Pidge didn't notice, her eyes watching Midori and the mice playing together on a pillow in the corner of the room looking super sweet and cute together.

Kuro smirked when he realized he was finally in control, Shiro currently out of commission at the moment so he didn't have to worry about him bothering his time with Pidge.

Pidge glancing back at Shiro when she heard him moving still holding onto his hand "Feeling a little better," she asked then freezing as she saw his ember eyes.

"Feeling better than I have in a long time Katie," Kuro purred, gently pulling her closer to him and kissed her.

Pidge freezing as she felt his warm lips touch hers, thinking she had drifted to sleep and this was a dream, her eyes half closing about to lean into the kiss when she felt his tongue against her lower lip snapping her mind out of its surprised daze, pushing against Shiro's chest and pulling away from the kiss. Staring up at Shiro wide eyed not sure if this was real or not.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you," Kuro purred again, cupping her cheek, "Your lips are as soft as I thought they'd be." He moved down to get another kiss.

"Takashi wait" Pidge said putting her hand over his mouth "What, why, when?" Her mind felt scrambled she couldn't believe any of this, and the tingling feeling over her lips did not help straighten her thoughts out in the least.

"Kissing, I want to and now," Kuro answered, kissing her finger, nipping on them lightly.

That small action sending a warm shiver down her spine "I mean where is this coming from" she questioned, this feeling too good to be a dream.

"I just finally decided to stop beating around the push and show you how I really feel," he said, licking her fingers since her hand was still over his mouth.

Pidge letting in a small gasp, as his warm wet tongue traced over her fingers, worried if she moved her hand he would try to kiss her lips again "W-who are you?" Pidge questioned "You're not the Shiro I know."

"Always such a smart girl Katie," he chuckled, "Shiro calls me Kuro, so I guess you can call me that too. I'm not Shiro, but I'm part of him at the same time."

"Kuro" she said slowly to make sure she said it right "...Are you the one that's been making Shiro's arm active?" Pidge questioned.

"I was, I didn't like that bird brain prince being so close to you," he growled, "Shiro didn't like it either."
"What's wrong with Prince Buteo?" Pidge questioned curiously.

"We didn't like that he was too close to you and we want you," Kuro explained.

"You're making it sound like both you and Shiro, want me... romantically" Pidge said a part of her mentally denying that it could be true.

"We do want you like that," Kuro said, "I had to take control cause that idiot Shiro was too scared to make a move!"

Pidge using her other hand to gently rub Kuro's arm to calm him down "How long has he- have you both had feeling for me?" Pidge asked trying to stay calm as her mind ran a mile a minute.

"Shiro's had feelings for you for a while," Kuro said, "And I've had them for as long as he has." He attempted to move her hand so he could kiss her again.

"Why was Shiro scared of telling me," Pidge questioned letting him move her hand away thinking he was just trying to talk a little clearer.

"Because he worries too much," was Kuro's reply, kissing her on the lips.

It took Pidge a moment to fight against the urge to just melt into the kiss, putting her hand's on his shoulders and pulling away "But wait, I have a lot more questions. Like, when you did you start to exist in Shiro's mind and what exactly is Shiro worried about?" Pidge questioned.

Kuro groaned, "Can't we talk about it later? I've wanted so long to finally be able to kiss you and I'd rather not waste any time."

Pidge blushed a deep red at the requested, she couldn't count how many times she dreamed of kissing Shiro and Kuro might be her only chance to do that "O-okay, just take it slow alright? I don't have much experience," Pidge admitted shyly.

"That's fair," Kuro agreed, not wanting to scare her off despite how much he wanted her. He figured Shiro would thank him for this later.

Pidge shyly leaning forward and gently pressing her soft lips against Kuro's.

Kuro shivered as their lips touched, loving the feeling of her soft lips against his.

Pidge closing her eyes as she slowly started moving her lips against his, not sure if she was doing this right.

Cupping her face, Kuro deepened the kiss just a little so he wouldn't scare her off.

Pidge softly sighing into the kiss, her mind not believing this was real that Shiro or a part of Shiro was kissing her, on her bed of all places.

Kuro took the sigh as a sign she was enjoying the kiss, gently petting her hair which felt soft and fluffy.

Pidge letting out a soft little mew, loving the feeling on her hair being touched, her body relaxing against Kuro's.

He shivered when he heard her mewl, unable to believe that such a small sound could turn him on so much.

Pidge's fingers gently running over Kuro's shoulders, having the urge for a long while to touch and feel his muscles.

"Katie," Kuro purred against the kiss, moving his hands down to wrap them around her slim waist.

Pidge blushed hearing Shi- Kuro's voice say her name like that, her hand's gilding over his arms, her fingers tracing over his muscles.

Kuro purred again, feeling her fingers touch his arms, flexing for her.

Pidge laughing softly against the kiss a little surprised Shiro was trying to show off to her.

Kuro knew Pidge liked his arms so he just wanted her to enjoy his body, hoping she'd let him enjoy hers later.

Pidge pulling away from the kiss needing air, looking up at Kuro with have open eyes and flushed cheeks, softy panting as she caught her breath.

