AN: This is my THIRD time trying to rewrite this story. I just feel like it could be so much better if someone else wrote it, but, alas, there is just me. So, onward I go!

I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS! I will not be repeating this throughout the story, as I am assuming you all will read the first chapter and understand that. So don't sue me.

Pairings are as follows…





Darcy, Sam, and Pepper aren't paired up.

Now, my OC is mute, so you will notice that her quotes will either be in bold or italics, depending on how she is 'speaking'. But remember, my OC is mute, not deaf.



Got it? Good! On with the show (for the third freaking time…)!




"…and thank you for flying with us!" The stewardess chirped over the intercom and I snorted in amusement. As if I wasn't the only passenger currently on this plane. As soon as I was free to move about the cabin, I began trying to work the kinks and stiffness out of my back and neck. I knew I shouldn't have fallen asleep during the flight, no matter how comfortable the seats of the Stark Industries jet were. Rolling my shoulders one last time, I grabbed my carry-on and began making my way to the front of the plane to get off, after being assured that the stewards would take care of my other luggage. Finally exiting the plane, I blinked at the sudden onslaught of sunlight.

"Angel! Over here!" I squinted against the light and made out the forms of Clint and Natasha waiting for me off to the side of the runway next to a plain black SUV. I grinned as I hoisted my bag higher up on my shoulder and made my way over to them. As soon as I was within reach, Clint dragged me into a hug, spinning me around as he did so, making me laugh. Natasha rolled her eyes fondly at our antics.

"I want a turn too, Clint. Share." She grumbled and wrestled me out of Clint's grip to give me her own fierce hug.

"Jeez, it's like you two haven't seen me in years! It's only been a month." I signed teasingly, my hands flowing over the words with a smooth familiarity.

"Well, it always feels like longer when you're away from family."

"Whatever you say, Clint. Speaking of family, Laura says that if I get hurt she will drag the whole family up here to kick your ass. Fair warning." I smirked as I watched Clint visibly pale at my message. I knew that, while Natasha was his assassin soulmate, Laura had always been the one that made him shake in his boots. It probably had something to do with the fact that even Natasha let Laura mother and boss her around, so Laura was basically the head of their triad. Clint liked to think he was, being the only male in the grouping, but everyone that met the three of them knew better.

"Of course you'll be taken care of! I mean, look at this!" Clint gestured wildly as the jet behind us. "Stark let you fly on his private jet! How many people can say they've done that? How can Laura doubt my parenting skills?!" I giggled as Clint ranted.

"I could give you plenty of good reasons as to why she should doubt your parenting skills. I'm only insulted that she doesn't think I can get her out of the trouble you will inevitably get her into." Natasha deadpanned and I giggled again as Clint began a big, exaggerated show of offence.

"As much as I love hearing about these so-called 'parenting skills', I'm kind of tired. I guess I didn't get enough sleep on the jet. Could we maybe get going before I fall asleep standing up?"

"Of course! Let's get you home and I'll tuck you in like any good father would." I tried to hide a cringe. Knowing Clint, he would probably follow through with that, if just to tell Laura that he had, in fact, 'acted like a father'.

"I really don't need to be tucked in, Clint. I'm twenty-three years old. I think I can manage." I signed firmly, determined to nip his train of thoughts in the bud before he offered to read me a bedtime story and get me a warm glass of milk as well.

"But I want to prove to your mother that I can be a good parent!" He whined.

"How about you prove it by not smothering your adult daughter and getting her to a nice, warm bed? That sounds like good parenting to me, don't you agree Tasha?" The red-head smirked at my obvious plea for backup before shrugging.

"Yeah, that sounds about right. I mean, I never read those parenting books that Laura threw at us, but the idea does seem to have its merits." Natasha winked at me as my shoulders sagged in relief. Clint seemed to brighten at the thought of being considered a good parent and began dragging me towards the SUV, where the flight attendants had already placed the rest of my suitcases. I slid into the backseat and relaxed against the cool leather upholstery, letting loose a huge yawn that cracked my jaw and made my eyes water. Clint chuckled.

"I guess you weren't kidding. That was a pretty big yawn. Do we need to get you to a hospital to make sure you didn't break your jaw?" Too tired to banter back and forth with him anymore, I settled for maturely sticking out my tongue at him, ignoring his snickers. Natasha got into the car as well and Clint began driving out of the airport, immediately getting trapped in the New York traffic. As he and Natasha began bickering back and forth over which way would get them to the Avenger's Tower the fastest, my mind began to wander.

