"Dean are you okay?"

Dean's coworker was very concerned about Dean. He was staring at the computer with a blank expression on his face. He couldn't seem to get him out of the trance he was obviously stuck in. Antonio snapped his fingers multiple times and said his name. That seemed to do the trick. Dean blinked quickly and finally looked away from the computer screen. "What? What happened?" Dean said confused. For a moment there, he forgot he was at work. That's how deeply he was thinking about everything that had happened with Roman. He couldn't stop thinking about how badly he fucked everything up.

"You spaced out dude. You alright?" Antonio sat on the edge of Dean's desk and watched him with concern.

Dean gave him a small smile that didn't exactly meet his eyes. "Yeah I'm fine. Just...personal things. You know how it is." Antonio had a feeling that it was much more that what Dean was letting on. He wasn't going to push though. The Swiss man wasn't one to push anyway.

"Well alright. Do you mind entering these ledgers in the system for me and then scanning them?"

"That's what I'm here for." Dean took the ledgers from Antonio and turned back to his computer. He knew he had to be at the top of his game when it came to work. The managers sat close by, in their own cubicals and they noticed everything. That last thing that Dean wanted was to get fired. Then, he would be sure he would hit rock bottom. He was not ready for that.

He would have to think of a plan to gain Roman's forgiveness after work.

"You know, I could have sworn that I told you that I wanted to go back to Florida. So why is it that we are still here in this hotel?" Roman grunted in annoyance as he sat up on the bed. His long black hair was a tangled mess but he didn't even notice. He wiped his running nose with a napkin that was on the bedside table. His eyes were still red. The Samoan woke up multiple times through out the night with tears in his eyes.

Roman was clearly hurting and was in a bad mood. Kevin didn't blame. "I don't think we should leave yet, Ro. You and Dean need to talk."

Roman snorted. "There's nothing to talk about. He's a liar." he removed the covers on top of him and stood up to stretch. "We need to leave. Can you book us a flight?" Kevin was surprised at how carelessly Roman was sounding. He knew Roman was hurting but he didn't expect this from him.

"I told you we are not leaving. You have to work this out with Dean." Kevin said sternly. He didn't care if Roman got mad at him.

"Are you sure you wanna stay for that reason?"

"What is that suppose to mean?"

Roman rolled his eyes as he walked over to his suitcase. "I'm not stupid. You have the hots for Dean's friend."

"The hots? Who says that these days?" Kevin crossed his arms. "And so what if I do? That's not the whole reason I want to stay. I know you Roman. You want to run away from this instead of working it out with Dean. If we leave, you will regret it. Just hear him out."

"I just...''' Roman walked back to the bed and collapsed on it. "I don't want to hear anymore lies from him. How am I suppose to believe anything he tells me anymore?" he said softly.

"I doubt he'll lie to you again. I think he has learned his lesson. He wants to be honest with you Ro. He wants to apologize."

"And how do you know that?"

Kevin bit his bottom lip. "Sami told me." Roman sighed and Kevin walked over to him. "Let him at least explain himself. That's all I'm saying."

When Dean got out of work, he searched for Sami. He asked him to pick him up again because he didn't feel like driving his car. He didn't have the energy for anything to be completely honest. Sami pulled up after a couple minutes of waiting. "Sorry I'm late." He said when Dean got in the car.

"It's alright. Let's just get me home."

Sami furrowed his eyebrows. "But you always want to go eat somewhere when I pick you up."

Dean put his seat belt on and rubbed his bottom lip with his thumb. "Yeah, I'm not hungry today." he turned to see Sami looking right back at him with sadness in his eyes. "Just get me home...please."

Sami nodded. "Sure. I just need to make a quick stop first." Dean raised an eyebrow but didn't question his best friend.

After driving for almost have an hour, Dean was realizing where they were headed. "Turn the car around. Take me home. I'm serious Sami." Dean sat up on his seat.

"No. You and Roman need to talk. You need to fix this, Dean."

"But he doesn't want to see me! He hates me!" Dean exclaimed. "Just take me home?"

"You want to explain yourself don't you? You want to fix it right?" Dean nodded slowly. He didn't think he was ready to have this conversation with Roman though. He needed an actual plan. "Then you need to do it now. Before it's too late."

"What do you mean too late?"

Sami sighed. "Kevin told me that Roman wants to go back to Florida immediately." Sami didn't need to turn to his best friend to notice that his face turned to one of complete horror. "I don't know how long Kevin can convince him to stay so you need to talk to him now."

Dean couldn't believe that Roman wanted to leave without telling him. Without talking to him first. Was Roman that angry with him? He guessed he couldn't blame him. Dean did know one thing though; he was not going to allow Roman to leave without explaining himself. If Roman still wanted to leave afterwards, he would have to deal with that. He was thankful that Sami decided to drive him to the hotel.

