Buried Beneath

Author's Note: I am so sorry for this. I get angsty when I'm sick. But hey, super fast update!

Warning: Character Death-ish

Chapter Title/Inspiration: Buried Beneath by Red

But I've tried to live without

I'm suffocating I need you to breathe

So reach down and pull me up

Pull me out before I am buried beneath

Chunin & Anbu-Age 16

Smoke. That's all she could see as it riddled the air turning the once blue, clear sky into bundles of ashy gray and black. Faint outlines of buildings crashing to the ground could be seen, each collapsing one by one. She passed by numerous shinobi along the way, not one clear of any type of injury.

After ordering them to report to the medical tents set up, Sakura kept running. It was probably selfish on her part, sending them away when she could have stopped to help, but at the moment they didn't matter. She had to find him. She just had to.

While treating the injured along with Shizune and Ino, Sakura would glance at the entrance for any familiar face. She needed to know of her loved ones were safe.

Yet none came through the door.

Sakura could sense that many of her comrades (her friends) were still here with the exception of Team Gai, Yamato-taichou, and Sai who were on a mission.

The only chakra signature she couldn't get a hold of was Kakashi's.

She pushed herself to go faster, hoping that she would see something, anything that could tell her that he's alive.

However, it seemed that fate was not on her side.

Through the smoke, Sakura could see something sticking out from underneath a pile of rubble. The closer she got, the faster her heart dropped until it seemed to have completely come to a stop.

Buried beneath the heap of broken cement blocks and metal rods was her teammate.

Tears streamed down her face as she dropped to her knees beside him. His once silver hair was matted with blood, the weight of it making his hair shield his face.

"Kakashi?" Sakura breathed out, her hand shakily reaching forward to check his pulse. She needed to see. Make sure that this was just some cruel joke. That he didn't die by the hands of the enemy, that he just passed out from chakra exhaustion like always.

But there was no pulse. His heart stopped beating completely.

Ugly sobs wracked her frame, her arms wrapping around herself as she unconsciously leaned forward.

Kakashi was dead. He wasn't coming back. The thought made her cry harder.

There would be no more teasing each other. No more friendly spars during training. No more warm greetings of 'Sakura-chan,' No more hopes of bringing Sasuke back and being Team 7 once more. That dream was long gone, just like Kakashi. There would just be no more… anything.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the Asura Path on the ground unmoving. He was actually able to kill one of them.

Sakura raised her hand to wipe the tears away before biting her thumb and slamming it to the ground in front of her. A small puff of smoke appeared before her, then it slowly started dissipating to reveal a small slug.

"Sakura-san," Katsuyu said. "How can I assist you?"

"I-I need you to report to Tsunade-sama and tell her that Kakashi defeated one of the Six Paths." With each word, Sakura found it harder to breath.

It must have shown because Katsuyu had yet to leave. "Kakashi-san defeated one? Where is he?"

Sakura flinched before pointing behind the summon.

But Katsuyu didn't need to turn around to know that something went wrong. She already knew.

"Ah, I see," the slug replied, her voice thick with sorrow. "I'll report to Lady Tsunade now." And then she was gone, the only indication that she was here was the small puddle of slime left behind.

Sakura stared at the space Katsuyu occupied just moments before. Time passed and what felt like hours was really only a couple of seconds.

Finally gathering the courage, Sakura looked back towards her fallen teammate and began digging him out of the rubble. She chucked the cement blocks as far away as she could, as if the pieces burned her skin whenever they came in contact with her.

With the last of the bricks out of the way, Sakura laced her arms underneath Kakashi's shoulders and pulled. She struggled at first, but she was finally able to drag him out. She sat down and crossed her legs all the while never letting go of Kakashi.

She hugged him tightly, too afraid to let go.

Fat droplets raced down her cheeks, her lips quivering as she spoke.

"You weren't supposed to die," she uttered softly. "You said-promised..." Sakura's voice cracked towards the end, the unspoken words left behind.

'You promised you'd never leave me.'

"Lady Tsunade, Sakura-san sent me to report to you." Katsuyu was settled in Tsunade's palm.

"What is it Lady Katsuyu?" Tsunade asked, her anxiety rising. "Is she injured?"

"No," Katsuyu replied quietly, "she isn't. She wanted me to tell you that Kakashi-san defeated one of the Six Paths."

Tsunade's eyes widened. "He what? You mean the Hatake brat was able to take one down?"

"Y-yes, Lady Tsunade." Tsunade frowned at the slug's reply. Something wasn't right.

"Lady Katsuyu, I know there's something you aren't telling me," her voice revealed no anger, only concern.

A moment of silence passed before Katsuyu answered, and the words she spoke went straight to her heart.

"Kakashi-san was killed in the battle."

"I… I see. Thank you Lady Katsuyu. You are dismissed." The summon left in a cloud of smoke, yet Tsunade didn't notice.

A lone tear made its way down her face.

'I'm sorry Sakumo. I failed to keep your son safe.'

She gritted her teeth as a wave of anger coursed through her.

'Pein will pay for all the destruction he has caused.'

She sincerely hoped that Naruto is on his way back to the village.

The first thing he could sense was warmth.

He slowly got up, eyes roaming around. Not that there was much to look at as pitch blackness surrounded him like a never ending void.

Kakashi started walking forward, the strange warming sensation becoming more prominent the further he went. Suddenly, a flicker of light caught his eyes.

He started running, the closer he got, the more distinguishable the figure became.

A fire. Beside that was a man sitting in front of the flames.

