Devil Night O: Whose Who

Set nearly a year before the manga "Code1: Dante"

Young, cocky, and horny, the Son of Sparda recently returned to his hometown to set up shop as a devil hunter. His manager Enzo has coaxed him into an odd job in the city of Paris. With an empty fridge and bills to pay, Dante has no choice.
AnAmerican dhamphir born from the rape of her mother by Vampire Lord Kagan. The Brimstone Society took Rayne in and trained her to fight and hone her vampiric powers after her monsterous father massacred her entire human family. After witnessing her father's supposed' death, she has spent the last decades hunting down her vampiric siblings. A call from Brimstone sends her to Paris to investigate a massacre at a museum, which holds a truth more to her heritage than she would wish.

Once the ruler of the human world, before the demons took over, Kain, upon the release of his long and tortuous imprisonment, seeks to reclaim his kingdom, and restore order to a world he deems impure. A creature full of pride, he feels that vampire blood and human blood should never mix together, seeing dhamphirs as mistakes of life

Dr. Faulk/Muse
Kain's daughter, Kagan's mother; little is very known about her. It is recorded that she is a great master in the art of alchemy sorcery; completely devoted to her father. She has spent searching for her father's prison in hopes of freeing him. Only a select number of forbidden texts agree that she herself is the cause of several known historic wars; including the Mage War, and the ruin of a number of ancient kingdoms and empires.

Rayne's current contact from Brimstone, though who he truly is, is a mystery.

Womanizing Italian that is also Dante's partner/manager; he is the one who set Dante up with the job of finding a Cardinal Vincent, an unfortunate victim at the St. Philips Museum massacre.

Reclusive vampire baron who rules the Hellmouth Lands in the Vampire Nation (Also where Dante's hometown is located)

Presumed dead vampire lord of the Vampire Nation in the United States, Rayne's father and Muse's son. Kagan fears the return of Kain, for it will surely ruin his own plans.

CEO of Uroboros, a very powerful media conglomerate that distributes the "wanted truth" to most of the world. Powerful in demonic sorcery, Arius intends on one day ascending to God-hood.

Kagan's most favored offspring and envoy to Kagan.

Acting bodyguard for Kagan, and the strongest out of all Kagan's children.

Pro. Bernstein
A Demonologist who intendeds to make a name for himself in the scientific community, by finding the location of Hermes Trismegistus, the Father of Alchemy's, resting place. In addition, to prove that Alchemy derived from some other form of magic lost to the world.

Muse's mother, once Kain's lover from long ago.

Vauldrick & Delmar
Demons who sided with Kain when he first appeared in the Human World and overthrew Belier.

Russian Vampire Lord who associates with bears, brutal and ugly, many of the other Vampire Lord wishes to conspire his demise.

Holy Shrine Guards
Lycans who have sworn a lifetime oath to guard the shrine till their deaths.

Possesd1958 Plymouth Fury Dante rebuilt in his Uncle's junkyard back in the United States. Able to take a beating and rebuild itself, this tough baby has been at Dante's side every since. He nearly exhausted his Uncle's inheritance on transporting her to Europe. She has an extreme fondness for classic 50's Rock n Roll.