He was tempted to kiss her again but decided to give her time to breath, glad he got to kiss her breathless.

"Was I... alright," Pidge asked curiously, as she gazed up at him, not really sure if she was doing a good job with kissing.

"You were perfect," Kuro assured her, giving Pidge a sexy smirk. She was just too adorable and it made him want her more.

Seeing Shir…er, Kuro smirk down at her like that made her heart beat a little faster her cheeks reddening more "Thanks" Pidge squeaked, Pidge wondering if she was taking advantage of Shiro, maybe only Kuro had feelings for her "are you sure Shiro want's this," Pidge asked worried.

"Of course he wants this," Kuro said, "We both want you. He was just too much of a coward to make a move. I came to surface when that prince was putting the moves on you."

"Guess that would explain why your arm acted up whenever Buteo was around" Pidge hummed "Does that mean Shiro's arm will glow whenever your angry or jealous," Pidge asked curiously her fingers gently tracing over his shoulders.

"Only when it comes to you," Kuro told her, not liking the idea of any man taking her from him. Shiro felt the same but wouldn't admit it.

"But... why me," Pidge asked curiously figuring Shiro could... probably do better than her considering his looks and kind personality.

"You're smart, kind and cute," Kuro said petting her cheek, "Why is it so hard to believe that I…we, like you?"

"Well..." Pidge glanced up and down Shiro "You're kind of really good looking for one, and your strong, protective, caring and well there's probably a lot of girls... and guys who would want someone like you" Pidge replied having heard about how popular Shiro was back at the academy.

Kuro almost let out a pleased purr, "Are you one of the people who want me," he asked leaning closer to her.

Pidge felt her cheeks heating up having Kuro so close to her, Pidge's honey brown eyes gazing up at him "And what will you do if I say yes," Pidge questioned.

"Kiss you again and probably not stop," Kuro admitted, already wanting to kiss her again He's wanted her for so long he didn't want Shiro to take control.

Shiro was starting to stir in the back of Kuro's mind

"That sounds pretty good to me" pidge admitted, a little embarrassed with herself.

Kuro smirked and moved down to kiss her again, putting his hands on her hips.

Pidge leaning up to meet him half way wrapping her arms around his neck pressing her body against his, wanting to be closer to him.

Letting out a low growl into the kiss, Kuro deepened it, loving the feeling of her body pressed against his. Her body was so small and soft, he couldn't take it.

Pidge making sweet little mews into the kiss didn't help either.

Shiro waking up in the back of Kuro's mind, and for a second thinking he was still dreaming having an out of body experience as he kissed pidge.

Then quickly feeling horrified as he realized this was real and Kuro had taken control 'No stop get off of Pidge' Shiro cried.

'She wants this you idiot, and her name is Katie," Kuro reminded, holding Pidge closer.

'I know her name is Katie!' Shiro snapped, he always called her Katie when they were alone it's just easier to see her as Pidge his teammate mate right now considering what his body was doing with hers, and not Katie, his respected commanders daughter, and one of his dear friends little sister. You can't just pounce on her and say that she want-' Shiro cut himself off as Pidge made this low pleased moan into their kiss, one of her hands trailing up the back of his neck feeling over his hair.

'You were saying,' Kuro responded smugly, smirking into the kiss, wanting to make her moan more.

Shiro could hardly believe it, Pidge was actually enjoying them kissing her. Pidge making this sweet mewing noise, as Kuro slide his hand under her shirt, touching the soft smooth skin of her back.

They couldn't believe how soft her skin was, their body heating up of the thought of her soft body pressed against theirs.

'Slow down, don't push Katie too much you might scare her,' Shiro said, still feeling guilty for his other half doing this to his friends little sister and commanders daughter.

'If she's scared or wants to stop she'll let me know,' Kuro told him, knowing Pidge wasn't the type to just lay back and take something if she didn't want it.

Pidge's hand gently careless Kuro's cheek, shyly opening her mouth as Kuro's tongue slide over her lower lip.

Her lips tasted so sweet, he couldn't resist but to slip his tongue in her mouth, hoping to taste more.

Pidge made a surprised squeak as his tongue slid into her mouth brushing against her tongue, Pidge shyly rubbing her tongue against his.

'I can't believe this is happening' Shiro said amazed and a little turned on.

Kuro growled at the cute squeak she made, rubbing their tongues together. 'Oh trust me, this is happening.'

Pidge making cut mewing noises as she tasted Shiro, their tongues rubbing together Pidge pulling herself closer to him to deepen the kiss.

Shiro amazed how into this she seem to be, and how much Katie seem to be enjoying it.

Kuro deepened the kiss, moving his hands down to rub her hips. She was so cute, he couldn't get enough of her.

A trail of saliva connected their mouths as Pidge pulled away from the kiss softly panting, "Wow," Pidge muttered.

"Yeah, wow," Kuro purred lowly, bringing a hand up to pet her hair.

Pidge blushing a little leaning into his touch. Shiro amazed thinking he would only over see her looking at him like this or holding her like this in his dreams.

