I haven't seen season six outside of some clips from YouTube and episode synopsis. I'm assuming that Negan kills no one and Carol is in Alexandria. I'm sure some of the characters actions/conversations are OOC, just a little.

Carl got off the sofa to answer the door. It had been three days since Nagen was killed by Jesus and the RPG's that Abraham found. Everyone escaped as the Saviors scattered. Things were finally settling down. The heavy losses, Jessie, Sam, Ron and the other Alexandrians, weren't as fresh, but still lingered. The Wolves were gone and the Saviors unheard from.

He opened the door to see Spencer. "Spencer." Carl peered at the man. They hadn't really spoken since he killed his mother. "How are you?"

He grimaced then smiled. "Good, Carl. How are you?"

Michonne walked down the stairs when she heard Carl talking to someone. When she was near she saw that it was Spencer.

"Let him in, Carl," Michonne directed.

"Sorry," Carl stepped back and let Spencer in. They went into the living area, Michonne and Carl sitting on the sofa, Spencer in the chair near them.

"You doing okay?" Michonne looked at him. He smiled a little.

"Better. I just want to thank you and Carl for being with me when I...did that."

Carl and Michonne exchanged glances with each other but didn't respond right away.

"And I can see that what I just said is uncomfortable for you both," Spencer jumped in after a few minutes of silence.

"Not sure what to say," Michonne replied.

"It's hard. Doing that to a family member. A mom. It never goes away," Carl spoke up. Michonne put her hand on his knee and squeezed.

Spencer watched the interaction between them. He knew that Michonne was close with Rick and his family. He wasn't sure how close and until someone said something he was going to continue as planned.

"Michonne," Spencer looked at her. "I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me again?"

Carl tensed and glared at Spencer.

"No, Spencer." Michonne breathed out. "Thank you anyway," she softened her no.

Spencer let out a breath and got up. They escorted him to the door, Carl almost like a guard dog. Spencer smiled briefly.

"If you change your mind," he offered.

"She's good, Spencer," Carl told him as he held the door open. He looked at Carl then Michonne. Seems the time to become more involved with Michonne had passed. He knew he should have pressed her harder but he didn't want to mess up what they had. Michonne was beautiful, sexy, dangerous, funny, intelligent and he'd wanted her from the moment she stepped into the party. That dress had hugged her curves and he could still picture her dressed in tight pants, a vest carrying a sword. He'd been intrigued.

Spencer nodded to them both and left.

Carl looked at Michonne as they walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water before sitting down at the table.

"Was it serious? With him?" He asked.

Michonne pinned him with a glare. "No."

Carl nodded and finished his water. "Good." He put the glass on the table. "My dad loves you, Michonne. You love him. We love you. We don't want to lose you to some weak asshole like Spencer."

Michonne's mouth fell open in shock. She sat across from him at the table. "Carl, Spencer's not an asshole. And maybe not as weak as you think. You know what he's going through, will continue to go through, because of what he did. I'm with your father. No more dates with Spencer," she assured him.

"So you were dating? When did you even find time to do that? How do you date during an apocalypse?"

Seeing they were okay now Michonne laughed. "Go on, get out of here. Aren't you supposed to be helping your dad?"

Carl got up, laughing, and headed toward the stairs. "Yeah. But I may have to ask for dating advice," he shot her a cheeky look.

Michonne chuckled and turned to start lunch.

Rick could tell that Carl had something on his mind when he showed up to help reinforce the walls. They were putting more spikes up on the backside of the community. After a few hours Rick called for a break and headed over to talk to his son. They sat on the ground drinking water, Carl was staring off.

"You okay, Carl?" Rick broke the silence.

Carl snapped his attention to his dad. "Yeah, dad."

"You need to talk about somethin'?"

He scrunched up his face then stared at Rick.

"I...like Enid," Carl blurted out.

Rick sat back on his hands. He knew he didn't have to say that Carl and Enid were too young. This world changed that. Rick nodded his head for Carl to continue.

"I want to date her. How do you date during an apocalypse?"

Rick had no answer. Carl continued. "It's not like I can take her anywhere. The movies or school dances, you know?"

Rick nodded his head but didn't speak. "What did you and Jessie do?"

Rick tensed up. He and Jessie hadn't dated. He'd gone over to her house. He couldn't figure out why now. In hindsight the sex had just been a release, not a relationship. What he had with Michonne was a relationship.

Carl was staring at him, waiting. "Well, we didn't do anything. I just went to her house."

Carl's eye widened. "That's it?"

Rick squirmed. "That's it."