Once the best friends arrived to the hotel, they went up to Roman's room. "Knock." Sami said. Dean shook his head. He was nervous and did nothing to hide it. What if Roman yelled at him and told him to leave? What if he told him that he didn't want to see him again? Ambrose wasn't sure he could handle that again. Sami knocked himself since Dean didn't want to.

Kevin opened the door and depsite the situation he couldn't help but to smile at Sami. Dean watched as Sami smiled back with a twinkle in his eye. At least his best friend was happy. "Come in." Kevin said. Just as Dean walked in the room, Roman was exiting the bathroom. They both halted and locked eyes.

There was a long pause. Roman and Dean staring at each other intensely while Sami and Kevin watched from the sidelines. It wasn't until Kevin spoke up that the trance was broken and Roman looked away first. "We'll leave you guys to talk." He walked out of the hotel room with Sami and as he closed the door, he placed the "Do not disturb" sign on the doorknob.

"I really hope they can work something out." Sami said hopefully as they walked down the hall.

Kevin sighed and took a hold of Sami's hand. "Me too."

"I'm sorry I lied to you. I just...didn't want to say anything until Dean confessed to Roman."

Kevin nodded in understand. "It's okay. I get it." he squeezed Sami's hand in reassurance.

Meanwhile in the hotel room, it was very quiet. Dean stood awkwardly in the middle of the room while Roman sat on the bed, placing the last of his belongings in his suitcase.

"I used to think having both her parents under the same roof was the best thing for my daughter." Dean finally said. He watched as Roman continued to pack his things, clearly unmoved on what Dean had just said. Ambrose continued though. It wasn't like Roman could tune him out completely. "That's why I stayed for so long. I figured out that wasn't the case when I find out she would rather be at her grandmas than to stay at home and listen to her parents argue all the time. I should have filed for divorce sooner, I know that but I did it and I'm planning on moving out once I explain what's going on to my daughter."

Roman was still not looking at him and it was frustrating Dean. "Damn it Roman, look at me!" he marched over to Roman, cupped his face and tilted it up, forcing Roman to finally look at him. "I know my timing sucks but I'm trying here. I love you and I don't want to lose you. I'm so sorry for lying to you. I didn't do it to intentionally hurt you." At that point, Dean could see that Roman's eyes were getting watery again. "I was only thinking about my daughter's happiness. For the first time, I'm thinking about my happiness too; and that's you, Roman. You make me happy. You're my happiness and I don't want to lose you. Please understand. I know I'm the last person you can trust right now but please, understand." More silence had passed, Roman still not saying anything and Dean had let him go at that point. Was he really just not going to say anything? At all? This would be a lot tougher than Dean thought. Not that he thought it would be a breeze. He just hoped Roman would have at least said something by now. The silence was killing him.

"Do you still lover her?" the Samoan finally found the words to speak.


"Your...wife. Do you still love her?"

"No." Dean answered quickly and simply. " I stopped loving her a long time ago."

Just for a second, Roman put himself in Dean's shoes. If he had a dughter, what would he do? Would he do everything he could to make his daughter happy? Would he put her happiness before his own? Would he do anything to give her the best possible childhood? Yes...yes he would. For the first time since Dean confessed to him, Roman saw reason in what Dean had done. He understood why he stayed with the wife for so long. He just didn't understand why Dean lied to him; which was the bigger issue he had here. Why couldn't Dean just tell him that in the first place? Why didn't he say that when they first started talking? He would have understood.

"I guess I understand the situation...as it pertains to your daughter. I would have done anything to protect her happiness too if I was in your position. I just still don't understand why you lied to me, Dean." Roman placed his suitcase on the floor and stood up; he began to pace around the room. "Why couldn't you have told me this from the beginning? Just be honest with me?"

Dean's eyes followed Roman walking back and forth in the room. He still looked rather angry. "I wanted to tell you so many times Roman, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. That's not the kind of the thing you first tell a person when you're getting to know them. I didn't want to scare you off. We were having great conversations and I didn't want to lose that. When things got more serious between us...I didn't want to lose you, which I knew would happen if I told you. I was too afraid to lose you, Roman. Besides my daughter, you are the most important person in my life. I love you. I didn't want to lose you. I would be lost in life again without you." Dean was speaking straight the heart and he hoped that Roman could see that. He meant every word that came out of his mouth. He wasn't one to express his feelings that much but he knew he had to dig down deep if there was any chance of Roman forgiving him. He wanted to be 100% honest with him; so he just let it all out...and he hoped it was enough.