The yellow in Kuro's eyes started to fade, signaling that Shiro was about to take control again.

"Kuro, thanks for this" Pidge said gently caressing his cheek "But if it's alright, could I talk to Shiro?"

With a sigh, Kuro nodded and closed his eyes. When Shiro opened them he looked worried, "Pidge, are you okay?"

"Yes I'm alright" pidge assured "How much did you see between me and Kuro? "

"Just where we were kissing," Shiro admitted blushing, not sure what else to say.

Pidge blushed as well "So... Kuro told me that you have feelings for me... is that true," Pidge questioned feeling a little worried it wasn't.

"It is," Shiro confessed, blushing more, "I'm hoping since you kissed us back that means you return my feelings?"

Pidge blushed and shyly nodded "Yeah, I like you too Takashi."

Shiro smiled gently, leaning down to kiss Pidge, cupping her cheek.

Pidge closing her eyes leaning up to meet his kiss, her soft lips pressing gently against his.

Shiro felt sparks when they kissed, her lips soft against his. He gently stroked her cheek with his thumb as they kissed.

Pidge gently returning the kiss, leaning into his gentle touch, really hoping this was all real and not a dream.

Shiro was hoping the same thing, and that nothing would ruin the moment between them. He forgot the mice were there and were staring at them in shock.

Midori napping in the corner, Pidge's fingers roaming over Shiro's shoulders and arms, loving the chance to freely touch them.

He moaned lightly into the kiss, lightly licking her sweet lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

Pidge made soft mew noises into the kiss as she carefully moved herself to climb on Shiro's lap so neither one of them had to twist so much while kissing.

Shiro pulled her bottom lip into his mouth and lightly sucked on it.

Pidge softly moaned, melting into the kiss, leaning her body against Shiro's, her smaller body nestling perfectly against his.

It drove Shiro crazy having her body pressed against his, wanting to touch her more but didn't want to push her, not sure what she was comfortable with.

Pidge gently breaking the kiss, resting her forehead against his, "As much as I would love to keep going... I do have a lot of questions for you" Pidge said softly panting, her breath brushing over his lips.

Shiro winced a bit, knowing they'd probably be about Kuro, "What is it?"

"How long has Kuro been around," Pidge asked curiously.

"Do you remember when we were having breakfast with Buteo and I suddenly ran out," Shiro asked, "That's when I first heard him and he took control of my arm."

"That matches up with what Kuro told me... about your arm I mean, he pretty much told me it acted up whenever Buteo was" Pidge started to blush ' 'putting the moves on me' " Pidge quoted.

"I'm surprised you didn't notice with the way he was looking at you," Shiro said, "Through I guess Keith also had no idea. He just thought the prince was up to something."

"I just thought he was being nice, and was showing interest in me because I was a different species," Pidge explained "I'm not really used to people showing... that kind of interest in me" Pidge admitted. "And it does make me feel a little better that Keith didn't know either." Neither one of them that great at social cues.

"If that was the case wouldn't he have been interested in all of us," Shiro pointed out, "I think I hid my feelings better than Buteo did."

"I'll give you that, I had no idea about your feelings for me, but in my defense, maybe I just seemed the most interesting out of all of you" Pidge replied teasingly.

"I can't deny that you're interesting," Shiro smiled, "And that you have a nice smile. I really like the big dorky grins you do."

Pidge blushed and smiled a little, "by the way... when did you start to have feelings for me?" Pidge asked curiously.

"I while after you said you were going to leave and the castle got attacked," Shiro said, "I didn't want you to leave but I knew that you had too. I'm glad you decided to stay."

"Me too" Pidge smiled " And you can kind of thank Keith for that, he helped me see where I needed to be," Pidge explained.

"You did a great job saving us," Shiro praised, "You really knew what you were doing."

"Allura helped and so did Rover," Pidge said with a sad smile.

Shiro put a comforting hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile.

Pidge returned the smile, a little surprised with just the hand on her shoulder "You know I'm good with hugs too right?" Pidge commented with a slight smirk not seeing a hug that big of a deal after their make out.

Smiling, Shiro wrapped his arms around Pidge, holding her close and gently petting her hair.

Pidge let out a small laugh as she hugged him back gently leaning against him "Thanks," Pidge said softly.

Shiro took the time to just enjoy holding her, liking that they finally had some alone time with each other.

Pidge still amazed that Shiro actually liked her and that they made out.

"Everything alright," Shiro asked, petting her hair, noticing she seemed a little spacey.

"Sorry, my mind is just kind of racing at the moment... you actually having feelings for me was not something I was expecting to happen" Pidge muttered.

"Why is it so surprising," Shiro questioned. Was it really that hard for her to believe that he was interested in her?

"Well umm" Pidge started to blush again "I've kind of had a crush on you for... longer then I probably should have" Pidge muttered "And I guess I just convinced myself that... this... was never going to happen," Pidge explained.

"To be honest I never thought this would happen either," Shiro said, "I felt like I was taking advantage of your kindness when you agreed to share a bed with me."

