Passion, drive, inspiration, goal.

These were only a few words of the extensive vocabulary his mother had lectured to him.

It drove Jim crazy just thinking about it at night. In school you always get those kind of questions, especially in your last years of class and final days of that awkward teenager phase.

What do you want to do when you grow up? How do you describe your future? Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Honestly, he always drew a blank. Nothing. What could he possibly be good for? Solar-surfing was somewhat a talent of his, more of a hobby than a life-essential skill. Nonetheless a hell-of-a-lot fun past-time.

Maybe he could get into the business of building custom solar surfers and selling them for a profit? Sure didn't sound too bad. He could stick around in Montressor and help his mother with the Benbow Inn for the rest of his life.

Then again, space travel seemed to really stick out to Jim than staying stuck on the ground on a boring mining planet.

After another tiring argument with his mother, Jim found himself on one of the launching cliffs near the Benbow Inn, absently tinkering about on his solar surfer. The system was shot and he was desperate to fix it, even if it meant skipping time on waiting tables for his mother; despite the guilt he felt. He didn't want to cause a scene in the inn and become an even bigger embarrassment to his mother.

Craning his neck forward, he squinted his eyes at the exposed motor; the connector for the sail switch was jammed and the throttle in a wrinkled mess. With a deep sigh, he fished around on the ground for a wrench, to untighten a bolt on the cover board for the solar sails. This time, he would be walking away without scratches and his solar cells without accident.


Jim turned his head with raised eyebrows. It was Ethan, the little alien boy who hung out around Jim's hometown. Different than most of the alien brats who stayed at the Benbow Inn, Ethan was a good kid. Or so Jim had heard from his mother. With a small sigh, he pulled himself out from under the flying craft.

"Did you make that solar surfer?"

"Mm-hmm." Jim grunted distractedly. Maybe if he ignored him, he would go away.

With furrowed eyebrows, he pushed the accelerator button several times, taking peeks and making adjustments here and there as the little alien boy tried to follow suit.

Jamming his hands into the folds of the crunched solar sail and pushing against the two sides; Jim gratefully pulled an unharmed and undamaged fabric out from the damage. He forcefully hit the button with his fist and the hand-made sail sprung up from its folds with a satisfying FWOOSH.

"Awesome!" Said Ethan, astonished.

The crease in Jim's forehead softened, and involuntarily he let out an amused chuckle. Maybe this kid wasn't so annoying after all.

"I got a scooter!" Ethan excitedly pointed to the small, motorized scooter behind him, but soon after, his grin slumped into a frown, "But it's busted…"

This piqued his interest, "Oh yeah?" Jim raised his eyebrow. "Well, let me take a look." He said with a wink.

Strolling over to the small scooter, he kneeled down to examine the mechanism of the motor on the craft. "Now that's cool," He complimented. His eyes landed on a detached cable branching off of the scooter's motor.

"But here's your problem, the cable's loose," said Jim, giving Ethan the cable.

With a small smile Jim stood up, "Hang on, I'll fix it for you in a second."


It was really comforting, knowing that someone had the same interests and hobbies as he did. Ethan really was a cool kid.

He scooped up the wrench from his solar-surfer, and began to walk back to Ethan.

"This won't take me long, I'll just-"

Jim turned with raised eyebrows to see another, larger alien, sitting next to Ethan, who was also examining the scooter.

The larger alien turned his head at the sound of Jim's voice and smiled, "Don't worry, we got it." He said with a wave of his hand.

"Um," Jim began, hesitating. His shoulders faltered slightly and he tossed the wrench back in forth in his hands, "Sure. No problem." With a casual shrug, he turned away to place his hands in his pockets.

Creasing his eyebrows, he looked back to see Ethan's father fix the motor, which clattered back into motion with a jump. Ethan looked on, fascinated.

Ethan's face lit up, "You did it!" He exclaimed with a smile, "How come you're so smart, dad?"

"I...guess I take after you, Ethan." His dad returned the smile.

With hardened eyes, Jim turned away. He'd seen enough.

