It was a little known fact that Infernals could get bored. Madama Butterfly was perhaps the most bored she had been in decades. Her contract partner was still sleeping. Oh yes, Khepri said she would awaken soon, but then Khepri's definition of "soon" was fairly wide. Part and parcel of being a mistress of time itself, she supposed.
On the other hand, it was a full moon tonight, which meant she could freely wander the chaos realm if she so chose. Not that she couldn't any other time, but was easier. Other's such as Baal weren't so lucky.
Tonight her wandering a took her to a landlocked place. London, if she remembered correctly. It was fairly quiet, as it was most nights she ventured out. After all, few things dared oppose her.
Tonight however, there was a change of pace. A twisted wreckage blazing brightly. Even from a distance, Butterfly could smell the alcohol from one of the vehicles. It's occupant was already gone, dragged down for his foolishness. There was a veritable flock of Paradisians at the other vehicle, busily removing the souls and preparing them for ascension.
One of them was already extracted, a veritable whale of a man, sitting on the side of the road, looking shell shocked. He wiped his face. "They say the wife'll be done soon, then they'll get my boy." The translucent face stared up at her. "The hell are you anyway?"
Butterfly laughed. "That's an appropriate question." She gestured at the Paradisians. "I come from their opposite."
The man stared at her for a moment. "You don't look like any devil I've ever seen."
Butterfly smiled, showing a row of very sharp teeth. "You've seen a lot of them then?"
"Fair point. I don't suppose you've met him then?"
"That depends entirely on which one you are referring to."
"Vernon!" The both turned as a bony looking woman rushed over. "They're still doing Dudley. They say the boy survived. He got thrown during the crash, landed somewhere over there." She waved vaguely to her left.
"The boy?"
Vernon grunted. "My nephew Harry. Petunia's sister's son. Little slip of a thing, got landed with him after his parents were murdered. Has weird powers."
"Weird powers?" Butterfly felt her interest peak.
The woman, presumably Petunia, snorted. "Crazy things happen around him. Last week all the dishes started flying. Supposedly he can't help it. As if that were true."
"Now, now, Pet, bad blood will out." He looked back at Madam Butterfly. "What happens to us now?"
"Your untimely demise means that you shall be judged. The possibilities of the future weighed against that which has already been. If you are found worthy, you shall achieve respite. If not, we may become acquainted more closely."
The woman sniffed and picked up her son as he toddled over to her. They were joined shortly after by the Paridisians, who gave the Infernal a rather uncertain look.
"Where is the boy?"
Most of the Angels looked relieved at her lack of interest in a fight. One of them pointed her towards a stretch of road a short way away. Butterfly could see a streak of blood where the child had obviously hit the pavement.
"Thank you."
"I warn you, the boy's trouble!"
Madama Butterfly drew herself up. "I am the Mistress of Atrocity." She asserted. "I rather like trouble."
"Suit yourself."
"Enjoy your respite." She gave the angels a cursory wave, and headed off in the direction of the blood trail, laughing to herself as they practically fled the scene with the family.
It was a good number of minutes before she actually found the boy. She suspected his "weird powers" probably had something to do with the distance. Unlike the rest of his family, he wasn't dead. He was however, quite close to it. She frowned and stepped out of Purgatorio, and into a realm where he could actually see her.
She estimated him to be about two. He had a rather vicious gash on the side of his head, clearly the source of the blood spatter. He groaned as she leaned down to poke at him. Butterfly frowned as she felt a weak burst of something attempt to push her away.
"You have magic."
One eye opened and a bright green iris stared at her in confusion.
Butterfly sighed. The souls of the departed could understand Enochian automatically, some sort of built in reaction to the trauma of death. Living beings however, rarely could. She made a face and tried again. "You have magic."
This time there was comprehension. "No such thing." His voice was thin and somewhat reedy.
"You are wrong. How did you end up so far?"
"Bounced." Butterfly scowled and gently picked him up. Then she jerked her head up. Someone was here. Butterfly twisted and they were in Purgatorio.
She watched as someone wandered across the road, one of the English law enforcement judging from the outfit. "A lot of blood Jerry, but there's no one here."
A radio crackled. "Roger. Think they walked off?"
The man snorted. "With this much blood? Not a chance, they probably died in seconds. Wolves probably carried the body off or something. We'll mount a search in the morning."
Butterfly snorted. "Wolves. Really. You silly mortals will rationalize anything." She glanced down at the boy. "You could very well liven things up."
Butterfly gently bit open her wrist and let a few drops of her blood drip into the lolling mouth. Then she massaged his throat until he swallowed. "You'll feel better soon." Even as she watched, the green of his eyes slowly bled into red. "I'm sure of it."
By the time they got to her lair, she was positive. He had already sprouted wings of his own, a beautiful pair of black and emerald green. And if Khepri was to be believed when she visited a week later, she wouldn't have any issues for almost a decade.
Of course she did have to punch Gomorroh a few times before he realized the boy wasn't for eating, but then she hardly called that an issue. After all, rocks had more intelligence than that dragon.
An: So I was goaded into this, This fic will update concurrently with You're an Umbran Harry! Though they follow different paths. I was always curious about the fact the Bayonetta slept for five centuries, but she was not considered in breach of her contract. that's awfully forgiving really, but it makes for a VERY bored infernal, which is never a good thing. They tend to pick projects.
Next chapter, the early years! till then!