Carl shook his head. "I'll ask Michonne." He finished his water, got up and started back to work.

Rick didn't address the issue for the rest of the day until they were walking home.

"Why are you going to ask Michonne?" Rick wanted to know.

Carl stopped in the middle of the street. "She dated Spencer. Michonne wouldn't stand for some guy just coming over to her house," Carl stated with confidence and started walking again. Rick took a few minutes to digest what Carl told him. Michonne had dated Spencer. How had he missed that?

He caught up with his son. "How do you know?" Rick felt like he was back in high school.

"Spencer came over and asked her out to dinner. Again. She turned him down. We talked about it though, dad. She's not dating him anymore."

Rick was quiet for the rest of the trip home.

Carl smiled on the inside. His dad was quiet. It was petty of him to want his dad to squirm about another man being interested in Michonne now that they were together, but his dad should've woken up to the fact that Michonne should've been with him from the start and not Jessie. Carl understood that his dad hadn't been thinking straight. This place, when they first got here, reminded him of what he used to have. His dad must've thought so, too, but it wasn't real. Not really. And he did need the dating advice.

Enid wouldn't be like Jessie. She'd be more like Michonne. And he didn't want to stoop so low as to just go over to Glenn and Maggie's.

Judith was in her high chair at the table while the rest of them sat around. Michonne was mashing up some of the rice and beans she'd made for dinner. Rick just ate, not saying anything, which wasn't unusual, but something was off with him. Carl just glanced between the two of them.

Michonne put her hand on Rick's arm. "You okay?" She asked.

Rick looked up and smiled. "Yeah. Dinner's good."

Carl cringed on the inside.

Michonne pinned Rick to his chair with her intense gaze. He started sweating. What she saw must have been fine because she turned back to Judith and helped her with her dinner.

"Michonne," Carl took the bull by the horns.

"Yeah," she answered as she wiped Judith's face. Judith smiled up at her and laughed.

"I need that dating advice."

"Is this about Enid?"

Rick listened to the conversation. And felt more love for this incredible woman.

"Yeah. What did you and Spencer do? I asked my dad. He didn't do anything with Jessie. Just went to her house. I knew you wouldn't be like that. Enid's more like you. So," he ate more dinner, swallowed and looked at her. "What did you do?"

Michonne shot Carl a glare. "What your dad did or didn't do with Jessie, what I did or didn't do with Spencer isn't important. Everyone's different."

Carl thought about it. "You're right," he admitted.

Michonne smiled. "I know, Carl, this is hard. You didn't grow up like this so the usual rules from before don't apply anymore. Aside from video games what does Enid like to do?"

"She likes to read comics," he answered.

Michonne turned her attention back to Judith, feeding her some cornbread.

Michonne felt bad for Carl, straddling two different worlds. His comments about Jessie didn't bother her. She'd never looked at Rick as a man, a sexual being, until he put those mints in her hand and looked at her. She just saw her friend, a leader, someone who she'd always be with. He was a good father, willing to rip out a man's throat with his teeth to protect his son.

She looked at Rick for some help. He was staring at his plate with a look on his face. One she couldn't decipher. Was he embarrassed that Carl brought up Jessie because he didn't look heartbroken. Sad, not heartbroken. Not like he'd been when she first showed up at the prison and she'd found out that his wife had just died.

Inwardly Rick hoped that Michonne would answer the question. He wanted to know what they'd done. He didn't want her to answer the question. He didn't want to know if they'd had sex. That someone else had touched her before him. That she'd kissed someone else like she kissed him. Before he pulled his head out of his ass. Of course that didn't happen until Jessie died which made him feel more like an asshole.

"...kites. I like doing that. Maybe Enid would, too," Rick brought his attention back to the conversation.

Carl had a smile on his face. "Yeah, I'd like doing that."

Michonne smiled. "Good. I'll put it on the list."

"Thanks, Michonne." Carl stood up and grabbed his empty plate and walked over to the sink. "Dad? You done?"

Rick stared at his empty plate and passed it silently to his son. After he put the dishes in the sink he headed up to his room.

Rick sat back in his chair and watched his woman and his daughter. She took care of his kids like she gave birth to them. His imagination ran wild. He could see Michonne pregnant with their child. Their son or daughter looking like her. Being like her. Strong, smart, funny, caring.

"Come on, Jude," Michonne crooned to her. "Bath time."

Judith held her arms up while Rick moved the tray attached to the chair. He picked Judith up and kissed Michonne on the cheek. "I'll do it. You relax," he smiled at her, holding their daughter.