"I would of said no or told you if I didn't want you and besides I just like the chance to help you, I kind of felt bad that I couldn't figure out what the problem was with your arm... not knowing about Kuro at the time," Pidge replied

"He's happier with you around," Shiro said, "And I am too."

"So did you ask me to share a bed to keep him quiet or was it because of your nightmares," Pidge asked curiously, not sure if that was the truth or a cover story.

"A little of both," Shiro confessed, "I think he causes some of my nightmares."

"what makes you think that?" Pidge asked.

"Some of the bad dreams involve talking to him," he admitted.

"What do you talk to him about," Pidge asked resting her head on his shoulder.

"You," Shiro told her, "He kept telling me to do something and I never thought it was a good idea. Not that I regret having feelings for you or anything."

"What made you think it was a bad idea?" Pidge questioned "Is it because of my age?"

"That's part of it," Shiro sighed, "It just also didn't seem like the best time to start a relationship while we're working on defending the universe."

"I get that," Pidge nodded having similar feeling about her family, then remember her talk with Allura it was okay to let herself have a little happiness even during the hardest of times "But if you're willing, I would like to give us a chance" Pidge said trying to be confident but felt so nervous.

"I'm willing to give us a chance too," Shiro said, putting his hands over hers, smiling down at her, "Do you think we should tell the team?"

"Maybe we can just keep it between us for now, and take things slow," Pidge asked "To figure out us and how this will work?"

"That sounds like the perfect plan," Shiro said, not wanting the team to feel awkward around them or anything.

Even Kuro was okay with that, "We won't really be able to go on dates but I figured we could still spend some one on one time together" Pidge suggested.

Shiro nodded, "Are you still comfortable sharing a bed with me?"

"Yep, but for now could we stick to holding hands while we sleep?" Pidge asked blushing.

"That would probably be best," Shiro agreed, though he could hear Kuro raging that they should try more.

Pidge saw Shiro flinch a figuring it was Kuro, Pidge leaning up and gently kissing the scar across Shiro's nose to try and help calm Kuro down.

Shiro blushed and hugged Pidge close, the small kiss seeming to calm Kuro down a lot.

Pidge smiled seeing Shiro relax, an thought suddenly hitting pidge as she looked around the room trying to see the mice.

The mice were trying to play innocent, acting like they didn't see anything. If they could they'd probably be whistling innocently.

Pidge careful got off Shiro's lap to sit on the edge of the bed "I'm going to take a wild guess and say you saw most of that" Pidge stated.

Realizing they had been caught the mice nodded.

Shiro sighed, "Would you mind keeping it a secret? We're not ready for other people to know about it."

"And that includes keeping this from Allura" Pidge clarified.

The mice looked uncertain about keeping something from the princess, but nodded.

"Please just give us a few weeks" Pidge begged "Then you can tell Allura, alright? "

They nodded in agreement, deciding it wasn't their place to tell Allura about their relationship.

"Thank you," Pidge said gently petting them each on the head.

But what they were really worried about was Kuro. Should they tell the princess about him?

"If it's alright could you guys give me and Shiro a little alone time to talk?" Pidge asked the mice.

Nodding, they ran out of the room, talking to themselves about what happened.

"Speaking of secrets... should we tell Allura or the others about Kuro?" Pidge questioned.

"…I don't know, I don't want anyone to think I'm crazy or question my place as the black paladin," Shiro said.

"Alright we'll keep it between us for now and I'll try to help you keep Kuro calm, but if it becomes a problem we should tell the others" Pidge replied.

"Sounds like a good idea," Shiro agreed, wondering if it was possible to get rid of Kuro or if Kuro was part of him now. Or had he always been part of him?

Kuro remained unhelpfully quiet about this. "Try to be honest with me the next time Kuro is bothering you alright? We can figure things out together or I can try talking to Kuro directly." Pidge offered.

"Thanks Katie," Shiro smiled, glad he had her. He really hoped Kuro wouldn't try to hurt her, despite what he said.

Kuro anger spiked at that thought, insulted Shiro thought he would harm Pidge.

"No worries Takashi, I got your back" she promised shyly putting her hand over his.

Shiro took her hand and gently kissed it. Even if Kuro wouldn't hurt Pidge there were…other things he might try doing.

Pidge blushing from just the small gesture, "what's on your mind," Pidge asked seeing that concerned look on Shiro's face.

"…Did Kuro do anything that made you uncomfortable," Shiro asked, not sure what all happened.

"He mostly just surprised me when he first kissed me, oh and if he can't hear me could you please tell him to ask for permission the next time he kisses me," Pidge requested blushing.

"I'll let him know," Shiro promised, not planning on letting Kuro out again. He'd have to be more careful.

'Good luck with that,' Kuro said with a smirk.

Shiro frowned, hearing the smirk in Kuro's voice, hoping he wasn't planning something.

"Try not to worry too much Takashi, Kuro seems persistent, but I can't see him actually hurting me," Pidge assured.

"I know but he might try…other things," Shiro told her blushing, "If that does happen, don't be afraid to hurt me if it means stopping Kuro."