Roman stopped pacing and once again locked eyes with Dean who was now standing at the foot of the bed; his baby blue eyes glistening with tears. Before this conversation had taken place, he was certain that he could never trust Dean again. That he could never believe another word that he said. However, actually listening to him explain, the way he was saying it all...Roman couldn't explain it. It was the most sincere he's ever heard someone speak. He was actually have a hard time not believing what Dean was saying. Then, there was the way Dean was looking at him. With nothing but sorrow and pleading eyes, begging for forgiveness and a second chance. He still loved that man despite the lies. He still loved him. He had to take a chance and trust him again. He needed him. He was his life and needed him. He needed and wanted Dean in his life.

Reigns slowly and carefully walked up to Dean and cupped his face with both hands. He stroked his thumbs against Dean's chubby cheeks, wiping away some of the tears that had made their way down from his gorgeous eyes. Roman sighed softly and stepped closer to Dean until their chests were touching. "I forgive you." He said.

Dean looked at him in complete shock. Did he just say that he forgave him? Was he dreaming? As his heart sped up, he noticed that Roman was no longer looking at him with anger and disappointment is his eyes. His stare was full of understanding and forgiveness. Roman actually forgave him. Dean couldn't stop the small smile that formed on his face. He started leaning in to kiss Roman but the Samoan placed a finger on Dean's lips, stopping his movement. Ambrose looked at him in confusion.

"Don't lie to me again, Dean." Roman said seriously. "Please don't. I don't know if I could forgive you again if you lie to me once more. Please, don't let me down. I'm choosing to trust you again. I'm giving you a second chance, which is not something I do very often."

"I won't." Dean immediately answered. He had truly learned his lesson. Honesty was the best policy; he knew that now. "I'll never lie to you again, Roman. I won't do anything to break your trust. I love you." Dean meant every word. He would never but his relationship with Roman in jeopardy every again. And he wouldn't let Roman down. He would not. Not again.

"You promise?"

Dean didn't hesitate to nod his head. "Yeah, I promise." Roman smiled and leaned to press his lips against Dean's. Dean sighed in satisfaction. He thought he would never kiss Roman again and it had scared him. Roman forgave him and he was thankful for the second chance. He would not mess this up. Not again. He loved his daughter and he loved Roman. He would figure out a way to find some balance in his life. The kiss was becoming more deep and passionate. Dean opened up more and felt Roman enter his tongue in his mouth slowly. He could feel Roman's hands running up his sides, under his shirt. In the entirety of their online relationship, Dean had wondered what it would be like to be with Roman. To have sex with him. Would he be gentle and sweet or a little rough? Ambrose would prefer the gentle side of him even though he was this huge, heavily muscled Samoan.

Roman had wanted this since his online talks with Dean became more serious and personal. He wanted to hold Dean in person. Kiss him, touch him. Please him in any way that he could. Now, he could feel the goosebumps on Dean's skin every time he touched him. As they continued to kiss, the Samoan could hear Dean mumbling against his lips that he was sorry for lying. Roman pulled away slightly; their lips within close proximity. "Shhh, it's okay. I forgive you." He placed another kiss to Dean's lips. Slowly, Roman ran his hands down to Dean's thighs and pullled him up. Dean gladly wrapped his legs around him as he placed him on the bed.

The couple managed to discard of their clothing without breaking their passionate kisses for too long. A loud gasp escaped from Dean's mouth when their growing erections made contact for the first time. So far, this was way better than anything he had imagined. Roman started planting kisses on his neck as he slowly grinded their erections together. Dean moaned and spread his legs wider, wanting to feel more of the man above him. As he ran his hand up and down Roman's back, he listened to the words Roman started to whisper in his ear. "I've wanted this for a long time. To be this close to you. To touch you like this," he felt Roman running his left hand down his side, to his thigh and then ran it back up to his side. "To feel the heat between us..." Ambrose felt as if he melting at all the words that were coming out of Roman's mouth. He wanted to make Roman feel good too so he reached between them and wrapped his hand around Roman's erection. He was thick and very lengthy once fully erect. Dean had no idea how he could possibly be stretched enough. Roman groaned when felt Dean move his hand up and down his cock. He lifted his head up and frowned when he saw the pensive look on Dean's face. "What's wrong baby? You don't want this? Cause I'll understand if-"

Dean immediately shook his head. "It's not that." He pressed his lips together and looked down at Roman's cock in his hand.

Roman realized immediately what had Dean so worried. "I'm not going to hurt you. Just relax for me, okay?" Ambrose could only nod. He appreciated Roman's comforting words but he was still a little worried. "Hold on." Roman pecked his lips and got off the bed to grab the lube bottle from one of his suitcase. He went right back in between Dean's legs on the bed. "Do you trust me?"

Dean looked up and locked eyes with Roman. "Of course I do." He said confidently. " I'm a little nervous but I trust you with everything in me." Dean smiled.

Roman returned the smile and slicked his fingers with lube. One by one, he stretched Dean while peppering kisses all over his face and neck. It seemed to do the trick as he felt Dean relax more and more underneath him . He responded to every move he made and it was a welcoming sight. "Ready?" Dean took a deep breathe and nodded. Roman coated his cock and guided it to Dean's entrance. He gave Dean a passionate kiss as he slowly pushed in.