He narrowed his eyebrows, involuntarily. With a swift motion, he collected his tools before jumping onto his solar surfer, and pressing his foot onto the accelerator button simultaneously. Though the solar sails were worn down from overuse, without breaking stride, he held onto the balance hook, his self-created craft beginning to hover with a smooth hum. Bright orange bursts of light flashed upon the sail's fabric as sunlight touched its surface and the surfer began to rise higher.

Rapidly pressing the accelerator button with his foot, with a thundering blast, the craft loudly scraped along the surface of the cliff and took off into the sky with a burst of bright yellow solar power.

Jim frowned. It wasn't like Ethan knew about his father. It had been a substantial amount of time since his father had left him and his mother on Montressor, and it had certainly been awhile since he actually cared about his father's absence.

When would be the time he could finally let go? He had to face it, his father had been gone for twelve years, he was too much of a yellow-tailed bastard to come crawling back to his family. No, his pride was more important.

As the wind sailed through his bangs, Jim felt the tension in his forehead begin to fade and he took deep breaths to calm himself down. There was no need in becoming worked up anymore, he had to face it, his father was a coward.

Any direction he wanted to go, he could take it. The ground could no longer keep him trapped. Neither could his asshole of a father.

Jim sailed over cities and multi-colored plateaus, that he never got tired of looking over. Seeing all the people and the aliens walking about his home planet, who were just as grounded as he was, unaware of his freedom of flight.

Solar-surfing had really helped a lot in his life. He was able to forget about reality just for a moment, to forget about now-meaningless memories of his father, his future and the fact that he could not escape this planet for the rest of his life without leaving his mother.

Gripping his hold tightly onto the balance hook, he adjusted the solar sails. The wind pushed against the sails, swiftly pulling him down into the canyon below him. He felt his stomach drop and his lips began to upturn into a grin. This was going to be fun.

Adjusting the balance hook with several flicks of his hand, the wind filled the solar sails and caught the flying craft as it dipped down slightly, carrying him across the ravine. He pulled down on the balance hook, allowing the craft to fly up towards the sky.

Like a bird flying up above off into accelerating flight, his solarcraft reached higher and higher into the wispy clouds, on a never-ending journey to go in any direction its flier wanted to soar.

Jim turned his head back to the shrinking ground below him, and the clouds that hung about the atmosphere. A little more ways to go.

Firmly pressing his foot onto the accelerator button, the fiery blasts that endlessly streamed from the craft abruptly stopped and the solar sails furled back into its original holding with a sliding clank.

He craned his neck back to look at the sky and spread out his arms as he began to fall back. The craft flipped forward and when he held his arms in, began to spin rapidly. His ears nearly becoming deaf by the constant howling of the fierce air that followed.

With the rule of gravity still intact, the surfer changed direction when Jim unfurled his arms, allowing the solar craft to fall more balanced.

Tilting the craft down with his foot, it began to spin on a fixed point, allowing its acceleration to increase. He twisted his torso and the craft flipped over, spinning faster and faster with a series of whirs, loudly whipping against the wind. Jim felt his stomach drop again as he spun upside down, his surrounding becoming a series of distorted colors and shapes. In the midst of about three minutes, the world in his eyes was distorted.

Just before he reached the ground; Jim turned his torso, flipped the board over and stomped his foot onto the acceleration button, immediately unfurling the solar sails and activating the power source with a resounding boom, allowing him to just barely skim the surface of the ground with his craft in the nick of time.

A howl of enthrallment escaped his lips as his adrenaline levels spiked higher, this was it. The one moment where he truly felt alive. Winding through the walls of the canyon and scraping his solar surfer against a construction tube just for the hell of it. Unheeding of the already present wear-and-tear of the craft; Jim pressed on, unfazed and fueled by exhilaration.

Hello readers, this is something new I'm trying if you're interested ^^ I'm re-writing Treasure Planet, with a few twists here and there. I'm also adding my ocs as well. There isn't really much I have to say here except that I hope you like it :D I really love this movie and I hope you enjoy my writing and please be sure to give me any constructive criticism :D

Enjoy ^^