Pidge blushed at the suggestion "I don't think Kuro would force me like that, but if he does I promise I won't hold back."

"Good," Shiro said relieved, trusting her more than he trusted Kuro.

Pidge gently grabbed his hand and leaned her head on his arm, just liking the chance to be close to Shiro, Midori yawning and jumping up onto Pidge's lap after waking up from her nap.

Shiro smiled at Midori, even if she was a gift from Buteo she still made a great addition to the team.

Midori mewing up at Shiro staring up at him with her big green eyes.

"She really is cute," Shiro said petting Midori.

"Yeah, Midori is a sweety" Pidge agreed petting the kitten.

"She also seems to be getting along with the mice pretty well," he mentioned.

"Yeah, it probably also helps that she's just a kitten" Pidge added "So we can teacher her things from scratch."

"What do you want to teach her to do," Shiro questioned.

"Well, besides when and where to hide I was thinking of teaching her how to fetch tools for me and maybe a few tricks that are just for fun."

"Hopefully she's easier to train than a earth cat," Shiro said, knowing they could be stubborn.

Pidge laughed a little at that "Yeah, hopefully" Pidge agreed petting the kitten "But she seems pretty smart and laid back so it shouldn't be too hard," Pidge commented.

Midori purred, seeming to realize that she was being praised.

Pidge smiling down at her "You're a very smart kitten aren't you," Pidge cooed scratching behind her ear.

She preened at the praising and petting, leaning her head into Pidge's hand.

Pidge mentally frowning thinking about what Keith said about Midori.

Shiro seemed to know what she was thinking, "I'm sure Keith will learn to love her," he assured Pidge.

"I don't think that's Keith's issue," Pidge muttered.

"I know, and I'm sure he's sorry about what he said," Shiro said, "He'll see it's a good idea once he gets to know her."

"Maybe..."Pidge muttered "I just really don't feel like seeing him and arguing again" Pidge sighed, her and Keith had become pretty good friends, Keith understanding her anxeiting over dealing with people directly and not picking up on social cues as well as others.

"I'm pretty sure he knows he crossed a line," Shiro said, "He'll apologize when he sees you…but I'll give you a warning, it may be kind of awkward. He's not really good at apologizing."

"I'm guessing you and Keith already talked?" Pidge guessed Shiro seeming to know a little too much.

"Yeah, he feels pretty guilty about hurting your feelings," Shiro told her.

"He should," Pidge said with a huff, hugging Midori.

"I'm sure he'll get along with Midori after a while," Shiro said, "He tends to be better with animals than people."

"True... though sometimes, red does give him audited" Pidge replied..

"A what," Shiro asked confused.

Pidge blushed "Sorry, I meant attitude, guess I'm still a little umm…" Pidge started blushing more "Tongue tied from earlier," Pidge said her lips feeling a little swollen and her tongue a little tingly from the deep kisses with Kuro and Shiro.

Shiro looked down at her slightly swollen lips, tempted to kiss them again, "Not like Keith doesn't have an attitude too."

"I think we all got a bit of attitude," Pidge replied "Some more than others," Pidge added with a small smile.

"You have more sass than attitude," Shiro smirked.

"My dad always called it snark" Pidge replied with a small laugh.

"Maybe it's a mixture of the two," Shiro said amused.

"Maybe" Pidge said with a smile, but her eyes looked sad thinking about her father.

Noticing Pidge was upset, he wrapped an arm around her and kissed the top of her head to comfort her.

Pidge leaning into the hug "Thanks Shiro," she said softly.

"Anything for you Katie," he responded, petting her hair.

Pidge shyly leaning into the touch, feeling her chest warm a little at his words. "We should go check up on the others before they check on us," though she felt reluctant to leave this room not wanting this quietly moment between them to end.

"Probably a good idea," Shiro said, hesitantly pulling away from her, telling himself they could cuddle tonight.

PIdge picked up Midori, and started heading towards the kitchen thinking Hunk would be making some dinner around now.

On their way, they ran into Keith, "Pidge, I'm glad I found you. I um…I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said. I know I crossed a line so…I'm sorry." He blushed, thinking of how lame it sounded.

Pidge stayed quietly for a long moment before lightly smiling at him "I'll only forgive you... if you pet Midori" Pidge told him holding out the kitten.

Keith seemed hesitate, "She won't bite or scratch me will she," he asked nervously, not sure if she would like him.

"She got along with the mice so I don't think she will attack you unless you provoke her," Pidge replied, the small kitten looking up at him curiously.

Doing his best not to seem nervous, he gently pet Midori on the head, smiling when she mewled.

Pidge smiled as well, "She seems to like you," Pidge assured.

"Yeah," Keith smiled, "And again, I'm sorry. I just got worried."

"I get it" pidge nodded "Just try not to do that again?" she requested looking down at Midori.

"I can't promise I won't worry about you," Keith said, "But I promise I'll try not to be a jerk about it."

Pidge laughed a little at that "Okay, that's fair," Pidge agreed.

"So we're good," he questioned, still petting Midori. She really was cute.

"Yeah, we're good" Pidge nodded giving him a small reassuring smile.