"That you, Kakashi?" The man said, turning to give Kakashi a clear view of who he was.

"So this is where you've been." His voice sounded so small.

"Will you tell me about yourself," Sakumo asked, watching as Kakashi sat on the rock next to him.

"There's not that much important stuff to tell."

"It didn't ask for the important details. I just want to know about you."

"It's going to take a while."

"That's fine, we have all the time we need."

"So, father," Kakashi started.

"Tsunade-sama. I couldn't sense Kakashi-kun in the village. Is he out on a mission?"

Tsunade bit her lip and lowered her gaze to the ground. The silence told Naruto everything he needed to know.

"I see," he said quietly. "Gamakichi, please take Tsunade away from here and find Sakura-chan." Naruto's eyes flashed with anger, his gaze meeting Pein's.

"I will kill you," he snarled, "for harming this village."

When Tsunade was brought to Sakura, the older woman couldn't help the ache in her heart at seeing her apprentice crying over Kakashi. Because even after all Tsunade has been through, she's still a firm believer that people the young medic's age should not feel the pain of loss.

Especially when it was someone they loved more than anything.

Her breathing became heavier as her vision blurred. She could faintly hear Sakura gasp as the pink haired medic gently laid her teammates body on the ground and rushed to her side.

"Ts-Tsunade-sama!" Her voice was panicked.

Yet her honey colored eyes stayed glued onto the still figure on the ground, her heart heavy

'I'm so sorry, Sakura-chan.'

That was her last thought before she passed out.

"I'm so sorry Kakashi," Sakumo whispered, guilt sinking in as Kakashi told him about everything. The pain he went through, the hate and scorn just because he was the son of The White Fang.

"I understand why you did it," Kakashi said.

Sakumo's eyes widened as he stared at his son.

"I understand… and I forgive you for it."

The older man's gaze softened as a smile tugged at his lips. He turned to look back towards the fire. "I didn't think we'd die so young." He glanced at Kakashi from the corner of his eye. "Especially not you."

"That's the life of a shinobi." Kakashi closed his eyes. "We fight for what we think is right, and if we die in the process, it's without regret."

"But that doesn't apply to you, does it?"

Kakashi sighed and looked at the fire. "I left someone behind," he mumbles. "And I promised her I'd never leave." Kakashi met his father's eyes. "I guess that's my only regret."

It was at that moment that Sakumo knew. It was too early for his son to die. He was too young, he still has a future.

And then, a beam of green light envelops his son.

"It's too early for you, my boy," Sakumo says with a smile on his face. The light is growing brighter, shining through the darkness that surrounded the pair. "There must be something you're still meant to do in the world of the living."


The emotion in that single word warms his heart, and it feels as if he had been waiting forever just to hear it. "Thank you for forgiving me. Now I can move on in peace and finally see your mother again."

He watches as Kakashi returns to the living world, but not before parting with his final words.

"We're both proud of you."

Kakashi awoke with a jolt, pushing himself upright and breathing heavily. Was it just a dream? He was sure that he died, so why was he here? He ran a shaky hand through his sweat covered hair as he took in his surroundings.

But there wasn't much to look at. His heart dropped as he realized that everything was gone. He stiffened.

'Sakura.' Was she alright? Did anything happen to her? What if… What if she died?

He was panicking now. 'Where is she?' He tried to push himself onto his feet, but he kept falling back down.

"Kakashi?" He tensed as he turned around. The first thing he noticed were her bright emerald eyes peering back at him. Kakashi could see tears gathering in the corners as she sprinted closer to him.

She dropped down and wrapped her arms around him. "I-I thought I'd lost you forever," Sakura cried.

Kakashi's gaze softened as he returned her embrace. "I'm sorry."

"You're damn right you're sorry!" Sakura pulled back slightly to glare at him. "You idiot! What were you thinking! Why didn't you wait for help?!"

"There was no time…" He winced at his own excuse and closed his eyes, waiting for her to hit him over the head.

But it never came. He peeked an eye open, only to find Sakura staring at him, silent tears streaming down her face.

Kakashi slowly raised his hand and held it up to her cheek, the pad of his thumb brushing away the tears. "It's okay," he said quietly. "Everything's going to be okay."

"I know it is. But," Sakura swallowed thickly, "I could have lost you. If it wasn't for Naruto-sensei, you'd still be…" Her words cut off towards the end as she couldn't bring herself to say it.

Kakashi dropped his hand from her cheek, instead taking a hold of her hand. "I saw my father," he murmured, the words almost inaudible.

Sakura gasped, her hand tightening around his. "Kakashi…"

"I forgave him. For everything."

"And what did he say."

Kakashi smiled. "He told me that he was proud of me, and that he can finally move on to see my mother again."

"I'm glad that you were able to get closure," Sakura said.

"Yeah, so am I."

"Well, come on. We need to go find Naruto-sensei."

"One problem with that." Sakura looked at him confused. "I need help moving. I sort of can't get up."

Sakura let out a small giggle before bursting into a fit of laughter. Kakashi joined in soon after. The words his father said to him still fresh in his mind.

"There must be something you're still meant to do in the world of the living."

'Yeah,' he agreed, glancing towards Sakura. 'Maybe there is.'

Author's Note: Don't kill me, it still ended with some fluff! I really enjoyed this chapter, and I think it is my favorite one so far. Again, I'm sorry for the feels, but hey, we got some Papa Sakumo action in here! I could have made it worse, but no, I'm feeling nice. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry for any mistakes, and until next time!