his own mind at least, smiles.

Gibbs arrives with Tandel and they have an armload of groceries. Ducky blinks as he sees all the food that is being put into his refrigerator and Gibbs quips, "Can't live off of bread and water alone, Duck."

Well, they could, but where would the fun be in that?


The weekend passes too fast, especially for Abby and Kate. The two have rekindled their bonds of friendship and neither wants to admit that the time for Kate to leave is drawing near. Ducky and Gibbs retreat to the living room and are a bit surprised to see Tim and Tandel in there as well.

"Hey Boss, Tandel and I have been tossing around an idea. It might take a bit, but it's possible for Kate to stay longer."

"What does it entail and does it put anyone into danger?" Ducky's got the question out before Gibbs does, who is automatically shaking his head in denial.

"It's a newer spell, meaning that it's not one I'm familiar with, however we think that it might be possible to cast it, with enough belief or faith if you will."

Gibbs is adamantly shaking his head by now, and Ducky frowns as he asks, "I will ask again, what does it entail and does it put you or anyone in danger?"

Tim sighs as he admits, "There is always a chance for failure, even when you have a high healing capability. The thing is, it's not Tandel who would be in danger; it's Kate. She would end up with a higher percentage of being susceptible to most common illnesses."

Tandel explains, "It lowers her defenses, it takes away part of her immune system. I was trying to tell that to Timothy after we found the spell, just before you walked into the room. It is up to Caitlyn, but I personally would not recommend using it. It is as I said before; if it goes wrong she could end up a zombie or worse and then I would have to destroy her and she would end up in that Dante's Inferno or something even more awful, when she could go instead to the Elysian Fields or what you call Heaven. It is up to her, but I know which one I would choose."

"I think we all know which one, but it doesn't make it any easier on us to say goodbye," Tim says quietly.

"Personally, it would be weird trying to start all over again, because I'd basically have to go under the Witness Protection Program and it would make it too difficult to explain to anyone who might see me, just how I managed to survive a bullet to the brain." Kate steps into the room and gives Tim a hug.

"I appreciate the thought, but honestly, I don't want to have to put anyone in danger, especially my family or any of yours." She says as Abby and the others enter the room as well.

"But what about-?" Abby is cut short by a fierce hug from Kate.

"I know what you're going to say, but think about it Abby. Isn't Toni happier with the little girl? As for my family, I can't put them through that kind of loss again. It's not fair to anyone, especially when you consider that they might finally be healing from the pain, I can't do that to them."

"It wouldn't be fair to you either my dear," Ducky says, "not being able to tell them that you are alive."

Tandel looks at Gibbs, "Again, as it is not one I am familiar with, I am not willing to attempt it on anyone. Not you, not her, no one is worth that kind of risk."

Kate studies the elf for a moment, "You're afraid. I mean, you're really afraid that it won't work."

Tandel nods, "I've seen too many cases, in other lands, where the spell, something similar to the one that Timothy discovered, should have worked. The caster had the intelligence, the ability and it still backfired. It truly is not worth the risk that is involved."

Tony starts to speak up when Tim interrupts him, "Think of the scariest horror movie or the worst case that we've ever come across. Multiply by a thousand; that's the scenario that could await Kate if we insist on trying to resurrect her. Tandel's right, it's not worth it."


A somber group gathers that evening, and tears as well as laughter have been shed. More tears are shining on the cheeks of most of the group, and it's with a heavy heart that Gibbs walks into the backyard, wondering just how to say goodbye to someone that he still feels responsible for being the cause of her death.

"It wasn't you, Gibbs. Ari could have chosen any of you that day. He almost killed Tim; he could have killed Tony, but because I was and am a woman, he chose me. He might not have originally planned it that way, but he knew that killing me would cause you the most pain," Kate states.

"He was right." Gibbs responds quietly.

"I know and I'm sorry. If I had only-" her voice trails off and Gibbs lightly smacks the back of her head.

"It's over and done with Kate. At least this time we get to say goodbye."

Kate nods as she blinks back more tears. "I really did miss you guys."

Gibbs pats her on the back. Soon the team surrounds them with murmurs of "goodbye" and "take care of yourself."

Tandel whispers a few words and a small portal opens. She extends her hand to Kate, "I cannot take you to Heaven, but there are a few others who are waiting to escort you there."

Kate nods and takes a hesitant step forward before turning back to the elf. She places the NCIS cap on the elf's head, and hands her a small piece of paper. "Thank you and keep an eye on them for me?"

"It will be my honor, Caitlyn Todd." Tandel says as Kate walks confidently towards the portal. She turns just before entering to face the others who are smiling and waving. Tears are running unchecked on Abby's cheeks, while Tim and Tony are blinking fiercely, obviously holding back their own emotions. Gibbs gives her a nod and she takes a deep breath as she takes that final step forward.


Kate walks out of the tunnel of light and blinks as she raises her hand to her eyes in an attempt to see what is in front of her.

"Hello Agent Todd."

"Who the Hell are you?"

the end?

a/n: for now it is the end of the story. Will there be a sequel later on? That is still to be determined. I do thank all who have read and those who left reviews, if I didn't answer you, I sincerely apologize. Thank you again :) Tigyr.