"You should probably teach her the layout of the castle so she doesn't end up getting lost," Keith suggested.

"We're working on it," Pidge assured "We already got her bonding with the mice, then next we're going to teach her how to hide and when to hide." Pidge explained "But if you want to go for walks with me and Midori around the castle so she gets used to things your more than welcome to join us."

"Thanks Pidge, I may take you up on that," Keith said, thinking he could teach Midori to hide in the vents. Through it wouldn't' be much help if she got bigger.

Then again Pidge could fit into a lot of the vents.

Keith wondered how smart Midori was. She seemed to already know her name, which was probably a good sign.

Midori climbing up onto her shoulder to give Pidge more room to use her hands as they came into the kitchen, finding Hunk cooking and Lance sitting nearby chatting with Hunk.

"Hey guys, hey Midori," Lance said using his baby voice, petting Midori's head. He had already grown really fond of her.

The kitten mewing happily, fluffing up her leaves a little for Lance. Pidge taking a seat next to Lance saying he could pet her.

"Who's a good grass kitty," Lance cooed as he gently pet her head, being careful around her leaves.

Midori mewing happily like she was saying it was her, Pidge softly laughing, "So Hunk, what's for dinner," Pidge asked.

"I was able to whip up some knew dishes with the food we got on Buteo's planet," Hunk said happily, putting the finishing touches on the food.

"Whatever it is, it smells really good" Pidge hummed.

Hunk smiled at the praise and went to take the food to the dining room where they could all eat together.

Pidge and Shiro sitting close together with Midori laying down between them not interested in their food, Pidge shyly putting her hand on Shiro's under the table making it seem like she was just petting Midori with one hand as she ate.

Allura and Coran joined them, "This food smells wonderful Hunk, I'm guessing your happy with all the new ingredients?"

"Yeah, it's great, their food gave a whole bunch of different ideas for recipes" Hunk smiled.

They ate and chatted, Shiro glad that Kuro was being quiet and that everything seemed peaceful.

Pidge reaching under the table to pet Midori who was laying between her and Shiro.

Midori leaned into the petting before jumping on the table to get some water.

Pidge found it fine as long as she didn't walk over peoples food.

She sniffed some of the food but otherwise was uninterested in it.

"You don't think she's upset about us eating vegetables do you," Hunk questioned.

"I think as long as it's not one of her kind it should be fine," Pidge said petting her.

"We should get a bowl of water for her," Lance said, trying to keep Midori from drinking from his glass.

"I'll get it" Pidge said standing up and climbing over the back of the chair.

Shiro kept Lance from taking any food of Pidge's plate while she was gone.

Pidge coming back with a bowl for Midori putting it off to the side so she wouldn't bother anyone while they ate and taking her seat again.

Midori went over to drink her water, purring happily.

"She's pretty easy to please," Keith commented.

"Don't jinx it Keith," Lance said, worried she could act picky about different things.

"What's that supposed to mean," Keith questioned.

"You know, it's like how you should never say 'things can't get worse' or something," Lance explained, "The universe takes it as a challenge."

"I really doubt the universe cares how relaxed one cat is," Keith replied.

"You'd be surprised," Lance shrugged.

Pidge looked down at Midori wondering how much she might change as she grows.

"I just hope she doesn't claw on my clothes," Coran cut in, Midori letting out an offended meow.

"I think Midori is a little offended at the accusation," Pidge replied "She's a pretty smart kitten you should give her more credit."

"Think she'd like to wear a sweater or would it get in the way of her getting light," Lance asked.

"I'm honestly not sure, I'll have to double check that," Pidge hummed.

"What is with you and knitting sweaters for things," Keith asked, remembering he wanted to do it for the Arusian Klaizap.
"It's cute, and they're fun to make," Lance defended.

"Do you even have materials to knit a sweater," Hunk asked.

"I've found some around the ship how do you think I made the night robe and the blue loin slippers," Lance replied.

"He made some pajamas for me too," Hunk smiled, "They're really comfy."

"Maybe you could make a bed for Midori instead of a sweater," Pidge suggested. "I love to cuddle with her but she has a habit of putting her tail in my face."

"Ooh, a pet bed, I think I could make that," Lance said, thinking of what he might need.

"Just don't go overboard," Pidge requested.

"Who? Me," Lance asked looking innocent.

Pidge groaned "don't make me regret this," she sighed

"I'm sure Midori will like whatever Lance makes," Shiro said.

"Probably. just don't make it too big," Pidge requested.

Lance sighed, "Fine, I'll try to keep it boring and simple."

"How about cute and simple," Pidge asked trying to compromise.

"Yeah, I think I can do that," Lance smiled.

Midori rubbing against Lance's leg.

"Aww, is someone excited to have their uncle Lance make them a bed," Lance cooed, picking Midori up to pet her.

Midori meowing back licking the tip of Lance's hand.

"Who's a sweet cat…plant…thing," Lance questioned, forgetting exactly what she was called.

"You mean a plant-gato?" Allura corrected.

"Yeah, that sounds right," Lance said petting Midori still.