It had been eight years since Clint, Laura, and Natasha had adopted me into their little family. Eight years of absolute chaos, but I loved them for it anyway. It had been hard trying to find anyone that would take in a fifteen year old mute girl, but the three of them had been my angels the day they had adopted me. Before that, I had been in foster care for as long as I could remember, having been dropped off when I was younger after my abusive mother had decided that she couldn't handle being the single mother to a 'useless little mute brat'. I had no idea who my dad was, but I honestly didn't care anymore. I had Clint for that, though I never called him dad. I never called Natasha or Laura mom either. It was mostly because I had bad memories of moms, but also because she was confused as to who to call mom anyway. Natasha? Laura? Both? But then, how would they know which mom I was referring to when she signed for one of them? Despite the fact that I had never called them by their titles, I thought of them as family and I knew I was lucky to have been taken in by such wonderful people.

At twenty-three years old, fresh out of college, I was just beginning to get out on my own, having a little apartment in the town closest to the family ranch house and working at the local animal shelter. It wasn't like the hustle and bustle of Natasha and Clint's life, but I was content with it. But, while I was content, I wasn't completely happy. I wanted to get out while I was still young, see some of the world and all its treasures. That desire was what had led me to accept Clint's enthusiastic proposal of a vacation in the Big Apple with him and Natasha. With free room and board, curtesy of her family's Avengers teammate Tony Stark, I definitely could have done worse for my first big trip out into the world. Who knew? Perhaps I would even meet my soulmates. As I rubbed my sides fondly where my soulmarks were, the SUV finally pulled up to the tower, its sheer enormity making me gape in awe. Clint, by now apparently immune to the majesty of the tower, pulled into Stark's private garage and parked.

"Alright! Here we are!" Clint said cheerfully before getting out and gathering up my things from the trunk. I got out of the car with Natasha, careful not to touch any of the vintage cars that surrounded us, for fear of scratching one of them accidentally. Clint walked towards me, my suitcases rolling behind him. "I already asked Stark to upload a program into JARVIS so that his cameras will pick up anything you sign to him so he'll be able to understand you and help you out around the tower. JARVIS, say hello to Natasha and I's daughter, Angel."

"Good morning, Ms. Barton. It's a pleasure to meet you." A disembodied voice echoed around us and I smiled happily up at the ceiling. Natasha had already warned me about JARVIS and how he being everywhere might take some getting used to. I had told her that it couldn't be any worse than growing up with two master spies that somehow always knew what I was doing, even thousands of miles, and sometimes even continents, away.

"It's nice to meet you as well JARVIS. If I need to sign slower for you to understand me I can do that to help as well." I signed towards a camera I had spotted situated in the corner of the garage's ceiling. I signed somewhat slower that my usual quick, casual speed, but fast enough that it might have given a normal person still learning sign language difficulty.

"My cameras are able to pick up any speed of your signing and even some of your own personal nuances to certain signs. However, if there comes a time that I miss one of your signals, I will not hesitate to ask for you to repeat it so that I may learn to understand you better in the future." The AI assured me. I huffed out a laugh in amazement; Stark had really outdone himself with his AI.

"Don't worry about JARVIS. Clint and I have been testing him since Stark downloaded the program, so we could see how well he really knew sign language. So far he has done perfectly. You'll be fine with him." Natasha signed to me, casually switching from speaking to signing flawlessly.

"I appreciate your faith in me, Mrs. Romanoff." JARVIS replied easily. I was inwardly glad that Natasha had decided to keep her name when she had bonded with Clint and Laura. She hadn't needed to, but she had decided to keep her name and let Laura take Clint's name, simply changing her title to Mrs. It might have been a bit too confusing for me to distinguish between Mrs. and Ms. Barton. I raised my hands, about to respond, when another yawn overtook me. I covered my mouth, blushing.

"Okay, enough chit-chat. You can meet everyone later, after you nap." Clint teased, gently nudging me with one of my suitcases.

"You make it sound like I'm a five year old. I'm a grown-ass woman, Clint." I complained good-naturedly as we made our way to the elevator and up to my designated home for the next couple of months.

"And I'm a grown-ass man. That doesn't mean that naps aren't something I look forward to!"

"You sure that's not because you're less of a grown-ass man and more of an old-ass man?" Natasha and I laughed as Clint dropped my suitcases and sputtered indignantly. After making our way up to my new abode – a comfy, modernly designed suite – I quickly bid them goodbye. I found the bedroom, kicked off my shoes, and immediately fell into bed, sleep quickly overtaking me.




AN: Love it? Hate it? This chapter was pretty much the same as the original, so I'm hoping it's okay.

This entire story is un-betaed, so any mistake you see are mine. Here's hoping there aren't any!