Michonne stared at him. "It's fine, Rick. I didn't do much today but teach a class and patrol for a little while. You and Carl were working hard on those spikes. You should relax. You were quiet at dinner."

Rick turned Judith over to Michonne, with a grimace. "Thanks. I think I'll get a shower." He handed their daughter to her mother, kissed her on the lips and headed up the stairs.

Michonne stared as Rick walked up the stairs. Something was wrong with him. She'd let him figure it out then talk with her about it. Judith started pulling on her locs to get her attention. Judith loved bath time. They had a nice conversation up the stairs to the middle bathroom.

Rick watched his wife, his woman, bathing their daughter in the tub. Judith was laughing and talking away, splashing. Michonne was laughing, answering her and soaping her up.

"See, Judy," Michonne held up a mirror showing Judith her white mohawk. Judith laughed and babbled more. Michonne rubbed noses with Judith who laughed louder.

"You, my dear, are prettier than any model. Yes, you are," Michonne held her back while she used a bowl to rinse her hair. Judith was babbling more.

"I think so, too. Yes, you're brother likes Enid. She seems like a nice girl."

Judy answered.

"Don't worry, Judebug, I won't let your dad kill the first boyfriend."

Rick laughed and broke into the conversation. He had put on some sweats from one of the houses, his hair was wet and no shirt. He knew Michonne liked him shirtless. "I don't know if you could talk me out of doing that," he said as he entered the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet seat.

Michonne continued to talk to Judith. "Yes, I could, Judy. I wouldn't kill him until he hurt you."

Rick started caressing her shoulder. She had the softest skin. He loved touching her. They sat like that for a while until Michonne announced bedtime. Judith was yawning. Rick got her out of the tub and started drying her. "I'll put her to bed," he took a diaper, kissing Michonne again, "if you want to go brush your teeth," he teased. Michonne gave him a fake hurt look then laughed

"You are a funny man, Grimes," she retorted playfully, swatting his ass she left.

Michonne stood in the shower feeling the days' events. Or lack thereof. She was happy she was going on that run tomorrow. She needed to get out for a bit. That ambush by Carl at dinner made her a little angry. He shouldn't have brought up what his dad had done with Jessie. It wasn't any of her business. Just like her fucking Spencer wasn't any of Rick's business. It's not like her sex life would have gotten them kicked out. Unlike Rick.

It worked out and she was sad that Jessie died. She wasn't sad about Ron. She was pissed at herself that she hadn't killed him sooner. Or turned him around before she stabbed him. Or put him on his ass before she cut his head off. Now she was really getting pissed. She turned the water off, opened the door, grabbed a towel and started drying off. She was brushing her teeth when Rick leaned against the doorframe to the bathroom.

"You okay?" he asked her.

"No," she spit out the toothpaste and took a deep breath. "Yes."

"Which one is it?"

"Both," she wiped her mouth and moved passed him to get to the bedroom. Rick caught her arm and she whirled around, pulling it out of his grip. He held his hand up.

Michonne walked up to him and put her head on his chest. He put his arms around her. "What's wrong?" he whispered in her hair.

"Nothing. Just thinking about what Carl said about dating," she stared into Rick's blue eyes. "He'll never be able to take Enid to the movies, to the mall. How do you date during the apocalypse when you're sixteen?"

Rick kissed her. "We'll help them figure it out, Michonne," he pulled away with a devilish gleam in his eyes. "Right now, I want to concentrate on you," he took off her robe and dropped it on the floor before lifting her up bridal style and putting her on the bed.

Michonne smiled up at him when he got on top of her, running her hand through his hair.

Rick spent hours worshipping his wife. He kissed every inch of her skin, made her come three times before finally settling on top of her. He entered her slowly, loving the satisfied look on her face. He kissed her as they rocked together.

"Faster," Michonne ran her nails down his back. He'd never liked it when Lori did it, or Jessie, but with Michonne, that tiny bit of pain was enough to get him moving faster. He wanted to mark her, show the men and women that she belonged to him.

"Rick," she cried out, "Fuck, Rick, yes."

He could tell she was getting ready to come. She started kissing him before yelling his name again. He couldn't hold out and bit her between her neck and shoulder.

"Fuck," Michonne screamed. "Fuck." Her pussy clamped down on his dick like a vice.

He pulled out and came on her stomach detaching his teeth from her when he didn't have any more to give. When he could finally lift his head Michonne looked blissed out. She smiled her thousand watt smile and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you," he whispered.

She ran her hands through his hair and said it back with her eyes. He fell asleep holding her.