Midori softly purring. "Well, I know who to call if Midori needs a babysitter," Pidge half joked.

"Maybe once she learns how to hide we can teach her to play hide and seek," Lance suggested excitedly.

"That would be fun, but I'll need to train her on how to know to come back, don't want her hiding too well and none of use able to find her" Pidge said having person experience in that.

"Maybe you just need her to come when she's called," Keith suggested.

"That would be the simplest," Pidge agreed "And maybe have a second way of calling her encase she's hiding out of ear shot."

"We could always call her over the intercoms," Lance offered.

"True but depending how deep you go into the vents the intercom gets kind of hard to hear," Pidge replied.

"What do you do when you're in the vents anyway," Hunk questioned, figuring that was the reason she knew that.

"Oh, sometimes Keith and I examine the ship for any weak points or infiltration points to either upgrade or possibly use if we ever get locked out of the castle," Pidge explained.

"I apricate what you two are doing but you really need to find some new hobbies," Shiro said teasingly.

"Don't worry Shiro we're safe," Pidge assured.

"Plus it good training for learning the layout of the castle not just the main hallways," Keith added.

"I guess it could be a safe place to hide encase the castle goes all apples and bananas again," Lance shivered, remembering that he almost got released into space.

"Umm I wouldn't just go jumping into any vent," Pidge muttered

"It could happen while you were already in a vent," Hunk pointed out.

"Please give the ship a little more credit, you make it sound as if the castle gets taken over or corrupted every other day," Allura sighed.

"Never hurts to be careful, Allura," Coran said, "We should be prepared for anything."

"I guess you are right" Allura sighed.

They finished up dinner, Lance getting roped into helping Coran with the dishes.

Keith going to do some train, Pidge walking with Shiro down the hall, pidge wondering if she should hide her sleeping wear in Shiro's room.

Once he was sure no one was around, Shiro grabbed Pidge's hand and held it.

Pidge blushed caught a little off guard shyly glancing up at Shiro taking a quick look around to double check no was around before lightly squeezing his hand back.

Shiro blushed as they walked to his room hand in hand, Midori walking behind them.

For Pidge, It felt odd that something as simple as holding hand could be kind of thrilling and scary at the same time.

It was the same for Shiro, scared of something so simple but how the others might react if they saw them.

Pidge almost sighing in relief when they got to Shiro's room.

Shiro let her into his room, letting go of her hand, thinking he was making her uncomfortable.

Pidge didn't realize at first that Shiro had let go of her hand, Pidge holding onto his had a moment or two after he let go of hers before quickly letting go, blushing in embarrassment, trying to hide it by picking up Midori and petting the kitten.

"So…what do you want to do until it's time for bed," Shiro asked.

'I could think of a few things,' Kuro purred, glad they were alone in a bedroom.

"I'm honestly not sure" Pidge shrugged "I usually work on projects during the evening" Pidge explained.

"You can work on some of your projects here," Shiro offered, ignoring Kuro's suggestion.

"You're okay with that? I don't want you to get bored" Pidge replied.

"I'm fine as long as I'm with you," Shiro smiled.

Pidge blushed a little before smiling, "You know Shiro sometimes your kind of cheesy," Pidge teased.

Shiro blushed too, "Yeah, I guess I am," he said, taking her hand in his again.

Pidge gently squeezed Shiro's, as she took a step onto his bed giving her a little more height so she could kiss Shiro on the cheek.

The black paladin couldn't believe that a small kiss on the cheek could make him blush so much.

Pidge laughed softly seeing Shiro blush so much "Sorry, should I warn you next time," Pidge asked.

"No, you can kiss me whenever you want," Shiro said, still blushing.

Pidge smiled and kissed him on the cheek again just for fun.

"Is it okay for me to kiss you," Shiro asked, rubbing the back of his head, and smiling sheepishly.

"Yes, Pidge smiled, thinking that at least with her standing on the bed she was almost the same height as Shiro.

Smiling, Shiro cupped her face and leaned forward to kiss her on the lips.

Pidge closing her eyes and leaning into the kiss as his lips touched hers.

Shiro deepened the kiss just a bit, running his fingers through her hair.

Pidge softly mewing against the kiss wrapping her arms around his neck.

He shivered at her mewls, fueling the fire in him.

Pidge mewing into the kiss, lightly leaning her body against his.

Kuro was growling at the back of Shiro's mind, wanting to take it a little further.

'The bed's right there, pin her to the bed and really ravage Katie with pleasure,' Kuro told Shiro.

'She's not ready for something like that,' Shiro argued, knowing she was still shy about kissing and didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

'Fine, then maybe just leave a little hickey on her skin, though we'll have to take that shirt off first,' Kuro purred, her current shirt covering too much of her neck.

'Shut up,' Shiro growled, not realizing he did it into the kiss. He felt guilty thinking about Pidge like that, even if he couldn't help it.

Pidge pulled away from the kiss giving Shiro a questioning look, "What is Kuro saying," Pidge asked calmly, quickly putting two and two together.