Dean moaned against lips and held on tightly to his biceps. Dean could feel a small stinging feeling at first but it quickly turned to pleasure. Roman was all the way in now and was giving Dean time to get used to him. "I love you." Dean said as he stared into his eyes.

"I love you too, baby." Roman began to push in and out when Dean gave him the ok. The sensation of being inside of Dean was almost too much. It just felt so right. "Feel good baby?" The Samoan hoped Dean was feeling the exact same way he was.

"It feels amazing." Dean whispered and kissed Roman hard and needy; his cock rubbing against their chests as Roman moved in and out of him. Their fingers intertwined above Dean's head as Roman continued to moved in and out. The moans couldn't stop escaping Dean's mouth. He couldn't stop even if he wanted to. Roman would fasten his pace and then would slow down again. This was their first time together so they both thought it was natural for their orgasm to come quickly. The pleasure from Roman being inside him bear was just amazing, especially with Roman easily reaching his prostate with no trouble.

The heat of Dean's entrance was driving Roman to the edge more and more. Dean was tight and had a pretty tight vice on his throbbing cock. "I'm close Roman" he heard Dean say. He started panting and then closed his eyes shut. Roman could tell that he was almost there. "It's okay baby. Let go." With their fingers still intertwined, Roman managed to bend down and suck Dean's cock in his mouth; all while the tip of his own cock was still inside of Dean. Dean had never felt something so damn amazing, intense, and passionate..ever. He panted harder, uncontrollably and looked down as he came inside of Roman's mouth. His body squirmed and twitched as Roman sucked harder, as if he was trying to drain him of every drop he had to offer. Dean let out one more loud moan as his orgasm wined down and Roman let his cock go. "Fuck...Roman." he sighed.

Roman smirked and went back up to Dean. He gave him an opened mouth kiss and he was pretty sure that Dean could taste himself in his mouth. The kiss lasted quiet a while; until Dean pushed Roman next to him on the bed. Roman collapsed and Ambrose wasted to no time to get on top of Roman and suck his cock in his mouth, wanting to return the favor. A couple of moments later, Roman was groaning and thrusting into Dean's mouth, reaching his own orgasm just as intense as Dean's. "Fuck..." he whispered. The sight of Dean swallowing every drop was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. The Samoan cupped Dean's face and pulled him up until they were at eye level. "That was..."

"Unbelievable?" Dean licked his bottom lip; tasting the last of Roman's cum.

This man was going to be the death of him, Roman thought. "Absolutely." Roman finally said and they kissed deeply again. They were both still breathing hard when Roman pulled the covers on top of them. Dean comfortably stayed on top of Roman, with his arms around him. He felt warm and safe.

"I promise I'm not going to lie to you ever again." Dean spoke up.

Roman placed a kiss on top of Dean's head. "I know." Roman sighed. "You can come to me with anything, Dean. You can talk to me about anything, I'm sure you know that." Dean nodded against his chest. Roman bit his lip and was debating as to whether he should ask Dean something that has been on his mind ever since he found out Dean was married. "Does she know about me?" he finally decided to just ask.


"Your wife...soon to be ex-wife. Does she know about me; about us?"

Dean nervously lifted his head to look at Roman. "No, she doesn't. As far as I'm concerned, she doesn't need to know what's going on in my life. My daughter however...I do want to tell her but I'm not sure when would be the right time. She's young and I don't think she could handle her dad being with someone that isn't her mom. I do want you to meet her though."

"Really?" Roman sounded surprised but was also grateful that Dean wanted him to meet his daughter. He wanted that too. Dean nodded and pecked his lips. "Well I agree she may be a little young for you to tell her so maybe...I don't know, you can introduce me as a friend...for now."

Dean smiled. "Sounds like a plan." They stared at each other for quiet a while, admiring each other. Both of them incredibly thankful that they had the chance to really talk and work things out. They kissed again, wanting to taste each other once again.

Meanwhile, Sami and Kevin were at a coffee shop across the street from the hotel. They were having a great conversation but it was interrupted by Sami's cellphone ringing. He let go of Kevin's hand, which he as holding to answer it. It was Renee. "Hello?" the Canadian nervously answered.

"Sami, where the hell is Dean? I've tried calling him but his cellphone is turned off."

Sami noticed how scared Renee sounded over the phone. Was she worried about him or something? His thoughts were interrupted when he managed to hear two words Renee said over the phone. Grace and hospital." He jumped up from his seat. "What happened?" Kevin looked on with concern in his eye. Something bad happened. Kevin knew it. Was it Roman or Dean? He looked on as look of worry filled Sami's face.

"Sami, what's going on?"