Hi, guys! I'm so sorry it took me so long to publish this. Finding Jeanette should've been my first story to publish, but I got sidetracked. But, here it is! It's also to celebrate Finding Dory FINALLY COMING INTO THEATERS and the thirteenth anniversary of Finding Nemo! I should've published it on May 30th or June 17th, but eh. (shrug) It's here now! Please enjoy and I DO NOT own Finding Nemo, Alvin and the Chipmunks, or Ice Age. I just love the films so so so much! I'm going to try to make other categories besides Alvin and the Chipmunks and Ice Age, but that is my main category and I would love to eventually do Star vs the Forces of Evil because I LOVE that TV series! But now this is my main story and I am updating often. Enjoy and REVIEW! PLEASE REVIEW!

Making a promise

It was a quiet day in the village and many animals were relaxing. A certain saber lied on a rock watching his young nieces play. Diego Miller watched the girls while their parents were going for a morning walk and his wife Shira offered to go take care of their breakfast, so she went out to hunt. He chuckled to himself as he watched Brittany tackle both of her sisters from behind and tickled them without mercy.

He heard a twig snap behind him and on instinct, growled while crouching down. He quickly turned around and decided to see if that was someone unwelcome trying to hunt his nieces. He crouched down again and leaped into the bushes and attacked something.

A scream was heard and Diego realized he accidentally pinned down Sid.

"Sid!" Diego yelled in annoyance. "What? I was getting berries and you jumped on me!" Sid said. Now Diego felt a bit guilty. "Sorry, buddy. It's just, I'm watching the girls and I can't let anything bad happen to them. I thought you were a predator."

"Come on, buddy! What's the worst that could happen?" Sid asked. In the shadows, a mysterious animal growled lowly and saw three young chipettes screaming and laughing and took this as a opportunity for a meal.

Diego looked up and saw a male saber closing in on the children. He growled lowly and as soon as he thought the saber was alone, an entire pack was coming out of the shadows. He rushed over and roared furiously, attacking one of the sabers.

Little did he know, three of the pack members chased the girls into the forest. The sabers growled as they eventually chased the Chipettes into a dead end. Or so they thought.

Brittany pushed her younger sisters up the tree and tried to get them to safety. As an older sister, it was her duty to protect Jeanette and Eleanor when their parents weren't around.

As Manny and Ellie were taking a walk through the forest, they heard a roar of distress. The mammoths recognized it as Diego and rushed into action.

Jeanette whined as she had a hard time climbing the slippery tree. It was raining and she couldn't find any traction with her claws. Brittany went back down to help and growled when the saber tried to reach Jeanette. She scratched the saber on the cheek and he let out yelp of pain before falling out of the tree.

Jeanette grabbed a tree branch and it snapped. The young chipette fell out and landed hard until she was unconscious. The sabers crowded her and the alpha sliced her right leg with one claw. Before they could do anything else, a male mammoth sprang into action! Manny knocked two away with his tusks.

"You leave my little girl alone!" He yelled. The alpha ordered the pack on to a cliff, awaiting Manny to come closer to hit him with a boulder for a larger meal.

Unfortunately, their plan succeeded and Manny blacked out of consciousness. The alpha chuckled. "The mammoth for dinner, and then the stupid kid for dessert. You shouldn't have messed with my pack, tubby. And now, I'm gonna make a meal out of you."

A trunk wrapped around his neck. "I don't think so!" A female mammoth named Ellie exclaimed, and threw the saber into a tree, making him have hard contact with the ground. The herd stood as one, growing madly and the pack was forced to retreat. Everyone cheered happily.

"Oh no!" Shira said.

Manny groaned and tried to get up. His head was throbbing in pain. His entire body ached. Last thing he remembered was-

"Ellie!" He yelled. His daughter was lying unconscious and those monsters must've hurt her and the herd. "Ellie?! Ellie?" Manny asked tearfully. He began to sob. He lost hope in ever seeing his beautiful family ever again.

"Manny?" Ellie called. "Ellie!" He stroked her hair and nuzzled her face and she returned it. "Ellie, are you alright? Is everybody alright?" Ellie's face turned sad and tears clouded her vision. "Everyone except Jeanette." She cried.

Manny gasped when he saw her. The little chipette lied on her side with a bleeding cut on her right leg from her hip to ankle. "Oh, there, there, there. It's okay, Daddy's here. Daddy's got you. I promise, I'll never let anything happen to you, Jeanette." Manny made his daughter the biggest promise in his life. This time, he had to protect her and the herd.

Okay, guys. That was chapter one and I am going to update often so I'm going to see if I can post a voting pole on my profile, and I want you to tell me how often you want a new chapter for Finding Jeanette. Please review, guys.