"Just some…inappropriate things," Shiro admitted with a blush, hoping she wouldn't ask what kind.

Pidge blushed hearing that trying to stay calm and not think too much about that ''Please tell Kuro, that I just want to take things slow for now'' Pidge requested gently kissing the scar over Shiro's nose.

'Told you so,' Shiro said to Kuro smugly, who was luckily quite after that. At least he cared enough not to push Pidge.

"Is he okay with that," Pidge asked, waiting for a reply.

"He is…but don't afraid to hack my arm again if he tries something," Shiro told her.

"I wouldn't worry too much about Kuro, he seems pretty reasonable, at least when it comes to me," Pidge assured.

"Unfortunately I think you're the only one who can make him reasonable," Shiro sighed, worried what would happen if Kuro took control when Pidge wasn't around.

"I'll do everything I can to help both of you stay calm" Pidge promised gently caressing his cheek.

"Thanks Katie," Shiro smiled, hoping Kuro would be calm for Pidge's sake.

"You're welcome Takashi" Pidge replied, "Maybe I can talk to him directly sometimes to help figure him out or help calm him" Pidge suggested wanting to know more about Kuro and how he came to be.

"Maybe," Shiro said, through was a little nervous about letting Kuro near Pidge, even if he wouldn't hurt or force her.

"We don't have to try anything right now, but I would like a chance to talk to Kuro again" Pidge explained her curiosity buzzing.

"Okay," Shiro agreed, giving her a smile, "You beat me in a fight once, I'm sure you can do it again if Kuro tries anything."

"So, the usual knock down or do I need to pin you," Pidge questioned wanting to know the rules behind beating Shiro.

"Which ever you think I best," Shiro said.

Kuro liking the thought of having Pidge being on top of them as she pinned them.

Shiro did his best not to blush at the mental image Kuro gave him.

"What did Kuro say," Pidge asked seeing Shiro blush.

"Don't worry about it," Shiro said, too embarrassed to say what it was.

"Alright" Pidge said with a nod "Want to get back to kissing?" Pidge asked shyly.

"I'd like that a lot," Shiro said blushing, leaning in to kiss her.

Pidge leaning up and gently pressing her soft lips against his.

Shiro shivered as their lips touched, enjoying the feeling of them molded together.

Pidge's heart beating faster every time their lips touched. Pidge not sure she would ever get used to kissing Shiro.

The black paladin planned on sharing kisses until she did get used to it.

Pidge also still a little nervous about her kissing skills, not having much experience.

Shiro didn't have much experience either, only having had a few small kisses over the years, much to the surprise of people who knew him.

Most people figuring with Shiro's looks and personality he would have a lot of people wanting a relationship with him.

Which there were, it's just that Shiro was never really interested in a relationship .

That was until he met and got to know Katie, when he first met her, he had thought she was Matt's twin sister and not his younger sister.

They looked so much a like yet different once you really looked at them.

It wasn't until months after meeting Katie did Shiro discover the age difference.

He was surprised she was younger but not too much younger than him.

Though between her and Matt, Shiro had always pictured Katie as the older sibling since she seemed to have a more dominating out of the two siblings.

Katie was just more stubborn and not the type to back down, especially when it involved people she cared about.

Also Matt was a bit of a push over when it came to his little sister.

His excuse was always that he just couldn't say no to his sweet baby sister, always annoying Katie.

Both of their maturity levels lowering when one was around the other, often sticking their tongues out at one another.

But they loved each other and were best friends. They loved space and robots, argued about Star Wars and Star Trek, they were nerdy siblings.

Pidge missed him a lot and hoped to find him soon.

Shiro promised himself he would do whatever he could to help her find her family.

After spending some time making out, Pidge sat down on the bed doing some work on her laptop, with Shiro laying down next to her, one of his arms loosely wrapped around her waist as Midori laid on top of Shiro.

Shiro was surprised by how comfy he was like this, loving the domestic feeling of it.

Pidge glancing at Shiro smiling a little, feeling relieved seeing Shiro look so relaxed.

After a while, Shiro started to drift off to sleep, keeping an arm around Pidge.

Pidge didn't notice at first, too wrapped up in her work.

Luckily with Pidge so close Shiro didn't have any bad dreams or memories.

When Pidge did notice, she tried to be careful not to move around too much, as she put her laptop away, before laying down next to Shiro making sure his arm stayed around her as she moved so Shiro wouldn't wake up.

Shiro cuddled Pidge in his sleep, inhaling her scent and sighing happily.

Pidge petting a sleeping Midori on Shiro before wrapping her arm around him cuddling up close to him, both because she wanted to and because the bed wasn't very big for two people.

Midori purred lowly, curling up on the black paladin to sleep, lightly kneading his shirt.

Pidge smiling hoping Midori's motion won't wake up Shiro, gently caressing his cheek seeing him sleeping so soundly, thinking Shiro probably needed it, not knowing how many night his nightmare's might have been plaguing him.

Shiro luckily slept sound, not even stirring at Midori's actions. He just seemed so comfortable with Pidge.

Pidge rested her head on Shiro's chest as she let herself drift to sleep.