A/N: This is the very first Harry Potter fanfiction that I have ever posted online. Please be nice and I would appreciate all your "constructive criticisms". This will be an AU. The story will still revolve around the HP universe but there will be a lot of variations. I just wrote this to satisfy my hunger for this kind of plot.

There was fire. The magnificent mansion which was previously the envy of every pureblood, halfblood and muggleborn alike looked as if it was descending in to the fiery pits of hell. What was scarier was the fact that while the fire continued to burn, the members of the family who lived there were still trapped inside, unable to find a way to rescue themselves.

Richard Granger, the head of the family of four, had just been able to reunite with his wife, Jean and they were both running out of air to breathe. The two of them were still unable to go to the room where their twin daughters were trapped inside.

"This is cursed fire! My magic isn't able douse its flames!" Richard uttered fearfully as he was forcing his way to his daughters room.

"We need to get to our babies Richard! We have to find a way!" Jean desperately shouted.

A few feet away, they could hear the frightened shrieks from Hermione and Iris Granger. Their parents were aware that there was a very slim chance of survival, but giving up hope was not an option. Through Richard's efforts, he and Jean were now able to get to their twins' room with minutes to spare. The whole room was almost swallowed up by the cursed fire and a part of the ceiling had already collapsed, Hermione was the nearest to them. She was lying on the floor and unconscious with the amount of smoke she inhaled. Richard was able to get to her quickly; he handed her off to Jean and tried to go to where Iris was.

"Daddy!" Iris shrieked, her eyes were wide with panic, tears flowing from her eyes. "Daddy, I'm scared!"

It was only a few feet away but Richard couldn't go through because of the large part of the ceiling which caved in, the only hope was that Iris would be brave enough to go through the small space under the collapsed ceiling which was not yet in flames.

"Calm down Iris." Richard said as calm as possible, he couldn't panic now. It would only scare his daughter more. "I'm here. Daddy's here."

"I don't want to die, Daddy." Iris whispered.

"You won't die, honey. You just need to be a brave little girl and come through this hole where daddy is waiting for you at the end. Okay?" He said. Richard knew that there were only seconds to spare before they could disapparate before the whole mansion was swallowed completely in flames.

Richard spared a glance towards his wife and Hermione. While the younger of the twins was still unconscious, Jean already looked as if she had already accepted the fact that they would die there. He didn't want to give up, he had to persevere. He smiled nervously at his wife, "Everything's going to be okay." Jean just nodded and clutched on to Hermione tighter.

"Daddy I'm going to go through now. Please don't leave me here." Iris said in a small voice.

Richard released a breath of relief, they still had time. There were a few feet of space to crawl through before Iris could reach them, it would only take a few short seconds and they could finally escape.

"Don't worry, Daddy is here. Come here, baby." He urged her; there was already an overwhelming sense of desperation in his voice.

Iris started to crawl through the small space. She was still small so she had a hard time going forward. Richard looked at her and felt so proud; his daughter was very brave. He could see it in her eyes, her resolve to not accept her fate. She still had a lot of fight in her.

Just then, there was another huge crash. The ceiling was about collapse some more and it would bury Iris beneath it. Richard made a desperate move and tried to go into the small space and reached out his hand towards his daughter.

"Quickly Iris! Grab my hand! Now!" He shouted desperately.

Iris was frozen, she was a smart girl, she knew what was about to happen. She could already feel the impending collapse. She finally gazed at her father's face and smiled sadly.

"It's time to go now, Daddy." She whispered to her father.

The ceiling caved in, Richard's eyes widened in horror as his eldest daughter was buried alive under the flaming debris. Before Richard was able to join his daughter under the collapsed ceiling, Jean was able to grab him and immediately disapparate along with both him and Hermione.

They reappeared on a hill which still overlooked their previous home. The mansion was close to burning to the ground. The flames which engulfed it took the forms of various magical beasts and that was when they were sure that it was Fiendfyre which took everything that they had, including the life of one of their daughters. Richard fell on his knees, he was clearly in shock. Jean was already crying as she desperately held on to their surviving daughter.

"Our baby – " Richard whispered breathlessly, he buried his face into his hands and sobbed furiously.

Jean approached Richard and wrapped an arm around him. She cried with him but she didn't speak. She had no words to say because no amount of words could express the pain she felt right then and there.

Moments passed and Richard knew that they couldn't stay there longer. Whoever started that fire in their mansion would still likely be in the area. He stood up taking his wife with him.

"We need to go." Said Richard in a steady voice.

"Go where?" Jean asked, she was already so tired.

"The magical family of Grangers are now dead. We all should have died in the fire, Jean."

"We already did, Richard. We already did."

Richard took his wife's hands in his, and together with what's left of his family, he disapparated for the very last time.


The clinic was closed for the day; Richard and Jean Granger were both reading the papers inside their living room. Little Hermione Granger sat on the floor as she was reading a thick book about Greek mythology. Richard smirked; his daughter was so engrossed in reading that book he bought for her that he could swear that she wasn't even blinking. He looked at Jean and smiled, it seemed as if their daughter took after her mum's addiction to books.

The hour passed by quietly until there was a pecking sound on the window. Richard went still; he knew that sound very well. He looked at the window were the sound was coming from; he saw a large brown barn owl carrying a letter.

Jean quickly went to him and dug her hands into his shoulder. "What is that thing doing here? We covered our tracks perfectly." Jean made sure that Hermione couldn't hear them, but their daughter's attention was already caught by the owl. She was just looking at it curiously.

Richard narrowed her eyes, "We have no choice, Jean. Once it's in the books in Hogwarts, it's already final."


Richard stood up and opened the window; the owl invited himself in and handed the letter over to Richard. The owl flew away when Richard was already opening the letter. There were two parchments in it, one was the usual letter informing that the child was accepted into Hogwarts and the other note was a personal message from the Headmaster himself.

Dear Mr and Mrs Granger,

I would like to inform you that your daughter, Hermione Granger, has qualified to attend our school for special children called Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Considering the fact that you may be unfamiliar with our institution, I have taken the liberty to send you one of the school's trusted professors in order to answer your questions.

She will be there in precisely 10 minutes after you finish reading this letter. I hope to see your very talented daughter in our halls soon. She will be a fine addition to the talents found in Hogwarts.

Albus Dumbledore


Richard folded the letter and placed it on to the desk, he looked at Hermione and he was pleased to see that she was back to reading her book. Jean stood up and wrapped her arms around his torso and placed her head on his chest.

"What did it say?" Jean asked worriedly.

"Well, Mione's about to go to Hogwarts." Richard answered, looking a bit apprehensive. "and-"

"And what?"

"They think we're muggles."

A/N: Was it bad? Was it good? Please leave a review to let me know if I should continue posting or not. Thanks in advance.